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CopyRIGHT, 1888, 

Pivervvch, fO: PART I. 

THIS work has been prepared to meet the demand for a text- 
book which shall enable students to acquire a thorough knowledge 
of the elementary principles of Entomology, and to classify in- 
sects by means of analytical keys similar to those used in Botany. 
By means of the keys the student can readily determine to what 
family any insect of which he has a specimen belongs. In many 
cases tables of genera are also given; and the more common or 
conspicuous species in each family have been described. 

Although much pains has been taken to render easy the classifi- 
cation of specimens, an effort has been made to give the mere deter- 
mination of the names of insects a very subordinate place. The 
groups of insects have been fully characterized, so that their relative 
affinities may be learned; and much space has been given to 
accounts of the habits and transformations of the forms described. 
As the needs of Agricultural students have been kept constantly 
in view, those species that are of economic importance have been 
described as fully as practicable, and particular attention has been 
given to descriptions of the methods of destroying those that are 
noxious, or of preventing their ravages. 

The pronunciation of the technical terms has been indicated by 
marking the accented vowel, and at the same time indicating its 
length when the term is pronounced as an English word. 

Al the illustrations not credited to other sources are original, 
and have been drawn and engraved by Mrs. Comstock. 

The specimens that have been studied in the preparation of this 

work are nearly all in the collections of the Entomological Depart- 


ment of Cornell University. That these collections are in a suffi- 
ciently good condition for this purpose is due very largely to the 
generous assistance of many Entomologists. Specific acknowledg- 
ments will be made later. 

As the completion of the work has been delayed by other duties, 
it has seemed best to issue this part at this time. Other chapters 
will be published as soon as practicable. In addition to the system- 
atic part, the scope of which can be inferred from that given here, 
there are to be chapters on the Means of Destroying Insects or of 
Preventing their Ravages, the Collection and Preservation of Ento- 
mological Specimens, Entomological Supplies, a Classified List of 

Entomological Works, a Glossary, and an Introductory Chapter. 


September, 1888. 


(Cleaned IBAge Al, 



THE term Insect is from two Latin words—zz, in, and seco, to cut. 
It refers to the fact that in the animals indicated by it the body is 
divided by transverse incisions into a series of segments. As has 
been shown in the Introductory Chapter, this insected form of the 
body is characteristic of two of the larger divisions of the Animal 
Kingdom, the Vermes, or Worms and the Arthropoda. But the term 
Insect has become restricted to a portion of this great series of ani- 
mals. There is, however, a lack of uniformity in the use of the term 
among zoological writers. By some it is applied to all Arthropoda 
that breathe by means of a system of air-tubes (¢v7ache@) extending 
throughout the body. This includes Centipedes, Millepedes, Spiders 
and allied forms, as well as the six-footed insects. Other writers in- 
clude among Insects only those orders which are characterized by 
the possession of but six legs. It is in this restricted sense that I 
have used the term Insect. Whenever reference is made to all of the 
Arthropoda that breathe by means of trachez, they are designated 
as the 7rachedta. 

Insects, in the restricted sense indicated above, constitute the 
class HEXAPODA.* The insected or 
segmented form of the body is shown 
in Fig. 1, and in nearly all of the 
species figured in the following pages. 
The peculiar structure of the respira- 
tory system, w hich is characteristic of 
these animals, and which allies them 
to other Tracheata, is described inthe next chapter. Inthe HAZ SEDOSE 

Fic. 1.—Nymph of the Red-legged Locust. 
(After Emerton.) 

+ Hesspoda.: hex (€&), six; aaa O88), a oe 


the typical adult is furnished with six legs; the segments of the 
body are grouped into three regions, head, 
thorax, and abdomen, Fig. 2; and the 
body is usually furnished with wings. 
Exceptions to each of these characteristics 
occun, Dhesmore importanteor Pnesevexe 
ceptions are discussed in the course of the 
following chapters. 


Among the marvellous facts revealed by the study of insects, 
none is more striking than the wonderful transformations which many 
of these creatures undergo. A large part of this book is devoted to 
indicating these changes. In this chapter I wish simply to make 
a few generalizations regarding the metamorphoses of insects, and 
to define a few terms which are used in describing these changes. 

Complete Metamorphosis.— From the egg of a butterfly there 
emerges a worm-like creature, known as a caterpillar, which has upon 
superficial examination very little in common with its parents. This 
caterpillar eats and grows, and when fully grown changes to an ob- 
long, apparently lifeless object, the chrysalis. After atime there 
bursts forth from this chrysalis a butterfly, like that which produced 
the egg. Ina similar way, from the egg laid by a fly upon a piece 
of meat there hatches, not a fly, but a footless, worm-like maggot. 
This when fully grown changes to a quiescent object corresponding 
to the chrysalis of the butterfly. Later from this object there 
escapes a winged fly like that which laid the egg. Those insects, 
like the butterflies and flesh-flies, which when they emerge from 
the egg bear almost no resemblance in form to the adult insect 
are said to undergo a complete metamorphosis. In other words, the 
change of form undergone by the insect is a complete one. 

Incomplete Metamorphosis—There are, however, many insects 
which after leaving the egg do not undergo such a remarkable change 
of form as that indicated above. A young grasshopper just out from 
the egg can be easily recognized asa grasshopper. It is of course 
much smaller than the adult, and is not furnished with wings. Still 
the form of the body is essentially the same as that of an adult. 
After a time rudimentary wings appear; and these increase in 
size from time to time till the adult state is reached. During 
this development there is no point at which the insect passes 


into a quiescent state corresponding to the chrysalis state of the 
butterfly. Those insects which, like the grasshoppers, when they 
emerge from the egg resemble in form the adult are said to undergo 
an zuconiplete metamorphosis. In other words, after leaving the egg 
they do not undergo a complete change of form. 

Moulting, Extiivie.—The body-wall of an insect is rendered more 
or less hard by the deposition within its cuticular 
layer of a horny substance known as chitine. 
The result of this hardening of the skin is to 
render it inelastic. Consequently as the body of 
an insect increases in size its skin becomes too 
small for it. When this occurs a second soft skin 
is formed beneath the outer hard one. Then the 
outer skin splits open, usually along the back, and 
the insect works itself out from it. The new skin 
being elastic accommodates itself to the increased 
size of the body. Ina short time this new skin 
becomes hardened; and as the insect grows, it in 
turn is cast off. This shedding of the skin is 
termed moulting or écdysis. The cast skins are 

j Fic. 3.—Exuviz of a 
sometimes referred to as the eravi@. The number Dragon-fly. 

of moults varies greatly in the different groups of insects. In Fig. 
3 is shown the cast skin of a dragon-fly clinging to a reed. 

The Egg.—The egg is the first of the four principal stages through 
which an insect passes in the course of its development. Ina few 
instances the egg is retained within the body of the female until 
after it is hatched; in this case the in- 
sect is said to be wwviparous. An ap- 
parent exception to the rule that all 
insects are produced from eggs is pre- 
sented by certain generations of the 
Plant-lice (Aphzdide). This is discussed 
in the description of that family. The 
eggs of insects vary greatly in their 
external characters. While many of 
them are furnished with smooth oval 
shells, in others the shells are beautiful- 
ly ribbed, or pitted (Fig. 4), or furnished 

Fic. 4.—Egg of Cotton-worm, greatly " spines or or ¢ > ages are 
See te aciie ae herb Ree with spines or other appendages. There 

on Cotton Insects.) 

exists also in one end of the egg of an 
insect One or more pores known as micropyles,; through these the 


spermatozoa pass into the egg, and thus fertilize it. Many of the 
interesting exhibitions of instinctive powers which I have described 
in the following pages are connected with the care of their eggs 
by insects. 

The Léarva.—The larva is the second of the four principal stages 
in the life of an insect. It is the stage in which 
an insect emerges from the egg. Familiar ex- 
amples of larve are caterpillars, maggots, grubs, any 
etc. (Fig. 5). It is during the larval state that T iicoai tthe Mutnoe ane 

; : port for 1879.) 
the growth of the insect is made; and conse- 
quently in this stage nearly all the moults are undergone. The 
moults subsequent to this period are simply those made when the 
insect changes from one stage to another. 

Nearly all of the creatures commonly known as worms are not 
true worms, but are the larvz of insects. Away from the sea-shore 
but few worms are known to other than zoologists; these are 
earth-worms, leeches, hair-wormis, and the various species parasitic 
in the bodies of higher animals. The many worm-like animals 
found feeding upon the tissues of plants, as tomato-worms, apple 
worms, etc., are the larve of insects. Other larvz of insects are 
predaceous or parasitic. 

The Piipa.—The pupa is the third of the four stages in the life of 
an insect. In this stage the insect is 
usually quiescent. But a few pupe, 
as those of mosquitoes, are active. 
The change from the larva to the 
pupa state is made by moulting the 
skin of the fully grown larva. In the 
pupa the legs and wings of the adult 
are represented ina rudimentary state. In the pupe of butterflies and 
moths these organs are closely soldered to the breast of the insect 
(Fig. 6), while in the pupe of bees, wasps, and beetles they are 

Fic. 6.—Pupa of Platysaniia. 


Chrysalis—The term chrysalis is applied to the pupa of a but- 
terfly. This name was suggested by the bright, metallic spots 
with which the pupz of certain butterflies are marked. Two forms 
of this word are in use: chrysalis, 2. chrysalides; and chrysalid, p/. 

The Cocoon.—Many larve, as those of moths, when fully grown, 
and before they change to pupe, spin about the body a silken case, 


within which the transformations are undergone. This case is 
termed acocoon. Frequently these 
cocoons are made within a rolled 
leaf (Fig. 7), or on the surface of 
the ground, where they are covered 
with dry grass or other rubbish. 
Certain hairy caterpillars make . 
their cocoons largely of their hair, © 
which they fasten together by a 
thin film of silk. 

Immature Forms of Insects with Incomplete Metamorphosis, The 
Nymph.—The terms larva and pupa are applicable only to the early 

Fic. 7.—Cocoon of Jedza. 

Fic. 8.—Nymph of Welanofplus, first stage. Fic. 9.—Nymph of Welanoflus, second stage. 
(After Emerton.) (After Emerton.) 

stages of insects with a complete metamorphosis. In the case of 
those in which the transformation is an incomplete one, the changes 
through which the immature insect passes after leaving the egg are 

Fic. 10.—Nymph of MWelanoplus, third stage. Fic. 11.—Nymph of MWe/anoplus, fourth stage. 

; (After Emerton.) (After Emerton.) 
so gradual that one cannot indicate any point at which the insect 
ceases to be a larva and becomes a pupa. Recent writers have used, 
therefore, the term xymph (a term formerly used as a synonym of 
pupa) to designate the immature forms of insects with an incomplete 
metamorphosis. This term is applied to all the stages between the 
ege and the fully winged or adult state. 

A nymph when it leaves the egg has no indications of wings. 
After undergoing a greater or less number of moults, differing in 
different species, small prolongations appear projecting from the 


dorsal aspect of the meso-and metathorax. These become larger 
and larger with each successive moult, assuming the form of pad- 

Fic. 12.—Nymph of Medanoflus, fifth stage. Fic. 13.—Melanoplus, adult. 
(After Emerton.) 

like wing-cases. But these wing-cases never approximate in length 
the perfect wings of insects in which these organs become fully 
developed. There is, therefore, usually a very marked change 
between the last nymph stage and the mature insect. (See Figs. 
12 and 13.) 

With the nymphs of certain families, dragon-flies, crickets, grass- 
hoppers, and locusts, the wing-cases are inverted ; 7.¢., the aspect cor- 
responding to the upper side of the wing is next to the body, and 
the first pair of wing-cases extend back beneath the second pair. 
This characteristic is useful in distinguishing the adult forms from 
the nymphs of those species in which the wings never become fully 



THE subject of insect anatomy is separated into two divisions: 
one, treating of the structure of the body-wall or skeleton; the other, 
of the internal organs. The former is termed external anatomy , the 
latter, zxternal anatomy. 


The relative positions of the more important parts of the body of 
insects can be easily comprehended by recalling what has been said, 
in the Introductory Chapter, regarding the type of structure pre- 
sented by the Arthropoda. In this branch of the Animal Kingdom, 
which includes insects, the body is an elongated cylinder composed 
of many rings (Fig. 14). A cross-section of the body shows it to be 

Fic. 14.—Diagram of structure of Arthropoda. 

a tube within which are the various viscera,—muscles, alimentary 
canal, heart, nervous system, reproductive organs, etc. The tubular 
body-wall, being hardened and furnishing support to the softer or- 
gans, is the skeleton. This hardening of the body-wall is due to the 
deposition in it of some hard substance. In insects the substance 
thus deposited is horny, and is termed chi¢zne. 

Between certain rings or segments of the body the body-wall 
remains soft and flexible. In this way provision is made for the 
various motions of the body. The ring-like nature of the segments 
is best seen in larva, and in the caudal part of adult insects. Inthe 
cephalic part of adult insects it is less obvious. 

When a single segment of the body is examined, the hardened 
portion is not found to be a continuous ring, but is seen to be made 
up of several portions more or less movable upon each other. Such 
a hardened portion of the body-wall is termed a sclérite. 

* See Tabular Review at the end of this part of this chapter for an explanation of the 
lettering of the illustrations. 


The sclerites constitute the greater part of the body-wall, the soft 
membranous portions separating them being in most cases narrow. 
Usually these narrow portions are mere 
lines ; they are then called saztures. 

Frequently the sutures become en- 
tirely effaced. We are therefore often 
unable to distinguish certain  sclerites 
in one species of insect which we know 
to exist in another. In such cases the 
effaced sutures are said to be obsolete. 

Fic. 15.—Polistes bellicosa. The segments of the body in a fully 
developed insect are grouped into three regions: head, thorax, and 
abdomen (Fig. 15). In the larval state this grouping of the segments 
is not well shown. 

The Head. 

The head is the first of the three regions of the body. It is sup- 
posed to be formed of several body-segments grown together; but 
entomologists differ in their views as to the number of segments 
that have entered into its composition. 

It does not fall within the scope of this work to enter into this discussion. 
The main point, however, can be stated here. <A careful study of the various 
forms of Arthropods shows that the typical body-segment possesses a pair of 
legs, and only one pair. It is known that certain mouth parts (mandibles, 
maxilla, and labium) are modified legs. (This fact is easily seen in many 
Crustacea.) The antenne and the eyes may also be modified legs.* It follows 
that if we find represented in the appendages of the head the appendages of 
several segments, the head itself must consist of several segments coalesced. 

The principal portion of the chitinized parts of the head are firm- 
ly joined together so as to constitute a box which contains the brain 
of the insect and certain other important organs. To this are artic- 
ulated a number of jointed appendages. The parts of the head 
may be classed, therefore, under two divisions: first, the fixed parts; 
second, the movable parts. 

The Fixed Parts of the Head. 

In addition to the external portions of the organs of vision (the 
compound eyes, and the simple eyes), the fixed parts of the head 
consist of four sclerites. Three of these sclerites (occiput, epicra- 

* The belief that the eyes are modified legs is based on the fact that in certain Crusta- 
cea the eyes are situated on stalks which are jointed appendages of the head. 


nium, and clypeus) pertain to the dorsal surface; and the fourth 
(gula) to the ventral surface. 

Frequently the sutures between some of these sclerites are obso- 
lete ; but by studying a series of insects each of these parts can be 

The Compound Eyes—I\n many insects the most striking in appear- 
ance of the fixed parts of the head are the eyes (3).* These are 
situated one on each lateral aspect of the 
head. They are usually nearly hemispherical 
and of considerable size. When examined with 
a microscope, they present the honey-comb- 
like appearance shown in Fig. 16. Each of 
the hexagonal divisions of the eye is a cornea 
of a distinct eye. These large eyes are there- Pieper a cee compound eye, 
fore compound. Each of the small eyes of 
which they are composed is termed an océ//us. Compound eyes are 
not found in larve. 

The Simple Eyes.—I\n addition to the compound eyes, many insects 
possess simple eyes (4). These are situated in adult insects on the 
dorsal aspect of the head between the compound eyes, and in larve 
on the sides of the head. They vary in number in the adult from 
One to, 10ur. Lhe niost common number is three; see Pio: 15: 
Each simple eye resembles an ocellus of a compound eye. The 
simple eyes are usually termed océ//z; sometimes, stémmata. 

When the term ocelli is used in descriptive works, if there is noth- 
ing in the context to indicate the contrary, it is almost invariably 
applied to the simple eyes, and not to the elements of the compound 
eyes. In the same way the term eye usually refers to the compound 
eyes, unless otherwise indicated by the context. 

The Epicrantum.—The epicranium (2) is usually the largest of the three 
sclerites which pertain to the dorsal aspect of the head. It is that sclerite in 
which the simple eyes are situated, and which surrounds the compound eyes. 
It occupies an intermediate position in the dorsal aspect of the head, being 
bounded caudadt by the occiput, and cephalad by the clypeus. 

From the fact that the epicranium occupies so large a part of the head, it 
frequently becomes necessary to speak of particular regions of it in making 
detailed descriptions of insects. Consequently names have been given to cer- 
tain parts; although those parts are very rarely distinct. These names are 
front, vertex, and géne. It is difficult to define definitely the regions of the 
epicranium to which these terms have been applied. Roughly speaking, the 

* See Tabular Review at end of discussion of External Anatomy. 
+ For definitions of the terms denoting position and direction of parts, see Glossary. 


front (2a) is the cephalic portion of the epicranium (Fig. 17). It is bounded 
cephalad by the clypeus, and laterad by the eyes 
and gene. The vertex (26) is the remaining part 
of the dorsal portion of the epicranium ; it ex- 
tends from between the eyes to the occiput. By 
many writers the term vertex is used in a vague 
manner to indicate the summit of the head, 
The geve@ (zc) or cheeks are the lateral portions 
of the epicranium, those parts which are usually 
ventrad of the eyes and caudad of the mandibles. In many insects a distinct 
suture extends cephalad from each compound eye, separating the front from 
the gene. 

The Occtput—The occiput (1) is that part of the dorsal wall of the head 
which is articulated with the cephalic margin of the thorax (Fig. 18). In many 

Tic. 17.—Head of locust. 

Fic. 18.—Dorsal aspect of head of Harfalus. Fic. 19.—Ventral aspect of head of Harfalus. 

insects it 1s a distinct sclerite ; in others it is not distinguishable from the epi- 

The Clypeus.—The clypeus (5) is the cephalic part of the dorsal portion of 
the fixed parts of the head. It is bounded caudad by the epicranium, and 
gives attachment cephalad to one of the movable parts of the head, the labrum 
or upper lip. The clypeus is typically composed of two sclerites. When these 
are distinct they are designated as the ante-clypeus and fost-clypeus respectively. 

The Gila.—The gula (6) is the only one of the fixed parts of the head that 
is confined to the ventral aspect (Fig. 19). It is bounded laterad by the lateral 
parts of the epicranium and occiput ; and extends caudad to the caudal border 
of the head. Cephalad it gives attachment to one of the movable parts of the 
head, the labium or lower lip. 

The Movable Parts of the Head. 

Under this category are classed a pair of jointed appendages 
termed the anténne, and the organs known collectively as the outh- 

The Antenne. 

The anténne (7) are a pair of jointed appendages, inserted in the 
head in front of the eyes or between them. They vary in form. 
In some insects they are thread-like, consisting of a series of similar 
segments; in others certain segments are greatly modified in form. 
In the beetles of the genus Co//ops the antenne bear a curious articu- 
lated appendage arising from near the base of the third segment.* 

* Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., III. p. 79, with figure. 


In descriptive works names have been given to particular parts of the anten- 
nz, as follows (Fig. 20): 

The Scapfe-—The first or proximal segment of an antenna is called the scape 
(a)- The proximal end of this segment is often 
subglobose, appearing like a distinctsegment ; in 
such Cases it is called the bulb. 

The Pédicel—The pedicel (4) is the second 
segmentofanantenna. Insome insects it differs 
greatly in form from the other segments. 

The Clavola.—The term clavola (c) is applied 
to that part of the antenna distad of the pedicel ; 
in other words, to all of the antenna except the 
first and second segments. In some insects certain parts of the clavola are 
specialized and have received particular names. These are the ring-joints, the 
funicle, and the club. 

The Ring-joints.—In certain insects (¢.g., Chalcididze) the proximal segment 
or segments of the clavola are much shorter than the succeeding segments ; in 
such cases they have received the name of ring-joints (c’). 

The Club.—In many insects the distal segments of the antenne are more or 
less enlarged. In such cases they are termed the club (c*). 

The Funicle—The funicle (c*) is that part of the clavola between the club 
and the ring-joints; or, when the latter are not 

specialized, between the club and the pedicel. 

The various forms of antennz are designated by 
special terms. The more common of these forms 
are represented in Fig. 21. They are as follows: 

Fic. 20.—Antenna of Chalcis-fly. 

1. Setdceous or bristle-like, in which the seg- 
ments are successively smaller and smaller, the 
whole organ tapering to a point. 

2. Filiform or thread-like, in which the seg- 
ments are of nearly uniform thickness. 

3. Moniliform or necklace-form, in which the 1 2 3 ( 
segments are more or less globose, suggesting a 
string of beads. 

4. Sérrate or saw-like, in which the segments are 
triangular and project like the teeth of a saw. 

5. Pévtinate or comb-like, in which the segments 
have long processes on one side, like the teeth of a 
comb. 6 ve f 

6. Clavate or club-shaped, in which the segments 
become gradually broader, so that the whole organ  Fryg, 21.—Various forms of an- 
assumes the form of a club. ee 

7. Capztate or with a head, in which the terminal segment or segments form 
a large knob. 

8. Ldmellate, in which the segments that compose the knob are extended 
on one side into broad plates. 


The Mouth-parts. 

The mouth-parts (Fig. 22) consist typically of an upper lip, dabrum 
(8), an under lip, /adzum (12), and two 
pairs of jaws acting horizontally between 
them. The upper pair of jaws are called 
the mandibles (10); the lower pair, the 
maxille (11). The maxilla and labium 
are each furnished with a pair of feelers, 
called respectively the maxzllary palpi 
(11@), and the /abial palpi (12d). There 
may be also within the mouth one or two 
tongue-like organs, the epzpharynx (g) and 
hypopharynx (13). 

No set of organs in the body of an insect 
vary in form to a greater degree than do the 
mouth-parts. Thus with some the mouth is 
formed for biting, while with others it is formed 
for sucking. Among the biting insects some are predaceous, and have jaws 
fitted for seizing and tearing their prey; others feed upon vegetable matter, 
and have jaws for chewing this kind of food. Among the sucking insects 
the butterfly merely sips the nectar from flowers, while the mosquito needs a 
powerful instrument for piercing its victim. In this chapter the typical form 
of the mouth-parts as illustrated by the biting insects is described. The 
various modifications of it presented by the sucking insects are described later, 
in the discussions of the characters of those insects.* 

The Labrum.—The labrum or upper lip (8) is an appendage of the cephalic 
margin of the dorsal part of the head. It is usually a narrow transverse sclerite. 
In some insects it is large and projecting, and often notched; in others it is 
concealed beneath a largely developed clypeus. 

The Mandzbles.—The mandibles (10) are the dorsal pair of jaws. They vary 
much in form, but are usually three-sided, with their lateral t surface more or 

Fic. 22.—Mouth-parts of the Red- 
legged Locust. 

* The more important papers on the nomenclature of the parts of the mouth in biting 
insects are the following: 

KirBy AND SPENCE. Introduction to Entomology, vol. III. (1818.) 

MacLeay, W. S. Hore entomologice (2 vols., 1819, 1821). This work I have not 

STRAUS-DURCKHEIM, H. E. Considérations générale sur l’anatomie des animaux 
articulés. (1828.) 

- NEwMAN, Epwarp. A paper on the nomenclature of the parts of the head of insects. 


Newport, G. The article ‘‘ Insecta,” Todd’s Cycl. of Anat. and Physiol. (1839.) 

Brute, A. Recherches sur les transformations des appendices dans les Articules. 
Annales des Sciences Naturelles, t. II. (1844.) 

+I have not attempted to determine the normal position of the mouth-parts, but have 
described each with its distal end directed cephalad. This seems to me the way least 
likely to lead to confusion. 


less convex, and their mesal surface concave. Usually each mandible consists 
of a single segment; but in some insects these organs are much more com- 

In several genera of Rove-beetles (Staphylinzd@) each mandible is furnished 
with an appendage (Fig. 23). This was named the Zrosthéca by Kirby and 

Fic. 23.—Mandible of Staphylinus. Fig. 24.—Mandible of Euphoria inda. 

In many beetles of the family Scarabeeidae each mandible consists of several 
more or less distinct sclerites. This is wel. shown in the mandible of Awphoriza 
zuda (Fig. 24). These compound mandibles have not yet been studied with 
sufficient care to enable us to definitely name the parts. 

The Maxille -—The maxillz (11) are the more ventral of the two pairs of 
jaws. They are much more complicated than the mandibles, each maxilla 
consisting, when all of the parts are present, of five primary parts and three ap- 
pendages. The primary parts are the cardo or hinge, the s¢zfes or footstalk, 
the fa/pzfer or palpus-bearer, the swzbga/ea or helmet-bearer, and the Zaczzza or 
blade. The appendages are the maxzllary palpus or feeler, the gaéea or superior 
lobe, and the dzgztus or finger. The maxilla may also bear claw-like or tooth- 
like projections, spines, bristles, and hairs. 

In the following description of the parts of the maxille, only very general 
statements can be made. Not only is there an infinite variation in the form of 
these parts, but the same part may have a very different outline on the dorsal 
aspect of the maxilla from what it has on the ventral. Compare Fig. 25 and 
Fig. 26, which represent the two aspects of the maxilla of Hydrophilus. Except- 
ing Fig. 26, the figures of maxilla represent the ventral aspect of this organ. 

Fic. 25.—Ventral aspect of Fic. 26.—Dorsal aspect of Fic. 27.—Maxilla of Eveodes. 
maxilla of Hydrophilus. maxilla of Hydrophilus. 

The Cardo or hinge (a) is the first or proximal part of the maxilla. It is 
usually more or less triangular in outline, and is the part upon which nearly all 
of the motions of this organ depend. In many cases, however, it is not the 




only part directly joined to the body; for frequently muscles extend direct to 
the subgalea, without passing through the cardo. 

The S¢ifes or footstalk (6) is the part next in order proceeding distad. It is 
usually triangular, and articulates with the cardo by its base, with the palpifer 
by its lateral margin, and with the subgalea by its mesal side. In the Orthop- 
tera, Pseudoneuroptera, and Neuroptera, the stipes is united with the subgalea, 
and the two form the larger portion of the body of the maxilla (Fig. 22). The 
stipes has no appendages; but the palpifer on the one side, and the subgalea 
on the other, may become united to the stipes without any trace of suture 
remaining, and their appendages will then appear to be borne by the stipes. 
Thus in Fig. 22 it appears to be the stipes that bears the galea, and that receives 
muscles from the body. | 

The Palpzfer or palpus-bearer (c) is situated upon the lateral (outer) side of 
the stipes ; it does not, however, extend to the base of this organ, and frequently 
projects distad beyond it. It is often much more developed on the dorsal side 
of the maxilla than on the ventral (Figs. 25 and 26). It can be readily distin- 
guished when it is distinct by the insertion upon it of the appendage which 
gives to it its name. 

The M/axcllary Palpus or feeler (Z) is the most conspicuous of the appendages 
of the maxilla. It is an organ composed of from one to six freely movable seg- 
ments, and is articulated to the palpifer on the latero-distal angle of the body 
of the maxilla. 

The Swégalea or helmet-bearer (¢) when developed as a distinct sclerite is 
most easily distinguished as the one that bears the galea. It bounds the stipes 
more or less completely on its mesal (inner) side, and is often directly connected 
with the body by muscles. In many Coleoptera it is closely united to the 
lacinia; this gives the lacinia the appearance of bearing the galea, and of being 
connected with the body (Fig. 28). In the Orthoptera, the Pseudoneuroptera, 
and the Neuroptera, the subgalea is united to the stipes; consequently in these 
orders the stipes appears to bear the galea, and to be joined directly to the 
body if any part besides the cardo is so connected. 

The Ga/ea or helmet (/) is the second in prominence of the appendages of the 
maxilla. It consists of one or two segments, and is joined to 
the maxilla mesad of the palpus. The galea varies greatly in 
form: itis often more or less flattened, with the distal seg- 
ment concave, and overlapping the lacinia like a hood. It 
was this form that suggested the name galea or helmet. 
In other cases the galea resembles a palpus in form (Fig. 
28). The galea is also known as the outer lode, the upper 
lobe, or the superzor lobe. 

The Lacinza or blade (g) is borne on the mesal (inner) 
Fic. 28.—Maxilla of Margin of the subgalea. It is the cutting or chewing part 

STATES of the maxilla, and is often furnished with teeth and spines. 
The lacinia is also known as the zzmer lobe, or the zzferzor lobe. 

The Digztus or finger (Z) is a small appendage sometimes borne by the lacinia 
at its distal end. In the Cicindelide it is in the form of an articulated claw 
(Fig. 28); but in certain other beetles it is more obviously one of the segments 
of the maxilla (Figs. 25 and 26). This part is sometimes termed the wnguzs, a 



name applied by Kirby and Spence to it and to the other claw-like projections 
of the maxilla. The French entomologists distinguish it as le premaxillatre. 
Neither of these names is desirable; the former is not restricted to this part of 
the maxilla, but is often applied to the terminal portion of the lacinia; the latter 
name is objectionable both in form and signification; it is hardly appropriate 
to apply the prefix Zr@ to the most distal part of an appendage. I propose, 
therefore, the name dzgz¢us for this sclerite. 

The Labium or Second Maxille—The labium or under lip (12) is attached to 
the cephalic border of the gula, and is the most ventral of the mouth-parts. It 
appears to be a single organ, although sometimes cleft at its distal extremity ; 
it is, however, composed of a pair of appendages grown together on the middle 
line of the body. In the Crustacea the parts corresponding to the labium of 
insects consist of two distinct organs, very closely resembling the maxilla. In 
this case they are termed the second maxilla, a name which is sometimes 
applied to the labium of insects. Hence in defining the Hexapoda it is stated 
that they have two pairs of maxille. 

In naming the parts of the labium, entomologists 
have usually taken some form of it in which the two 
parts are completely grown together, that is, one 
which is not cleft on the middle line (Fig. 29). 
I will first describe such a labium, and later one 
in which the division into two parts is carried as 
far as we find it in insects. 

The labium is usually described as consisting of 
three principal parts and a pair of appendages. The 
principal parts are the sudmentum, the mentum, and the /zgu/a ; the appendages 
are the /adzal palpi. 

The basal part of the labium consists of two transverse sclerites ; the prox- 
imal one, which is attached to the cephalic border of the gula, is the swzdmen- 
tum (a). This is often the most prominent part of the body of the labium. 

The Méntum (6) is the more distal of the two primary parts of the labium. 
It is articulated to the cephalic border of the submentum, and is often so 
slightly developed that it is concealed by the submentum.* 

The Liguda (c) includes the remaining parts of the labium except the labial 
palpi. It is a compound organ; but in the higher insects the sutures between 
the different sclerites of which it is composed are usually obsolete. Three 
parts, however, are commonly distinguished (Fig. 29), a central part, often 
greatly prolonged, the g/ossa (c*), and two parts, usually small membranous 
projections, one on each side of the base of the glossa, the Jaragliss@ (c*). 

Fic. 29.—Labium of Harfalus. 

* Unfortunately the term mentum is applied by some entomologists to the submen- 
tum, and the true mentum entirely overlooked or distinguished by a different name. 
This is the case in one of the most important works in the literature of American ento- 
mology, “‘The Classification of the Coleoptera of North America,” by Le Conte and 
Horn. The student in the use of this indispensable work must bear this change of names 
in mind. These authors have termed the true mentum the /yfog/ottis, and state that in 
the Carabidz the homologous portion is often called the ‘‘ basal membrane of the ligula” 
(2. ¢. p. xviii). 


Sometimes, however, the paraglossz are large, exceeding the glossa in size 
From the base of the ligula arise a pair of appendages, the /adzal palpi (a). 
Each labial palpus consists of from one to four freely movable segments. 

In the form of the labium just described, the correspondence of its parts to 
the parts of the maxille is not easily seen ; but this is much more evident in 
the labium of some of the lower insects, as for example a cockroach (Fig. 30). 
Here the organ is very deeply cleft; only the submentum 
and mentum remain united onthe median line ; while the 
AG IND 7 ligula consists of two distinct maxilla-like parts. It is 
le a Cg easy in this case to trace the correspondence referred 

oe to above. Each lateral half of the submentum corre- 
sponds to the cardo of a maxilla; each half of the mentum, 
to the stipes; while the remaining parts of a maxilla are 
IR represented by each half of the ligula, as follows: near 
/ the base of the ligula there is a part (c’) which bears the 
Fic. Seg tabiae of labial palpus; this appears in the figure like a basal segment 
of the palpus ; but in many insects it is easily seen that it 
is undoubtedly one of the primary parts of the organ; it has been named the 
palpiger, and is the homologue of the palpifer of a maxilla. The trunk of each 
half of the ligula is formed by a large sclerite (c*) to which I believe attention 
has not been called heretofore, This evidently corresponds to the subgalea. 
At the distal extremity of this subgalea of the labium there are two append- 
ages. The lateral one of these (c*) is the Jaraglossa, and obviously corre- 
sponds to the galea. The mesal one (c?) corresponds to the lacinia or inner 
lobe. This part is probably wanting in those insects in which the glossa con- 
sists of an undivided part; and in this case the glossa probably represents the 
united and more or less elongated subgalee. 

The Epipharynx and the Hypophdérynx.—In addition to the mouth-parts 
described above, either the labrum or the labium may bear on its ental surface, 
within the cavity of the mouth, a more or less tongue-like organ. If borne by 
the labrum, it is termed the epzpharynx (9); if by the labium, the Lypopharynx 
(13). (See Fig. 22.) The epipharynx and the hypopharynx are rarely both 
developed in the same insect, except in some Hymenoptera. The form and 
position of the hypopharynx are analogous to those of the tongue of higher 
animals. On this account it has been named the Zzgwa or tongue. But as 
both of these terms have been applied to the glossa, it is best to designate this 
part as the hypopharynx, and to avoid the use of the terms lingua and tongue, 
as liable to be ambiguous. 

The Thorax. 

The thorax is the second or intermediate region of the body. It 
is readily distinguished by its appendages, which are three pairs of 
legs and one or two pairs of wings. ‘This region consists of three 
segments. The cephalic or first segment is named the prothdrax 
(14) ; the second, the mesothorax (15); and the third, the metathorax 
(16). Each segment bears a pair of legs ; and in winged insects the 
wings are borne by the second and third segments. 


The Fixed Parts of the Thorax.* 

Each segment of the thorax is composed of several sclerites. The shape 
and relative position of these sclerites afford characters which are much used 
inclassification. Fig. 31 isadiagrammatic representation 
of what is considered the typical arrangement of these 
parts in each of the thoracic segments. Each segment 
of the thorax is a ring, which is divided into four parts: 
a dorsal, a ventral, and two lateral. The dorsal part 
is named the #dtum or ¢érgum ,; each lateral part the 
pleurum , and the ventral part the sternum. theca aaa eae 

When the notum or sternum of a particular thoracic ‘S¢sment. 
segment is to be indicated, it is done by the use of one of the prefixes fro, 
meso, or meta. In this way are formed the terms Pronotum, mesonotum, meta- 
notum, prostérnum, mesostérnum and metastérnum ; which are applied to the 
nota and sterna of the prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax respectively. 

By some writers the entire dorsal part of an insect is termed the ¢évgum , 
the lateral part, the pA/ewrum,; and the ventral part, the s¢érnum. These 
writers apply the terms ¢érg7te, pleurzte, and stérnite respectively to the dorsal, 
lateral and ventral regions of each segment. 

The tergum of each thoracic segment is composed typically of four scle- 
rites. These are arranged in a linear series. They are named, beginning with 
the first or most cephalic, prescitum (a), scutum (6), scutéllum (c), and fostscu- 
téllum (@). (Fig. 32.) In the prothorax the sutures between these four scle- 

Fic. 32.—Dorsal aspect of the thorax of a beetle, Fic. 33.—Wecrophorus, to show scutellum. 
Dysticus, dissected. (After Audouin.) 

* The more important works on the nomenclature of the parts of the thorax are the 
following : 

Audouin, J. V. Recherches anatomiques sur le thorax des animaux articulés et celui 
des insectes hexapodes en particulier. Amnales des Sciences Naturelles, T. I. (1824). 

The works of Atrby and Spence, MacLeay, Straus-Durckheim, Newman, and New- 
port cited on p. 12. The description of the anatomy of the thorax by MacLeay was 
republished in the Ann. des Sci. Nat. t. 25 (1832). 


rites are in many cases obsolete, the pronotum appearing to be composed of a 
single sclerite. In beetles and bugs the scutellum of the mesothorax is usually 
quite conspicuous, appearing as a more or less nearly triangular piece between 
the first pair of wings at their base (Fig. 33). Most entomological writers refer 
to this sclerite as ¢#e scutellum. Of the four sclerites which compose the ter- 
gal portion of each thoracic segment, the scutum is usually the largest ; the 
scutellum is the second in importance ; while the prasscutum and the postscutel- 
lum are frequently but little developed. We find in the Hymenoptera that the 
scutum of the mesothorax is divided into three parts by two longitudinal 
sutures. The lateral portions of the scutum thus separated from the mesal 
part are termed the Jardpszdes (150°). 

Each pleurum is composed of two sclerites, arranged more or less obliquely. 
The cephalo-ventral one is the epzstérnum (e); and the caudo-dorsal one the 

Fic. 34.—Ventral aspect of a beetle, Exchroma gigantea. (See Tabular Review, p. 23, for explana- 
tion of lettering.) 

epiméron (f). We find in many insects a third sclerite in each pleurum of the 
mesothorax and metathorax. These sclerites when present are situated near 
the base of the wing, and articulate with the dorsal margin of the episternum ; 
they are the pardptera (g). In certain orders, especially Hymenoptera, the 
paraptera of the mesothorax are small, corneous, concavo-convex scales, which 
cover and protect the bases of the first pair of wings. By many writers these 
paraptera are termed the ¢égw/z, and by others the scdfu/e. In the Lepidop- 


tera, the paraptera of the mesothorax are greatly developed. Here they appear 
as leaf-like epaulets, which sometimes cover not only the bases of the wings, but 
also the greater part of the mesonotum. In descriptive works on this order 
they are usually termed the fatagza. 

In the membrane connecting the head with the prothorax there is on each 
side a pair of small sclerites. These are termed the 7#gwlar sclérttes (142). 

Each sternum is composed of a single sclerite. As indicated above, the 
three sterna are designated as the frosternum (142), mesosternum (152), and 
metasternum (162) respectively. 

In some beetles the metasternum is divided into two unequal portions by a 
suture which extends transversely a short distance in front of the caudal mar- 
gin; the smaller sclerite which borders the posterior coxee in front and often 
passes between them is called the avte-coxal piece of the metasternum. 

The Appendages of the Thorax. 

The appendages of the thorax are the organs of locomotion. 
They consist of the /egs and the wzugs. Of the former there are 
three pairs; of the latter, never more than two. The distribution of 
these appendages has already been given (p. 16). The legs are 
joined to the body near the lateral borders of the sterna; the wings, 
near the lateral margins of the terga. 

The Legs.—FEach leg (17) consists of the following-named parts 

and their appendages: coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, and tarsus 
(Fig. 34). 

The Coxa.—The coxa (a) is the proximal segment of the leg. It is the one 
by means of which the leg is articulated to the body. It varies much in form, 
but is usually a truncated cone or nearly globular. In some insects the coxz 
of the third pair of legs are more or less flattened and immovably attached to 
the metasternum (e.g. Carabidz). In such cases the coxe really form a part 
of the body-wall, and are liable to be mistaken for primary parts of the meta- 
thorax instead of the proximal segments of a pair of appendages. 

In certain insects there is a small sclerite between the coxa and the epime- 
ron. This is considered an appendage of the coxa, and is called the trochan- 
tzz (a'). It is more often visible in the prothorax than in the other segments. 

The Trochanter.—The trochanter (4) is the second part of the leg. It con- 
sists usually of a very short, triangular or quadrangular segment, between the 
coxa and the femur. Sometimes the femur appears to articulate directly with 
the coxa; and the trochanter to be merely an appendage of the proximal end 
of the femur (e.g. Carabidz). But the fact is that in these insects, although 
the femur may touch the coxa, it does not articulate with it; and the organs 
that pass from the cavity of the coxa to that of the femur must pass through 
the trochanter. In the sub-order Terebrantia of the order Hymenoptera the 
trochanter consists of two segments. 

The Fémur.—The femur (c) is the third part of the leg; and is usually the 
largest part. It consists of a single segment. 


The Tibza.—The tibia (@) is the fourth part of the leg. It consists of a sin- 
ele segment; and is usually a little more slender than the femur, although it 
often equals or exceeds it in length. In such species as burrow in the ground, 
the distal extremity is greatly broadened and shaped more or less like a hand. 
Near the distal end of the tibia there are in most insects One or more spines 
which are much larger than the other hairs and spines which arm the leg ; these 
are called the ¢zbzal spines or tzb¢al spurs, and are much used in classification. 

The Tarsus.—The tarsus (e) is the fifth and most distal part of the leg, that 
which is popularly called the foot. It consists of a series of segments, varying 
in number from one to six. The most common number of segments in the 
tarsus is five. The distal segment bears one or two claws (e’). Sometimes 
these claws are strongly bifid or toothed ; so that a tarsus may appear to bear 
four or even six claws. The tarsi vary much in form, and thus present charac- 
ters which are useful in classification. Sexual characters are also frequently 
presented by this part. 

On the ventral surface of the segments of the tarsus in many insects are 
cushions of short hairs or of membrane, capable of inflation, or concave plates, 
which act so as to produce a vacuum and thus enable the insect to walk on the 
lower surface of objects. These cushions or plates are called pulviliz (e”). In 
many insects the pulvillus of the distal segment of the tarsus is a circular pad 
projecting between the tarsal claws. In most descriptive works this is referred 
to as ¢he pulvillus, even though the other pulvilli are well developed. The pul- 
villi are also called the ozychzz by some writers. 

With many insects (e,¢. most Diptera) the distal segment of the tarsus bears 
a pair of pulvilli, one beneath each claw. In such cases there is frequently 
between these pulvilli a third single appendage of similar structure; this is 
called the empfodzum. In other insects the empodium is bristle-like or alto- 
gether wanting. 

The proximal segment of the tarsus is designated in some descriptive works 
as the metatarsus. 

The Wings.—The normal number of wings is two pairs; but in 
addition to the large order Diptera, there are many ,insects which 
have only a single pair; and many other insects are wingless. As 
already stated, the first pair of wings is articulated to the meso- 
thorax ; and the second pair, to the metathorax. When but asingle 
pair of wings is present, it is almost invariably the first pair. 

Each wing is a plate-like or membranous expansion which is first developed 
as a sac-like projection of the body-wall.* In the course of the formation of 
the wing, the dorsal and ventral walls of this sac become united throughout 
the greater part of their extent. There are usually certain lines along which 
the walls of this sac are thickened. The thickenings of the dorsal and ventral 
walls are exactly opposed, and together constitute the framework of the wing. 
These thickened lines are termed the vezzs or nerves of the wings; and their 

* The gradual formation of wings can be easily observed in insects with an incomplete 
metamorphosis. See description of the transformations of the Acridiide. 


arrangement is described as the vewatzon or neuratzon of the wing. The terms 
veins and nerves are both in general use ; and when applied to the wings of 
insects, have the same signification. Neither of them is good in this connec- 
tion; but they are so firmly established that it would not be well to try to 
change them. The former, however, is the better. For in very many insects a 
groove extends along the ental surface of the thickenings of each wall; and the 
groove of the dorsal and ventral thickenings being exactly opposed, form a 
tube in the centre of each so-called vein or nerve, within which the fluids of 
the body circulate. In many insects these tubes, or vezvs as I shall call them, 
are also traversed by the air-vessels or trachez. 

The thin spaces circumscribed by the veins are called ced/s. 

An insect’s wing is more or less triangular in outline; it therefore presents 
three margins (Fig. 35). To these special names have been applied ; tliere is 
however, a lack of uniformity among 7 3 
entomologists in the terms which they 
use. The cephalic margin, Fig. 35, j 
I-2, is termed the front margztn, costal 
margztn, or simply the costa. The distal 
margin, Fig. 35, 2-3, is known as the 
outer margin, or apical margin. And 3 
to the caudal margin, Fig. 35, 3-4, are 
applied the terms ¢zner margin and of 
anal margzn. 

The angle of the wing at the union 
of the cephalic and distal margins, 
Fig. 35, 2, is the apex of the wing; and \ 
the angle between the distal and cau- 
dal margins, Fig. 35, 3, is the zzzer 
angle. The proximal end of the wing is referred to as the base. 

With certain insects (Hymenoptera and some Homoptera) the cephalic mar- 
gin of the hind wings bears a row of hooks, which fasten into a corresponding 
fold on the caudal margin of the front wings. These hooks are named the 
hdmuilz, and serve to hold the two wings of the same side together, thus insur- 
ing their action as a unit. 

In the moths the wings are united in a somewhat different way. On the 
lower surface of the front wing near its base there is a hook formed of either a 
portion of membrane or a tuft of hairs; into this hook there fits a bristle, the 
frénulum, which springs from the hind wing near its base. The frenulum is 
simple in the males ; but it consists of several bristles in the other sex. 

The wings present many characters which are much used in classification. 
These are variations in texture, form, clothing and venation. 

The most striking variations in texture are presented by the first pair of 
wings. Special names have been applied to the wings exhibiting the more 
important of these variations. These are elytra, hemelytrc, and tegmzna. 

The Elytra.—-The term é/ytra is applied to the first pair of wings of beetles 
and earwigs. These wings are thick, horny or leathery, without veins or with 
merely traces of them, and when not in use they are horizontal, and meet 

Fic. 35.—Wing of Hepialus. 


in a straight line on the middle of the back. The elytra are also called wzng- 

The Hemélytra.—This term is applied to the first pair of wings when they 
are horny or leathery at the base and membranous at the apex, as in the Hete- 

The Tégmina.—This name is given to the mesothoracic wings when they 
are of an uniform leathery or parchment-like texture, and are furnished with 
veins. Of this form are the mesothoracic wings of Orthoptera. Like the ely- 
tra the tegmina are also called wzzg-covers ; but unlike elytra they overlap each 
other when at rest. 

The Halteres, Balancers, or Potsers.—W ith most insects that possess only the 
first pair of wings (Diptera and the males of Coccida) the metathorax is fur- 
nished with a pair of appendages which are believed to be the homologues of 
the second pair of wings. These are called Adlteres, balancers, or potsers. The 
halteres are usually club-shaped or thread-like, terminating ina knob. In the 
Coccidz each of the halteres is usually furnished with a bristle which is hooked 
and fits into a pocket on the wing of the same side. In this case the halteres 
appear to aid in flight. 

The Pseudo-halteres—The insects belonging to the family Stylopidze have 
only the metathoracic wings developed. The mesothoracic wings are repre- 
sented by a pair of slender club-shaped appendages, which are termed 

Venatton.—The number and situation of the veins of the wing afford charac- 
ters which are much used in descriptive works. The variations presented by 
these characters are very great. And unfortunately no one has published an 
exhaustive work on the subject.* Much has been written upon it; but most of 
the writers have confined themselves to a single order or even family of in- 
sects. The result is that many systems exist ; and frequently homologous veins 
bear different names in different groups of insects. It is necessary, therefore, 
in the study of any order of insects to learn the system or systems that have 
been established for that order. The more important of these are explained in 
the discussions of the orders in the following chapters of this work. 

The Abdomen. 

The abdomen is the third or caudal region of the body. Its 
segments are more simple, distinct, and ring-like than those 
of the other regions. The number of segments of which it ap- 
pears to be composed varies greatly. In the Cuckoo-flies (Chrysi- 
didz) there are usually only three or four visible, while in many 
other insects nine appear. Except in the lowest order of insects 
(Thysanura) the abdomen of the adult bears no locomotive ap- 
pendages. But many larve have fleshy appendages which aid in 

* The most important of the attempts to work out the homologies of the wing veins is 
by Josef Redtenbacher. Ann. des K. K. Nat. Hofmuseums, I. (Wien, 1886). See Re- 
view in Am. Nat. vol. xxi. p. 932. 


locomotion; these are termed /prd/egs, and are shed with the skin 
when the larva changes to a pupa. In the adult the end of the 
body in many families is furnished with jointed filaments, the cércz, 
and caudal séte. Frequently also the body is furnished in the males 
with organs for clasping, the c/aspers ; and in the females with saws, 
piercers, or borers, the ovzpdsttor. In the females of certain insects 
there is a st7zg, which is used as an organ of defence; and the ab- 
domen of plant-lice and certain other insects bears a pair of tubes 
or tubercles, through which honey-dew is excreted; these are com- 
monly called honey-tubes ; they are also termed cornicles, néctaries, 
or siphuncles. 


The numbers and letters preceding the names of parts are those 
by which these parts are designated in the figures illustrating this 
chapter. In some cases, where there is no danger of mistake, only 
the letters are used in the illustrations. Thus, in the figures of 
maxilla, the cardo is indicated by a, not IIa. 

Fixed Parts of the Head. 
Movable Parts of the Head. 

\ Prothorax. Fixed Parts. 

Mesothorax. A Aa 
Metathorax. \ **PPendases. 



| § Fixed Parts. 
[ H. Abdomen. 1 Appendages. 

| I. Head. 

Body. { II. Thorax. 


1. Occiput. ( 22. Front. 
2. Epicranium. es Vertex. 
26, Gene: 

3. Eyes. (Compound Eyes). 
4. Ocelli. (Simple Eyes). 

§ 5a. Ante-clypeus. 
5. Clypeus. (52. Post-clypeus. 
6. Gula. 


7a. Scape. 72’. Bulb. 

j 76. Pedicel. 

7 sntenna. (76. Ring-joints. 
ee Clavola. < 7¢?. Funicle. 
ree (aS Club. 
. Labrum. 

9g. Epipharynx. 
Mandible ) 10a. Prostheca. 

i ——— 



(ie Cardo. 
114. Stipes. 
, ee Palpifer. = 

é 11d. Maxillary Palpus. 
11. Maxilla. | ake. Sabralea. : 
11f. Galea (Superior Lobe or Outer Lobe). 
11g. Lacinia (Inferior Lobe or Inner Lobe). 
114. Digitus (Unguis). 

(12a. Submentum (= Cardo). 
126. Mentum (= Stipes). 
: 2c'. Palpiger (= Palpifer). 
12. Labium, or mae Pee 2 
Second Maxille. } 12c. Ligula. wee Gloss (= Subgalez). 
12c’. Paraglossa (= Galea). 
12d, Labial palpi. 

—— (= Subgalea). 

13. Hypopharynx. 


I4a. Preescutum. 

Dorsal Surface. ) 144 Scutum. 

14c. Scutellum. 
(Pronotum.) ee Postscutellum. 

14¢. Episternum. 

14. Epimeron. 
rcieetdiea ) 142. Jugular Sclerites. 
( ; | 144. Peritreme. 

14. Prothorax. 

Ventral Surface. 142. Prosternum, 
| (Sternum.) 

(15a. Praescutum. 
154. Scutum 152°. Scutum. 

Dorsal Surface. + 150°, Parapsides. 
(Mesonotum.) | 15¢c. Scutellum, 
15@. Postscutellum. 
15. Mesothorax. 4 eee se 
| Lateral Surface. ; ise. Parapteron 
(sete) L 154. Peritreme. 
Ventral Surface. 152. Mesosternum. 

{ (Sternum.) 

16a. Preescutum. 
166. Scutum. 

16c, Scutellum. 
16d. Postscutellum. 

Bes Episternum. 

Dorsal Surface. 

16. Metathorax. 167. Epimeron. 
16g. Parapteron. 

16. Peritreme. 

4 Lateral Surface. - 
(Pleura. ) 

, 162. Ante-coxal 
162. Metasternum. piece. 

Ventral Surface. 
l (Sternum.) 



{ 17a’. Trochantin. 
176, Trochanter. 
Ta bee 17¢. Femur. 
17a. Tibia. 

( 17a. Coxa. 

{ 17¢e'. Claws. 

[ 17¢ Tarsus. 4 17.2, Pulvilli. 

( Membranous. ( Cephalic. 
Borders. < Distal. 
Elytra. / Caudal. 
\ Apex. 
| fog < Q if 
18. Wings. Hemelytra. Angles. | ae angle 
Tegmina. Veins. | § A special nomencla- 
Cells. § ) ture for each order. 
Halteres. Hamuli. 
Pseudo-halteres. Hook and frenulum. 


19. Pro-legs. 21. Caudal setze. 24. Sting. 
Zo: .Gerci- 22. Claspers. 25. Honey-tubes. 
23. Ovipositor. 


In order to obtain a clear idea of the relative positions of the 
different systems of organs in the body of an insect, let us recall 
the type of the Arthropoda described in the Introductory Chapter. 
A diagrammatic representation of this type is given in Fig. 36. 

Fic. 36.—Diagram of structure of Arthropoda. 

The body-wall is a hollow cylinder; within this the viscera are 
arranged as follows: The alimentary canal is central; the greater 
part of the nervous system, ventral; and the circulatory system, 
dorsal. To this simple conception it will be necessary to add a 
complicated respiratory system, not possessed by the lower Arthro- 
pods, and the muscular system and organs of reproduction, the dis- 
cussion of which was omitted from the Introductory Chapter. 

The Internal Skeleton.— Although the skeleton of an insect is 
chiefly an external one, there are prolongations of it into the body- 
cavity. As these form support for various organs, and attachment 
for many muscles, they are often described as the internal skeleton, 


This internal skeleton becomes much more highly developed in 
adult insects than it is in larvae. Special names have been applied to 
the parts of it in the head and the three thoracic segments. Thus 
the internal skeleton of the head is termed the exdocranium or tento- 
rium, and the principal parts of it in the thoracic segments, those 
which project from the sternal wall, are distinguished as the ante- 
fiirca, the medifiirca, and the postfirca. These are usually bifurcated ; 
they support the nervous cord and give attachment to muscles. 

The Minute Structure of the Body-wall—Under the head of ex- 
ternal anatomy the body-wall has been studied from one point of 
view. Reference was there made to the hardening of it by chitine, 
and aspecial study was made of the various sclerites. We have now 
to study the more minute structure of the body-wall, as seen on 
section with high powers of the microscope. 

If a very thin section of the body-wall be taken and then dyed 
with the proper reagents, so as to differentiate the various parts, it 
will be seen under high powers of the microscope to consist of 
three principal layers; first, an outer chitinous layer, the cuticle, 
which forms the parts already studied; second, an intermediate 
cellular layer, the hypodermis,; and third, a basal membrane. 

The appearance of these layers is shown in Fig. 37. The chiti- 
nous layer is composed of many thin 

—— plates superimposed. It really con- 
SSS sists of an excretion of the inter- 
mediate cellular layer. It is not 
composed of cells, but sometimes 

Fic. 37.—Section of body-wall. it is marked by lines correspond- 
ing to the outlines of the subjacent cells of the hypodermis. The 
hypodermis is composed of distinct nucleated cells; as it gives 
origin to the other parts of the skin, it is often termed the matrex. 
The basal membrane is a thin sheet of homogeneous tissue. 

The Muscular System—The relative positions of the muscles 
and the skeleton in insects are very different from what they are 
in Man. With the Vertebrates, the bones constitute a central axis, 
outside of which the muscles are arranged. But in Insects, the skele- 
ton of the body, and of any of its appendages as well, is a hollow 
cylinder, to the ental surface of which the muscles are attached. 
This is illustrated by Fig. 38, which represents the muscles in the 
leg of a beetle. 

If the body of an insect (preferably of a larva) be opened by a 
longitudinal slit, and the alimentary canal removed from the centre, 


A CATERPILLAR (Cossus ligniperda). 

(After Lyonet.) 

Fig. 4. Caterpillar opened on the ventral middle line. Fig. 5. Caterpillar opened on the dorsal 
middle line. 1, principal longitudinal trachez; 2, central nervous system; 3, aorta; 4, longi- 
tudinal dorsal muscles; 5, longitudinal ventral muscles; 6, wings of the heart; 7, tracheal trunks 
arising near spiracles ; 8, reproductive organs; g, vertical muscles; 10, last abdominal spiracle. 



a large part of the muscular system will be exposed to view. Plate 
I. represents the thorax and abdomen of a larva which has been pre- 
pared in this way. In these figures the band-like structures repre- 
sented as lining the body-wall are muscles. And the number is much 
greater than shown here; for between these muscles and the body- 
wall there are in most places several layers of diagonal muscles. 
The muscular system is composed of an immense number of dis- 
tinct, isolated, straight fibres, which are always free (7.e., not inclosed 
in tendinous sheaths as with Vertebrates). As a rule, the muscles 
that move the segments of the body are not furnished with tendons 
(Plate I.); while those that move the appendages are thus united at 
the distal end (Fig. 38). In appearance the muscles are either 

colorless and transparent, or yellowish-white ; and of a soft, almost 
gelatinous consistence. When properly treated with histological 
reagents, and examined with a microscope of moderately high - 
power, they present numerous transverse striations, like the volun- 
tary muscles of Vertebrates. 

The Alimentary Canal—In the ideal figure given on page 25, the 
alimentary canal is represented as a straight tube extending from 
one end of the body to the other. In the larva of some insects there 
is an approach to this degree of simplicity. But usually the tube is 
longer than the body, and is consequently more or less convoluted. 
Moreover, it is not of uniform structure, but, as in the higher animals, 
different parts are adapted to different functions. Names have 
been applied to these special parts similar to those used to desig- 
nate the analogous parts in higher animals. These are as follows: 

There is within the head a portion of the alimentary canal that 
is usually more or less enlarged; this is the pharynx. It has been 
shown recently * that in some sucking insects the pharynx is fur- 
nished with powerful muscles, by which it can be distended, and 
that it is doubtless the pumping organ, by which these insects 

* Edward Burgess, Contributions to the Anatomy of the Milkweed Butterfly (Me- 
moirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1880). 

George Dimmock, The Anatomy of the Mouth-parts and Sucking Apparatus of some 
Diptera (Boston, 1881). 




A CocKROACH (Periplaneta orientalis). 
(From Rolleston.) 

a, antenne ; 41, d2, 63, tibiz; c, anal cerci; @, ganglion on recurrent nerve upon the crop ; ¢, salivary 
duct; /, salivary bladder; g, gizzard; 4, hepatic cceca; 7, chylific stomach; 7, Malpighian 
vessels: %, small intestine; 2, large intestine; , rectum; %, first abdominal ganglion, 9, ovary; 
Pp, sebaceous glands. 


obtain their food. We do not know yet how generally this is true 
of sucking insects. . 

Following the pharynx and extending into or through the thorax 
is a slender part, the wsophagus. 

In many insects, both sucking and biting, there is a dilation of 
the cesophagus near its caudal end, which serves asa reservoir of food, 
and is termed the crop. The crop of sucking insects was formerly 
thought to be the pumping organ, and is, therefore, described in the 
older works on this subject as the sucking stomach. 

Following the crop we find in some insects 
a compact enlargement of the alimentary canal 
with strong muscular walls, the proventriculus 
or gizzard. ‘This is sometimes a very com- 
plicated organ, furnished with teeth, spines, 

= te and hairs, for the grinding of the food. (Fig. 
Fic. 39.—Cross-section of 
Cee of 39.) 

The stomach is next in order, and is easily 
recognized by its central position, and usually by its large size. 
It is also known as the ventriculus, or chylific ventricle. 

The remaining part of the alimentary canal is the zztéstzne. This 
is often composed of three specialized regions, named, as in the 
higher animals, the #/ewm or small intestine, the cd/on or large intes- 
tine, and the réctum. 

There may be several sets of appendages to the alimentary 
canal. The first of these are the sa@/vary glands, which open near 
the mouth. These glands vary greatly in form and number, and 
are sometimes wanting. In Lepidopterous larve they constitute 
the sz/k glands, and, in this case, have a distinct opening through the 
modified labium or “spinneret.” At the beginning of the stomach, 
there are in many insects several pouch-like appendages, the cecal 
tubes. These secrete a digestive fluid, which resembles the pancre- 
atic juice of Vertebrates. Usually the most conspicuous of the 
appendages of the alimentary canal are certain long, slender tubes 
opening into the beginning of the small intestine, and floating free 
in the body-cavity or lying upon the surface of thestomach. These 
are named the Malpighian vessels, in honor of Malpighi, an anato- 
mist who wrote more than two hundred years ago. Formerly they 
were supposed to be biliary vessels; but their function has been 
determined to be urinary. There are other glandular appendages, 
which, as they open into the alimentary canal near its caudal open- 
ing, are termed dual glands. These probably do not constitute a 


part of the digestive system, but are organs of offence, the secretion 
being acrid or otherwise offensive. 

Insects take the greater part of their food during the larva or 
nymph state ; for it is in this period that they acquire their growth. 
In some cases, as with the May-flies and the Bombycid moths, no 
nourishment is taken during the adult state. With certain larve 
(larve of the higher Hymenoptera, Pupipara, and Ant-lions), the 
stomach ends blindly, and does not communicate with the intestine. 
In the Ant-lions the rectum is transformed into a silk gland; and 
the silk of which the cocoon is made is spun from the anus. 

The Adipose Tissue-—On opening the body of an insect, especially 
of a larva, one of the most conspicuous things to be seen is fatty 
tissue in large masses. These often completely surround the ali- 
mentary canal, and are held in place by numerous branches of the 
tracheze with which they are supplied. Other and smaller masses 
of this tissue adhere to the inner face of the abdominal wall, in the 
vicinity of the nervous system, and at the sides of the body. It also 
abounds in the pericardial sinus. In a full- 
grown larva of Corydalus cornutus I have 
found the adipose tissue to be greater in bulk 
than all of the other organs found inside of 
the muscular walls of the body. In adult in. 
sects it usually exists in much less quantity 
than in larve. 

The Circulatory System.—In insects the 
circulatory system is not aclosed one, the blood 
flowing in vessels during only a part of its 
course. The greater part of the circulation 
of this fluid takes place in the cavities of the 
body and its appendages, where the blood 
fills the space not occupied by the internal 
organs. The only blood-vessels that exist in 
these animals lie just beneath the body-wall, 
above the alimentary canal (Fig. 36, %). They 
extend from near the caudal end of the ab- Fee sate ora 
domen through the thorax into the head.  (afterStraus-Durckheim). a, 

lateral aspect of aorta; 4, 

ar Tact 7 interior of heart showin 
That part of this system that lies in the ab- valet. er ventana 

, - = heart and wing-muscles—the 
domen is usually termed the Aeart,and con- _ heart and w Fe nicd ae 

Sl Aa 4 . cut away from the caudal 
sists of a series of chambers corresponding to Barone medrese micro 
foe seoments of the body (Riga40,¢@).. The “pect of heart. 

number of these chambers varies, but it is rarely more than eight. 


Miall and Denny, however, describe the heart of a cockroach as 
consisting of thirteen chambers, corresponding to ten abdominal and 
three thoracic segments. The chambers of the heart are separated 
by valves, which permit the blood to flow only towards the head. 
There is in the walls of the heart a pair of lateral openings corre- 
sponding to each chamber; these also are furnished with valves, 
which admit the blood to the heart, but prevent its exit. When, 
therefore, the chambers contract, a stream of blood is forced towards 
the head; and when they expand, the blood rushes into them 
through the lateral openings. 
The circulatory system has been carefully studied in only a few 
insects; and these show a remarkable variation in the form and 
arrangement of the openings and valves.* But the result 

t of their operation is the same in all. A diagram of a hort- 

Bank Y zontal section of the heart of a May-beetle, based on the 
S description by Straus-Durckheim (Graber represents 
~VYW» it as more complicated) will serve as an_ illustration. 

D ( Fig. 41, S, represents a chamber of the heart during 
if its systole or contraction; the valves at the caudal 

Fic. 4.—Dia- end and at the lateral openings (1) have been 
Beart of Closed by the pressure of the blood; while the 
May-beetle. C 

valves at the cephalic end have been forced 
open, and the blood, represented by the arrow, is flowing ! 
forwards. JD represents a chamber regaining its natural 
size, and the blood flowing into it through the lateral 

I have observed a somewhat different arrangement of 
openings and valves in the nymph of a dragon-fly. A 
young individual was studied, one in which the skin was « LF 

2 i‘ 


sufficiently transparent to allow the beating of the heart | 
to be seen through it. In this insect the most active 

part of the heart appeared to be the caudal chamber, Beas 

which is represented in Fig. 42, a. This chamber was in datchambe 

constant motion, expanding and contracting in rapid suc- ?*#8°"#Y- 
cession. With each expansion the valves at 1 quickly closed and 
the blood rushed in at 2; and when the chamber contracted, the 
valves at 2 closed and the blood was forced forwards through 1. 

* See Dr. V. Graber, Ueber den propulsatorischen Apparat der Insecten, Archiv fiir 
mikroscopische Anatomie, Band IX. (1873). 

Straus-Durckheim, Animaux Articules (1828). 

Miall and Denny, The Cockroach (1886). 


In many insects, instead of a rapid alternation of contraction and 
expansion of the chambers, the heart begins to contract at its caudal 
end, and a wave of contraction passes towards the head along the 
entire length of the organ; frequently one wave will pass the entire 
length of the heart before another begins. 

The cephalic prolongation of the heart, which extends through 
the thorax and into the head, is a simple tube, the adrza (Plate L., 
3; Fig. 40,¢ and a). The aorta ends in the head, near the brain, 
where it is usually somewhat branched. The branches are very 
short, and the blood passes from them directly into the body-cavity. 
Here it bathes the viscera, receiving the products of digestion from 
the alimentary canal, giving up to the various glands their secretions, 
and carrying nourishment to all parts of the body. In its course 
through the body the blood flows in regular channels, without walls, 
like the currents of the ocean. 

The blood is usually colorless, or slightly tinged with green; but 
its circulation is made conspicuous by the movements of the large 
corpuscles with which it abounds. In transparent insects it can be 
seen pouring forth from the cephalic end of the aorta, bathing first 
the brain, and then passing to all parts of the body, even out into 
the appendages. By tracing the course of any one of these currents 
it will be found to flow sooner or later to the sinus in which the 
heart rests, and from which it receives its blood. 

The Pericaérdial Sinus, to which reference has just been made, is 
separated from the general cavity of the body by a membrane, the 
pericardial diaphragm. This diaphragm is perforated by many open- 
ings, through which the blood passes on its return to the heart. 
Into the diaphragm there are inserted a double series of triangular 
muscles: (Plate: 1,6; and) Fig. 40, c).« ‘These: meehon the, mid- 
dle line, and are attached by their smaller ends to the lateral walls 
of the body. They were formerly supposed to be attached to the 
sides of the heart, and to aid in the expansion of that organ; they 
were, therefore, named by Lyonet the cwexgs of the heart. 
The relation of these muscles to the heart is shown in , 
Fig. 43, which is a diagram of a cross-section of the body. ae 

of --- 

In this zw represents the position of the wings of the heart. p,.. 43—pia- 
I do not think that the use of these muscles has yet been {neo oe 
fully determined. One function, though probably a ™™ 
subordinate one, is doubtless to protect the heart from pressure. 
One has only to watch the peristaltic movements of the alimentary 
canal in a transparent larva to appreciate the importance of this. 


The Nervous System—The central part of the nervous system, as 
already indicated, consists of a ganglion in the head above the cesoph- 
agus, and of a series of ganglia (typically one for each segment of 
the body) lying on the floor of the body-cavity, and connected by 
two longitudinal cords. In the head, one of these cords passes on 
each side of the oesophagus, from the brain to another ganglion in 
the head below the cesophagus, thus forming a nervous collar about 
the alimentary canal. From each ganglion nerves arise, which sup- 
ply the adjacent parts; and from the thoracic ganglia nerves extend 
to the legs and wings. This series of ganglia is really a double one; 
but each pair of ganglia are more or less closely united on the mid- 
dle line of the body, and often appear as a sin- 
gle ganglion. Fig. 44 gives a general view of 
the nervous system of Corydalus cornutus as 
represented by Leidy. From the brain (a) two 
large nerves extend to the compound eyes, 
and a smaller pair to the antenne; the sub- 
cesophageal ganglion (4) supplies the mouth- 
parts with nerves; and each of the thoracic 
and abdominal ganglia supplies its segment of 
the body. 

In Corydalus (Fig. 44) the eighth and ninth 
pairs of abdominal ganglia are united, and 
drawn cephalad into the seventh abdominal 
segment. The same thing is presented by 
the larva of Cossus (Plate I.; 10); This is an 
illustration of what has been termed ceph- 
alization of the nervous system. In the adults 
of insects of the higher orders this cephaliza- 
Fic. a= pees sveiemaiot tion of the nervous system is carried to a 

great extent. In some cases the abdominal 
ganglia are fused into a common mass and drawn cephalad into the 
thorax. Between this and the form presented by Corydalus every 
gradation exists. With the higher insects the nervous system un- 
dergoes marked changes during the life of the individual. In a 
caterpillar it is of the form shown in Plate I.; in the pupa state 
it becomes somewhat shortened; and in the adult the abdominal 
ganglia are all or nearly all united with the thoracic ganglia into a 

common nervous mass. 5 

* See figures by Newport, Cycl. Anat. and Phys. II. pp. 963-965. 


In addition to the central nervous system described above, there 
is what has been termed the visceral nervous system. This consists 
of two parts,—the esophageal nerves, and the respiratory nerves. 

There are two sets of cesophageal nerves,—the uzpaired and the 
paired. From each of the nerve-cords that connect the brain with 
the subcesophageal ganglion there arises a nerve, which extends 
cephalad upon the cesophagus; these unite to form the frontal 
ganglion (Fig. 44, c).* From this ganglion a recurrent nerve passes 
caudad through the cesophageal collar between the aorta and the 
cesophagus. A short distance caudad of the brain, this nerve, in 
some insects, enters a small ganglion, from which branches extend 
to the sides of the alimentary canal; in other insects it forms a 
number of plexuses in the muscular layer of that organ without 
apparent ganglia. These ganglia and nerves comprise the unpaired 
system. The paired cesophageal nerves arise on either side from 
the caudal aspect of the brain, and swell out at the sides of the 
cesophagus to form ganglia (Fig. 44, @) which also supply nerves 
to the walls of the alimentary canal. 

The respiratory nerves are not represented in the figure of Cory- 
dalus ; but they are well shown in that of the larva of Cossus (Plate 
I.). They consist of the following parts: In each segment of the 
thorax and abdomen there is a short longitudinal cord between the 
two cords of the central nervous system. Each of these cords en- 
larges into a ganglion, from which branches extend laterally to the 
sides of the body, where they supply the tracheal trunks and the 
muscles of the spiracles. 

The Organs of Special Sense.—It is probable that insects possess 
the five senses known to us; and perhaps they have others the na- 
ture of which we cannot conceive. Even in the case of the five 
senses, the range of perception may be very different from ours. 
Thus Lubbock has shown that ants perceive the ultra-violet rays, 
which are invisible to us. There is, however, a great variation in 
the degree of development of the different senses in different in- 
sects; for example, some are furnished with wonderful eyes, while 
others are blind. It is probable that in many cases the great devel- 
opment of one sense is correlated with a slight development of some 
other. As an illustration, we find that in the Dragon-flies and Ci- 
cadas, which are essentially directed by sight, the antenne are rudi- 

* See William C. Krauss, On the Nervous System of the Head of the Larva of Co- 
rydalus cornutus : an extract from a thesis in Entomology presented to the faculty of 
Cornell University for the Baccalaureate in Science: Psyche, vol. IV. pp. 179-184. 


mentary, and doubtless the sense of smell likewise. During the 
night these insects are passive, while during the day they trust to 
their powers of sight, or possibly in some Cicadas also to hearing. 

The study of the sensations of insects is at the same time one of 
the most difficult and one of the most interesting of the departments 
of entomology. But as yet comparatively little has 
been done in this line. The great improvements that 
have recently been made in the methods of histologic- 
al research have resulted in the publication of several 
very important papers on the structure of sense-organs ; 
but there is a great lack of experimental basis for con- 
clusions as to the functions of the various organs that 
have been described.* 

The best known of the organs of special sense are 
the organs of sight. Of these there are two kinds, 
the simple eyes and the compound eyes. Simple 
eyes exist in both larve and adult insects. In the 
former there may be several of these, on each side of 
the head; in the latter there are usually not more 
than three, situated between the compound eyes. 
The compound eyes occur only in adult insects, where 
they reach a marvellous degree of complexity. Each 
compound eye consists of many ocelli united; the 
number varies from 50 in some ants to more than 
30,000 in certain butterflies. The complexity of these 
Fic. 45.— Three eyes does not, however, consist merely of the great 

ocelli with retinu- : : ake 

lx from the com. Number of ocelli that enter into the composition of 
pound eye of a 5 5 

May-beetle (After each; but each ocellus is a highly developed organ 
Grenacher.) The 3 one . ¢ 
pigment has been Consisting of many parts. The structure of these ocelli 
dissolved away : : E 3 2 
fromtwoofthem. varies greatly in different insects.t Fig. 45 repre- 
F, corneal facet; ; é 

K, crystalline sents three ocelli of a May-beetle as described by 
cone; #7, pigment- 

sheath; P, chief Grenacher. 

pigment-cell; /’’, 

eeiert os With regard to the organs of special sense other 
the second order; # = i 
R, retinule. than those of sight there is much doubt. It is prob- 

able that many insects possess organs of hearing; for elaborate 
sound-producing organs are common among them. But the only 

* For a general discussion of this subject, and for many references to the literature, 
see Expériences et Remarques critique sur les Sensations des Insectes, par Auguste Forel, 
Recueil Zoologique Suisse, t. 1V. (1886). 

+ See B. T. Lowne, On the Modifications of the Simple and Compound Eyes of In- 
sects (Philos. Trans. 1878); also the works cited by this author. 


organs of insects that are generally believed to be ears are the 
so-called tympanal organs of Orthoptera, which are placed at the 
sides of the first abdominal segment in the Acrididz, and near the 
proximal end of the tibiz of the first pair of legs in the Locustide 
and Gryllidz; and even in the case of these it is not proven that 
they have the function of hearing. 

As to the sense of smell many conflicting views are held ;* but 
the weight of opinion now is that certain antennal structures are the 
organs of smell. These structures are to be found in the antenne 
of many insects. If, for example, the surface of the plates that com- 
pose the club of the antennz of a May-beetle be examined it will 
be found to be thickly studded with pits. These can be seen with a 

Fic. 46.—Organ of smell of Fig. 47.—Organ of smell of Fig. 48.—Organ of Smell of 
Caloptenus. (After Hau- May-beetle. (After Hau- Vespa. (After Hauser.) 
ser.) ser.) 

Lettering of Figs. 46, 47, and 48.—aa, circular thickening of the skin surrounding the opening of the 
olfactory pit; 47, bristle; ck, chitinous integument of the antennz; / invaginated pit; Ayc, hypo- 
dermic cells; z, entrance into the canal belonging to the pit; 7, olfactory membrane; mc, membrane- 
forming cell; 7, nerve of special sense; zc. nucleus of the sense- or ganglion-cell; 0, opening into 
the olfactory pit; /, pltsceory pit; fw, wall of the pit; sc, sense- or ganglion-cell; s¢, olfactory or 
sense-style, sometimes peg-shaped, 

microscope of low power; but in order to determine the minute 
structure of the organs thin sections of them must be made and ex- 
amined with high powers. Fig. 47 represents a section of one of 
these pits; and Figs. 46 and 48 represent the corresponding organs 
in alocust and inawasp.t The form of these organs of smell varies 

* See Packard’s abstract of a paper upon this subject by Dr. K. Kraepelin, American 
Naturalist, 1886, pp. 889 and 973. 

+ See Hauser, On the Organs of Smell in Insects, translated by Packard, American 
Naturalist, 1887, p. 279. 


sreatly in different insects, as is shown by the accompanying 
figures.* : 

What are supposed to be organs of taste in Hymenoptera and 
Diptera have been carefully described by Will.{ These consist of 
pits on the labium and on the lower side of the maxilla through 

ne / ay 

Fic. 49.—Organ of taste in the labium Fic. 50.—Similar organ in maxilla of the 
of Vespa vulgaris. (After Will.) same insect. (After Will.) 

Lettering of Figs. 49 and 50.—C, cuticle; P, pit in the same; Sc, sense-cell; Me, neurilemma of sense- 
cell; Ac, axis cylinder of sense-cell; Z, end of the same; WV, nerve connected with sense-cell; J7, 
matrix-cells; Gc, gland-cells. 

which ends of nerves come to the surface. The structure of these 
organs in Vespa vulgaris is shown in Figs. 49 and 50. 

It is probable that organs of 
touch are well developed in many 
insects. Leydig, Hicks, and Vial- 
lanes have described tactile hairs, 
which are situated upon pores in 
the cuticle, in which nerves end. 


~ S Figure 51 is a diagram of one of 
these hairs. 

s a The Respiratory System.—If an 

IG Ses DS Os eG erly) aster be carefully examined there 
ny, hypodermis; 4%, basal membrane; 4, 

hair; Ac, hair-cell; #, nerve; xc, nerve-cell. can be found along the sides of the 
body a series of openings. These can be easily seen in many cater- 
pillars and other larve; they are the openings of the respiratory sys- 
tem, and are termed the sfiracles. 

The number of spiracles varies greatly in different insects. 
There is, however, never more than one pair on a single segment of 
the body. They do not occur on the head, but are borne by each 
of the thoracic segments, and by the first eight abdominal segments. 
Thus there are eleven segments that may bear spiracles; but they 

are always lacking on some one or more of these. 

* For generalizations regarding these organs see Kraepelin, translated by Packard, 
American Naturalist, 1887, p. 182. 

¢ Will, F. |Das Geschmacksorgan der Insekten. Zeitschrift fiir Wissen. Zool. 
1885, p. 674. 


These spiracles are either simple openings into the respiratory 
system, or are provided with valves, sieves, or fringes of hair for the 
exclusion of dirt. They lead into a system of air-tubes termed ¢ra- 
chee. The accompanying figures will indicate the distribution of 
the main trunks of these trachez in a cockroach. There is a short 
trunk arising from each spiracle; these are all connected together 
by a large longitudinal trunk on each side of the body, and by 
numerous transverse trunks. From these large trachee there arise 
a great number of smaller ones, not shown in the figures, which 
branch and subdivide, and extend to all parts of the body. When 
one dissects an insect the viscera are found to be connected together 
by the ramifications of these trachee, so that in order to remove 
any organ it is necessary to cut some of them. The smaller 
branches of the trachez are exceedingly minute, and are intimately 

Fic. 52.—Tracheal system of Cock- Fic. 53.—Tracheal system of Cock- 

roach. The dorsal integument re- roach. The alimentary canal re- 
moved and the alimentary canal moved to show the ventral tra- 
in place. (After Mialland Denny.) cheal communications. (After 

Miall and Denny.) 

associated with the various tissues. By means of these fine tracheal 
truriks the air is carried to the various tissues; so that they are sup- 
plied with oxygen directly from the air, without the intervention of 
blood as in the higher animals. 

The minute structure of the trachee has been the source of 
much discussion. But at last it seems to be well understood. The 
walls of the tracheze are composed of three layers, which correspond 
to the layers of the body-wall. In fact the trachez are looked upon 
as invaginations of the body-wall. The continuity of the mem- 
branes of the tracheze and body-wall is shown diagrammatically in 
Fig. 54. It should be observed that it is the inner layer of the wall 
of the trachea that corresponds with the outer layer of the wall of the 


body. Thisinner layer of the wall of the trachea, the zx¢zma, like the 
cuticle is chitinous, and is shed from the trachez with the cuticle 
when the insect moults. There isa peculiarity in the structure of the 
chitinous layer of the wall of the trachez that has attracted much 
attention. It is furnished with thickenings which extend spirally. 
These give the trachee their characteristic 
transversely striated appearance. If a 
piece Lofone ot othe larvery tracheznbe 
pulled apart the intima will tear between 
the folds of the spiral thickenings, and 
the latter will uncoil from within the tra- 
chea like a thread. In some insects there 
are several parallel thickenings of the in- 
tima; so that when an attempt is made 
to uncoil the thread a ribbon-like band 
is produced, composed of several parallel 
threads. I have often observed this in the 
larger trachez of the larva of Corydalus. 
The spiral threads are wanting in the 
smaller terminal portions of the trachee. 

In many adult insects, especially those that have great powers 
of flight, the tracheze are enlarged in many places so as to form 
air-sacs. These doubtless tend to lessen the specific gravity of the 
insect. The spiral thickenings are not developed in the intima of 
these air-sacs. 

Although insects are, strictly speaking, air-breathing animals, 
many of them, as is well known, live in the water. The study of 
the ways in which aquatic insects breathe is a very interesting one ; 
it presents to us many wonderful modifications of structure. Some 
of the more common of these are described in subsequent pages of 
this book; in this place I can only make a few generalizations. 

The various modes of respiration of aquatic insects may be clas- 
sified under two heads: first, those in which the insect obtains its 
air from above the surface of the water: second, those in which the 
insect breathes the air that is mechanically mixed with the water. 

With many aquatic insects the spiracles open beneath the wings, 
which are folded upon the abdomen. The insect by coming to the 
surface of the water and lifting the tips of its wings forms a cavity 
beneath them into which the air rushes. The insect can then swim 
through the water carrying this air with it in a position where it can 
be respired. When the air becomes impure, the insect rises to the 

Fic. 54.— Section of trachea and 
body-wall. c. cuticle; Ay, hypoder- 
mis; 4, basal membrane; sf, spiral 
thickening of the intima. 


surface, forces out the air from beneath its wings and takes in a new 
supply. Water-beetles and aquatic bugs afford familiar examples of 
this mode of respiration. 

Some insects are provided with long tubes connected with their 
spiracles by means of which they can draw their supply of air from 
above the surface of the water while they crawl upon the bottom of 
shallow ponds. Our most common illustrations of this are bugs of 
the family Nepide; but the most remarkable development of this 
kind is exhibited by certain Dipterous larve of the family Syrphide, 
known as Rat-tailed Maggots. 

Although there are many insects that live in the water and draw 
their supply of air from above it, the greater number of aquatic in- 
sects breathe, as do fishes, the air that is mixed with the water. This 
is accomplished by organs known as tracheal gills. ‘These are hair- 
like or more or less plate-like expansions of the body-wall, abun- 
dantly supplied with trachee. These trachez divide and subdivide, 
and their terminations or fine branches are separated from the 
water that bathes the organ only by its thin walls. In this way the 
air contained in the trachee is separated from the air in the water 
only by a delicate membrane which admits of the transfer of gases 
between them. It will be observed that the difference between a 
tracheal gill and a true gill (as of fishes, crustacea, etc.) is that the 
true gill is supplied with vessels containing blood, which is purified 
by being brought in contact with the air in the water, while the 
tracheal gill is supplied with trachez containing air to be purified. 

Tracheal gills are usually borne by the abdomen, 
sometimes by the thorax, and in case of one genus of 
Stone-flies by the head. They pertain almost exclusively 
to the immature stages of insects; but Stone-flies of the 
genus Pteronarcys retain them throughout their existence. 

Tracheal gills vary greatly in form; in Corydalus they 
are hair-like and occur in tufts near the lateral margins 
of the abdominal segments; in the Caddice-worms they 
are thread-like, more or less branched, and irregularly dis- 
tributed over the surface of the abdomen; and in certain fig. s5,— 
Dragon-flies (Agrioninze) they are in the form of large {4413} 
plate-like caudal appendages, Fig. 55. ae 

The respiratory movements of insects have been carefully studied 
by Plateau* and others. These movements consist in general of 

* See account by Plateau, in ‘‘ The Cockroach,” by Miall and Denny, p. 159. 


alternate contraction and recovery of the figure of the abdomen in 
two dimensions, viz., vertical and transverse. 

The Reproductive Organs.—In insects the male and omni repro- 
ductive organs are placed in different individuals. In many insects 
there are marked external sexual differences of size, form, coloring, 
or character of appendages. In others it is difficult to determine 
the sex without dissection. The reproductive organs vary greatly in 
form, but agree in certain general characteristics They are con- 
tained in the abdomen, are paired, and usually open by a common 
duct near the caudal end of the body. (In the May-flies and Ear- 
wigs the reproductive organs of each side have a distinct opening.) 

In the female there is in the abdominal cavity on each side an 
ovary. This is a compound organ consisting of a series of parallel 
tubes opening into a common dvzduct. Sometimes these tubes are 
attached to each other so as to form a compact body; in other spe- 
cies each tube is free for a greater or less part of its length. These 
tubes are tapering in outline, the larger end being joined to the ovi- 
duct. Within these tubes, even in the larval state, may be found 
the developing eggs, each tube containing a single row of them grad- 
ually increasing in size from the small end of the tube towards its 
opening into the oviduct. The oviducts of the two sides unite a short 
distance from the external opening and form the vagina. There are 
usually accessory glands opening into the vagina, whose secretions 
serve to surround the eggs or to fasten them to the objects upon 
which they are laid. Connected also with the vagina are one or 
more pouches, the receptacula séminis, within which the reproduc- 
tive fluid of the male is received and stored. This fluid retains its 
fertilizing properties for a long time. Thus the queen-bee or ant 
pairs but once, though she may continue to lay fertile eggs for years. 
The fertilization of the eggs of insects takes place at the time they 
are laid. There is in one end of the shell of the egg one or more 
pores known as micropyles. Through these the spermatozoa enter 
the egg, as it passes the opening of the receptacula seminis. 

In some cases, at least, it is not necessary that an egg should be 
fertilized in order that the embryo should develop. This has been 
proven with the Honey-bee. But so far as is known the unfertil- 
ized eggs of the bee produce only males. 

The organs of the male consist of a number of tubular glands, 
often coiled together so as to form an apparently compact body, 
the zéstes. These like the ovaries are paired and located in the 
abdominal cavity. The efferent ducts of these glands, the vasa defe. 


réntia, like the oviducts unite and form an unpaired duct, ¢he diictus 
ejaculatorius. Accessory glands open into this duct. 

All insects are developed from eggs. But there are some ap- 
parent exceptions. Thus many flies retain their eggs till after they 
are hatched, if a proper place for laying them is not found earlier; 
and in some flies (the Pupipara) the young attain a considerable 
development before they are born. In the Plant-lice (Aphididz) 
there is a remarkable alternation of reproduction by budding with 
the sexual reproduction. 

CEA PPE Re lile 

IN a preceding chapter the distinguishing characters of insects 
have been discussed. We have now to study the manner in which 
the class Hexapoda is divided into its principal divisions or orders. 
Regarding this subject, there is at the present time much difference 
of opinion, Naturalists are not agreed as to the limits of the differ- 
ent orders of insects. The number recognized in standard works 
varies from seven to more than twice that number. 

Although the question is an exceedingly difficult one, it is an 
easy matter to state where the differences of opinion lie. And these 
differences do not complicate the subject greatly. 

More than a century ago Linnzus recognized seven orders of 
insects. These he named Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, 
Neuroptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Aptera. Five of these 
orders were well founded; and two were not. The Aptera was soon 
regarded as an unnatural group. It included various wingless in- 
sects, which later entomologists have distributed among the other 
orders. The Linnaan order Hemiptera included all four-winged in- 
sects in which the front wings are half horny and half membranous. 
But here Linnzus by confining his attention to the wing characters 
alone fell into error. The order Hemiptera as defined by him in- 
cluded at least two distinct orders; and those members of it with 
biting mouth-parts were separated a little later by Olivier as the 
order Orthoptera. Thus by the suppression of the Aptera, and the 
erection of the Orthoptera, the number of orders remained the same 
as proposed by Linnzus. And with these two modifications the 
Linnzan classification has been very generally accepted to this day. 

The modified Linnean system indicated above is very simple 
and for this reason many entomologists are loath to propose alter- 
ations init. But there are certain places in which this classification 
brings together insects which differ too widely to be classed in the 
same order. The science of Entomology, however, is not yet far 
enough advanced for any one to state with any degree of certainty 
in just how many cases this is true. 

One of the principal points in which there are differences of 


opinion is in regard to the order Neuroptera. In this order as de- 
fined by Linnzus there are included insects with a complete meta- 
morphosis as well as those with an incomplete one. So radical a 
difference as this can hardly be expected to occur within the limits 
of the same order.* For this reason those families in which the 
transformation is an incomplete one were separated by Erichson as 
the order Pseudoneuroptera; and the term Neuroptera restricted to 
those in which the metamorphosis is complete. This adds one to 
the list of orders. In the following pages I have considered the 
order Pseudoneuroptera, as distinct from the order Neuroptera. 

Gerstaeker and some others of the German entomologists do not 
stop with the separation of the Pseudoneuroptera from the Neurop- 
tera. They hold that there is no important character separating the 
former order from the Orthoptera; and they therefore include in the 
order Orthoptera not only the insects commonly placed there by the 
English and American entomologists, but also those of the Linnzan 
order Neuroptera in which the metamorphosis is an incomplete one. 

We have, therefore, three slightly differing systems, which agree 
as to the orders Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and 
Hymenoptera, but differ as to the other orders. These differences 
are represented in the following table. It will be noted that al- 
though the classification of Olivier and that of Gerstaeker present 
the same names, these are used with widely different signification. 
The Orthoptera of Gerstaeker includes much more, and the Neurop- 
tera much less than in the classification of Olivier. 


Orthoptera. Orthoptera. ) 

( Pseudoneuroptera. \ 


! Neuroptera. Neuroptera. 
Although the Linnzan system slightly modified in one or another 
of the three ways just indicated is still very generally accepted, 
there are many entomologists who hold that further modifications 
should be made. There are certain families, as the Earwigs, Fleas, 
Thrips, and others, each of which differs greatly from the typical 
representatives of the order in which it was at first placed. Each 
of these families have in turn been raised to the rank of an order. 
But there is as yet little agreement among systematists as to how 

* The males of the Coccids are the only insects which present an exception in this 



many of them are entitled to this rank. In the following pages 
most of these families are discussed under the head of the orders in 
which they have been most commonly placed; in each case, how- 
ever, the possible rank of the group as a distinct order is indicated. 

There is one more proposed modification of the Linnean system 
which should be noticed in this place. Nearly all of the families in 
the orders Pseudoneuroptera and Neuroptera are remarkably dis- 
tinct. Each family differs from the other families in the same order 
in much more important characters than usually distinguish families 
in the other orders. At the same time the characters which distin- 
cuish either of these orders are not well marked. For these reasons 
Professor Brauer holds that the Pseudoneuroptera and the Neurop- 
tera are not natural orders, but that the former group includes four 
and the latter three distinct orders. 

Although in some respects (as, for example, in the classing to- 
gether of the Termitide, Psocide, and Mallophaga as an order, the 
Corrodentia) I cannot follow Professor Brauer, I am inclined to think 
that in the main the school of entomologists which he represents is in 
the right as regards the number and characters of the orders of the 
Hexapoda. And I frankly confess that in adhering so closely to 
the old classification I have been greatly influenced by a desire to 
make my presentation of the subject as simple as possible, and by 
the belief that an elementary text-book should follow rather than 
lead in matters of this kind. I have, however, endeavored to pre- 
sent the facts in such a manner as to clearly indicate the ideas of 
the different schools. 

On the following page two lists of orders are given. In the first 
column are indicated the orders recognized in this work; in the sec- 
ond column are indicated the various ether orders that have been 
proposed. The reasons in each case for considering these smaller 
groups orders is given later, under the special discussion of the 

I ne 

( PLECTOPTERA. (Ephemerzde.) 
/ODONATA. (Libelluléde@.) 

peceneN ey (Mallophaga, Psocide, Ter- 



IE te 
Wi Onaae Eten Ween (Forficultd@.) 
NEUROPTERA. (Szalide, Hemerobide.) 
L\TRICHOPTERA. (Phryganezde. 

ELaD Be (USIPHONAPTERA. (Pulicid@.) 

STREPSIPTERA. (Stylopide.) 


It is not my purpose in this place to discuss the distinguishing 
features of the orders of insects. But it seems worth while to 
present here a brief tabular statement of the more important ordinal 
characters. This table will aid the student in formulating his ideas 
as to the characters of the orders and as to the relations of the 
orders to each other. It should be borne in mind, however, that a 
linear arrangement is not a natural one; it is simply a necessity of 
book-making. The arrangement adopted here is the one that I be- 
lieve best indicates the relative rank of the various orders taken as 
a whole. 

There is no doubt that the Thysanura is:'the lowest of the orders. But the 
position assigned to any one of the other orders is open to dispute. Thus we 
find in the Orthoptera certain forms (the earwigs) which show as strong affini- 
ties to the Thysanura as do any of the Pseudoneuroptera. And some entomol- 
ogists hold that the Physopoda is the lowest of the orders of winged insects. 

To enter into a detailed discussion of the reasons which have led me to 
adopt the sequence of the orders given in the following pages would be beyond 
the scope of this work; but the following generalizations will indicate the 
more important ones. 

That series of orders in which the insects undergo an incomplete metamor- 
phosis (the Ametabola) is undoubtedly lower than that (the J7etaéola) in which 
the transformation is a complete one. The chief objection to placing the latter 
series as a whole above the former is the wide separation thus brought about 
between the Neuroptera and Pseudoneuroptera. I have felt, however, that 
this was the least of two evils. Within the lower series the two orders in 
which the mouth-parts are formed for biting are placed lower on this account 
than the two orders in which the mouth is more highly modified. Of these 


two orders of biting insects there can be but little doubt that certain members 
of the Orthoptera (the crickets and katydids) reach a higher specialization in 
structure than do any of the Pseudoneuroptera. The Physopoda are undoubt- 
edly lower in structure than the Hemiptera; but they resemble that order 
more closely than any other in the structure of the mouth-parts. The deter- 
mination of the proper sequence of the orders of the Metabola is a much more 
difficult question than that of the Ametabola. Of the five orders which con- 
stitute the higher series, entomologists are agreed that the Neuroptera are the 
lowest in structure. The Hymenoptera are placed highest with almost equal 
unanimity ; not only do these insects exhibit a very high degree of organiza- 
tion, but the development of the instinctive powers reached by bees, wasps, 
and ants is greater than that attained by any other insects. The Lepidoptera 
are placed next to the Neuroptera on account of the affinities between the cad- 
dice-flies and moths. On the other hand, the higher Lepidoptera and the Dip- 
tera resemble each other in the structure of the thorax. And the pupz of 
certain Diptera (Cecidomyidz and Tipulidae) resemble more or less the pupze 
of Lepidoptera. The Coleoptera are assigned to the next highest place, with the 
belief that their complexity of structure entitles them to this rank ; but with 
no intention of suggesting affinities with the Hymenoptera on the one hand 
or the Diptera on the other. 

Following the tabular statement of the more important charac- 
ters of the orders of insects, there is given a table to aid the student 
in classifying specimens. This table is purely artificial and includes 
only adult insects. J have endeavored, however, to include in it all 
of the aberrant forms, those which the young student would find 
difficult to classify. 


A. Wingless insects which show no evidences of having descended from 
winged ancestors (¢.e., in which the thorax is simple in structure), and which 
undergo no metamorphosis. (Syzaftera.) I, THYSANURA. 

AA. Winged insects; or wingless insects in which this condition is the result 
of a retrograde development, indicated by the complicated structure of the 
thorax, or by the presence of wings in closely allied forms. (Ptexygogenea.) 
B. Insects with an incomplete metamorphosis. (Ametado/la.) 

C. Mouth-parts formed for biting ; ze, with the mandibles and maxille in 
the form of jaws. 
D. The two pairs of wings similar in structure, membranous. 
DD. The first pair of wings parchment-like; the second pair membra- 
novs, and folded in plaits longitudinally. III. ORTHOPTERA. 
CC. Mouth-parts intermediate in structure between those of the biting 
insects and those of the sucking insects: vzz., with bristle-like mandibles» 
and with flat, triangular maxille. 1V. PHYSOPODA. 


CCC. Mouth-parts formed for sucking; vzz., with the mandibles and max- 
illae bristle-like. V. HEMIPTERA. 
BB. Insects with a complete metamorphosis. (J/etado/a.) 
C. Mouth-parts formed for biting; vzz., both mandibles and maxille in the 
form of jaws. 
D. The two pairs of wings similar in structure, membranous, with many 
veins and cells. VI. NEUROPTERA. 
DD. The first pair of wings much thickened (horny) throughout their 
entire length, and meeting in a straight line down the back; the sec- 
ond pair membranous. IX. COLEOPTERA. 
CC. Mouth-parts formed for both biting and sucking; vzz., with the man- 
dibles in the form of jaws; and with the maxillz and labium fitted for 
taking liquid food. Both pairs of wings membranous, with few veins 
and cells. X. HYMENOPTERA. 
CCC. Mouth-parts formed for sucking. 
D. With four wings clothed with minute imbricated scales; mandibles 
rudimentary ; maxillz developed into a sucking tube. 
DD. With only two wings; the hind wings represented by a pair of 
knobbed, thread-like organs ; mandibles and maxille bristie-like. 

(This table includes only adult insects.) 

A. Wingless or with rudimentary wings. 
B. Mandibles and maxille retracted within the cavity of the head so that 

only their apices are visible. I. THYSANURA. 
BB. Mandibles and maxillz more or less prominent and fitted for biting. 
C. Head with long, trunk-like beak. (oreus.) VI. NEUROPTERA. 

CC. Head not prolonged into a trunk, 
D. Louse-like insects of small size; body less than one-sixth inch in 
length. (Book-lice and Bird-lice.) II. PSEUDONEUROPTERA. 
DD. Insects of various forms, but not louse-like, and, except in the case 
of some ants, with the body more than one-sixth inch in length. 
E. Abdomen with short, conical, compressed, many-jointed caudal 
appendages. (Cockroaches.) III. ORTHOPTERA. 
EE. Abdomen without jointed caudal appendages. 
F. Legs fitted for jumping. (W2engless Locusts, Grasshoppers, and 
Crickets.) III. ORTHOPTERA. 
FF. Legs fitted for running. 
G. Abdomen broadly joined to thorax. 
H. Body linear. (Wadlking-sticks.) III. ORTHOPTERA. 
HH. Body white and somewhat ant-like in form. (7vrmes.) 
HHH. Body neither linear nor ant-like in form. (Wengless 
Fire-fiy et al.) IX. COLEOPTERA, 


GG. Base of abdomen strongly constricted. (4zt/s et al.) 
BBB. Mouth-parts formed for sucking. 

C. Small abnormal insects in which the body is either scale-like or gall- 
like in form, or grub-like, and clothed with wax. The waxy covering 
may be in the form of powder, of large tufts or plates, of a continuous 
layer, or of a thin scale, beneath which the insect lives. (Cocc7zde.) 


CC. Body more or less covered with minute scales, or with thick long 
hairs. Prothorax not free (ze, closely united with the mesothorax). 
Mouth-parts usually consisting of a long ‘“‘tongue” rolled beneath the 

CCC. Body naked, or with isolated or bristle-like hairs. 

D. Prothorax not well developed, inconspicuous or invisible from above. 
Tarsi five-jointed. Mouth-parts developed into an unjointed trunk; 
palpi present. VIII. DIPTERA. 

DD. Prothorax well developed. 

E. Body strongly compressed ; tarsi five-jointed. (/7eas.) 
EE. Body not compressed ; tarsi one-, two-, or three-jointed. 

F. Last joint of tarsi bladder-like or hoof-like in form and without 
claws; mouth-parts forming a triangular, unjointed beak ; palpi 
present. IV. PHYSOPODA. 

FF. Last joint of tarsi not bladder-like, and furnished with one or 
two claws ; mouth-parts forming a slender, usually jointed beak ; 
palpi wanting. V. HEMIPTERA. 

AA. Winged. 
B. With two wings. 
C. First pair of wings transformed into club-shaped appendages. (Szy/o- 
CC. Second pair of wings rudimentary or wanting. 
D. Wings horny, leathery, or parchment-like. 
E. Mouth-parts formed for sucking. Wings leathery, shortened, or 
membranous at the tip. V. HEMIPTERA. 
EE. Mouth-parts formed for biting. Jaws distinct. 
F. Wings horny, without veins. Hind legs not fitted for jumping. 
FF. Wings parchment-like, with a network of veins. Hind legs 
fitted for jumping. III. ORTHOPTERA. 

DD. Wings membranous. 
E. Abdomen with caudal filaments. Mouth-parts rudimentary. 

F. Halteres wanting. (Cloéon and Cents, in Ephemeride@.) 

FF. Halteres present (males of Coccide). V. HEMIPTERA. 
EE. Abdomen without caudal filaments. Halteres in place of second 
wings. Mouth-parts formed for sucking. VIII. DIPTERA. 

BB. With four wings. 
C. The two pairs of wings unlike in structure. Prothorax freely movable. 


D. Front wings leathery at base, and membranous at tip, often over- 
lapping. Mouth-parts formed for sucking. V. HEMIPTERA. 
DD. Front wings of same texture throughout. 
E. Front wings horny or leathery, forming veinless wing-covers. 

F. Abdomen with caudal appendages in the form of movable for- 
ceps. (ELarwigs.) III. ORTHOPTERA. 

FF. Abdomen without forcep-like appendages. IX. COLEOPTERA, 

EE. Front wings leathery or parchment-like, with a network of veins. 
F. Under wings not folded. Mouth-parts formed for sucking. 


FF. Under wings folded lengthwise. Mouth-parts formed for biting. 


CC. The two pairs of wings similar, membranous. 
D. Last joint of tarsi bladder-like or hoof-like in form and without claws. 
IV. PHysopoDa. 

DD. Last joint of tarsi not bladder-like. 
E. Wings entirely or for the greater part clothed with scales. Mouth- 
parts formed for sucking. VII. LEPIDOPTERA. 
EE. Wings naked, transparent, or thinly clothed with hairs. 

F. Mouth-parts arising from the hinder part of the lower surface of 
the head, and consisting of bristle-like organs enclosed ina jointed 
sheath. (/fomoptera.) V. HEMIPTERA. 

FF. Mouth-parts in normal position. Mandibles not bristle-like. 
G. Wings net-veined, with many veins and cross-veins. 

H. Tarsi consisting of less than five segments. 

HH. Tarsi consisting of five segments. 
I. Abdomen with setiform, many-jointed anal filaments. 

(Certatn May-fites.) II. PSEUDONEUROPTERA. 

II. Abdomen without many-jointed anal filaments. 
GG. Wings with branching veins and comparatively few cross- 
veins, or veinless. 
H. Tarsi two- or three-jointed. 
I. Posterior wings smaller than the anterior. (Psoc¢de.) 
II. Posterior wings as large or larger than the anterior ones. 
(Certatn Stone-fites.) II. PSEUDONEUROPTERA. 
HH. Tarsi four- or five-jointed. 
I. Abdomen with setiform, many-jointed anal filaments. 
(Certain May-fizes.) II. PSEUDONEUROPTERA. 
II]. Abdomen without many-jointed anal filaments. 

J. Prothorax horny. First wings larger than the second, 
naked or imperceptibly hairy. Second wings without or 
with few, usually simple, veins. Jaws (mandibles) well de- 
veloped. Palpi small. X. HYMENOPTERA. 



JJ. Prothorax membranous or, at the most, parchment-like. 
Second wings as large as or larger than the first, folded 
lengthwise, with many branching veins. First wings 
naked or thinly clothed with hair. Jaws (mandibles) in- 
conspicuous. Palpilong, Moth like insects. (PAryga- 
needa.) VI. NEUROPTERA. 


(Lristle-tails, Spring-tails, Fish-moths, et al.) 

The members of this order are wingless insects which undergo no 
metamorphosis, the larval form being retained by the adult. The 
mandibles and maxille are retracted within the cavity of the head, 
so that only thetr apices are visible, they have, however, some freedom 
of motion, and can be used for biting and chewing soft substances. 
True compound eyes are rarely present; but in some genera there ts a 
group of agglomerated simple eyes on each side of the head. The 
abdomen ts sometimes furnished with rudimentary legs; and in one 
genus there are well-developed abdominal legs. 

This order comprises chiefly minute insects, which live on decay- 
ing vegetable matter, and can be found 
abundantly in damp _ situations; some 
species, however, live in warm and dry 
places, and feed upon starched clothing, 
the binding of books, and other dry 
substances. In the more common spe- 
cies, the body is either elongated, and 
furnished with six well-developed legs, 
and two or more long, many-jointed, 
caudal appendages (Fig. 56); or short, 

Fic. 56.—Lepisma saccharina. Fic. 57.—Paftrius fuscus. (After 
(After Lubbock.) Lubbock.) 

thick, and with a forked springing apparatus, bent under the 
abdomen, instead of the thread-like caudal appendages (Fig. 57). 

* Thysaniira: ¢hysanos (Qudayv os), a tassel; oura (ovpa), the tail. 


Owing to the small size of these insects, the majority of them 
escape the attention of all except the more careful students of 
nature. The order is, however, of great interest to entomologists ; 
for it includes the lowest or simplest of the true insects; and in it 
are found forms which show close affinities to the next lower class, 
the Myriapoda. It is thus one of the connecting links of which we 
hear so much in these days; and in it are, doubtless, forms which 
more closely resemble than any other living species those which in 
ancient geological times were the first Hexapoda to appear on the 

The low rank of these insects is indicated in many ways. The 
mouth-parts are of a primitive form; wings are never developed ; 
and the insects undergo no metamorphosis, the larval form being 
retained by the adult. 

The absence of wings in this order is believed to represent the primitive con- 
dition of these insects. None of the species show any indication of the devel- 
opment of these organs. And the thorax does not present that complication 
of structure which is the result of the development of wing-muscles. In each 
of the higher orders we find wingless species; but in these cases there is good 
reason for believing that the wingless condition is the result of a retrograde 
development. In some cases this degradation is the result of parasitic habits, 
as with lice, fleas,and mady other parasites; in other instances it is the result 
of the separation of the species into several castes, of which some do not re- 
quire wings, as the workers and soldiers among Termes, and the sedentary 
generations of the Aphides. 

Upon the distinction given above Professor Brauer separates the insects into 
two classes. The first includes only the Thysanura; this he calls the 4fzery- 
gogénea, or “ originally wingless insects ;” 
it coincides with the super-order SyxzdéJ- 
tera of Packard. The second class Brauer 
terms the Plerygogénea, or ‘originally 
winged insects.” 

The form of the mouth-parts of 
the Thysanura is very different from 
that seen elsewhere in the class 
Hexapoda. Here the mandibles 
and maxilla, although fitted for bit- 
5 ing, are retracted within the head, 
Fic. 58.—Mouth-parts of a Spring-tail, Zxfo- instead of being attached externally 

mobryide. {Brawn by J. M. Stedman, un- 

der the author’s direction.) 8, labrum; ro, cS fc 1] io in- 

mandible; 11, maxilla; 12, labium; 12d, la- as is the case with the higher we 

bial palpus. sects whose mouth-parts are formed 
for biting. Fig. 58, I, shows the relation of the jaws to the wall of 

the head in a common spring-tail, one of the Extomobryide. In this 


figure the mandibles are represented by a continuous line, and the 
maxilla by a dotted one. It will be observed that only the tips of 
these organs project from the cavity of the head. 

There are, as pointed out by Meinert and by Lubbock, among the Hexapods 
three principal forms of mouth : 

“ First, the mandibulate, in which the mandibles and maxillz are attached 
externally, and are more or less powerful and adapted for biting and chewing. 

“ Second, the suctorial, in which the mandibles and maxilla are attached 
internally, and are not opposite, but parallel, and intended for pricking. 

“ Third, the type presented by the Thysanura, in which the mandibles and 
maxilla are attached internally,and are far from strong, but still have some 
freedom of motion, and can be used for biting and chewing soft substances. 

The Thysanura includes three sub-orders; these can be separated 
py the following table: 
A. With well-developed abdominal legs, insect resembling a Myriapod in 
form. I. SYMPHYLA. 
AA. With only six well-developed legs. 
B. Without ventral abdominal sucker. Caudal appendages bristle-like and 
many-jointed, or in the form of a pair of forceps. II. CINURA. 
BB. With a bifurcated sucker or tubercle on the ventral aspect of the first 
abdominal segment. Abdomen with a springing apparatus, or without ap- 
pendages. III]. COLLEMBOLA. 

Sub-Order I.—SYMPHYLA.* 

This sub-order has been erected for the reception of a single 
genus, Scolopendrella. This genus includes certain minute insects 
the zoological position of which is in doubt. All of the known species 
are less than 7 mm. (.28 in.) in length. The general form of the 
body resembles that of a Centipede; and as with the centipedes, 
each abdominal segment bears a pair of legs. But except in the 
presence of these abdominal legs the structure of the body is more 
like that of the Cinura than that of the Myriapods. And the legs 
are five-jointed and end in two claws as in the Cinura; while in the 
Myriapoda there are six joints, and always a single large claw. 

Sub-Order II.—CINURA.+ 
(Bristle-tails and Fish-moths.) 

Among the pests that annoy the housekeeper there is one which 
is wingless, but can run rapidly, and which has long thread-like ap- 

* Symphyla: syz (ovr), together; phyla (PvA?), tribe. 
+ Cinfira: cineo (KivE@), to move; oura (OVpPA), a tail, 


pendages at the caudal end of its body. This insect, on account of 
the minute, shining scales with which its body is clothed, is known 
as the fish-moth. And it is the most familiar representative of the 
sub-order Cinura. Other species occur beneath the bark of decay- 
ing trees and in similar situations. The caudal end of the abdomen 
is usually furnished with slender bristle-like appendages. These 
suggest the popular name Bristle-tails applied to the sub-order as a 

The body consists of the head, three thoracic and ten well-marked 
abdominal segments. The antenne are large, many-jointed, some- 
times longer than the body, and generally tapering towards the end. 

The most remarkable character presented by this 
2 order is a series of sub-abdominal appendages. These 
\ rN are well shown in J/achilis (see Fig. 59). Similar ap- 
z \ pendages are attached to the coxe of the second and 

\ third pairs of thoracic legs. These abdominal appen- 

| dages are regarded as rudimentary legs. We have 

'| here, therefore, a condition approaching that exhibited 
by Scolopendrella. 

The Cinura (Thysanura of Lubbock) is divided into 
three families. These can be distinguished as follows: 

A. Body not clothed with scales. 
B. Caudal appendages unsegmented, 
horny and pincer-like. 
BB. Caudal appendages many-jointed 

SSE ers iss and thread-like. 

chilis, showing I]. CAMPODEID. 
aaa AA. Body clothed with scales. 

Family I. JAPYGID2.—The most obvious char- 
acter of this family is presented by the caudal 
appendages. These resemble those of earwigs, 
being in the form of horny forceps. The body is 
not clothed with scales; eyes are wanting. The P'S So /ofz slt/uews. 
palpi are short; and the segments of the ab- 
domen are of nearly equal width. The sub-abdominal appendages 
are represented by groups of hairs. 

Only a single genus, /apy+, has been described. /apyx subterra- 
neus “is found under stones at the mouth of a small grotto near the 
Mammoth Cave.” 

Family II. CAMPODEIDA.—This family resembles the preced- 



ing in that the body is not clothed with scales, the eyes are wanting, 

and the segments of the abdomen are of nearly 
equal width. But the caudal appendages are 
long, thread-like, and many-jointed. To each of 
the first seven abdominal segments there is at- 
tached a pair of ventral appendages, the rudi- 
mentary legs already mentioned. 

Two genera have been described. Campodea 
has two caudal appendages, and the palpi are 
minute. In Jcoletina there are three caudal 
appendages, and the palpi are long. 

Family III. LEpISMID#.—In this family the 
body is clothed with scales; the palpi are short; 
and the abdomen tapers towards the caudal end. 
The eyes are large, compound, and contiguous in 
Machilis; and small and far apart in Lepisma. 
The sub-abdominal appendages are well devel- 
oped in Machilis,; in Le- 
pisma they are confined to 

as follows: 

B. Eyes large and contiguous. 
BB. Eyes small and far apart. 

Fic. 61. — Campodea 
staphylinus. (After 

two of the posterior segments, and represented 
by groups of stiff hairs on the anterior ones. 
The three described genera are distinguished 

A. Prothorax much enlarged, and the abdomen ta- 
pering rapidiy, so that the body is almost heart- 
shaped; caudal appendages short. LEPISMINA. 

AA. Body more elongated ; caudal appendages long. 


The Fish-moth, Lepisma saccharina (Fig. 
62), is a well-known pest in some parts of the 
country. It is silvery white with a yellowish 
tinge about the antenne and legs; it measures 

Fic. 62.—Lepisma sacchaw 8mm. (.31 in.) in length. It injures clothing, 

vina. (After Lubbock.) 

especially starched clothes; and the bindings 

of books. An instance was reported to me where they caused 
the paper to cleave from the walls of a house by feeding upon 

the starch with which it was fastened in place. 


Sub-Order I.—COLLEMBOLA.* 

To this sub-order belong certain minute insects which have re- 
ceived the common name Spring-tails. They are often of micro- 
scopic size. The majority live on decaying matter; and are very 
common under stones and decayed leaves and wood, in the chinks 
and crevices of bark, among moss, and on herbage in damp places. 
Sometimes they occur abundantly in winter on the surface of snow ; 
where they appear as minute black specks, which spring away on 
either side from our feet as we walk. And some species collect in 
great numbers on the surface of standing water. 

The body consists of the head, three thoracic and six abdominal 
segments. The abdominal segments are not well marked in some 
forms. No compound eyes exist in this sub-order. There is, how- 
ever, usually a group of simple eyes on each side of the head. The 
antenne consist of but few, four to eight, segments. The mouth- 
parts are formed for biting, except in Azoura, where the mandibles 
and maxilla are wanting. 

The name Collembola refers to a curious organ situated on the 
ventral aspect of the first abdominal seg- 
ment, the ventral tube or sucker. ‘In 
Podura, Lipura, and the allied genera, this 
organ is a simple tubercle; divided into 
two halves by a central slit; in other 
genera, as, for instance, in Orchesella and 

Tomocerus, the tubercle is enlarged, and 
Pic. 63.—Papirins fuscus. (After becomes a tube divided at the free end 

into two lobes. In the Smynthuride and 
Papiriide the organ receives a still further and remarkable devel- 
opment; from the end of the tube the animal can project two 
long, delicate tubes provided at their extremity with two glands.” 
(Lubbock.) By means of this sucker and the fluid excreted by its 
glands these insects are enabled to cling to the lower surface of 
smooth objects. 

The popular name Spring-tails was suggested for these insects 
by a peculiar leaping apparatus which most of them possess. It 
consists of a long appendage of either the fourth or fifth abdominal 
segment, which extends under the abdomen towards the head. 

* Collémbola: colon (K@Aov), a limb; embole (Ee SoAN), a throwing. 


This appendage consists of a basal segment and two appendages; 
which are sometimes two-jointed, and sometimes consist of a single 
piece each. This appendage constitutes the spring. On the ven- 
tral side of the third abdominal segment in certain genera is also an 
appendage, which is termed the catch. This catch passes between 
the branches of the spring and holds it in place. By relieving the 
spring and extending it suddenly the insect is able to throw itself to 
a considerable distance. 

Some of the Collembola are clothed with scales, resembling in 
this respect butterflies and moths. These scales are very minute, 
and wonderfully sculptured. The markings on them are so minute 
that it requires a very good microscope to resolve them. On this 
account they have been much used as test objects for microscopes 
under the name of ‘ Podura scales.”’ 

The most remarkable feature in the structure of the Collembola 
is that in nearly the entire sub-order trachee are wanting; while in 
certain members, Smyuthrus, there is a well-developed respiratory 
system. The difference is a great one to exist between genera other- 
wise so closely allied. 

In certain respects the Collembola is the lowest of the three sub-orders of 
the Thysanura; and it is so placed in some of the standard works on entomol- 
ogy. The mouth-parts are very rudimentary in this sub-order; and the tra- 
cheze are rarely developed. But it has seemed more natural to me to follow 
the Myriapoda by Scolopendrilla; and to place next the sub-order Cinura, 
containing, as it does, forms with rudimentary abdominal legs. We have thus 
an unbroken series from the Myriapodous to the Hexapodous condition. In 
the Collembola we have insects which, while retaining a very primitive form 
of the mouth-parts and of the respiratory system (the result of their con- 
tinuing to feed on soft substances, and to live in damp situations), present a 
much modified form of the body, and the development of peculiar special or- 
gans, the spring and the ventral tube or sucker. We thus see well illustrated 
the difficulties, referred to elsewhere, of any attempt to arrange animals ina 
linear series. 

The Collembola is divided by Lubbock into six families. These 
can be separated by the following table: 

A. Saltatorial. 
B. Body globular. 
C. Terminal segment of abdomen short, with whorls of hair. 
CC. Terminal segment long, ringed. 2. SMYNTHURIDA. 
BB. Body cylindrical. 


C. The spring an appendage of the penultimate (fifth) abdominal segment. 
CC. The spring an appendage of the antipenultimate (fourth) abdominal 

segment. 4. PODURID&. 

AA. Non-saltatorial. 
B. Mouth mandibulate. 5. LIPURID. 
BB. Mouth suctorial. 6. ANOURID. 

Family I. PApIRiIDA.—Two genera of this family have been 
established. /apirzus is characterized by four-jointed antenne ; and 
Dicyrtoma by having the antenne eight-jointed. A large species 
from Maine and Massachusetts, measuring 2$ mm. (0.1 in.) in length, 
is described by Packard under the name Papirius marmoratus. It is 
marbled with deep dull lilac and pearl-colored lines and spots. 

Family Il. SMyYNTHURIDA.—Only a single genus of this family, 
Smynthurus, has been described. In this genus the antenne are 
four-jointed, and the respiratory system is well developed. The 
presence of trachez enable these insects to live in drier situations 
than can other members of the sub-order. The Garden Flea, Smyn- 
thurus hortensis, is described by Fitch as occurring abundantly in 
May and June, upon the leaves of young cabbage, turnip, cucumber, 
and various other plants, and also on the ground. It is dull black, 
with the head, legs, and bases of the antennz rust-color. Several 
other species of this genus have been described by Fitch and 

Family II]. ENTOMOBRYID2&.—This is by far the largest family 
in this order; nine genera having been described. These can be 
separated by the following table, which is from one given by Lub- 

A. Antenne six-jointed. ORCHESELLA. 
AA. Antenne four- or five-jointed. 
B. With scales. 
C. Terminal segments of antennz ringed. 
D. Two terminal segments ringed. 

E. Eyes seven in each group. TOMOCERUS. 
E. Eyes absent. TRITOMURUS. 
D. Third segment simple. TEMPLETONIA. 
CC. Terminal segment of antennz simple. 
D. No eyes. BECKIA. 
DD. With eyes. 
E. Head exposed. SEIRA. 

* The Degeeriade of Lubbock, The generic name Degeeria falls owing to its hav- 
ing been previously used in the Diptera. 


EE. Head more or less concealed under the thorax. LEPIDOCYRTUS, 

BB. Without scales. 
C. Abdominal segments unequal. ENTOMOBRYA. 
CC. Abdominal segments subequal. ISOTOMA. 

Family IV. PODURIDA.—The Podurid@ comprises two genera, 
Achorutes, in which the tarsi have two claws, and Podura, in which 
there is but a single claw on each tarsus. Certain species of each 
genus are found on the surface of standing water. Our common 
“Snow-flea” is Achorutes nivicola. This is sometimes a pest where 
maple-sugar is made; the insects collecting in large quantities in 
the sap. 

Family V. LipUrIDa.—The body is cylindrical in form; there 
is no saltatorial appendage; and the mouth-parts are formed for 
biting. Only a single genus, Lzpura, has been described. 

Family VI. ANOURIDA.—This family resembles the preceding 
in the cylindrical form of the body, and in the absence of a saltato- 
rial appendage ; but it differs from all other members of the Thysa- 
nura, in having the mouth-parts formed for sucking. The mouth- 
parts are exceedingly rudimentary; there being neither mandibles nor 
maxilla. There is but a single genus, Anoura, known. The name 
of this genus will doubtless be changed, as it is preoccupied by a 
genus of bats. 


(Dragon-flies, May-fites, Stone-flies, et al.) 

The members of this order have four wings, these are membran- 
ous, and usually furnished with numerous veins. The mouth-parts 
are formed for biting except in one family (Ephemeride), where they 
are rudimentary. The metamorphosis ts incomplete. 

The insects which are here classed as the order Pseudoneuroptera, 
and those which in a later part of the book are termed Neuroptera 
were formerly united in a single order, under the name Neuroptera. 
This union was based upon the similarity of the characters presented 
by the mouth-parts and the wings in the two groups. But there is 
a radical difference in the nature of the transformations. In one 
the metamorphosis is incomplete; in the other it is complete. 
Although it is difficult to find characters presented by the adult 
insects which will separate these two groups, this difference in the 
transformations indicates that they are not closely enough related 
to be placed in the same order. The term Neuroptera has, there- 
fore, been restricted to those with a complete metamorphosis; and 
the name Pseudoneuroptera, z.c., false Neuroptera, applied to those 
with an incomplete metamorphosis. 

The beginning student, in the classification of his specimens, will 
find some difficulty in separating these two orders. But this can be 
done by means of the table on pages 49 to 52. And assoon as one 
becomes familiar with the families included in these orders there 
will be no necessity for the use of the table. 

In the linear arrangement I have adopted, these two closely- 
allied orders become widely separated; this results from the separa- 
tion of the orders into two series, in one of which the metamorpho- 
sis is incomplete, in the other complete. 

The Pseudoneuroptera is not a well-marked order. Not only is 
it difficult to distinguish it from the Neuroptera, but it includes 
families which differ greatly from each other. The differences be- 

* Pseudoneuroptera: pseudes (WevdnNS), false; Neuroptera. 


tween the families are much greater than is usual between the families 
of the same order. On this account it is proposed by Professor 
Brauer to break the Pseudoneuroptera up into at least four orders, 
one for each of the first three families, and one for the last three. 
It remains to be seen whether this multiplication of the orders will 
be accepted by entomologists generally. 

Owing to the great differences which exist between the families 
of the Pseudoneuroptera, I will not attempt to make further gener- 
alizations respecting the group in this place. 

The Pseudoneuroptera is represented in this country by six 
families. These can be separated by the following table: 


A. With four or two well-developed wings. 
B. Antenne inconspicuous, awl-shaped, short and slender. 
C. First and second pair of wings nearly of the same length; tarsi three- 

jointed. 2. LIBELLULIDA. 
CC. Second pair of wings either smaller or wanting; tarsi four- or five- 
jointed. 1. EPHEMERIDZ. 
BB. Antenne usually conspicuous, setiform, filiform, clavate, capitate, or 
C. Tarsi two- or three-jointed. 
D. Second pair of wings the smaller. 5. PSOCIDA. 
DD. Second pair of wings broader, or at least of the same size as the 
first pair. 3. PERLID. 
CC. Tarsi four-jointed; wings equal. 6. TERMITIDA. 
AA. Wingless, or with rudimentary wings. 
B. Tarsi four-jointed. 6. TERMITIDA. 

BB. Tarsi three-jointed. 
C. Wingless, or with two rudimentary wings of a leathery substance. 

CC. Four rudimentary wings, still with distinct venation. 3. PERLID2. 
BBB. Tarsi two- or one-jointed. 4. MALLOPHAGID. 

Family I—EPHEMERID4.t+ 
Order PLECTOPTERA of some authors. 
The May-flies or Ephemerids are often very common insects in the 
vicinity of streams, ponds, and lakes; frequently the surface of such 
bodies of water is thickly strewn with them. They are attracted by 

* After Baron Osten Sacken, in Hagen’s Synopsis. 
+ Epheméride, Ephémera: ephemeron (Epyuepor), a may-fly. 
{ Plectoptera ; plectos (tA eKTOS), plaited ; pteron (wrepor), a wing. 


lights; and it is not an uncommon occurrence in summer-time to see 
hundreds of them flying about a single street-lamp. 

They are very fragile insects, 
with large delicate fore wings, 
with the hind wings much smaller 
or wanting, and with the abdo- 
men furnished at its caudal end 
with either two or three many- 
jointed, thread-like appendages 
(Figs. 64 and 64a). 

The body is smooth, not 

Fic. 64.—May-fly. Fic. 64a.—Cenis. 

clothed with scales or hairs. The head is free, with atrophied 
mouth-parts, and inconspicuous antenne. These are composed 
of two short stout segments succeeded by a slender many-jointed 
bristle. The thorax is robust, with the mesothorax predomi- 
nant. The great development of this segment is correlated 
with the large size of the fore wings. The abdomen is long, 
soft, and composed of ten segments. In the male there is a pair 
of clasping organs placed ventrally at the extremity of the ninth seg- 
ment; these are usually two-, three-, or four-jointed, and are termed 
the forceps-limbs. Just behind the forceps-limbs are the paired ex- 
ternal sexual organs. The form of the external parts of the repro- 
ductive organs is remarkable; each vas deferens and each oviduct 
has a separate opening. Inthe male these openings are between the 
ninth and tenth abdominal segments, as indicated above; in the fe- 
male, between the seventh and eighth. 

The May-flies have received considerable attention in popular 
writings on account of their ephemeral existence in the adult state. 
All have read of the insects that live but a day. Reference is made 
in these accounts tomembers of this family ; and although the popu- 
lar idea is fallacious, it has some foundation in fact. Strictly speak- 
ing, the May-flies are long-lived insects; some species appear twice 
annually, once in the spring, and again in the autumn; but as a rule 
one, two, or even three years are required for the development of a 


generation. The greater part of this time is passed, however, beneath 
the surface of water; and after the insect emerges into the air and 
assumes the adult form its existence is very brief. With many 
species the individuals leave the water, undergo two transformations, 
mate, lay their eggs, and die in the course of an evening or early 
morning. And although the adults of many genera live several days, 
the existence of these insects is very short compared with members 
of other families. 

The females lay their eggs in water. Some short-lived species dis- 
charge the contents of each ovary ina mass. Specimens are often 
found in which there project from the caudal end of the body two 
parallel subcylindrical masses of eggs, one protruding from each of 
the openings of the oviducts. Egg-clusters of this kind “laid upon 
the water rapidly disintergrate, so as to let the eggs sink broad-cast 
upon the river-bed. The less perishable species extrude their eggs 
gradually, part at a time, and deposit them in one or the other of 
the following manners: either the mother alights upon the water at 
intervals to wash off the eggs that have issued from the mouths of 
the oviducts during her flight; or else she creeps down into the 
water—enclosed within a film of air, with her wings collapsed so as to 
overlie the abdomen in the form of anacute narrowly linear bundle, 
and with her setz closed together—to lay her eggs upon the under 
side of stones, disposing them in rounded patches, in a single layer 
evenly spread, and in mutual contiguity.” (EATON.) 

With most May-flies the general form of the body in the immature 
stages resembles somewhat that of the adult. The newly-hatched 
nymphs respire through the integument at large. During the first 
few days after their birth the young cast their skin several times, 
the intervals between the moultings lengthening by degrees. Rudi- 
ments of tracheal gills begin to appear when the insect 
is eight or ten days old; they bud forth from the hinder 
lateral angles of some or all of the first seven abdominal 
segments; and, like the parts of the mouth, are modi- 
fied considerably in detail before they acquire their 
ultimate shapes. They may be either thread-like, 
tufted, or plate-like in form. In Olgoneura and /Jolia 
there is a pair of tracheal gills attached to the base of 
the maxilla. This isa striking exception to the general Fc. 65—Nymph 

rule that external organs of respiration do not appear 
on the head of insects. Fig. 65 represents a nymph of a May- 


fly, a common representative of this family found under stones in 
the beds of streams at Ithaca. 

““May-fly nymphs mostly feed upon either mud or minute aquatic 
vegetation, such as covered stones and the larger plants ; but (judg- 
ing by their mandibles and maxilla) some must be predaceous. 
Many of them live in concealment in the banks or under stones in 
the bed of streams, rivers, and lakes; others ramble openly amongst 
water-weeds and swim with celerity.” (EATON.) The nymphs of 
May-flies undergo many moults ; C/oéon, according to the observations 
of Lubbock, sheds its skin twenty-one times. In this insects there 
are no traces of wings until the ninth state; then the hinder lateral 
angles of dorsal aspect of the meso- and metathorax become slightly 
produced. With each successive moult these prolongations become 
more marked, until in the twentieth state, the last passed under 
water, the rudimentary wings cover half or the whole of the third 
abdominal segment. The wing-cases are not inverted (see page 6). 

Most members of this family exhibit a remarkable peculiarity in 
their development. After the insect leaves the water and has ap- 
parently assumed the adult form, that is, after direct respiration 
through the spiracles has been established, and the wings have be- 
come fully expanded, it moults again. This is the only instance in 
which insects with fully developed wings cast their skin. The term 
subimago is applied to this stage between the nymph and the final 
form of the insect. With some species the duration of the sub- 
imago stage is only a few minutes; the insect moults on leaving the 
water ; flies a short distance; and moults again. In others this stage 
lasts twenty-four hours or more. 

The adults of the Ephemeride eat nothing. Not only is the 
period of existence in this state so brief that food in addition to 
that taken in the nymph state is unnecessary, but the imperfect con- 
dition of the mouth precludes the taking of nourishment. With 
many species of May-flies there is great uniformity in the date of 
maturing of the individuals. Thus immense swarms of them will 
leave the water at about the same time, and in the course of a few 
days pass away; this being the only appearance of the species until 
another generation has been developed. The great swarms of 
“Lake-flies ” (Aphémera simulans), which appear along our northern 
lakes about the third week in July, afford good illustrations of this 
peculiarity. And an instance is on record where May-flies thronged 
to the gas-burners in a store and actually quenched the flames. 

The Ephemeride are regarded as the lowest living representatives 


of one of the lines of development of winged insects. This posi- 
tion is indicated by fan-like form of the wings, which is characteristic 
of the primordial insects, and by the paired openings of the repro- 
ductive organs, a feature not found in highly developed animals. 

Our representatives of this family have not been thoroughly 
studied. Eaton in his monograph* enumerates less than one hun- 
dred species from the whole of North America. But these he dis- 
tributes among more than twenty genera. The following key is 
based on the characters given for the genera and groups of genera 
by this author. It will aid the student in classifying his specimens ; 
but it should be regarded as merely provisional. 

In distinguishing subordinate groups in the Ephemeridz much use is made 
of the venation of the wings. It is necessary here to describe only that of the 
fore wings. The system adopted is that of Eaton. 

The principal nerves of the fore wing showa tendency to be segregated into 
three groups, as follows: (Fig. 66.) 

Fic. 66.—Fore wing of May-fly. 

Group I.—This group consists of three veins, which communicate directly 
with the thorax. These are named the cdsta (c), subcdsta (sc), and radzus (r). 
The costa is coincident with the anterior margin of the wing; and the sub- 
costa and radius are nearly parallel with it; the three veins are united near the 
base of the wing by the great cross vein. 

Group II.—This group also consists of three principal veins; but the first of 
these gives off a prominent branch before the middle of the wing, which is 
termed the séctor (s). The sector is a branch of the caédztus (cu) ; just behind 
the cubitus is the prebrachial (pr), and behind that the fostbrachial (fo). 
This group of veins is annexed to the first group, or terminates in the wing 
membrane adjacent to it, close to the base of the wing. 

Group III.—The remaining veins constitute the third group. This is asso- 
ciated with the prominent curved or angulated crease in the membrane of the 
wing, which forms the boundary of a depression near the base of the wing. 
The first vein of this group is the ava/ (a) ; the remaining ones are termed the 
axillary veins (ax', ax*, ax*, etc). The anal vein as a rule subtends directly the 
anal angle of the wing; in one group of genera it is joined at its base to the 
postbrachial vein. 

* A Revisional Monograph of Recent Ephemeride or May-flies, by the Rev. A. E. 
Eaton. This work is to form Volume III. of the Trans. of the Linn. Soc. of London. 
Only four parts have appeared at the present writing. 



A. At the base of the fore wing the anal vein (a) meets the postbrachial (fo); 
hind tarsi, when not atrophied, have four distinct joints. 
B. Female with the hind legs longer than the other pairs; male with the 
forceps-limbs sessile upon the border of the segment. 
C. Includes males only. Two caudal setz in both genera. 
D. Hinder lateral angles of the 9th abdominal segment produced into a 

short, tooth-like spine. JOLIA. 
DD. Hinder lateral angles of the abdominal segments subrectangular. 
CC. Includes females only. 
D. Two caudal sete. JOLIA. 
DD. Three caudal sete. POLYMITARCYS. 

BB. Fore legs of females at least as long as hind legs; male with the forceps- 
limbs inserted at the sides of the terminal border of a short transverse 
laminar lobe prolonged from the segment. 

C. Includes males only. 
D. Median seta extremely rudimentary. 
E. Fore leg nearly as long as body; the tibia about 1$ as long as 
femur. Segments of caudal sete well marked. External sexual 

organs strongly hooked. HEXAGENIA. 

_ EE. Fore leg about half as long as body; tibia about 13 as long as 

femur. Segments of caudal sete inconspicuous. External sexual 

organs nearly straight. PENTAGENIA. 

DD. Median seta about as long as the others. EPHEMERA. 
CC. Includes females only. 

D. Median seta extremely rudimentary. HEXAGENIA. 

DD. Median seta about as long as the others. 
E. Abdominal segments 6-10 together constituting about % of the ab- 
domen; segments of the caudal setz well marked. EPHEMERA. 
EE. Abdominal segments 6-10 together constituting 4 of the ab- 
domen; segments of the caudal setz inconspicuous. 
AA. Anal vein (a) of fore wing does not directly meet the postbrachial vein 

(fo), but is connected with it by a more or less distinct channel of circula- 

tion in the membrane. 

B. The channel of circulation connecting postbrachial and anal veins ob- 
solete (except in Cenzs, a two-winged genus). Hind tarsi with tour 
distinct joints. 

C. Hind wings well developed; with a sharply defined, almost right-an- 
gled projection situated at about the first 4+ of the costal margin. 
CC. Hind wings of small or moderate proportions. 
D. Hind wings either gently and on the whole continuously curved in 
front, or else suddenly retracted in the middle of the fore margin. 
E. Hind tibia usually longer than the femur, rarely subequal to it. 


F. Hind wings in front somewhat depressed in the middle. 
G. Median caudal seta subequal to the others. | LEPTOPHLEBIA. 
GG. Median caudal seta far shorter than the others. BLASTURUS. 
FF. Hind wing strongly angulated in front. 
G. Basal joint of forceps-limb about as long as the remainder ; 
female with ventra! lobe of segment g bifid and excised. 
GG. Basal joint of foreceps-limb very short; joint 2 longer than 
the remainder; female with ventral lobe of segment 9 obtuse. 
E. Hind tibia rather shorter than the femur. EPHEMERELLA. 
DD. Costal border of hind wings spurred or protuberant at about the 
first + of the wing’s length. 
E. Hind wings small, and extremely narrow; costal projection usually 
very slender. CENTROPTILUM. 
EE. Hind wings broad, oblong, and obtuse. 
F. Hind wings with numerous cross-veins; costal projection large 

and rounded. CALLIBATIS. 
FF. Hind-wings with but few or no cross-veins; costal projection 
small and acute or wanting. BATIS. 

CCC. Hind wings wanting. 
D. With two caudal sete. CLEON. 
DD. With three caudal sete. (fig. 642.) CANIS. 

BB. Channel of circulation connecting nerves 8 and 7 well defined; hind 
tarsi with five distinct joints. 
C. Space between anal (a) and first axillary (a%’) veins subtended by the 
outer half of the inner margin of the wing and the anal angle. 
D. Tibize of the hind legs longer than, or at least subequal in length to, 
the tarsi. 
E. Proximal joint of the hind tarsus shorter than the second joint. 
F. Tarsal claws dissimilar ; costal dilatation of the hind wing acute. 

FF. Tarsal claws alike, narrow and hooked ; costal dilatation of the 
hind wing obtuse. CHIROTONETES. 

E. Proximal joint of the hind tarsus subequal to the second joint; 
tarsal claws dissimilar; costal dilatation of the hind wing almost 

right-angled. AMELETUS. 

DD. Tibize of the hind legs shorter than the tarsi; proximal joint of 
the hind tarsus longer than the second joint. SIPHLURUS. 
CC. Space between anal (a) and first axillary (a%') veins subtended en- 
tirely by a part of the terminal margin of the wing. B&TISCA, 
CCC. Space between anal and first axiliary veins subtended by the anal 
angle and a part of the terminal margin. HEPTAGENIA.* 

*The American representatives of this genus have been distributed by Eaton 
among five genera, which are distinguished by such slight and inconstant variations 
in structure that I have been unable to express them in a tabular form. 


Family I1._—LIBELLULID&.* 

Order ODONATA + of some authors. 

The Dragon-flies are very common insects in the vicinity of 
streams, ponds, and lakes. Many of them are of large size; and, as 
they fly vigorously during the day-time, they are well known. They 
have consequently received a number of popular names. The most 
common of these used in this country are Dragon-flies, Darning- 
needles, Spindles, and Snake-doctors. 

The form of members of the Libellulidze is very characteristic 
(Fig. 67). The most striking features are the long, spindle-shaped 
body, and the long, nar- 
row, powerful wings; of 
which the second pair 
are as large as or larger 
than the first pair. 

The head of a dragon- 
fly is large, broad, often 
semi-globose, and con- 
cave behind. A con- 
siderable part of its sur- 
face is occupied by the 
enormously developed 
compound eyes. The 
antenne are short; 
they consist of from five to eight segments; of these the two basal 
ones are thick, the others form a bristle-like organ. The mouth- 
parts are well developed. The labrum is prominent; the mandibles 
and maxille are both strongly toothed; and the labium consists of 
three large lobes, which with the labrum nearly enclose the jaws 
whensaterest. he thorax is large. The wines-are vasa rules or 
nearly similar size and structure; they are richly netted with veins; 
and the front border of each is divided into basal and apical parts 
by what is termed the nodus (x, Fig. 71). The veins and cells are 
much used in classification; the terms applied to them are given in 
the explanation of Fig. 71. The abdomen is long, slender, and 
more or less nearly cylindrical; the caudal end is furnished with 

Fic. 67.—Plathemis trimaculata. (From Sanborn.) 

* Libelltilide, Libellula: /ie//a, a water-level, on account of the position of the wings 
during flight. 
+ Odonata: odous (06 0vS), a tooth. 


clasping organs. The most remarkable peculiarity of the order is 
the fact that the copulatory organs of the male are distinct from the 
opening of the vasa deferentia; the former are situated on the 
second abdominal segment, the latter on the ninth. Before pairing 
the male conveys the seminal fluid to a bladder-like cavity on the 
second abdominal segment; this is done by bending the tip of the 
abdomen forward. The pairing takes place during flight. The 
male seizes the neck of the female with his anal clasping organs; 
the female then curves the end of her abdomen to the organs on the 
second abdominal segment of the male. 

The eggs are laid in water. In some species the female flies 
back and forth over the surface of the water, sweeping down at in- 
tervals to touch it with the tip of her abdomen, and thus wash off 
one or more eggs into it. In other cases the eggs are laid in a mass. 
On one occasion, in company with my class, I saw a dragon-fly pois- 
ing herself in the air a short distance above the point where a water- 
plant emerged from the water. At frequent intervals the insect de- 
scended with aswift curved motion, pushing the end of her abdomen 
into the water. On examination a large cluster of eggs were found 
attached to the plant just below the surface. Professor Uhler has 
observed a dragon-fly alight upon a water-plant, and, pushing the 
end of her body below the surface of the water, glue a bunch of 
eggs to the submerged stem or leaf. 

The nymphs of dragon-flies (Figs. 68 and 69) pass their lives in 

Fic. 68.—Nymph of Dragon-fly, Agrioninz. Fic. 69.—Exuviz of nymph of Dragon-fly. 

the water. They are predacious, feeding on such aquatic animals 


as they can overcome. The form of the body varies greatly, some 
species being quite slender, while others are nearly as broad as long. 
These insects are, however, easily recognized. The general appear- 
ance of the body is quite characteristic in spite of the variations in 
its proportions. There are also certain well-marked structural char- 
acters which distinguish the nymphs of dragon-flies from all other 
insects. The most available of these characters is the form of the 
mouth-parts. The mouth is furnished with well-developed mandi. 
bles and maxille, all of which are armed with strong teeth. But 
none of these is visible when the insect is at rest. The lower lip is 
greatly enlarged, and so formed that it closes over the jaws conceal- 
ing them. For this reason it has been termed the mask. But it is 
much more than a mask; it is a powerful weapon of offence. It is 
greatly elongated; and is jointed in such a way that it can be thrust 
out forward in front of the head. It is armed at its extremity 
with a pair of sharp hooks, adapted for seizing and retaining its 

An equally remarkable peculiarity of these insects in their 
nymph stage is the form of the organs of respiration. The caudal 
part of the alimentary canal, the rectum, is modified so as to con- 
stitute a tracheal gill. It is somewhat enlarged; and its walls are 
abundantly supplied with trachee. Water is alternately taken in 
and forced out through the anal opening; by this process the air in 
the trachez, with which the walls of the rectum are sup- 
plied, is purified in the same manner as in an ordinary 
tracheal gill. 

In addition to the rectal tracheal gill, certain dragon- 
flies possess in their nymph stages other organs of respira- 
tion. Thus, in the Agrionine there are leaf-like caudal 
tracheal gills (Figs. 68 and 70); in some of the Caloptery- 
ginz we find lateral abdominal tracheal gills; and in cer- 
tain forms there are even closing stigmata on the thorax 
Fic. 70. and abdomen. 

ea ed The rectal tracheal gill of immature dragon-flies is an 

Dragon. Organ of locomotion, as well as of respiration. By draw- 
ing water into the rectum gradually, and expelling it 
forcibly, the insect is able to dart through the water with consider- 
able rapidity. 

When the nymph of a dragon-fly is fully grown it leaves the 
water to transform. The skin of the nymph splits open on the back 
of the thorax and head, and the adult emerges, leaving the empty 


skin of the nymph clinging to the object upon which the transfor- 
mation took place. Fig. 69 represents such a skin clinging to the 
stem of a water-plant. 

The dragon-flies are predaceous in the adult as well as in the 
nymph state; hence their vigorous flight and strong jaws render 
them formidable foes of less powerful insects. 

It is not strange that there should be many popular superstitions 
regarding insects so conspicuous as these. It is a common belief 
among children that they have the power of sewing up the ears of 
people, hence the name darning-needle; while the negroes in the 
Southern States believe that the dragon-flies hover over dead snakes, 
bringing them to life, and consequently call them snake-doctors. 

The Libellulide is a remarkably well-defined group of insects. 
The wings are peculiar in form and venation, and especially in the 
possession of the nodus; the reproductive organs of the male are 
very distinct in form from those of any other insects; and in the 
nymph the structure of the mouth-parts and the organs of respira- 
tion are equally peculiar. Owing to these important differences 
which exist between the Libellulidaz and the most nearly allied in- 
sects, certain entomologists regard the group as an order, to which 
they apply the name Odonata. 

ft Pte. US WM. SC. SNS. MS. f1S. BC. SS. A 
: wets s 4 i f 3 wh eer 

‘ 1 einer T | | i 

Fic. 71.—Wing of Dragon-fly, “schnua. A, arc or arculus; aa, anal angle; ac, antecubital cross-veins; 
am, accessory membrane or membranule; a@#, anal triangle; da, basal area or space; c, c, costal 
vein; d,d, d, discoidal areolets ; 7#, internal triangle ; 2s, lower sector of triangle, a prolongation of 
poo; ts’, branch of ¢s ; 7, #z, median vein ; #za, median area or space; ms, ms, Median sector; 2, 
nodus; zs, nodal sector; Aca, fca, postcostal area ; co, postcostal vein, prolonged into és; pcx, 
postcubital cross-veins ; gs, fs, principal sector ; A, pterostigma; g, quadrangle or area above the 
triangle ; sc, sc, subcostal vein; sz, submedian vein, prolonged into xs; ss, subnodal sector ; ss, 
ss, short sector; 7, discoidal triangle, usually termed ¢he triangle ; ws, upper sector of the triangle, 
a prolongation of sm. 

Figure 71 illustrates the nomenclature of the parts of the wing 
in insects of this order. 



A. Wings alike, vertically folded in repose. (Eyes remote and peduncled.) 
B. Antecubital cross-veins numerous, at least five in number. (Wings al- 
most always not petiolated.) 1. CALOPTERYGINA. 
BB. Antecubital cross-veins two only. (Wings always distinctly petiolated.) 
AA. Hind wings differently shaped from front wings; all four wings carried 
horizontally in repose. 
B. Antecubitals of the first and second series not corresponding except at 
base. Base of second series of postcubitals with cross-veins. 

C. Eyes remote. 4. GOMPHINE. 
CC. Eyes touching at a single point, the touching part of each forming an 
acute angle. 5. CORDULEGASTERINZ. 

CCC. Eyes touching for a considerable space, the touching part straight, 
or at a single point (4schzna heros), the touching part rounded ina 
single curve. 3. ALSCHINE. 

BB. Antecubitals of the first and second series corresponding. Base of the 
second series of postcubitals with no cross-veins. 

C. Each eye laterally tubercled behind. 6. CORDULINE. 

CC. Posterior edge of each eye simple. 7. LIBELLULINE. 

CALOPTERYGIN&.—There are only two genera of this sub-family repre- 
sented in our fauna. In Calépteryx the wings are very broad, and the basal 
space has no transverse veins. Heferina differs in having the wings rather 
narrow, and with the basal space reticulated. In this genus the base of the 
wings in the male is blood-red. 

AGRIONIN&.—The greater number of our species belong to ZLes¢es and 
Agrion. In Léstes the median and subnodal sectors arise from the principal 
sector nearer the arculus than the nodus; while in Agrion these sectors arise 
under the nodus. 

/ESCHNIN/.—The greater number of our species belong to the typical genus 
schna. In the males of this genus the anal angle of the posterior wings is 
acute, the lower anal appendage is usually triangular, and the second abdom- 
inal segment bears upon each side a little ear-like tubercle. Of the genus 
Anax we have one common species, A. janzus. This is a large insect, measur- 
ing in length 68-74 mm., and having an alar expanse of 104-110 mm. In the 
males of this genus the anal angle of the posterior wings is rounded like that 
of the females; the lower anal appendage is short and truncate; and the 
second abdominal segment has not ear-like appendages. 

GOMPHIN#&.—In the typical genus Gomphus the triangles of all of the wings 
are without transverse veins; this genus includes many species, In the genera 
to which the following species pertain the triangles have transverse veins. 
Tachopteryx thoreyz is a large insect expanding 100 mm.; it is remarkable for 
the length of the pterostigma, which measures 9 mm. Hagénzus brevistylus is 
an even larger species, which expands 104-114 mm. The pterostigma meas- 

* After B: D. Walsh, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. II. p: 250; 


ures only 6 mm., and the tarsi are very long. These two species are our most 
common representatives of this division of the Gomphine. 
CORDULEGASTERIN®.—Our only genus is Cordulegaster, of which but few 
species are found in the United States. 
CORDULIN#.—We have three genera of this sub-family, each of which is 
well represented in our fauna. These are Wacérmda, Epithéca, and Cordiiléa. 

LIBELLULIN&.—This sub-family is represented in our fauna by at least ten 

Family I1].—PERLID&.* 
Order PLECOPTERA of some authors.t 

The family Pérdide includes comparatively few species; but 
members of it are common about any of our creeks. These insects 
are called Stone-flies because the immature forms are very abun- 
dant under stones in the bed of streams. The adults are found fly- 
ing about or resting upon herbage in the vicinity of water. 

The body is depressed, elongated, and with the sides nearly par- 

Fic. 72.—Pteronarcys regalis. 

allel (Fig. 72). The prothorax is large. The antennz are long, 
tapering, and many-jointed. The wings are unequal, the second 
pair being the larger, and lie upon the abdomen when at rest. The 
tarsi are three-jointed; and in most species the caudal end of the 
abdomen is furnished with two sete. 

* Pérlidze, Pérla: a proper name. 
+ Plecéptera: plecos (t1EKoOS), plaited; pteron (Wrepor), a wing. 


It is easy to obtain the nymphs of these insects; by lifting 
stones from the water of swiftly flowing streams the young stone-flies 
may be found closely adhering to their lower 
surface. They present a wonderfully flat- 
tened appearance (Fig. 73): the body is de- 
pressed, and closely applied to the stone; 
while the legs, antennez, and caudal sete ra- 
diate from it on the surface of the stone. In 
our common forms there is a tuft of hair- 
like tracheal gills just behind the base of 
each leg. And the more mature individuals 
present conspicuous wing-pads. 

The nymphs of stone-flies constitute an 
important element in the food of fishes. I 
have found them more often than any other 
insects in the stomachs of brook trout. 

When about to transform to the adult 

state the insect crawls from the water upona 
Ue eet) stone On Somenother object. Their exuvie 
are common in these situations. The females of certain exotic spe- 
cies have been observed to carry their eggs about with them, 
attached in a globular mass to the end of the abdomen, for some 
time before they are laid in the water. Probably our species pre- 
sent a similar habit. 

The greater number of our species belong to the genus Perda. 
In this genus the wings have but few transverse veins; the anal 
space of the posterior wings is large and folded; the palpi are bris- 
tle-like; and there are two caudal sete. The genus Plerondrcys 
(Fig. 68) is of great scientific interest, owing to the presence of 
tracheal gills throughout the entire life of the insects. The gills of 
Pteronarcys consist of little tufts of short slender filaments, of which 
there is a pair on the ventral aspect of each thoracic, and the first 
and second abdominal segments. The wings in this genus are 
densely net-veined. 

There are several species of stone-flies that appear in the adult 
state upon the snow on warm days in the latter half of winter. 
They become more numerous in early spring, and often find their 
way into our houses. The most common one in Central New York 
is the small snow-fly, Capuza pygm@a. It is black, with gray hairs. 
The female measures 9 mm. in length, and has an expanse of wings 
of 16 mm. The male measures only 44 mm. (0.18 inch), and has 


short wings which extend only two-thirds the length of the ab- 

In England certain stone-flies are much used by anglers. One, 
Chloropérla viridis, is well known under the name “ Yellow Sally,” 
and a species of Wemoura is called the “ Willow-fly.’ 

Family 1V.—TERMITID&.* 
(Termites, or Whitte-ants.) 

The Termites, or white-ants, are social insects, which live in large 
societies, consisting of several distinct forms of individuals. They 
are chiefly tropical; but there is one species which is commonly dis- 
tributed over the United States east of the Rocky Mountains; and 
several others occur farther west. 

These insects can be easily recognized by the pale color of the 
greater number of individuals of which a colony is composed, by the 
fact of their living in large ant-like colonies, and by the form of the 
abdomen, which is broadly joined to the thorax instead of being 
pedunculate as in the ants. 

The Termites are commonly called white-ants on account of 
their color and of a resemblance in form and habits to the true ants. 
These resemblances, however, are only very general. In structure 
the Termites and ants are widely separated; as the former are 
among the lowest of winged insects, while the latter stand near the 
head of the series. In habits there is little more in common than 
that both are social, and the fact that in each the function of repro- 
duction is restricted to a few individuals, while the greater number 
differ in form from the sexually mature males and females, and are 
specially adapted to the performance of the labors of the com- 

This development of distinct castes for the performance of spe- 
cial functions is carried much farther among the Termites than it is 
among the ants and other social Hymenoptera. In the latter there 
are only three forms: males, females or queens, and workers, which 
are imperfectly developed females. With the Termites there are 
nearly three times as many. 

If a white-ants’ nest be opened at any season of the year there 
will be found a large number of individuals of a dirty-white color, 

* Termitide: Zermes, a white-ant. 


and of the form represented in Fig. 74. These are named the 
workers, for upon them devolve nearly all the labors 
of the colony. They may be looked upon as indi- 
viduals, whose physical, and especially sexual, devel- 
opment has been checked while yet nymphe and 
never carried farther. But the development of their 
instinctive powers is truly remarkable; for it is this 
caste that builds the nests, collects the provisions, 
and cares for the young. A study of the internal 
anatomy of workers has shown that both sexes are 
SG ne Aer represented in this caste; the reproductive organs 
are, however, but little developed. 

_ Associated with the workers, and resembling them in color and 
in being wingless, there occur numerous representatives of another 
caste, which can be recognized by the enormous size of their heads 
(Fig. 75). These are the soldiers. Upon this caste 
devolves the protection of the colony. And they are 
well adapted for this work, their powerfully developed 
mandibles rendering them formidable creatures. We 
find among the soldiers, as among the workers, both 
sexes represented. In some species the male and 
female soldiers differ externally, so that they can be 
distinguished without dissection. But here, as with 
the workers, the reproductive organs are rudimen- 

At a certain season of the year, late spring 
or early summer for our common species, there BiG IS etaae 
can be found in the nests winged individuals; 
these are the males and females. These differ greatly in appear- 
ance from the workers and soldiers. In our species, 7érmes fla- 
vipes, they are black or dark chestnut in color; the body measures 
5 mm. (0.2 in.) in length; while the wings expand 16 mm. (0.63 in.). 
The wings when not in use are placed lengthwise upon the back, 
and project more than half their length beyond the end of the body. 
The two pairs of wings are of nearly equal size, and are furnished 
with numerous veins. In May or June these winged males and 
females leave the nest in a body. Sometimes clouds of them ap- 
pear. After flying a greater or less distance they alight on the 
ground, and then shed their wings. At this time the males seek 
the females, seizing hold of them with their mandibles; but it is 
believed that pairing does not take place till a later period. The 


greater number of the individuals composing one of these swarms 
soon perish. They fall victims to birds and other insectivorous 
animals. But in a few cases a couple is taken in charge by some 
workers; and thus is founded a newcolony. There is usually at 
the head of a colony only a single pair of sexual individuals. These 
have been termed the King and Queen. It should be borne in 
mind, however, that they are simply the parents of the community ; 
for all of the individuals in a colony, except the founders who 
“elected” this King and Queen, are their offspring ; and in no case 
among insects do we find rulers at the head of a community. It 
would have been better in each case had the term Mother been ap- 
plied to the individual at the head of acolony of Termites, ants, bees, 
or wasps; asthe function of such an individual is merely the produc- 
tion of eggs. Acell is provided by the worker Termites for their 
King and Queen. This is shaped like an inverted 
watch-glass, and is furnished at first with a single 
small opening; later there are several. Within this 
cell the royal pair remain prisoners; but they are 
carefully attended by numerous workers. As the 
eggs develop in the body of the female her abdo- 
men becomes greatly extended. Fig. 76 represents 
such a queen, natural size. The specimen figured 
is from India, and was kindly given to me by Dr. 
Hagen. The dark spots along the middle of the 
dorsal wall of the abdomen are the chitinized parts 
of that region; the lighter portions are made up of 
the very much stretched membrane uniting the 
segments; along each side of the abdomen the spi- 
racles are visible. This specimen is a comparatively 
small one; in some species the queens become six 
or eight inches in length. BAR a cso aa lel 
In addition to the winged males and females just 
described, there are sometimes developed wingless sexual individuals 
which never leave the nest. These are termed complemental males and 
females; and they serve as substitutes for the winged males or 
females whenever a community does not find a true king or queen. 
The complemental females produce comparatively few eggs, and 
consequently never become as large as do the true queens. It re- 
quires several of these to replace a queen. Fritz Miiller found in 
one case a king living in company with thirty-one complemental 
females. As these wingless males and females never leave the nest, 


they pair with their near relatives. The development of winged 
sexual forms is therefore necessary in order to provide for inter- 
crossing of individuals not closely related. Doubtless here as with 
the true ants the winged males and females emerge from many nests 
at the same time and mingle in a single swarm: in this way there is 
opportunity for intercrossing. 

From the above it can be seen that among the Termites there 
are four distinct castes: (1) Winged sexual forms or kings and 
queens; (2) Wingless sexual forms or complemental males and 
females; (3) Workers; (4) Soldiers. As both sexes are represented 
in each caste, we have in all eight forms. 

There is space here for but little regarding the habits of these 
wonderful insects. In the tropics certain species build nests of great 
size. Some of these are mounds ten or twelve feet in height. Other 
species build large globular masses upon the trunks or branches of 
trees. All of the Termites are miners, and all avoid the light. 
They therefore build covered ways from their nests to such places 
as they wish to visit. In some of the hot countries they are the 
worst of all pests. They will feed upon almost any organic matter ; 
they destroy wooden structures of all kinds, including buildings and 
furniture. Libraries are often completely ruined by them. In in- 
festing anything composed of wood they usually eat out the interior, 
leaving a thin film on the outside. Thus a table may appear to be 
sound, but crumble to pieces beneath a slight weight; entrance 
having been made through the floor of the house and the legs of the 

The mounds of Termites are composed chiefly of the excreted 
undigested wood upon which the insects have fed.* This is moulded 
into the desired form, and, on drying, it becomes solid. 

Like other Pseudoneuroptera, the Termites undergo an incom- 
plete metamorphosis. The eggs as soon as they are deposited by 
the queen are carried away by the workers to other chambers. The 
young are fed upon prepared food, which is stored up in the form 
of very hard and tough rounded masses, evidently composed of com- 
minuted wood. It is believed that the young Termites are also 
fed on the sclerotia of some fungi. The young white-ants are ac- 
tive; and all sizes, from the newly-hatched nymph to the full-grown 

* That this substance is composed largely of woody tissue is easily seen by a micro- 
scopic examination; and I am informed by Prof. J. C. Branner, who has observed these 
insects in Brazil, that he has seen the Termites eject the matter from the caudal opening 
of the alimentary canal and add it to the nest or covered ways which they were building. 


worker, can be found in a nest at the same time. At certain sea- 
sons of the year the nymphs of the kings and queens are present, 
and can be distinguished by their wing-pads of greater or less length. 

Térmes flavipes is common throughout the Eastern United States; 
and it is the only species which occurs in this region. The workers 
when full grown measure about 4 mm. (0.16 in.) in length, and are 
of the form shown in Fig. 74. The soldiers are somewhat larger ; 
one is represented in Fig. 75. The winged males and females 
are described above; they are often found in nests before they 
have swarmed out, and swarms of them are frequently seen. But, 
notwithstanding the abundance of nests of this species, the laying 
queen has never been found. A specimen supposed to be a queen 
was collected in Florida by Mr. Hubbard, and is in the Museum 
of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge; but this is believed by 
Dr. Hagen to be merely a complemental female. 

Termes flavipes is not amound-builder. It makes its nests in old 
logs, in stumps, in the ground under stones or other objects, and in 
buildings or other wooden structures. It usually infests decaying 
wood in the fields or forests; but I have known of several instances 
where it has done serious injury to buildings; and I have also found 
it infesting living plants. This habit of infesting growing plants is 
manifested chiefly in the Southern States; but it has been observed 
also in New England. I found the white-ants common throughout 
Florida, infesting orange-trees, guava-bushes, and sugar-cane. In 
this State these insects are generally recognized as important pests. 
They are there known as “ wood-lice,” a name whose use is to be 
deprecated, as it tends to create confusion. 

When white-ants infest living plants, they attack that part which 
is at or just below the surface of the ground. In the case of pampas- 
grass the base of the stalk is hollowed; with woody plants, as 
orange-trees and guava-bushes, the bark of the base of the trunk is 
eaten, and frequently the tree is completely girdled; with sugar- 
cane the most serious injury is the destruction of the seed cane. 

The white-ants may be destroyed by water heated sufficiently to 
kill the insects without injury to the infested plants. In the case of 
orange-trees much can be done to prevent the attacks of these in- 
sects. My experience convinces me that it is those trees about the 
crown of whose roots the soil has been heaped that are most liable 
to become infested. It follows that care should be taken to remove 
such soil immediately after each cultivation of the grove, leaving the 
crown of the roots exposed. It is also important to remove all old 


wood, especially pine, from near the trees; as such wood is liable to 
become infested, and the white ants to spread from it to the orange- 

The zoological position of the Termitidz is, like that of the Ephemeride, 
near the foot of the insect series. In fact, the form of the wings with Zermes 
is regarded as even more primitive than that of Ephemera; as is also the 
structure of the thorax, with its equally developed and unusually distinct seg- 
ments. But the wonderful development of instinctive powers and of separate 
castes among the white-ants indicates that, although as shown by their struc- 
ture, they represent one of the lowest groups of winged insects preserved to 
this time, they constitute the highest development of their line. It is a sug- 
gestive fact that Hagen, who is the best informed regarding the Termitide, 
considers them closely related to the Blattidze, to which the oldest known in- 
sects belong. 

Family V.—PsocIDA&.* 
(Book-lice et al.) 

The best known representatives of this family are the minute in- 
sects common in old papers, books, and neglected collections; and 
which have received the name of Book-lice. 
These low, wingless creatures form, how- 
ever, but a small part of the family. The 
more typical and winged forms (Fig. 77) 
bear a strong resemblance to plant-lice or 
Aphides. The body is oval, the head free, 
and the prothorax is small. The wings 
when present are of unequal size, the hind 
pair being smaller. When not in use the 
wings are folded roof-like over the body, like those of the Aphides. 
The tarsi are two- or three-jointed. 

There are two sub-families, which are distinguished as follows: 

Fic. 77.—Psecus venosus. 

A. Ocelli wanting; wings absent or incomplete. ATROPINE. 
AA. Ocelli present; wings well developed. PSOCINZ. 

ATROPINZ.—Two genera of this sub-family are represented in 
this country. In Atropos the wings are absent, the meso- and 
metathorax are grown together, and the antenne are seventeen- 
jointed. The common Book-louse is Atropos divinatoria. This species 
is about I mm. in length; it is grayish white, with black eyes. Closely 
allied to this genus is Clothil/a, in which the anterior wings are rep- 
resented by small convex scales; the meso and metathorax are free, 
and the antenne are many-jointed. 

*Psocide, Psdcus : psocho (Wwyw), to grind. 


C. pulsatoria is a little more than I mm. in length. It is of a pale 
yellowish white, and is found in similar situations as the book-louse. 

PsociNn&.—Here we find four well-developed wings. Usually 
these extend much beyond the end of the abdomen. But short- 
winged forms occur in species which ordinarily are long-winged. Of 
course the young of all are wingless, and there is a gradual develop- 
ment of the wings as the insect matures. The antenne consist of 
only thirteen segments; this will enable one to separate the imma- 
ture forms from the Atropine. 

The Psocine occur upon the trunks and leaves of trees, on stones, 
walls, and palings. They feed upon lichens, and probably other dry 
vegetable matter. They are sometimes gregarious. I have often 
observed communities of a hundred or more closely huddled together 
on the trunks of orange-trees in Florida, feeding upon lichens. 

The eggs are laid in heaps on leaves, branches, and bark; the 
female covers them with a tissue of threads. It is believed that 
both sexes have the power of spinning threads similar to those spun 
by spiders. 

Several genera of Psocine occur in the United States; but the 
greater number of our species belong to the genus Psdcus. 


Order MALLOPHAGA of some authors. 

The Mallophagide are parasites which live on warm-blooded ani- 
mals. They infest chiefly birds, and on this account the term Bird- 
lice is applied to the entire group. A few genera, however, are 
parasitic upon mammals. It is an interesting fact 
that in the case of the genera that infest mammals 
none of the species are found on birds; and of 
those that live on birds none infest mammals. 

The bird-lice resemble the true lice in form, 
being wingless, and with the body more or less flat- 
tened. Certain species which infest domestic fowls 
are well-known examples. These insects differ from 
the true lice in having biting mouth-parts. They wan 
feed upon feathers, hair, and dermal scales, while the ae Tee 
true lice (Family Pediculida, Order Hemiptera) have 
sucking mouth-parts, feed upon blood, and infest only mammals. 

* Malldphaga: mallos (uaAXos), wool; phagein (@ay tr), to eat. 


Menopon pallidum is one of the species which infest the hen. 
This is often a pest in hen-houses. It is to free themselves from 
this and allied parasites that hens wallow in dust and scatter it 
among their feathers. When fowls are confined so that they cannot 
dust themselves they are very liable to suffer from bird-lice. 

In order to protect fowls from these pests, cleanliness and the use 
of proper insecticides are necessary. The house should be thor- 
oughly cleaned at least twice each year, and the straw in the nests 
burned. Sprinkling powdered sulphur in the nests, and oiling the 
perches with kerosene, will do much to keep the lice in check. Ifa 
house becomes badly,infested it should be thoroughly white-washed, 
and the fowls dusted with Persian insect- powder. Many writers 
advise the use of kerosene upon infested fowls. 

There is much doubt regarding the zoological position of the Mallophaga. 
The placing of them in the Pseudoneuroptera must be regarded as a provi- 
sional arrangement. They were formerly classed with the true lice, but they are 
sharply distinguished from them by the structure of their mouth-parts. Both 
of these groups have become so degraded as the result of their parasitic habits 
that it will be very difficult if not impossible to definitely determine their 
places in the insect series. Certain German entomologists class together as 
an order the Termitide, Psocidz, and Mallophaga under the name Corrodéntza. 
But this association does not seem to me natural. 


A. Antenne filiform, three- or five-jointed; maxillary palpi invisible. 
B. Antenne three-jointed; tarsi with a single claw, Parasites on mam- 
BB. Antenne five-jointed ; tarsi with two claws. Parasites on birds. 
C. With movable appendages (trabicule) on the head in front of the 
antenne ; antennz nearly alike in both sexes. 2. DOCOPHORUS. 
CC. Trabiculz absent, or if present not motile. 
D, Antenne filiform, without sexual differences. 
E. Head rounded behind; last segment in the male rounded off. 

EE. Head abrupt-angled behind; abdominal segments fused in the 
middle. 4. GONIOCOTES. 

DD. Antennz of male forcipate by a process from the third segment. 
E. Head angled behind; terminal segments of female tubercle-like, of 
male rounded off, 5, GONIODES, 

EE. Head rounded behind; terminal segment of male notched. 


AA, Antenne clubbed, four-jointed ; maxillary palpi long, filiform, four-jointed. 
B. Tarsi with two claws. Parasites on birds. 
C. Mesothorax wanting ; antenne always concealed. 
D. Head very broad; no orbital sinus, 7. EUREUM. 
DD. Head elongated, with lateral angles directed backwards. 
E, With sharply marked off cypleus, and shallow orbital sinus. 
EE. With only wavy head-margins, and long lateral lobes on the 
labrum. 9g. PHYSOSTOMUM. 
CC. Mesothorax present. 
D. Mesothorax large, sharply marked off; head three-sided; antennze 
concealed. 10. TRINOTUM. 
DD. Mesothorax small, only indicated. 
E. Orbital sinus deep ; antennz usually elongated and visible. 
EE. Orbital sinus very shallow or obsolete, antennz concealed. 
BB. Tarsi with a single claw. Parasites on mammals. 13. GYROPUS. 

The following is a list of the described species of the Mallophaga which 
infest domestic animals; in each case the host is indicated : 

I, TRICHODECTES.— 772chodéctes latus (Fig. 79), dog; 7. rostratus, cat; T. 
éguz (Fig. 78), horse and ass; 7. érévzceps, llama; 7. climax, goat; T. sphero- 
céphalus (Fig. 80), sheep; 7. scalarzs (Fig. 81), ox. 

Fic. 79.—Trichodectes 1G. 80.—Tricho- Fic. 81. — Trichodectes iG. 82.—Goniodes stylifer. 
lJatus. (From Law.) dectes spheroce- scalaris. (From Law.) (From Law.) 
phalus. (From 

2. DOCOPHORUS.— Docéphorus adiustus, goose; D. tcterodes, duck. 

3. NirmMus.—Nirmus claveformis, pigeon; N, uimzde, Guinea-fowl; A, 
tessellatus, duck. 

4. GONIOCHOTES.—Gonzichotes coénipar, pigeon; G. sf., Guinea-fowl; G. 
rectangulitus, peacock ; G. chrysocéphalus, pheasant ; G. hologaster, hen, 

5. GONIODES.—Gonzodes numitdianus, Guinea-fowl; G. stylzfer (Fig. 82), 


turkey; G. falczcornzs, peacock; G. colchicus, pheasant; G. dzssimzlzs and G. 
gigas, hen. f 

6. LIPEURUS.—Lzfeurus bacillus, pigeon; L. polytrapészi:s, turkey; L. sf., 
peacock ; L. heterographus and L. varzabilis, hen; L. lacteus and L. jejunus, 
goose; L. sgualidus and L. varzabelis, duck. 

10. TRINOTUM.—7rznotum conspurcatum and T. sgual¢dum, goose; T. con- 
spurcatum, swan; T. lur¢dum, duck. 

11. COLPOCEPHALUM.—Colpocéphalum longicaudum, pigeon; C. mznitum, 

12. MENOPON.—Mendpon nimtde, Guinea-fowl; MZ. stramineum, turkey ; 
M. phacostomum, peacock; M. fuscomaculatum, pheasant; JZ. pallidium, hen. 

13. GYROPUS.—Gyropus gractlis and G, ovalzs, capybara. 

(Cockroaches, Crickets, Grasshoppers, Locusts, Earwigs, et al.) 

The members of this order have four wings: the first pair are 
thickened, and usually overlap when at rest, the second pair are 
thinner, and are folded in plaits longitudinally. The mouth parts are 
formed for biting. The metamorphosis ts incomplete. 

The order Orthoptera includes some of the very common and 
best known insects. The most familiar representatives are the cock- 
roaches, crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, and katydids. 

Although the song of the katydid and the chirp of the cricket 
are most often associated with recollections of pleasant evenings 
spent in the country, we cannot forget that to members of this order 
are due some of the most terrible insect scourges man has known. 
The devastations caused by great swarms of migratory locusts are 
not only matters of historical record, but are too painfully known to 
many of our own generation in the Western States. 

With the exception of a single family (Mantidz), the members of 
this order are as a rule injurious to vegetation. And many species 
are quite apt to multiply to such an extent that their destruction of 
plant life becomes of economic importance. 

In the Orthoptera the two pairs of wings differ in structure. 
The front wings are leathery or parchment-like, forming covers for 
the more delicate hind wings. These wing-covers have received the 
special name ¢egmina. Excepting in the first family (the earwigs), 
the tegmina of the Orthoptera are thickly reticulated with a net-work 
of veins, and usually overlap at the tips. The position and struc- 
ture of the tegmina differ in the different families, and afford good 
characters for separating them. The more important veins of the 
tegmina usually divide them into three more or less well-marked 
fields or areas. These have been named, beginning with that bor- 
dering on the front margin of the wing, the costal, median, and anal 
areas, respectively. The hind legs are thickly netted with veins. 

* Orthdptera: orthos (op40s), straight; pteron (areporv), a wing. 


The principal ones are arranged somewhat like the bars of a fan; 
and the wings when not in use are folded in a fan-like manner. The 
name Orthoptera is given to this order on account of this longitudi- 
nal folding and position of the second pair of wings when closed. 

There are many wingless genera in the order. A few species have 
the anterior pair only; and in one instance at least, the first pair are 
wanting while the second pair are present. 

The mouth parts are all present,and are well developed. The 
student who wishes to get a clear idea of the structure of a typical 
insect’s mouth cannot do better than to dissect the mouth of a cock- 
roach or locust. 

The appendages of the abdomen furnish important characters for 
the purposes of classification. Thus the 
form of the ovipositor is of great ser- 
vice in distinguishing the families ; and 
the cérc?, a pair of appendages one on 
each side near the caudal end of the 
abdomen, are also much used in de- 

In the Orthoptera the metamorpho- 
sis is incomplete. Inthe case of those 
species that never acquire wings the 
change in form from the newly hatched 
nymph to the adult is frequently in- 
considerable. With others we see the 

Fic. $3.—Mouth-parts of the Rea. | Wings, developed by degrees, as de- 
eee ce scribed in Chapter I. (Figs. 8 to 13). 

There are many Orthoptera that have in the adult state only 
rudimentary wings. These resemble very strongly immature insects. 
It is often important to determine whether a short-winged speci- 
men is an adult or not; this is especially true in case of the Acrzdz- 
dé, or locusts. Fortunately this determination can easily be made 
with the Jumping Orthoptera (section Saltatoria). In case of these 
insects the wing-pads of the nymphs are inverted, as shown by the 
curving down of the extremities of the wing-veins instead of up, as 
with the adult ; and the rudimentary wings are outside of the wing- 
covers, instead of beneath them. There is also the distinction that 
these rudiments of the second pair of wings are triangular in outline, 
and are flat, not folded ; while the wings of the adult are more or less 
folded, even when too small to be of use as organs of flight. 

Certain species belonging to the three higher families, Acridide, 


Gryllida, and Locustide, are interesting on account of the sounds 
which they produce. A very large proportion of the insect cries 
heard in the late summer and autumn come from this source. The 
organs by which these notes are made are chiefly the wing-covers. 
It should be remembered that, owing to their peculiar mode of 
breathing, insects have nothing that corresponds to our voice. It is 
only the males of the Orthoptera that sing; and the musical appa- 
ratus is different in each of the three families. Each form will be 
described later. 

In this connection perhaps reference should be made to the sup- 
posed organs of hearing of these insects. In the Acridide there is 
on each side of the first abdominal segment a pit, over the mouth of 
which is stretched a membrane: this is termed the tympanum, and is 
believed by some to be an organ of hearing; it is doubtless a sense- 
organ, but its function has not yet been determined. A pair of 
similar organs occur near the proximal end of each tibia of the first 
pair of legs in the Locustide and Gryllide. 

The order Orthoptera comprises seven families. These have 
been grouped into five sections by some writers; and the names of 
the sections occur frequently in entomological works. Each of the 
first four sections includes only a single family ; the fourth section 
includes the three remaining families. The names of the sections 
except the first were suggested by the form of the legs in each. 
The following are the names of the sections and the families which 
they include : 

I. Dermdadptera, includes the Forficilide or Earwigs. 

II. Cursdrza or Runners; includes the Blattide or Cockroaches. 
III. Raptorta or Graspers; includes the Mantid@ or Rear-horses. 
IV. Ambulatoria or Walkers; includes the Phdsmide@ or Walking- 


V. Saltatorta or Jumpers; includes the Acridid@ or Locusts or 

Short-horned Grasshoppers, the Loczstide@ or Long horned Grass 
hoppers and Katydids, and the Gry/ide or Crickets. 


A. Posterior femora fitted for walking, i.e., resembling those of the other legs ; 

Ovipositor with the subgenital plate concealed; organs of flight of immature 
forms in normal position; insects mute. 

B. Anterior wings leathery, very short, without veins, meeting in a straight 
line; posterior wings when present folded to the middle of the anterior 


margin; tarsi three jointed, the pulvillus wanting; cerci horny, resem- 

bling forceps. I. FORFICULID&. 

BB. Anterior wings parchment-like, thickly veined; posterior wings folded 
to the base; tarsi five-jointed; cerci soft, jointed or without joints. 

C. Body oval, depressed ; head wholly or almost wholly withdrawn beneath 
the pronotum; pronotum shield-like, transverse; legs compressed ; 
cerci jointed; rapidly running insects. 2. BLATTID&. 

CC. Body elongated; head free; pronotum elongated; legs slender, 
rounded ; cerci jointed or without joints; walking insects. 

D. Front legs fitted for grasping; cerci jointed. 3. MANTIDZ. 

DD. Front legs simple; cerci without joints. 4. PHASMIDZ. 

AA. Posterior femora fitted for jumping, i.e., very much stouter or very much 

longer, or both stouter and longer than the middle femora; ovipositor horny, 

free (except with the mole crickets); organs of flight of immature forms 
inverted ; stridulating insects. 

B. Antenne short; tarsi three-jointed ; supposed organs of hearing situated 
in the first abdominal segment; ovipositor short, composed of four sep- 
arate plates; stridulating organs situated in hind femora and the costal 
area of the tegmina. 5. ACRIDIDA. 

BB. Antenne long, setaceous; tarsi four- or three-jointed ; supposed organs 
of hearing situated in the anterior tibiz and alsoin the prosternum; ovi- 
positor elongated (except in the mole crickets) ; composed of four connate 

C. Tarsi four-jointed ; ovipositor (when exserted) forming a strongly com- 
pressed, generally sword-shaped blade; the stridulating organs of male 
limited to the anal area of the tegmina. 6. LOCUSTIDA. 

CC. Tarsi three-jointed; ovipositor (when exserted) forming a nearly 
cylindrical, straight, or occasionally upcurved needle; the stridulating 
organs of the male extend across the anal and median areas of the teg- 
mina. 7. GRYLLIDZ. 

Family I.— FORFICULID&.* 
This family includes only the earwigs. With these insects the 
first pair of wings are leathery, very small, 
without veins, and when at rest meet in a 
straight line down the back, partially cov- 
ering the second pair of wings. These 
wing-covers strongly resemble those of the 
rove-beetles. The second pair of wings 
Fic. 84.—Wing of Earwig. differ from those of other Orthoptera (Fig. 

84). They are furnished with radiating veins 
which extend from a point near the end of the basal third of the 

* Forfictilide: forficula, a pair of small shears. 


wing over the distal part of this organ. When the wing is not in 
use this part is folded in plaits like a fan; and the wing is folded 
twice transversely. With other Orthoptera the longitudinal folding 
extends to the base of the wing, and there is no transverse folding. 
The tarsi are three-jointed ; and there are no pulvilli between the 
claws. The most striking character of the family is the form of the 
cerci, which are horny, and resemble forceps. 

The earwigs are rare in this country, especially in the North. But 
in Europe they are common, and are often troublesome pests. 
They are nocturnal, hiding in the day-time among leaves and in all 
kinds of crevices, and coming out by night. They feed upon the 
corollas of flowers, fruit, and other vegetable substances. When 
troublesome, they may be trapped with hollow objects into which 
they can crawl and hide during the day-time. 

The name of the typical genus, Forficula, 
is the Latin word for scissors. It was sug- 
gested by the curious form of the cerci. The 
common name, earwig, has reference to a 
widely spread fancy that these insects creep 
into the ears of sleeping persons. 

Our most common representative of the 
family is the little earwig, Ladza minor. This 
is a small species; the body measures a little 
less than 4 mm. (0.15 inch) in length; the for- 
ceps of the male, 1.25—2 mm. (0.05-0.08 inch) ; 
and those of the female slightly less. The 
head is blackish; the pronotum is narrower 
than the head; and the wings protrude be- 
yond the tips of the tegmina. Pee aire VES AL 

In 1876 only 13 species of this family were known to occur in 
the United States. For a tabular synopsis of these by S. H. Scud- 
det, see Lsyene vOl. leip. 177. 

It is thought by many entomologists that this family should 
rank as an order; and it is so classed in some of the text-books 
under the name Dermaptera, and in others under the name Explex- 


Family II.—BLATTID&.* 

The cockroaches are such well-known insects that there is but 
little need for a detailed account of their characteristics. As already 
indicated in the table of families, the body is oval and depressed ; 
the head is nearly horizontal, and wholly or almost wholly withdrawn 
beneath the pronotum; the head is bent so that the mouth parts 
project caudad between the bases of the first pair of legs; the 
antenne are long and bristle-like; and the pronotum is shield-like. 
This family includes only the cockroaches; but these insects are 
known in some localities as ‘‘ black beetles,” and our most common 
species in the Northern cities bears the name of Croton-bug. 

In the Northern States our native species are usually found in 
the fields or forests under sticks, stones, or other rubbish. But cer- 
tain imported species become pests in dwellings. In the warmer 
parts of the country, however, native and foreign species alike swarm 
in buildings of all kinds, and are very common out of doors. 

Cockroaches are very general feeders: they destroy nearly all 
forms of provisions, and injure many other kinds of merchandise. 
They often deface the covers of cloth-bound books, eating blotches 
upon them for the sake of the sizing used in their manufacture; and 
I have had them eat even the gum from postage-stamps. They 
thrive best in warm, damp situations; in dwellings they prefer the 
kitchens and laundries, and the neighborhood of steam and water 
pipes. They are chiefly nocturnal insects. They conceal themselves 
during the day beneath furniture or the floors, or within the spaces 
in the walls of a house; and at night they emerge in search of food. 
The depressed form of their bodies enables them to enter small 
cracks in the floors or walls. 

Not only are these insects very destructive to our possessions, 
but owing to their fetid odor merely the sight of them awakens dis- 
gust; but it is due them to state that they are said to devour greedily 
bed-bugs. This will better enable us to abide their presence in our 
state-rooms on ocean voyages, or in our chambers when we are 
ferced to stop at poor hotels. 

It is a curious fact in the life-history of cockroaches that the 
female lays all of her eggs at once, they being inclosed in a purse- 

* Blattide: d/dtta, a cockroach. 


like pod (Fig. 86). This pod varies in form in different genera; but 
is more or less bean-shaped. Upon one edge 

there is a longitudinal slit. Within, the cap- 

sule is divided into two spaces, in each of Ss Cm 
which there is a row of separate chambers, "> 8 Ootheca of a Cock- 
each chamber enclosing anegg. The females 

carry this pod, or odtheca, as it is termed, about with them, pro- 
truding from the end of the abdomen for several days. 

The use of Pyrethrum or Persian insect-powder is the most effi- 
cient means of ridding an infested house of these pests. It should 
be sprinkled about their haunts at night, or blown into the cracks 
from which they come. (See Chapter XIV., Pyrethrum). 

The Croton-bug (Blitta germanica).—This is the best known of all 
of the cockroaches in our Northern cities. The above popular name 
originated in New York City, and was suggested by the fact that 
these pests are very abundant, in houses, about the 
water-pipes connected with the Croton Aqueduct. 
The adult insect varies in length from II mm. to 13 
mm. (0.43 in. to 0.51 in.). It is light brown in color, 
with two longitudinal black stripes on the pronotum. 
The wings extend beyond the tip of the abdomen. 
This is an imported species, which has spread to 
nearly all parts of the world, living upon ships, and 
spreading from them. (Fig. 87.) 

a ep: The Oriental Cockroach (Perzplanéta orientals).— 
This also is a cosmopolite, which, like the preceding 

species, is a great pest in dwellings throughout the civilized world. 
It is dark brown, and measures from 20 mm. to 23 mm. (0.8 in. to 0.9 
in. in length). With the females the tegmina are only about 4 mm. 
in length, and have no wings under them. In the males both pairs 
of wings are developed, but do not reach to the end of the 

Of our native species there are two which I have found very com- 
mon atthe North. Ectébea flavocincta isa blackish-brown species, 
about 16 mm. (0.63 in.) in length, with a light stripe extending on 
each side from the head along the margin of the pronotum and the 
basal half of the tegmina. The wing-covers do not quite reach the tip 
of the abdomen. VPlatamodes pennsylvanica is a much larger species, 
with long delicate light-colored tegmina and wings. These extend 
beyond the tip of the abdomen. The margin of the pronotum is 
light, while the disk is dark; and the lateral margins of the tegmina, 



especially at the base, are lighter than the discal portions. The 
adult measures to the tip of the wings 25 mm. (1 
inch) or more. Although this is a native species, 
living in our fields, it is often found in our dwellings, 
being attracted by lights at night. 

Among our species of cockroaches are many 

wingless forms. One of these is represented in 

Family II].—MAnNrTID&.* 

Te eA taps (The Soothsayers or Praying Mantes.) 
less Cockroach. 

The members of this family have received many 
popular names in the regions where they occur, owing to their gro- 
tesque forms and strange attitudes. Among these are Rear-horses, 
Race-horses, Camel-crickets, Praying Mantes, and Soothsayers. The 

Pic. 89.—Phasmomantis carolina. 

species are usually of considerable size, so that they are conspicuous 
objects. We have no representative of the family at the North; 
and there are but few species in our Southern States, they being 
chiefly inhabitants of tropical countries. 

The most striking characters of these insects are the great length 
of the prothorax, it being the longest segment of the body, and the 
enlarged front legs, which are fitted for grasping. With some spe- 
cies the wings resemble leaves of plants in form and coloring. This 
resemblance is protective, causing the insects to resemble twigs of 

* Mantide, Mantis: mantis (avris), a prophet; also the Greek name for these in- 


the plants upon which they are. All of the species are carnivorous. 
They do not pursue their prey, but wait patiently with the front 
legs raised like uplifted hands in prayer, until it comes within reach, 
when they seize it. This position which they as- 
sume while waiting gives them most of their 
popular names. The eggs of the Mantidz are 
laid in clusters on twigs, and encased in a flattened 
case or odtheca (Fig. 90). This differs from the 
odtheca of the cockroach in being composed of 
hardened silk. 

The most common species of the Southern 
States is Phasmomantis carolina. This is shown 
by Fig. 89. By referring to this figure the un- 
usual development of the front legs can be seen. 
The parts of the leg that are most strongly 
spined are the femur and tibia; the slender 
tarsus appears as an appendage of the tibia; 
and the coxa is so elongated that at first sight 
it would be mistaken for the femur. 


Family [V.—PHASMID&.* 


Even more grotesque in appearance than the 
Mantide are the insects constituting the family p,,¢-masses 
< s = r = ee =F LS es of P. carolina. 
Phasmidez, and commonly known as Walking-sticks, (rom Riley) 
or Spectres. They can be easily recognized by their 
long, linear bodies, furnished with long legs and antennae. The 
three pairs of legs are similar in form. Their wings, when present, 
ave. small, or if large, very leaf-like; resembling in some instances 
fresh green leaves, in others, those that are dry and withered. The 
wingless species often resemble twigs. 

The Walking-sticks are strictly herbivorous; they are slow in their 
motions, and often remain quiet for a long time in one place. Their 
eggs are large, oval, and are scattered on the ground beneath the 
plants upon which the insects feed, the female, unlike most Orthop- 
terous insects, making no provision for their safety. 

These insects are chiefly tropical. Only a single species is com- 
mon in the Northeastern United States. This is Diapheromera fe- 

* Phasmide, Phisma: phasma (PATU), a spectre. 


morata. It is represented in Fig. oI, natural size. It is a quite 
common insect; and on several occasions has appeared in such great 

= \y Wey for (ya A WP: ee Cis 
: WY ZZ \ ge 

Fic. 91.—Diapheromera femorata. a,b, eggs; c, young hatching. (From Riley.) 

numbers as to be seriously destructive to the foliage of forest trees. 
Probably the best way of destroying it when it becomes a pest is to 
spray the infested trees or shrubs with Paris-green water, and its 


recurrence should be guarded against by burning the leaves upon 
the ground under the infested trees in the autumn, thus destroying 

the eggs. 

Family V.—AcrRIDID&.* 
(Locusts or Short-horned Grasshoppers.) 

The Acrididz and the two following families constitute the sec- 
tion Sa/tatoria or Jumpers. The members of this section agree in 
having the hind legs fitted for jumping, by being either very much 
stouter or very much longer, or both stouter and longer, than the 
femora of the other legs. The females are usually furnished with a 
prominent ovipositor, and the wings of the immature forms are in 
an inverted position. 

In many species, especially of the Acridide, the adult is fur- 
nished with rudimentary wings ; and thus presents the appearance of 
an immature form. But by means of the character just given it is 
easy to distinguish the adult even in the case of these short-winged 
species; for in the immature forms the tegmina are folded beneath 
the wings, and the principal veins of both tegmina and wings curve 
downward instead of upward. 

The family Acrzdide includes the Locusts or Short-horned Grass- 
hoppers. These are common and well-known insects. They differ 
from other Saltatoria in having the antennz much shorter than the 
body, and consisting of not more than twenty-five segments. The 
ovipositor of the female is short, and composed of four separate 
plates, and the basal segment of the abdomen is furnished on each 
side with a supposed organ of hearing. 

The head is usually short, although in two of the sub-families it is 
extended horizontally. Immediately under the vertex, but in some 
cases above it, there is on each side a little space bounded by ele- 
vated ridges. These spaces are termed the lateral fovéole , their 
variations in form afford characters which are much used in classifi- 
cation. The front is generally traversed by three vertical keels or 
caring, the one on the middle line is termed the median carina 
or frontal costa, the others are the /ateral caring. The pronotum 
is divided into four lobes by three more or less well-marked trans- 
verse sutures; it is also often furnished with a median crest. The 
hind tibia carry upon the upper side two rows of spines: the num- 

* Acridide, Acridium: acridion (@kKpidz0rv), a small locust. 


ber of these is of use in distinguishing species; and the presence or 
absence of the last spine in the outer row is of much greater impor- 
tance. Besides these spines there are four articulated spurs, which 
are situated in two pairs, one on the outer and one on the inner 
side of the tibia. The sexes can be easily distinguished. In the 
males the ventral surface of the abdomen consists of nine segments, 
while in the females there are but eight. The caudal end of the 
body in the females is furnished with four horny appendages, the 
ovipositor; in the male the ventral pair of appendages is repre- 
sented by a single plate. 

With many species of the Acrididze we find the males furnished with strid- 
ulating organs. These are not nearly so highly developed as those of mem- 
bers of the two higher families, and are used only in the day-time. The 
Locusts stridulate in two ways. Certain species rub the inner surface of the 
hind legs against the outer surface of the wing-covers. With these insects 
there is a thickening of one of the main longitudinal veins in the centre of the 
wing-cover (véna radzalzs), and a remarkable extension of the two areas be- 
tween this vein and the costal margin of the wing-cover (drea scafularzs and 
area externomédta), which serves as a sounding-board, and which is wanting in 
the female. The most common representatives of the insects which stridulate 
in this way belong to the genus Stewobothrus. According to Scudder, the 
Stenobothri, when about to stridulate, place themselves in a nearly horizontal 
position, with the head a little elevated; then they raise both hind legs at 
once, and grating the femora against the outer surface of the tegmina, produce 
notes which in the different species vary in rapidity, number, and duration. The 
first one or two movements are frequently noiseless or faint; and when the 
sky is overcast, the movements are less rapid. Scudder has recorded the 
songs of several species by means of a musical notation.* 

The second method of stridulation practised by locusts is by rubbing 
together the upper surface of the front edge of the wings and the under sur- 
face of the wing-covers. Those which employ this method stridulate during 
flight. Several common species pertaining to the Gdipodine will serve as 
illustrations : Chimarocephala viridifasciata, Eucoptolephus sordidus, and Dessos- 
terta carolina. Certain other closely allied species produce no sound whatever. 

Locusts lay their eggs in oval masses, covered witha tough glutin- 
ous secretion. Many species deposit them in the ground, the ovi- 
positor of the female being well adapted for making the necessary 
hole. The tips of the four horny appendages of which it is com- 
posed can be alternately applied together and spread apart; in this 
way it is an easy matter to force the earth aside and press the end of 
the abdomen into the ground. Fig. 97 represents the Rocky Moun- 

* Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. XI. 


tain lecust in the act of ovipositing. Certain species make holes with 
their ovipositor in a similar manner in fence-rails, logs, stumps, and 
other masses of wood, in which they deposit their eggs. After the 
eggs are laid, the entrance to the hole in the wood is closed with a 
little plug of gummy matter. 

The transformations of three of our more common species of 
Melanoplus have been carefully studied by Riley.* These will serve 
to illustrate the metamorphoses in this family. In each case there 
are five nymph stages. In the first of these (Fig. 8), although the 
insect would be readily recognized as a young locust, there is a 
marked difference in the proportions of the body from those pre- 
sented by the adult. This is especially noticeable in the large size 
of the head, the relatively stouter thorax and hind femora, and in 
the short abdomen. From this form to that of the adult there is 
presented by the other nymph stages a very regular series of grada- 
tions. The most striking change in the course of the development 
of these insects is the growth of the organs of flight. In the first 
nymph stage there is no indication whatever of wings; in the 
second stage the caudo-lateral angles of the mesonotum and meta- 
notum are very slightly prolonged (Fig. g). In the third stage these 
prolongations are more marked, and are easily recognized as rudimen- 
tary wing-pads (Fig. 10). In the fourth stage a remarkable change 
has occurred in these organs: up to this point they have projected 
downward and backward; they are now turned up so that what was 
their lower edges now meet on the narrow back, and the side of 
each which was next to the body is now turned outward (Fig. I1). 
While in this position the second pair of wing-pads is outside of the 
first—the reverse of the relative positions of the fully developed 
wings. In the fifth stage the wing-pads are longer, being now about 
as long as the pronotum (Fig. 12). Up to this point the development 
of the wings has been very gradual, the most pronounced change be- 
ing the reversal of these organs between the third and fourth stages. 
With the moult, which occurs at the end of the fifth stage, the insect 
assumes the adult form (Fig. 13). The wings have now become 
greatly elongated ; they are again reversed, so that they assume the 
primitive position, with the second pair folded beneath the first. 
This completes the changes through which these organs pass. 

So far as my observations go, there is but a single generation of 
each species of locust during a year. In the majority of cases at 

* See First Report of the U. S. Ent. Com., Plates I., II., and III. 


the North, the species winters in the egg state,and does not become 
fully developed till the latter part of summer or in the autumn. A 
few adults survive the winter; and we have a few species in which 
the eggs hatch in the autumn, and the insects pass the winter in the 
nymph state. 

Many of the Acridide never acquire fully developed wings; the 
way in which these short-winged adults can be distinguished from 
nymphs has been given in the generalizations regarding the order. 

The locusts, or grasshoppers as they are commonly called, are of 
first-class importance when viewed from an economic standpoint. 
They feed on all kinds of vegetation, and they abound every year 
in all parts of our country. Owing to their uniform abundance, 
they have fallen into the category of the commonplace, and little is 
said about them. Ido not refer here to the migratory species, the 
incursions of which spread consternation, but to the myriads that 
swarm in our meadows and pastures every summer and autumn. 

Although the injuries caused by our common locusts are very 
great every year, they are more noticeable in seasons of drought. 
It frequently happens at such times that every blade of grass is con- 
sumed in extensive pastures. This results not merely from the 
less luxuriant growth of the grass, but from the fact also that dry 
weather is favorable to the development of these insects. 

It follows from the above that such treatment of meadows and 
pastures as shall best enable them to withstand droughts will also 
serve to protect them from the ravages of locusts. Thus the 
presence in the soil of a considerable amount of vegetable matter, 
furnished in the form of stable manure or otherwise, which will 
retain moisture, will have this tendency: or clover may be used; 
this will shade the soil, and will bring moisture and fertility from 
great depths by means of its long roots. In case of heavy clay 
lands, tile-draining has been recommended ; this prevents the pud- 
dling and subsequent baking and cracking of the soil resulting from 
surface drainage. 


A. Pulvilli present between the claws of the tarsi; pronotum never extending 
over the abdomen. 
B. Prosternum unarmed. 
C. Vertex and front of head meeting at an acute angle; vertex extending 
horizontally; front strongly receding. (Fig. 92.) I. TRYXALINA. 


CC. Head rounded at the union of the vertex and front ; front perpendic- 
ular, or nearly so. (Fig. 93.) 
D. The terminal spine of the outer row of the posterior tibiz wanting 
(Fig. 94,0) ; second abdominal segment smooth. Il. GEDIPODIN#. 
DD. The terminal spine of the outer row of the posterior tibia present 
(Fig. 94, a); second abdominal segment granulated on the sides. 
(Fig. 95.) III. EREMOBINA. 
BB. Prosternum tuberculate, or mucronate, or produced into a cone. 
C. Head rounded at the union of the vertex and front; front slightly re- 
ceding; antenne filiform. (Fig. 99.) IV. ACRIDINZA. 
CC. Vertex extending horizontally in front of the eyes ; front strongly re- 

ceding ; antennz more or less flattened. (Fig.102.) V. OPOMALIN®. 

AA. No pulvilli between the claws of the tarsi; pronotum extending over the 
abdomen. (Fig. 103.) VI. TETTIGINA. 

Sub-family I.—TRYXALIN2.* 

In the linear arrangement of the sub-families of the Acrididz 
there are placed first, i.e., lowest, a series of sub-families in which the 
prosternum is unarmed. The Tryxaline differs from the other 
members of this series in that the representatives of it have the ver- 
tex conical and elongated, the front strongly receding, and the an- 
tenne flattened. The antenne are inserted between the middle of 
the eyes or farther from the mouth than their middle; the eyes are 
usually longer than that part of the gene below them; the posterior 
lobe of the pronotum is usually shorter than the anterior part; the 
median carina is not at all crested; and the last spine of the outer 
row of the posterior tibiz is wanting. 

The characteristic difference between this family and the next, 
the C£dipodine, is in the joining of the vertex and front, as indicat- 
ed in the table of sub-families given above. The following species 
will serve to illustrate the Tryxaline: 

Achurum brevipénne.—This is one of the most grotesque of all our 
locusts. The body is excessively elongated, being almost linear. In 
fully grown female specimens it measures more than 4o mm. (1.6 in.) 
in length; and about 3 mm. (0.12 in.) across in the widest part. The 
males are somewhat smaller. The head is greatly elongated, and 
ascending; the front is very strongly receding; the antenne are a 
little shorter than the head and prothorax, broad near the base, 
acuminate at the apex, and triquetrous. The wings are small; 
when fully developed the tegmina extend a little beyond the third 

* Tryxaline, Tryxdlis: tryxallis (ravéaAAis), Greek name of these insects. 


abdominal segment. The color of these insects is brown, sometimes 
marked with minute dark specks. ‘ 

This species is an excellent illustration of protective form and 
coloring. I found it quite common in Florida upon the “ wire- 
grass’’ which grows in the sand among the saw-palmettoes; and so 
closely did their brown linear bodies resemble dry grass, that it was 
very difficult to perceive them. 

I have also collected this species near the coast as far north as 
Maryland, but have no other information as to its distribution. 

Among the more common representatives of this sub-family in 
the Eastern United States are two species of the genus Stendboth- 
rus. In each of these there is on each side on the margin of the 
vertex in front of the eye a little oblong pit, the lateral foveole; 
and the lateral carine of the pronotum are incurved. The more 
common of the two is the Short-winged Locust, S. curtipénnis. In 
this species the lateral foveole are linear; the tegmina are unspotted 
and of a pale reddish brown. In some specimens the tegmina and 
wings are shorter than the abdomen; in others they are longer. 
The males measure about 16 mm. (0.63 inch) in length; the females, 
21 mm. (0.82 inch). 

The next species of this genus in abundance is the spotted-winged 
locust, S. szaculipénnis. In this species the lateral foveolez are shal- 
low, and broader towards the eye than at the apex; the tegmina are 
ereen, with a median band of equidistant square black spots along 
its whole extent; sometimes the inner halves of the tegmina are 
entirely of a rust-red color. Both the tegmina and wings extend 
beyond the tip of the abdomen. This species is about the same 
size as the preceding. 

In the genus Chrysdéchraon the vertex is without foveole; and 
the lateral carinze of the pronotum are nearly parallel. One of the 
species, the Sprinkled Locust, C. conspérsum, is very abundant. It 
is brown, with the sides of the prono- 
tum and the first two or three abdo- 
minal segments shining black in the 
male; and with the body and teg- 
mina of the female sprinkled or mot- 

Fic. 92.—Chrysochraon conspersum. tled with darker brown. Thetegmina 

and wings are a little shorter than 

the abdomen in the males, and much shorter in the females. The 

female is represented by Fig. 92. The males measure 17 mm. (0.67 
inch) in length; the females, 23 mm. (0.91 inch). 


Sub-family I].—CEDIPODIN#.* 

The second of the two more important sub-families in which the 
prosternum is unarmed, the @dipodine, includes genera in which 
the head is rounded at the union of the vertex and front; and in 
which the front is perpendicular or nearly so. The antennz are 
linear or sub-linear, and usually inserted nearer the mouth than the 
middle of the eyes; sometimes they are inserted just in front of the 
eyes. The eyes are small or of medium size; rarely longer than 
that part of the cheeks below the eyes. The posterior lobe of the 
pronotum is longer than the anterior part in the typical forms; and 
the median carina is frequently entirely or. partially crested. As 
with the preceding sub-family, the last spine of the outer row of 
the posterior tibiz is wanting. 

We have many representatives of the CEdipodine, and these are 
distributed by modern systematists among numerous genera.  I[ 
have selected a few of the more common species of the Eastern 
United States as illustrations. These can be separated by the fol- 
lowing table: 

A. Wings with the disk yellow. 
B. Apical half of wing dusky. 
C. Dorsal aspect of head with a slight median carina, which is quite prom- 
inent in the well-marked depression on the vertex (central foveola). 
Encoptolophus sordidus. 
CC. Dorsal aspect of head without median carina, or with merely an indi- 
cation of one; central foveola less distinct. Chortéphaga viridifasciata, 

B. With a dark band across the wings. Spharagemon equale, 
AA. Wings with the disk black, Dessostérta carolina. 
AAA. Wings with the disk red. Hippiscus adiscoideus. 

The Clouded Locust, Excoptolophus sdrdidus.—This species is 
very common in the Eastern Uni- 
ted States during the autumn. It 
abounds in meadows and pastures ; 
and attracts attention by the 
crackling sound made by the males 
during flight. It is of a dirty-brown 
color, mottled with spots of a 
darker shade. It appears somewhat like the variety zzfuscata of the 
following species, but it can be easily distinguished by the charac- 
ters given in the table above. Size same as following species. 

Fic. 93.—Exucoptolophus sordidus. 

* Gdipodine, CEdipoda: otdos (0150S), a swelling; pouws (ov), a foot. 


The Green-striped Locust, Chortophaga virtdifasciata.—This is a 
very common species from Maine to Florida. There aré two well- 
marked varieties. In one, the typical form, the head, thorax, and 
femora are green, and there is a broad green stripe on each wing- 
cover, extending from the horn to beyond the middle: this often in- 
cludes two dusky spots on the edge. The second variety differs so 
much in appearance, that it was described by Harris as a distinct 
species under the specific name zzfuscata. In this form the ground 
color is dusky brown. Intergrades occur, in which the head and 
thorax are of a reddish velvety brown. Length of male to end of 
abdomen 20 mm. (.8 inch), to tip of wings 25 mm. (1 inch); length of 
female to tip of wings about 30 mm. (1.4 inch). 

The Barren-ground Locust, Spharagemon cequale.—This locust 
occurs throughout North America east of the Rocky Mountains. 
In the Northern United States it is found during the months of 
July and August on dry, barren hills, and on sandy plains. It is 
ash-gray in color, mottled with dusky brown and white; the face is 
whitish ; the wing-covers are marked with dusky bands, and are 
semi-transparent at tip; the wings are traversed by a dark band just 
beyond the yellow disk. Length to tip of wings, male, 30 mm. 
(1.2 inch); female, 35 mm. (1.4 inch). 

The Carolina Locust, Dessostéria carolina.—Notwithstanding its 
specific name, this species is common throughout the United States 
and Canada. At the North it is the largest of our common locusts, 
but it is greatly surpassed in size by species found in the South. It 
abounds in the highways and in barren places. It takes flight 
readily, and the males stridulate while in the air. The color of this 
insect varies greatly, simulating that of the soil upon which itis found. 
It is usually of a pale yellowish or reddish brown, with small dusky 
spots. The wings are black, with a broad, yellow margin, which is 
covered with dusky spots at the tip. Length to tip of wings 
35-45 mm. (1.4-1.8 inch). 

Flippiscus discdideus.—This is the largest of our common repre- 
sentatives of the Gédipodine. It is a Southern species. I have, 
however, specimens from as far north as New Jersey. In color it is 
pale reddish or yellowish brown, with dark-brown spots; the wing- 
covers marked with strongly contrasting brown or blackish and white 
spots or bands, the anal area reddish. The disk of the wings ts red. 
The body, especially of the female, is heavy, the thorax being both 
broad and deep. Length to tip of wings, male 40 mm. (1.6 inch) ; 
female, 55 mm. (2.2 inch). 


Sub-family I1].— EREMOBIN&.* 

This sub-family includes large, plump species, with the general 
appearance of members of the Cidipodine. They can be distin- 
guished from the preceding sub-family by the presence of the ter- 
minal spine of the outer row of the posterior tibia (Fig. 94a); also 
by the presence of a rough plate on the side of the second abdominal 
segment (Fig. 95). The vertex is usually broad, flat, or concave, and 

Fic. 94.—Legs of Locusts. Fic. 95.—First abdominal segment of Zremodia, 

strongly declivous ; it is then suddenly narrowed and falls off verti- 
cally to the plain of the antenne. In this place it forms a part ap- 
parently of the frontal costa, from which it is separated anatomically 
by a little transverse ridge. Below this ridge lies the middle ocellus. 
The eyes are relatively small, and widely separated by the broad 

This sub-family is represented in our fauna by Eremébia magna 
from Arizona. 

Sub-family IV.—ACRIDIN2. 

Of the series of sub-families of Locusts in which the prosternum 
is armed, representatives of but two have as yet been discovered in 
our fauna. To the first of these, the Acridine, belong some of 
our most common and at the same time some of the most impor- 
tant species. In this sub-family the head is short, and is rounded 
at the union of the vertex and front. The front is slightly reced- 
ing. The antenna are filiform; and the terminalspine of the outer 
row of the posterior tibize is usually wanting. 

This sub-family is represented by many forms in this country. 
Only those species that are most likely to attract attention are men- 
tioned below. These can be determined generically by means of 
the following table: 

* Eremobinz, Erimdbia: evemos (Epnsos), a desert; biod (fz0@), to live. 


A. Wings as long as or longer than the abdomen. 
B. Pronotum sloping from the median carina; lateral caring wanting; ex- 

tremity of abdomen in males not swollen. 1, ACRIDIUM. 
BB. Pronotum somewhat flattened above; lateral margins angular; ex- 
tremity of abdomen in the males much swollen. 4. MELANOPLUS. 

AA. Wings of adult shorter than the abdomen or wanting. 
B. Prosternal spine prominent. 
C. Antenne tapering to the tip; and with the segments very distinct. 
CC. Antenne thread-like, of nearly the same thickness throughout; seg- 
ments less distinct. 2), SAO DAR IP IDS, 
BB. Prosternal spine slightly developed. 5. BRACHYSTOLA. 

1. Acridium.—The most common representatives of this genus 
in the Eastern U.S. are A. alutaceum and A. rubiginosum. In the 
Southern States the most conspicuous species is A. americanum. 

The Leather-colored Locust, Acridium alutaceum—This locust 
is dirty brownish yellow, with a paler stripe on the top of the head 
and thorax; the wing-covers are semi-transparent, with irregular pale- 
brownish spots, and with the sutural margins yellowish. Posterior 
margin of each abdominal segment with a ring of black dots. The 
wing-covers are longer than the abdomen. Length of body to end 
of abdomen, female 43-50 mm. (1.7-2 in.), male 31 mm. (1.24 in.). 

The Rusty Locust, Acridium rubiginosum—The color of this 
species is light rust-red; the wing-covers are opaque, rather paler on 
the overlapping portion than elsewhere, and sometimes with dim 
spots, but usually without them. The wing-covers are about as long 
as the abdomen. Length of female 35-40 mm. (.4—-1.6 in.) ; males 
much smaller. . 

The American Locust, Acridium americanum.—This magnificent 

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Fic. 96.—Acridium americanum, (From Riley.) 

species occurs in the Southern States. It can be easily recognized 
from Fig. 96, which represents its natural size. This locust some. 


times assumes the migratory habit, and is sometimes injurious to 

2. Dictyophorus.—This genus is represented by a very large and 
clumsy locust, which occurs in the southern part of our country, 
D. reticulatus. The adult is yellow and black; the tegmina and 
wings are shorter than the abdomen; the base and disk of the wings 
are red, with the outer margin black. Length of body in female 
about 60 mm. (2.4 in.), in male 50 mm. (2in.). The nymphs of this 
species differ remarkably from the perfect insect, being of a very deep 
metallic bronze-green color approaching black, marked with yellow, 
deepening into red in spots, or wholly with blood-red; this is most 
conspicuous in a slender dorsal stripe the whole length of the crea- 
ture, and on the hinder edge of the pronotum. I found these 
nymphs very abundant in May at Jacksonville, Fla. 

3. Pezotéttix—To the genus Pezotettix belong a considerable 
number of short-winged locusts, of medium or small size. More 
than forty species have been found in the United States, but nearly 
all of these are from the Far West or from the South. The mem- 
bers of this genus, according to Brunner, with but few exceptions, 
prefer cool and shady localities, and hence are often found among 
or near rocks, on mountain slopes, in clearings or on the outskirts 
of timber belts, and in meadows. 

The only species of Pezotettix that has been taken at Ithaca in 
considerable numbers, P. Scitdderz, occurs among scattered trees, on 
the crests and slopes of our highest hills. This species can be easily 
recognized by its close resemblance in form and appearance to the 
Common Ked-legged Locust, Welanoplus femur-ribrum. The only 
conspicuous difference is in the organs of flight: in P. Scudder? the 
wing-covers do not extend beyond the second abdominal segment. 

In Pezotettix glacias the wings and wing-covers are wanting. 
This species inhabits the mountains of New England; it has also 
been taken at Ithaca, N. Y. 

Pezotéttix pictus is the brightest colored of all our locusts. It is 
bluish green, with bright red and yellow markings, and is found on 
the plains sloping eastward from the Rocky Mountains. 

4. Melinoplus—We have many species of locusts, which belong 
to this genus. Some of them are among the most common and 
most destructive members of the family Acridiida. Much has 
been written concerning them; but as most writers have believed 
that they belong to the genus Caloptenus, it will be necessary to 


look under that head in the older works for descriptions of them.* 
The following table will aid in determining the males of the species 
mentioned below; asa rule there will be but little, if any, trouble 
in assorting the females after the males are determined. 

A. Apex of last abdominal segment of male distinctly notched. 
B. Length of body to tip of wing-covers 29-35 mm. (1,16-1.4 inches). 
BB. Length of body to tip of wing-covers 23-26 mm. (0,9-1.04 inches). 
AA. Apex of last abdominal segment of male entire or most obscurely notched. 
B. Anal cerci enlarged at apex. M. FEMORATUS. 
BB. Anal cerci tapering. 
C. Species of medium size ; anal cerci much narrowed, but without a notch. 
CC. Species of large size; anal cerci suddenly narrowed, making a prom- 
inent right-angled notch on lower side. M. DIFFERENTIALIS. 

The Rocky Mountain Locust or Western Grasshopper, J/elanoplus 
sprétus.—The most terrible of insect scourges that this country has 
known have been the invasions of this species. Large areas of 

Fic. 07.—Egg-laying of the Rocky Mountain Locust. a, a, a, female in different positions, oviposit- 
ing; 4, egg-pod extracted from the ground, with the end broken open; c,a few eggs lying loose 
on the ground ; de shows the earth partially removed, to illustrate an egg-mass already in place, 
and one being placed ;_fshows where such a mass has been covered up. (From Ruey.) 

country have been devastated, and the inhabitants reduced to a 

state of starvation. The cause of all this suffering is not a large 

insect. It is represented natural size by Fig. 97. It measures to 

* For a statement of the reasons for the adoption of the name Melanoplus, see 
paper by S. H. Scudder, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIX. p. 281. 


the tip of its wing-covers 29-35 mm. (1.16-1.4 inches), and resembles 
very closely our common Red-legged Locust, the most abundant of 
all our species. It can easily be distinguished from this species by 
the greater length of the wings, which extend about one third of 
their length beyond the tip of the abdomen, and by the fact that 
the apex of the last abdominal segment in the males is distinctly 

The permanent home or breeding grounds of this species is in 
the high dry lands on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, 
extending from the southern limit of the true forests in British 
America south through Montana, Wyoming, the western part of 
Dakota, and the Parks of Colorado. There are also regions in which 
the species exists permanently west of the Rocky Mountains in 
Idaho and Utah. 

When the food of this insect becomes scarce in its mountain 
home, it migrates to lower and more fertile regions. Its long wings 
enable it to travel great distances; and thus the larger part of the 
region west of the Mississippi River is liable to be invaded by it. 
Fortunately, the species cannot long survive in the low, moist regions 
of the valleys. Although the hordes of locusts which reach these 
sections retain their vigor, and frequently consume every bit of 
green vegetation, the young, which hatch from the eggs that they 
lay, perish before reaching maturity. In this way, the invaded 
region is freed from the pest until it is stocked again by another 
incursion. There is, however, a large section of country lying 
immediately east of the great area indicated above as the permanent 
home of this species, which it frequently invades, and in which it can 
perpetuate itself for several years, but from which it in time dis- 
appears. This sub-permanent region, as it has been termed, extends 
east in British America so as to include nearly one third of Manitoba; 
and, in the United States, it embraces nearly the whole of Dakota, 
the western half of Nebraska, and the north-east fourth of Colorado. 

The temporary region, or that only periodically visited and from 
which the species generally disappears within a year, extends east 
and south so as to include more than half of Minnesota and Iowa, 
the western tier of counties of Missouri, the whole of Kansas and 
Indian Territory, and the greater part of Texas. The country lying 
east of the section thus indicated has never been invaded by this 
locust, and there is no probability that it will ever be reached by it. 

The United States Entomological Commission has published 



three large volumes regarding this insect. The student is referred 
to them for a detailed account of it. 

The Lesser Locust, MWeldnoplus atléntis—This is a common 
species, which is very closely allied to the Rocky Mountain Locust. 
It can be distinguished, however, by its smaller size, as indicated 
above, and by its shorter wings. The specific name is an inappro- 
priate one; for the species occurs, throughout at least the northern 
part of our country, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 

The Red-legged Locust, MWelanoplus femur-rubrum.—This is the 
most familiar member of the family Acridiide throughout the 
United States, except where JZ. sprétus occurs. It is more abundant 
than any other locust east of the Missis- 
sippi; it is this and the preceding species, 
which is usually confounded with it, that 
ravage our meadows and pastures more 

than all other species combined. The 
Bre. 98.— Melaneplusfenur-rt-  temale is represented natural size by Fig. 

Melainoplus femoratus——This species also extends from the 

Fic. cog —M. femoratus. (From Riley.) 

Atlantic to the Pacific. It is the largest representative of the genus 
that occurs in the Eastern States. It is marked with a yellowish 
stripe, extending along each side from the upper angle of the eye to 
the tip of the elytra (Fig. 99). The length of the body to the tip 


Fic. 100.—M. differentialis. (From Riley.) 

of the abdomen varies from 25 mm. (1 inch) to 40 mm. (1.6 inches). 
This species has been confounded in most of our works on Ento- 


mology with MW. dzvittatus, a closely allied species, which occurs in 
the interior. : 

M. differentialis—This species is slight- 
ly larger than the preceding; it lacks the 
prominent yellow stripes, and is confined 
to the central portion of the United States 
(Fig. 100): 

5. Brachystola—This genus is repre- 
sented by the ‘“ Lubber Grasshopper” or 
Clumsy Locust of the plains, 4. magna. 
This insect is confined to the central 
portion of North America, and it can be 
readily recognized by the accompanying 
fisure (Mig. TON): 

Sub-Family V.—OPOMALIN&.* 

This sub-family is closely related to the 
Acrididz ; and the members of it resemble 
that sub-family in having the prosternum 
armed. The Opomaline are distinguished 
by the vertex extending horizontally in 
front of the eyes, by the strongly receding ES as 
front, and by the short fore and middle femora. The antenne are 
usually more or less flattened; and the terminal spine of the outer 
row of the posterior tibiz is never wanting. 

Several genera of this sub-family are represented in this country. 
The species are more common in the South and West than in the 

Fic. 102.—Leptysma marginicolle. 

Northeast. Fig. 102 represents Leptysma marginicolle ; this species 
occurs in Florida, and will serve as an illustration of the sub-family. 

Sub-Family VI.—TETTIGINA.t+ 

The Zettigine includes small locusts of very unusual form. The 
most striking character of the sub-family is the shape of the pro- 

* Opomaline, Opomala: ofs (ww), appearance; omadlos (64aA05), plane. 
+ Tettigine, Téttix: ¢e¢tix (cét 71), the Greek name for these insects. 


notum. This is prolonged backwards over the abdomen to or 
beyond its extremity (Fig. 103). The head is deeply set in the 
pronotum, and the prosternum is expanded into 
a broad border which partially envelops the mouth 
likea muffler. The antenne are very slender and 
short. The tegmina are rudimentary, being in the 
form of small, rough scales, while the wings are usu- 
ally well developed. These locusts differ, also, from all others in 
having no pulvilli between the claws of the tarsi. 

The Tettiginz are commonly found in low, wet places, and on 
the borders of streams. Their colors are usually dark, and are often 
protective, closely resembling that of the soil upon which the insects 
occur. They are very active, and possess great leaping powers. 

Three genera of this sub-family are represented in this country. 
These can be separated by the following table: 

Fic. 103.—7ettix. 

A. Pronotum arched roundly, antenne 12-jointed. BATRACHIDEA. 
AA. Pronotum nearly or quite horizontal. 
B. Antenne 13- or 14-jointed, erie 
BB, Antenne 22-jointed. TETTIGIDEA. 

Family VI.—LocusTID&.* 
(Long-horned Grasshoppers and Katydids.) 

The members of this family are easily recognized. They differ 
from the Acrididz in the great length of the antenna, which are 
longer than the body. From the Gryllidz, which they resemble in 
the length of the antenne, they are distinguished by the form of the 
ovipositor, which is compressed and sword-shaped ; and by the four- 
jointed tarsi. As with the Crickets, the tegmina of the males are 
furnished with a musical apparatus. But this occupies a much 
smaller part of the tegmina than with the Crickets. Excepting this 
small area, the anal, the tegmina, when at rest, are vertical. 

The name of this family, as is the custom, is derived from the 
name of its typical genus, Locusta. But the insects which are rightly 
termed in popular language Locusts belong to the preceding family, 
the Acrididz. That is, to that family belong the insects spoken of 
in the Bible,and in modern European works, as locusts. In this 
country, unfortunately, the term grasshopper has been used to in- 
clude both the true grasshoppers, z.e., the Locustide, and the true 
locusts: while the term locust has been applied to an insect of an- 

* Locitstide, Locitista: Locusta, a locust. 


other order, the Czcada. In order to avoid confusion, I have referred 
to the members of the Locustide and the Acridiide as Long-horned 
Grasshoppers and Short-horned Grasshoppers respectively. It is 
better, however, to call the former Grasshoppers, and the latter Lo- 
custs. This last term should never be applied to the well-known 
insect which appears once in seventeen years; this is rightly called 
the Periodical Cicada. 

Representatives of each of the more common genera of the North- 
eastern United States are mentioned below. These genera can be 
separated by the following table :* 

A. Wingless, or with rudimentary wings and wing-covers. 
B. Pronotum not extended over the meso- and metanotum, 
BB. Pronotum extended over meso- and metanotum. 9g. THYREONOTUS. 
AA. Winged. 
B. Tegmina expanded in the middle. 
C. Tegmina much broadened in the middle, concave. 5. CYRTOPHYLLUS. 
CC. Tegmina somewhat broadened in the middle, not concave. 
D. Ovipositor very small. 7. MICROCENTRUM. 
DD. Ovipositor of medium size. 6. AMBLYCORPHYA. 
BB. Tegmina not expanded in the middle. 
C. Vertex of the head with a conical projection forwards, 

CC. Vertex of the head without a conical projection. 

D. Ovipositor straight, or very nearly so; insect small. 2. XIPHIDIUM. 
DD. Ovipositor curved ; insect large. 
E. Ovipositor curved sharply upwards. 8. SCUDDERIA. 
EE. Ovipositor sword-shaped. 3. ORCHELIMUM. 

In order to facilitate the study of the Locustarians, our common 
genera can be arranged in four groups; namely, the Cricket-like 
Grasshoppers, the Meadow Grasshoppers, the Katydids, and the 
Shield-backed Grasshoppers. 

I. The Cricket-like Grasshoppers. 

1. Ceuthdphilus—To the genus Ceuthophilus belong certain 
wingless grasshoppers, which bear some resemblance in form to 
crickets (Fig. 104). They have a short, thick body and remarkably 
stout hind femora, like a cricket, but are entirely destitute of teg- 
mina and wings. All the species in our collection are either of a 
pale brown or dirty white color and more or less mottled with either 

* After S. H. Scudder, Boston Journal Natural History, Vol. VII. p. 414. 


lighter or darker shades. These insects are found under stones and 
rubbish in woods. Very closely al- 
lied to them are the “ Cave-crick- 
ets::. hese belong to ithe jcenus 
Haden&écus. H. cavernarum inhabits 

the caves of this country; it has very 
Fic. 104.—Ceuthophilus, long legs and antenne, is colorless 
and blind. 

Il. Zhe Meadow Grasshoppers. 

2. Xiphidium.—F¥rom the middle of the summer to the autumn 
there may be found upon the grass in our meadows and moist pas- 
tures many light-green grasshoppers of various sizes. These, on ac- 
count of the situations in which they are usually found, are termed 
the meadow grasshoppers. A large proportion of the species belong 
to the genus X7zphidium. This genus comprises the smaller of our 
common species. The members of it do not have the head fur- 
nished with a conical projection, and the ovipositor of the females 
is straight and sword-shaped (Fig. 105). 
We have three common species in the 
Middle States. In one of them, X. /fas- 
ciatum, the tegmina and wings are long, 
extending far beyond the tip of the ab- : 
domen: Im “each of the other “species NH HS TT 
the tegmina and wings are much _ short- 
ened. X. émsifer is characterized by the great length of the 
ovipositor, which is longer than the rest of the body; while the 
ovipositor of X. drevipénnis is a little shorter than the hind femora. 

3. Orchelimum.—These insects differ from the other common 
meadow grasshoppers in having the ovipositor curved. Our most 
common species is O. valgare. This species measures from the ver- 
tex of the head to the end of the abdomen 18 mm. (0.7 inch), or to 
the tip of the wing-covers 25 mm. (1 inch). The brown line on the 
dorsal aspect of the head and thorax does not extend down upon 
the front of the head; in the males there are two short black dashes 
on each of the tegmina; the four form the angles of a square, inclos- 
ing the musical apparatus. The wings equal the tegmina in length 
or are a little shorter. Another common species is O. glabérrimum. 
This has the dorsal band and the musical apparatus of the males 
bordered with black, and the ovipositor slightly expanded in the 
middle. O. agile has a narrow dark streak down the middle of the 


front of the head. O. concinnum is found in Massachusetts; this 
also has a dark streak extending down the front to the labrum, but 
it expands broadly in the middle of the face. 

4. Conocéphalus.—This genus includes the largest of our meadow 
grasshoppers. It differs from the genera already named in having 
the head prolonged into a cone-shaped projection. The species are 
found in trees as well as in grass, having a strong resemblance to the 
katydids both in appearance and habits. The most common species 
throughout the eastern part of our country is C. éuszger. Both sexes 
have very long wings; and the ovipositor of the female is remarka- 
ble for its length. The length of the body from the tip of the head 
to the end of the abdomen is 30 mm. (1.2 inches), while the distance 
from the tip of the head to the end of the wings or ovipositor is twice 
that amount. Two distinct forms of this species occur; one is pea- 
green, and the other is of a brownish straw color. C. robiistus is a 
stouter species than the preceding, and has a shorter ovipositor. 
This also exhibits dimorphism, being either pea-green or brown in 
color. The specimens in our collection are from Cape Cod and New 
Jersey. I have not seen any notice of its occurring in the interior. 

Ill. The Katydids. 

The song of the Katydids is known to every lover of Nature 
that lives in the country. But the insects themselves are much less 
familiar. Only the careful and patient observer succeeds in tracing 
the well-known and oft-repeated ‘“ Katy-did, Katy-did” or “ Katy- 
she-did” to its source. The successful ones are rewarded by the 
sight of a beautiful insect. The Katydids, of which there are in the 
United States at least a dozen species, are large green grasshop- 
pers with broad, leaf-like wing-covers and long, delicate antenne. 
They differ from the meadow grasshoppers in being arboreal. 
They are protected from observation by the color and shape of their 
tegmina, which resemble the leaves of trees. Although they feed 
upon the foliage of the trees which they inhabit, it is rare that they 
are sufficiently abundant to be of economic importance. The only 
locality in which I have known them to be injurious is Florida, 
where they infest orange-trees. 

Our species represent four genera. These can be separated by 
the table given above. 

5. Cyrtophyllus—The true Katydid, the one whose song sug- 
gested the popular name, is Cyrtophyllus concavus. This has been 


named the Broad-winged Katydid; it occurs throughout the Central 
and Eastern States. A closely allied species, C. perspicillatus, occurs 
in the South. These differ from other Katydids in having the 
wings shorter than the tegmina, and in having the tegmina very con- 
vex, so that the insects have an inflated appearance, instead of a 
narrow, compressed form, as is usually the case. The Southern spe- 
cies has shorter tegmina, more robust legs, and the musical appara- 
tus of the male is slightly broader than in the Northern form. 

6. Amblycorypha.—We have at least four species that pertain to 
this genus. The Round-winged Katydid, A. rotundifolia, is very 
common throughout the Northern States and Canada. It is a 
small species; the length of the body is 20 mm. (0.8 inch), and of 
the tegmina 25 mm. (1 inch). The tegmina are wide for their 
length, as indicated by the specific name. The ovipositor is quite 
broad, much curved, and roughly serrated. The Oblong-winged 
Katydid, A. oblongifolia, occurs in the same region as the preceding 
species; it is larger, has longer tegmina, and the ovipositor is less 
serrate and less curved.* The Tailed Katydid, A. cauddata, occurs 
in the South; it is still larger than the preceding, and has a very 
long ovipositor. The length of the body is 25 mm. (1 inch), of the 
tegmina 37 mm.(1.5 inches), and of the ovipositor 20 mm. (0.8 inch). 
Uhler’s Katydid, A. Ulériz, is our smallest species; it is common 
in Maryland and about Washington. 

7, Microcéntrum—The Angular-winged Katydid, I/tcrocéntrum 
retinérvis, is the commonest species in the Western and Southern 
States. It is especially abundant in Florida, where it often injures 
the foliage of young orange-trees. Its eggs, which are deposited in 
one or two rows upon twigs or the margin of leaves, frequently 
attract attention on account of their large size and the remarkable 
regularity of their arrangement. These are shown natural size on 
Plate III. The adult female and several nymphs are represented at 
the same place. Frequently the eggs of this species are infested by 
a Chalcid parasite, Eupélmus mirabilis, which is represented en- 
larged on the same plate (2, female; 2a, male). There is a closely 
allied Katydid, 47. affiliadtum, occurring throughout the Eastern 
United States, which is larger, and which differs in that the slightly 
hollowed front of the prothorax has a very small central tooth. 
This is a rarer species than the preceding. 

* Fig. 75 of Harris’s ‘‘ Insects Injurious to Vegetation” is of 4. rotundifolia, and not 
of this species as indicated in the text. 

PE Aywe, Tir 

[Aber te i: ; = 


8. Scuddéria—The Narrow-winged Katydid, Scuddéria curvt- 
cauda, is the common species of this genus. It is quite abundant in 
many parts of the country. The tegmina are long and narrow, 
hence the common name. The eggs of this species “are laid singly 
in the edges of leaves, between the upper and lower cuticles, and 
are so thin that they are not noticeable except when the leaf is held 
between one’s self and the light. They swell very considerably, 
however, in the spring, before hatching.” (Riley.) | 

IV. The Shteld-backed Grasshoppers. 

9. Thyreonotus——These are wingless, dull-colored grasshoppers 
which offer a striking appearance, owing to the great size of the pro- 
notum. This segment is so enlarged as to extend back over the 
other two thoracic segments. The ovipositor of the female is also 
sreatly developed, and is nearly straight. We have in the eastern 
half of the United States two widely-spread species. 7. dorsalis has 

Fic. 106.— 7hyreonotus. 

the pronotum well rounded behind. In 7. pachymerus (Fig. 106) 
it is nearly square. The hind legs and ovipositor are longer in 7. 
dorsalis than in the other species. 

In the region west of the Mississippi River are found wingless 
grasshoppers which are known as “ Western crickets.”” These belong 
to the genus Anabrus. This genus resembles Thyreonotus in the 
shield-like pronotum and the large size of the ovipositor, but differs 
in having the prosternum unarmed, while in the former genus there 
are two spines between the base of the front legs. Three species of 
Anabrus have been described. ‘“ A. colorddus is the smallest, and 
has the abdomen distinctly marked by transverse bands; A. purpu- 
rascens, dark purplish brown, mottled with yellow; A. simplex, dark 
shining brown. This species varies considerably in color, being 
found of every shade from light brownish yellow to almost entirely 
black; specimens are sometimes found that are partly yellow and 
partly black or dark purple.” A. szmplex is sometimes very destruc- 
tive to crops. 


Family VII..—GRYLLID&.* 

The Crickets constitute the last of the three families embraced 
in the section Saltatoria. They agree with the members of the pre- 
ceding family, the Locustide, in the possession of long, slender, 
delicately-tapering antenne, and differ in the form of the tegmina, 
the number of segments in the tarsi, and the form of the ovipositor. 
The tegmina in the Gryllide are horizontal, with the outer portion 
bent abruptly downwards ; the tarsi are three-jointed, except in Gican- 
thus, which has the hind tarsi four-jointed, and the ovipositor is 
- usually long and spear-shaped. 

With most species of crickets the two sexes differ greatly in ap- 
pearance. The female has a long ovipositor, and the venation of 
the tegmina is simple, while the male has the veins upon the hori- 
zontal part of the tegmina so modified as to admit of their being 
used as a musical organ. 

During the latter part of the summer and in the autumn, the air 
is filled with the cries of the crickets. With care it is easy to ob- 
serve these little fiddlers calling their mates. The common field- 
crickets lurk in holes in the ground and under stones, or, emerging 
from these retreats, run through the grass in search of food. At 
the season indicated above, the male crickets spend much time at 
or near the entrance of their 
burrows, making their pecu- 
liar calls. So intent upon 
this are they, that by moving 
quietly one can approach 
sufficiently near to watch 
them carefully. And even 
when they are disturbed they 
retreat into their holes only 
for a short time, if all re- 
mains still. At night they 
can be observed by means 
of a lantern, as light does 
not disturb them. In order 
to understand the manner 
of making these calls, it is necessary to study the structure of 
the tegmina. In the male crickets these organs differ greatly 

Fic. r07.—Tegmina of male Gryd/us. 

* Gryllida, Gryllus: gry//us, a cricket. 


from the simple form seen in the females, In Fig. 107, a represents 
the tegmina of a male Gryl/us. It will be seen that the iarge veins 
divide the wing into disk-like membranous spaces. If the principal 
vein, which extends diagonally across the base of the wing, be ex- 
amined with a microscope, it will be seen to be furnished with 
transverse ridges like a file (Fig. 107, 0). On the inner margin of the 
wing, a short distance towards the base from the end of the principal 
vein, there is a hardened portion which may be called the scraper. 
This is shown enlarged at c inthe figure. Each tegmina is therefore 
provided with a file and scraper. When the cricket wishes to make 
his call, he elevates his tegmina at an angle of about forty-five de- 
grees with the body; then holding them in such a position that the 
scraper of one rests upon the file of the other, he moves the tegmina 
back and forth laterally, so that the file and scraper rasp upon each 
other. This throws the tegmina into vibration, and produces the call. 

The Gryllidz is a comparatively small family, but the American 
species have not yet been monographed. The few genera which I 
have selected as illustrations, and which are our most common ones, 
can be separated by the following table: 

A. Fore tibiz broad, fitted for digging. (Fossorial Crickets.) 
B. Insect small; antennz ten- to twelve-jointed. I, TRIDACTYLUS. 
BB. Insect large; antennz many-jointed. 2. GRYLLOTALPA. 
AA. Fore tibiz slender. 
B. Hind femora stoutish. (True Crickets.) 
C. Last segment of the maxillary palpi of the same length as the next 

to the last. 3. GRYLLUS. 
CC. Last segment of the maxillary palpi double the length of the next to 
the last. 4. NEMOBIUS. 
BB.Hind femora slender. (Tree-crickets.) 5. CQECANTHUS. 

The Fossorial Crickets —We have two genera representing this 
group; they are commonly known as Mole-crickets. There are 
species belonging to the next group, the true crickets, which burrow 
in the ground; but the mole-crickets, as their common name indi- 
cates, are pre-eminently burrowers. The form of the body is that 
suited to this mode of life. The front tibia, especially, are fitted for 
digging. They are greatly broadened, and shaped somewhat like a 
hand, or the feet of a mole. Gryllotalpa is the better known of 
these two genera, this is doubtless owing to the large size of the spe- 
cies. The Northern Mole-cricket, Gryllotalpa borealis, inhabits nearly 
the whole of the United States east of the great plains, from Lou- 
isiana to Massachusetts. It is not a common insect, but occasion- 
ally it is found in great numbers in a limited locality. It can be 


easily recognized by the accompanying figure, which represents the 
insect natural size. They make burrows in moist places from six to 
eight inches below the surface of the ground, and 
feed upon the tender roots of various plants. 
In Europe, where mole-crickets are more abun- 
dant, they are frequently serious pests in culti- 
vated fields; and in the West Indies there is a 
species which is very destructive to sugar-cane. 
The species of Zriddctylus resemble Gryllotalpa 
somewhat in form, but are very much smaller; 
our species are all less than 10 mm. (0.4 inch) in 
length. They also resemble the large mole- 
crickets in habits, burrowing in similar places. 
But they differ in having their hind legs formed 
for leaping, and are able to jump as well as the 
true crickets. At Ithaca we find Tridactylus 
very local in its distribution. A large number 
of specimens have been taken from a small Fic. 108 — Cryilotalpa 
spot on the margin of one of our streams, but 

a most careful search has failed to reveal its presence elsewhere in 
our region. 

The True Crickets—The true crickets abound everywhere, in 
pastures, meadows, and gardens; and certain species enter our 
dwellings. They are chiefly solitary, nocturnal insects; yet many 
can be seen in the fields in the daytime. They usually feed upon 
plants, but are sometimes predaceous. The eggs are laid in the 
autumn, usually in the ground, and are hatched in the following 
summer. The greater part of the old crickets die on the approach 
of winter; but a few survive the cold season. The greater part 
of the species of our true crickets are included in the two genera 
Gryllus and Nemobius. To the former genus belongs our larger 
species., | Lhe two larser of, our 
species are Gryllus luctudsus and 
Gryllus abbreviatus (Fig. 108a). The 
species of the genus Nemobius are 
much smaller than Gryllus, and are 
characterized by the greater length 

Fic, 108a.—Gryllus abbreviatus. of the last segment of the maxillary 

palpi. The most common species, 
and one that is very abundant in our fields during the latter part 
of summer and autumn, is Vemobius vittatus. 


The Tree-crickets—Our common Tree-crickets belong to the 
genus Gicauthus. The most abundant species is the Snowy fice: 
cricket, Gcanthus niveus (Fig. 109). This is a delicate greenish- 
white insect. The male is represented 
in the figure. The closely-folded wings 
can be seen through the transparent 
tegmina. The wings vary greatly in 
length; sometimes they are longer 
than the tegmina, and sometimes not 
as long. In the females the tegmina 
are wrapped closely about the body, 

Fic. 109,—@canthus niveus, male. Fic. 110.—Stem of blackberry with eggs of Geauthu 
niveus. c, egg enlarged ; a, ornamentation of egg 
(From Riley.) 

making the insect much narrower than its mate. The female 
lays her eggs in a longitudinal series in the twigs or canes of various 
plants (Fig. 110). She selects the raspberry more often than any 
other plant; and as that portion of the cane beyond the incisions 
made for the eggs usually dies, it often happens that these crickets 
materially injure the plants. In such cases the dead canes should be 
cut out and burned early in the spring before the eggs hatch. 

CHAE Re Walle 
Order IV.— PH YSOPODA.* 
( Thrips.) 

The members of this order have four wings ; these are similar im 
form, long, narrow, membranous, not folded, with but few or no 
veins, and only rarely with cross-veins ; they are fringed with long 
hairs ; and are laid horizontally along the back when at rest. The 
metanorphosis 1s incomplete. The mouth-parts are probably used 
chiefly for sucking; they are tntermedtate in form between those of 
the sucking and those of the biting insects ; the mandibles are bristle- 
like; the maxille are triangular, flat, and furnished with palpi, and 
the labial palpi are also present. The tarsi are twozointed, bladder- 
like at tip, and without claws. 

These are insects of minute size, rarely exceeding 2mm. or 3 mm. 
in length. They can, however, be obtained easily from various 
flowers, especially those of the daisy and clover. Ordinarily, it is 
only necessary to pull apart one of these flowers to find several 
specimens of Thrips. They are in many cases very active insects, 
leaping or taking flight with great agility. In case they do not leap 
or take flight when alarmed, they are apt to 
run about and at the same time turn up the 
end of the abdomen in a threatening manner, 
as if to sting. In this respect they resemble 
the Rove-beetles. 

The body is long (Fig. 111). The head 
is narrower than the thorax, without any dis- 
tinct neck; the eyes are large, with conspic- 
uous ocelli; there are also usually three 
simple eyes. The ventral side of the head is 
prolonged into a conical beak, which extends be- 
neath the prosternum. The form of the mouth-parts can only be 
made out by dissection and the use of high powers of the micro- 
scope. Fig. 112 represents the mouth-parts of one of our common 

Fic. 111.—Thrips. 

* Physdpoda : physao (PvTdo), to blow up; fous (70vS), a foot. 


species. The mandibles are long, bristle-like, curved, and somewhat 
flattened at the base; the maxillae are broad at the base, and taper 
to a point; they are furnished with well-developed palpi; the labial 
palpi are distinct, but less conspic- 
uous; the labrum, in the form fig- 
ured, is furnished with a curious 
appendage at its tip; and the la- 
bium is deeply emarginate. The 
three thoracic segments are well 
developed. The wings are laid 
~ horizontally on the back when not 

in use; they are very narrow, but 

are fringed with long hairs, which, 

diverging in flight, compensate for 

the smallness of the membrane. 

This fringing of the wings sug- 

Be jeans ata OTN Su ts ne te a 
rection.) 8. labrum; ro, mandible; 11, max- which the order is designated in 
ee eae many entomological works. In some 

species the wings are wanting. The legs are well developed, 
but are furnished with very peculiar tarsi; these are two-jointed, 
and are bladder-like at the tip. It is this character that suggested 
the name Physopoda. The abdomen is more or less spindle-form ; it 
is terminated in some genera by a long, slender segment ; in others, 
the females are furnished with a four-valved ovipositor, which lies 
in a groove on the ventral aspect of the abdomen. 

“The larva resembles the perfect insect, but has a softer body, 
with the mesothorax and metathorax distinct; the mouth is like 
that of the adult; the antenne and legs are shorter; there are no 
simple eyes; and the compound ones are replaced by conglomerate 
eyes. The pupa resembles the perfect insect, but the articulations 
of the limbs are obscured by a film, and the wings inclosed in short 
fixed sheaths. The antenne are turned back on the head, and the 
insect, though it moves about, is much more sluggish than in the 
other states.’ (Haliday.) 

The different species of Thrips vary greatly in habits, some being 
injurious to vegetation, while others are carnivorous. It should be 
borne in mind that the insect commonly called Zhe Thrips, that in- 
fests the leaves of grape, is not a member of this order, but one of 
the Leaf-hoppers (family Jasside of the order Hemiptera). The 




misapplication of the name Thrips to this insect is often the cause 
of confusion. 

In taking up the Physopoda, it seems very probable that we re- 
turn again to near the foot of the insect series as represented by 
living forms. This is indicated by the Campodea-like form of the 
body, the presence of rudimentary abdominal legs in a European 
species, and the Podura-like habit of jumping of many forms. 

These insects have been placed in various positions. But the 
structure of the mouth, and the character of the wings, throw them 
out of any of the accepted orders. And now the majority of ento- 
mologists agree in assigning them the rank of a distinct order. As 
to the position of this order, it seems to me that it is the lowest 
living representative of one of the lines of development of winged 
insects, of which line the Hemiptera is the culmination. 

The Physopoda has not been thoroughly studied. The most 
important paper on the insects of this order is by A. H. Haliday. 
This was published in the Entomological Magazine for 1836. It is 
entitled An Epitome of the Lritish Genera, in the Order Thysanop- 
tera, with Indications of a few of the Species. Although this article 
was published more than a half century ago, and was intended only 
to include the British genera, it is the most complete account we 
have of the order. The following classification is compiled from it: 

Sub-Order I.—TUBULIFERA.* 

This sub-order is characterized by the absence of a borer in 
the females, and by having the last abdominal segment in both 
sexes elongated, narrow, and tubular. The maxillary palpi are two- 
jointed, with the first segment very short; the wings are without 
veins; the two pairs are of the same structure; they are naked, ex- 
cept the marginal fringe of hairs; and when at rest, they are crossed 
30 as to lie upon each other upon the abdomen. 

This sub-order includes a single family, the Tuduliferide. And 
only a single genus, Phlwothrips, representing this family, was de- 
scribed by Haliday. 

Philwothrips.—Here belong the more common of the black thrips 
which abound in the flowers of clover and daisy; they are also 
found, as their name indicates, under the bark of trees. 

* Tubulifera: ¢ududus, a small tube; fevo, to bear. 


Sub-Order I].—TEREBRANTIA.* 

This sub-order is characterized by the presence in the female of 
a four-valved borer. The maxillary palpi are three-jointed; the two 
pairs of wings differ somewhat in structure; the first pair is some- 
what longer, and wider, and usually also thicker; sometimes they 
are almost horny; both pairs are clothed with numerous very fine 
hairs; the front wings have two parallel veins, the hind wings a 
single vein or none; the veins of the wings usually bear conspicu- 
ous spines; the wings, when not in use, are folded parallel to each 
other on the abdomen. 

The members of this sub-order are much more agile than those 
of the preceding. They run rapidly, and spring, by bending under 
the tip of the abdomen and suddenly straightening it out. 

The Terebrantia includes two families; these can be separated 
as follows: 

A. Females with borer curved downwards. Fam. I].—STENOPTERIDA. 
AA. Females with borer curved upwards. Fam. I]1].—COLEOPTRATIDA. 

Family I].—STENOPTERID#.+ 

In the Stenopteride the wings are narrow and are furnished 
with one or two longitudinal veins; but there are no cross-veins. 
The longitudinal veins are usually fringed with spines. There are 
two or three small indistinct segments at the end of the antenne. 
And, as stated above, the ovipositor of the female is curved down- 
wards. This family includes the greater number of the members of 
the order. The following table will aid in determining the genera: 

A. Body above netted with elevated lines. 1. HELIOTHRIPS. 
AA. Body smooth. 
B. Abdomen clothed with silky hairs. 2. SERICOTHRIPS. 
BB. Body glabrous. 
C. Prothorax produced in front and narrowed. 3. CHIROTHRIPS. 

CC. Prothorax not narrowed. 
D. Last segment of abdomen armed with paired spines in the female; 
male wingless. 4. LIMOTHRIPS. 

DD. Last segment unarmed. 
E. The last two segments of the antennz shorter than the sixth 

segment. 5. THRIPS. 
EE. The last two segments of the antennz longer than the sixth 
segment. 6. BELOTHRIPS. 

* Terebrantia: ¢erebro, to bore through. 
+ Stenoptéride: stenos (oTEVOS), narrow; Pleron (ATEPOYV), a wing. 


The most abundant members of this family pertain to the genus 
Limothrips. There is a light yellow species which swarms in the 
flowers of clover and daisies. Another common species I have desig- 
nated, in my “ Notes on Entomology,” as The Grass-eating Thrips, 
Limothrips poéphagus. ‘The injury caused by this pest often attracts 
attention, although the insect itself is rarely observed. It infests 
timothy and June-grass, causing the head to turn yellow and die 
before maturing. These dead heads are very abundant every year. 
By pulling the head from its sheath, the stalk will be found to be 
shrunken in the tender part just above the joint, where the juice 
has been sucked from it; and in this place, if the examination be 
made soon after the turning yellow of the head, the insect can also 
be found. The adult female is light yellow in color, measures from 
I mm. to 14 mm. (0.04 inch to 0.05 inch) in length, and is remark- 
able in lacking the long spines on the veins of the wings. 


This family is characterized by having the ovipositor of the 
female curved upwards. The front wings are broader than in the 
preceding family, and are furnished with both longitudinal and 
cross veins. The following-named genera are indicated by Haliday: 

A. Antenne with nine distinct segments. 1. MELANTHRIPS. 
AA. Antenne apparently five-jointed, the last four segments being minute 
and compact. 
B. Body somewhat flattened; mesothorax and metathorax broad; front 
wings without fringe on costal border, and with four cross veins; males 

with lateral abdominal appendages. 2. COLEOTHRIPS. 
BB. Body cylindrical; mesothorax and metathorax constricted, wings rudi- 
mentary. 3. AZSOLOTHRIPS. 

* Coleoptratide: coleopteros (koAe€ontrepos), sheath-winged. 


Order V.—mHEMIPTERA.* 
(Bugs, Plant-lice, Bark-lice, et al.) 

The members of this order have four wings; in one sub-order the 
jirst pair of wings are of the same thickness throughout, and usually 
slope at the sides of the body; in another sub-order the first pair of 
wings are thickened at the base, with thinner extremities which over- 
lap on the back. The mouth-parts are formed for sucking. The 
metamorphosis 1s incomplete. 

The Hemiptera comprises the insects which are properly called 
bugs. This term is commonly applied to any thing that creeps or 
crawls; but the entomologist always refers to a member of this 
order when he speaks of a bug. In addition to the general term 
bug, the representatives of some of the families are known by special 
names, as plant-lice, bark-lice, leaf-hoppers, water-boatmen, and 
others. The order is a very important one; it includes many spe- 
cies injurious to vegetation, which often occur in such great numbers 
as to destroy the plants infested. On the other hand, some of the 
species are ranked among beneficial insects on account of their car- 
nivorous habits; while still others, as the cochineal and lac insects, 
furnish us with useful products. 

The name Hemiptera was suggested by the form of the front 
wings in the sub-order Heteroptera; here the basal half of these 
organs is thickened so as to resemble the elytra of beetles, only the 
terminal half being wing-like. The second pair of wings are mem- 
branous, and are folded beneath the first pair. On this account, the 
latter are often termed wing-covers; they are also termed emely- 
tra, a word suggested by their structure. 

The wing-covers of the Heteroptera present characters much 
used in classification; and consequently special names have been 
applied to the different parts. The thickened basal portion 1s 

* Hemiptera: Aemi- (myr-), half; pteron (mrepor), a wing. 


composed of two pieces joined together at their sides ; one of these 
is narrow, and is the part next to the scutellum when the wings are 
closed (Fig. 113, CZ); this is distinguished as the clavus: 

the other broader part is the corzum (Fig. 113, Co). > 
The terminal portion of the wing-cover is designated 3 
as the membrane (Fig. 113, 7). Incertain families,a fic. 113.— 
triangular portion of the terminal part of the corium is st 
separated as a distinct piece (Fig. 113, Cw); this is the 

caneus. In certain other cases, a narrow piece on the costal mar- 
gin of the corium is separated (Fig. 113, /); this is the emdbolum. 
Both pairs of wings in the Homoptera and Heteroptera are furnished 
with veins; but it is not necessary for the purposes of this work to 
discuss here the nomenclature of these veins. 

The mouth-parts are formed for piercing and sucking. Without 
dissection, they usually appear as a slender jointed beak, arising at 
the base of a shorter pointed labrum. This beak consists of four 
bristles inclosed in a fleshy, jointed sheath (Fig. 114). 
Two of the bristles represent the mandibles, and two 
the maxilla. The sheath is supposed to consist of the 
labium and the grown-together labial palpi. This sheath 
is usually four-jointed, and is never composed of more 
than that number of segments. The maxillary palpi 
are wanting. 

Most of the Heteroptera protect themselves by the 
emission of a disagreeable odor. This is caused by a 
fluid which is excreted through two openings, one on 
each side of the ventral aspect of the thorax, behind or 

near the middle coxa. These openings are termed 
Bete ae the dsteoles. Each of these is usually in some kind of 
ter Mah), © open channel styled the osteolar canal, and this is 

surrounded by a more or less rugged and granulated 
space, the evaporating surface. The legs of the Hemiptera vary 
greatly in form, but the tarsi are never more than three-jointed. 

The lateral margin of the abdominal segments is much devel- 
oped in several families,and forms a flat, reflexed or vertical border 
to the abdomen, which is called the connexivum. 

In their transformations the Hemiptera pass through an incom- 
plete metamorphosis. The rudimentary wings of the nymphs lie 
in the normal position, with the lower side of the wing next to the 
body, and not inverted as with the Jumping Orthoptera. The 


males of the Coccide present a remarkable exception in the nature 
of their transformations, the metamorphosis being a complete one. 

This order includes three well-marked groups; these are ranked 
as sub-orders, and are distinguished as follows: 


A. Wingless Hemiptera, parasitic upon Man and other Mammals, with a fleshy 
unjointed rostrum.* I. PARASITA. 
AA. Hemiptera with or without wings, but with a jointed rostrum. 

B. Wings of the same thickness throughout, and usually sloping at the sides 
of the body; rostrum arising from the hinder part of the lower side of 
the head; head without neck, and so closely applied to the prothorax 
that the first pair of coxze articulate with the cheeks. II]. HOMOPTERA. 

BB. First pair of wings thickened at the base, and with thinner extremities, 
which overlap on the back; rostrum arising from the front part of the 
head ; head (except in Corzszd@ and Notonectzd@) with a more or less dis- 
tinct neck, so that the cheeks and the first pair of coxee do not touch 
each other. II]. HETEROPTERA. 


The Parasitica includes certain parasites of Man and other Mam- 
mals, commonly known as lice. All the species which have been 
found in the United States belong to a single family, the Pedzcu- 
lide. Wewill not, therefore, enter into a discussion of the charac- 
ters of the sub-order, but pass directly to a study of this family. 

Family I.—PEDICULID.+ 

The lice are very small, wingless insects, which live on the skin of 
Mammalia, and suck their blood. The mouth is furnished with a 
fleshy, unjointed proboscis, which can be withdrawn into the head, 
or extended to a considerable length. Within this proboscis are 
two protrusible knife-like stylets; and at its base, when extended, 
there is a wreath of re-curved hooks. These hooks serve to anchor 
firmly the proboscis when inserted in the skin of the infested ani- 
mal. The eyes are two in number, small and simple. The antenne 
have five segments. The legs are joined to the outer margin of the 

* This is true of all forms that have been found in the United States. But in the 
genus Polyctenus the rostrum is three-jointed. Two species of this genus are known ; 
these infest bats ; one in the West Indies, the other in China. 

+ Pediculus, a louse. 


thorax. They are fitted for climbing, being furnished with a pow- 
erful curved claw at the tip of the tarsus, which is opposed by a 
toothed projection of the tibia. This arrange- 
ment is admirably adapted for clinging to hairs. 
The young do not undergo a metamorphosis. 
Only a few species pertaining to this family are 
known. The bird-lice, which differ from the 
true lice in having biting mouth-parts, consti- 
tute the family MZallophagide, of the order 
Pseudoneuroptera, and should not be con- 
founded with the insects we are now de- 

Three species of lice infest man; these are 
as follows: R 

The head-louse, Pediculus capitis.— This Beart ea 
is the most common species infesting man. 
le livess ins the “hair of the head; and is found upon all 
races of men. It is most common upon the heads of neglected 
children. Its general color is pale yellowish, with the outer edges 
of the thorax and abdomen dark brown or gray, and the tarsal 
claws pale brown. The eggs are oval, and are usually glued by the 
pointed end to the hair of the host. These “nits” are said to hatch 
under favorable conditions in about a week from the time they are 
laid. Under ordinary circumstances, cleanliness and the use of a 
fine-toothed comb are all that is necessary to insure freedom from 

this disgusting pest. 

The Body-louse, Pediculus vestiménttz.—This is somewhat larger 
than the preceding species. Like the head-louse, it infests all races 
of men. It is an interesting fact, however, that peculiar varieties 
have been developed upon the different races. The variety which 
infests the Whites in this country is yellowish, tinged with gray ; 
“that of the West African and Australian is nearly black; of the 
Hindoo, dark and smoky; of the Africander and Hottentot, orange; 
that of the Chinese and Japanese, yellowish brown; of the Indians 
of the Andes, dark brown; of the Digger Indians of California, 
dusky olive; and that of the more North American Indians, near the 
Esquimaux, paler, approaching to the light color of the parasites of the 
European.” * This insect lives upon the skin of most parts of the 
body; but especially selects the chest and back. It is often trouble- 

* Andrew Murray, Economic Entomology, p. 392. 


some on ships, in military camps, in prisons, and in the apartments 
of uncleanly people who neglect to change their clothes. The fe- 
male attaches her eggs to fibres in the seams of undergarments, 
from which the larve hatch in about a week. This species is ex- 
ceedingly prolific. The method of destroying these vermin com- 
monly employed in hospitals and poorhouses is to rub mercurial 
ointment in the seams of undergarments. 

The Crab-louse, Phthirius pibis—-The common name of this spe- 
cies is suggested by the form of the body, which is nearly as broad 
as long. When highly magnified, the resemblance of this insect to 
a crab is quite striking; but to the unaided eye it appears more like 
a large scale of dandruff. These offensive vermin affect the pubic 
region and armpits of man, stretching themselves out flat, holding 
tight to the cuticle, and inflicting most irritating punctures. They 
can be destroyed by mercurial ointment. 

The true lice of cattle, of the horse, ass, swine, squirrel, etc., are 
very closely allied to the head-louse and body-louse of man. They 
have been placed, however, by systematists in a distinct genus, 
Hematopinus. The names of the more important species are as fol- 

Fic. 116.—H. eurysternus. Fic. 117.—H. vitulz. Fic. 118.—H. suis. Fic. 119.—H. piliferus. 
(From Law.) (From Law.) (From Law.) (From Law.) 

lows: louse of cow, HZ. eurystérnus (Fig. 116); a second species 
found on cattle, especially calves, is H. vitulc (Fig. 117); louse of 
horse and ass, H. dsind (Fig. 115); louse of swine, //. sazs (Fig 118); 
louse of the dog, 1. peliferus (Fig. 119); louse of rabbit, A. ventrz- 
cosus ; louse of monkeys, //. guadrumanus. 


The reader should bear in mind that certain of the bird-lice, J/a/ 
lophagide, infest cattle, the horse, ass, sheep, dog, and cat. These 
pests have been discussed in an earlier chapter. The true lice of 
the genus Hematopinus can be recognized by the figures on the 
two preceding pages. 

For the destruction of these pests upon cattle, poisonous sub- 
stances must not be used, as injury would result from the animals’ 
licking themselves, They may be safely treated by washing with a 
strong infusion of tobacco leaves, or by rubbing with an ointment 
made of one part sulphur and four parts lard, or by sprinkling with 
Scotch snuff or powdered wood-ashes. The insecticide should be 
applied thoroughly, leaving no spots untouched where the lice can 
gather and remain, and from which they can spread over the body 
again. The application should be repeated several times at inter- 
vals of three or four days, in order to destroy the young which may 
hatch after the first application. It is also necessary, in order to 
make sure of eradicating the pests, to dress with similar agents, or 
with strong lye, or kerosene, all places where the cattle have been in 
the habit of rubbing, and the cracks in the stables where they have 
stood; or to whitewash the stables and rubbing-places. 

Sub-Order Il.—HOMOPTERA.* 

The Homoptera is that division of the Hemiptera in which the 
wings are of the same thickness throughout, and, when at rest, usu- 
ally slope roof-like at the sides of the body. This sub-order is also 
characterized by the absence of a neck, and the position of the 
mouth-parts at the hinder part of the lower side of the head. So 
closely is the head applied to the thorax that usually the front coxe 
articulate with the cheeks, and in many forms the mouth-parts ap- 
pear to arise from between the front legs. 

Although the Homoptera is a well-marked group, so well defined 
that by some it is considered a distinct order, the families of which 
it is composed show great variations in structure, and modes of de- 
velopment of the species. Some of the most interesting biological 
problems presented by Entomology have arisen in the study of this 


A. Beak apparently arising from the sternum, or absent; tarsi one- or two- 
jointed ; antenne usually prominent and filiform, sometimes wanting. 

* Homoptera : omos (O/L0S), same; Pleron (Trepov), a wing. 


B. Tarsi one-jointed; adult male without any beak and with only two wings: 
female wingless, with body either scale-like or gall-like in form, or grub- 
like, and clothed with wax. The waxy covering may be in the form of 
powder, of large tufts or plates, of a continuous layer, or of a thin scale 
beneath which the insect lives. 2. COCCIDA. 
BB. Tarsi usually two-jointed; wings, when present, four in number. 
C. Wings opaque, whitish ; wings and body covered with a whitish pow- 
der. 3. ALEYRODID. 
CC. Wings transparent. 

D. Legs long and slender, not fitted for leaping; antennz three- to 
seven-jointed. 4. APHIDID. 

DD. Hind legs fitted for leaping; antennz nine- or ten-jointed. 
AA. Beak evidently arising from the mentum; tarsi three-jointed ; antenne 

minute, setiform. 
B. With three ocelli, and the males with musical organs. Usually large 

insects, with all the wings entirely membranous. 7. CICADIDA. 
BB. Ocelli only two in number, or wanting; males without musical organs. 

C. Antenne inserted on the side of the cheeks beneath the eyes. 
CC. Antenne inserted in front of and between the eyes. 
D. Prothorax prolonged into a horn or point above the abdomen. 
DD. Prothorax not prolonged above the abdomen. 
E. Hind tibiz armed with one or two stout teeth, and the tip crowned 
with short, stout spines. g. CERCOPID. 
EE. Hind tibiz having a double row of spines below. 10. JASSIDA. 

Family I].—CocciD&.* 
(Scale-insects or Bark-lice, Mealy-bugs, et al.) 

The family Céccrd@ includes the Scale-insects or Bark-lice, 
Mealy-bugs, and certain other insects for which there are no popu- 
lar names. In many respects this is a very anomalous group, the 
species differing greatly in appearance, habits, and metamorphoses 
from those of the most closely allied families. Not only do the 
members of this family appear very unlike other insects, but there 
is a wonderful variety of forms within the family; and even the 
two sexes of the same species differ as much in the adult state as 
members of distinct orders. 

The males of Coccidz, unlike all other Hemiptera, undergo a 
complete metamorphosis. The adult males have only a single pair 

* Céccide, Cdccus : coccum, ‘‘the berry that grows upon the scarlet oak.” This sup- 
posed berry was a bark-louse. 


of wings, the hind wings being represented by a pair of club-like 
halteres. Each of these is furnished with a bristle, which in all of 
the species I have studied is hooked, and fits in a pocket on the 
wing of the same side (Fig. 120, 1a). The male in the adult state 
has no organs for procuring food, as the mouth-parts disappear 

Fic. 120 —Aspidiotus nerii. 1, scales on leaves of acacia, natural size; 12, adult male, enlarged ; 14, 
scale of male, enlarged ; 1c, scale of female, enlarged. (From the Author’s Report for 1880.) 

during the metamorphosis of the insect, and a second pair of eyes 
appear in their place. The adult female is always wingless; and the 
body. is either scale-like or gall-like in form, or grub-like and clothed 
with wax. The waxy covering may be in the form of powder, of 
large tufts or plates, of a continuous layer, or of a thin scale, be- 
neath which the insect lives. 

Among the Coccide are found many of the most serious pests of 
horticulturists. Scarcely any kind of fruit is free from their attacks ; 
and certain species of scale-insectsand mealy-bugs are constant pests 
in conservatories. The ease with which these insects or their eggs 
can be transported long distances while yet alive, on fruit or living 
plants, has caused many species that infest cultivated plants to be- 
come world-wide in distribution. 


During recent years, much attention has been paid to devising 
methods of destroying these pests. The insecticides which are now 
most widely used are alkaline washes and kerosene emulsion. (See 
Chapter XIV.) 

A number of useful insects belong to this family. Several species 
furnish dye-stuffs. The best known of these is Coccus cacti, the 
dried bodies of which are known as Cochineal. The stick lac of 
commerce, from which sheli-lac or shellac is prepared, is a resinous 
substance excreted by one of the Coccine, Cartéria lacca, which 
lives on the young branches of several tropical trees. And the 
bodies of this insect, which are obtained from the stick lac, furnish 
the coloring agent known as lac dye. China wax is another sub- 
stance for which we are indebted to this family. It is the excretion 
of an insect known as Pe-la, Evicerus pe-la. In fact, many species of 
this family excrete wax in considerable quantities. I have found 
three species in this country which, if they can be easily cultivated, 
produce wax in sufficient quantities te be of economic importance. 

The family comprises four sub-families. One of these includes 
species that live in galls, and is confined to Australia. The three 
sub-families which are represented in our fauna can be separated by 
the following table: * 

A. Body either naked or clothed with a secretion; the clothing, however, not 
in the form of a scale composed in part of moulted skins. 

B. Body of female usually remaining distinctly segmented, 
and retaining the power of motion till maturity ; some- 
times, however, it becomes more or less globular and fixed, 
but in all cases the labium is composed of several seg- 
ments, and there are no anal plates. (Fig. 121, af.) The 
abdomen usually ends in a pair of lobes, each furnished 
with one or more bristles (Plate IV. Fig. Ie). 


BB. Body of female changing much in form during develop- 
ment, becoming scale-like or more or less globular, with 
the segmentation absent or indistinctly indicated. The 
Fic. 121.—Leca- individuals usually become fixed to the plant upon which 

He eta they live; sometimes they are enclosed in a covering of 

wax. In all cases the labium is composed of a single seg- 
ment; the caudal opening of the alimentary canal in the adult female is covered 
by a pair of subtriangular plates (Fig. 121, af). 2 LECANINA. 

* The characters given here for distinguishing the Lecanine and Coccine are 
merely provisional, as these groups are not yet well known. 



AA. Body of insect covered by a scale composed in part of moulted skins and 
partly of a secretion of the insect. 3, DIASPINA. 

Sub-Family I.—COoOccIN&é. 

The sub-family Cocctne includes those Coccids of which the 
females undergo the least change in form during their development. 
The majority of them retain a form not much different from that of 
the young larve; but in some genera the body becomes a globular 
mass, with little or no indication of segmentation. The most im- 
portant characters, as the family is now understood, are the multi- 
articulate labium, and the absence of anal plates. Plate IV. Id rep. 
resents the typical form of the female adult in this sub-family; Ie 
represents the caudal end of the body of the same. The most com- 
mon exception to this form is that of the genus Kermes described 
below. In most genera of this sub-family the body of the female 
becomes enclosed in a cottony or felt-like sac. In some, as the 
mealy-bugs, this takes place just before they begin to oviposit ; 
while in other genera the greater part of the life of the insect is 
passed within the sac. In this and the next sub-family the caudal 
style of the male is short; and the last abdominal segment bears a 
pair of long waxy filaments. Each filament is supported by one or 
more hairs, at the base of which are the spinnerets from which the 
wax is excreted (Plate IV. ta and 10). 

Mealy-bugs, Dactylopius—The mealy-bugs are the best known 
members of this sub-family, as they are 
the most common and most noxious of 
green-house pests. Fig. 122 represents 
D. longifilis,a common species in green- 
houses. WD. destrictor (Fig. 123) is an- 

Fic. 122.—Dactylopius longifilis, Fic. 123.—Dactylopius destructor, 
female, enlarged. (From the female, enlarged. (From the 
Author’s Report for 1880.) Author’s Report for 1880.) 

other common species, which differs in lacking the long filaments 


of the preceding species. This occurs in green-houses in the North, 
and is also very destructive to orange-trees in Florida. 

Cochineal, Coccus ca@ctz.— This is a native of Mexico, but is now 
cultivated in India, Spain, and other countries. It feeds upon vari- 
ous species of the Cactacea, more especially Opuntia coccinilifera. 
I have received living specimens which were collected upon a wild 
cactus in Florida. The dye-stuff consists of the female insects, 
which, when mature, are brushed off the plants, killed, and dried. 
The entire insect is used. From cochineal, lake and carmine are 
also prepared. Cochineal is now being superseded by aniline dyes, 
which are made from coal-tar. 

Orthézia.—The members of this genus occur not uncommonly 
on various weeds. They are remarkable for the calcareous secretion 
with which the body is clothed. This is in the form of long plates. 
Fig. 124 represents a nymph; in the adult female, the excretion be- 
comes more elongated posteriorly, and forms a sac containing the 
eggs mixed witha fine down. Later, when the young are born, 
they remain in the sac till they have themselves secreted a sufficient 
amount of the lamellar matter to cover them. 

Fic. 124.—Orthezia, enlarged. (From the Fic. 125.—/cerya purchast. Females, adult 
Author’s Report for 1880.) and young, on orange. (From the Author's 
Report for 1880.) 

Icérya purchasi—This beautiful insect (Fig. 125) is one of the 
most dangerous pests infesting fruit-trees in California. The body 
of the adult female is scale-like, dark orange-red, and has the dorsal 
surface more or less covered with a white or yellowish-white powder. 
The insect secretes a large egg-sac, which causes it to resemble Pul- 


vinaria, of the next sub-family. The egg-sac of Icerya, howeve;, is 
beautifully ribbed, while that of Pulvinaria is not of very definite 
form. Icerya is an introduced insect from Australia. 
Rhizococcus—Two species of Rhzzococcus are figured on Plate IV. 
Fig. 1 represents R. avaucari@, a species infesting Norfolk Island 
pine (Araucaria excélstor) in southern California; and Fig. 2 is of 
R. guércus upon oak from Florida. This genus is a good illustration 

Fic. 126.—Kermies sp., on Quercus agrifolia. Adult females on stem ; immature males on leaves. 
(From the Author’s Report for 1880.) 

of the forms that spend a greater part of their lives within sacs. A 
more common illustration of this occurs in the genus Erzocéccus, of 
which we have a species, 2. aza@/e@, common upon azaleas in con- 

Kéermes.—The most abnormal members of this sub-family consti- 
tute the genus Aermes. Species of this genus are common upon 


oaks wherever they grow. These insects are remarkable for the 
wonderful gall-like form of the adult females. So striking is this 
resemblance, that they have been mistaken for galls by many ento- 
mologists. Fig. 126 represents a species of this genus upon Quercus 
agrifolia. The gall-like swellings on the stem are the adult females; 
the smaller scales on the leaves are the immature males. 

Sub-Family I].—LECANIN/.* 

In the present state of our knowledge of this sub-family there is 
nothing to add to the characterization of it given in the table on page 
136. The most available character for recognizing these insects is 
the presence of the subtriangular anal plates (Fig. 121). Usually, 
the body is elliptical or circular in outline, with a deep incision at 
the caudal end, leading to the anal opening (Fig. 121). Although 
as a rule these insects remain fixed to one spot after the wandering 
larval stage, I have seen the adults of certain species move from one 
place to another. It is a curious fact that in certain species, among 
them the most common ones, as L. hespertdum, the males are un- 
known. It seems probable that they rarely, if ever, occur. Only 
three genera have been found in the United States. These are dis- 
tinguished as follows: 

A. Body naked or nearly so. 
B. Female secreting a mass of cottony material in which the eggs are laid. 

Fig. 127. 2. PULVINARIA. 

B. Female laying her eggs beneath her body, not excreting a mass of cot- 
tony material. 1. LECANIUM. 
AA. Body covered with a layer of wax. 3. CEROPLASTES. 

Lecanium.—The species of the genus Lecanium abound every- 
where; they occur on all kinds of plants both in conservatories and 
in the open air. Some of them are known to gardeners as “ Soft- 
scales.” The genus is one that is easily recognized, but no one has 
yet found satisfactory characters for separating the closely allied 
species. I have figured three of the more common forms. Plate 
V. 2 is of Lecanium hespéridum. This is a representative of a group 
that includes our most common species. They are an elongated 
oval in outline, nearly flat, and smooth and shining. 

Lecanium hemisphéricum (Plate V. 3) is a much more convex 
species, as its name indicates. It is common in conservatories. 

*Lecanine, Lecanium: /ecane (AeKav™y), a dish 
| fo) 

Le Urea al Sa 


Lecanium olee also occurs in conservatories, but it is very common in 
the open air in California. Here it is a serious pest of the orange, 

Fic. 127.—Pulvinaria innumerabilis. Bomale ion gt3es natural size. (From the Author’s Report 
olive, and other trees. It is very convex and marked with promi- 
nent ridges (Plate V. 1). Especially prominent are two transverse 
ridges and a longitudinal one which frequently form a raised surface 
of the form of a capital H. 

Fic. 128.—Ceroplastes floridensis, adult and young Fic. 129.—Ceroplastes cirripediformis. 
females on Ilex, natural size; a, young female, en- Adult females, natural size; a, fe- 
larged; 4, adult female, enlarged. (From the, Au- male enlarged. (From the Author’s 
thor’s Report for 1880.) Report for 1880.) 

Pulvinaria.—-Vhis genus is distinguished from Lecanium only by 


the fact that the adult female excretes a large cottony mass in which 
the eggs are laid. Fig. 127 represents Pulvinaria innumerabits, 
which is common on grape, maple, osage orange, and other plants. 

Ceroplastes—The species belonging to this genus are furnished 
with a thick covering of waxy material, which does not, however, 
adhere closely to the insect. Only two species have been found in 
the United States. Both of these are Florida insects, and in each the 
waxy covering is dirty-white in color. The most common species, 
C. Floridénsis (Fig. 128), infests a great variety of plants both wild 
and cultivated. C. cirripediformis (Fig. 129) is not very common; 
it infests orange and quince. It is a beautiful species, as the waxy 
excretion is in the form of regular-shaped plates. 

Sub-Family III.—DIASPINz.* 

The Diaspine includes those species of scale-insects that form a 
scale composed in part of moulted skins, and partly of an excretion of 
the insect. This apparently trivial character is correllated with im- 
portant structural characters, which mark a well-defined group. The 

Fic. 130.—Organs of the last segment of adult females of the Diasfine. a, opening of oviduct; 
é,anus; d, @, cephalo-lateral groups of spinnerets ; e, e, caudo-lateral groups of spinnerets ; /’, 
lobes; %, spines ; Z, plates (these are frequently described by authors as spines). (From a Report 
by the Author, 1881.) 

most important of the structural characters is the peculiar form of 

the last segment of the body. This segment is highly specialized 

for the excretion and manipulation of wax. It is furnished with 
many openings and appendages. These vary greatly in number and 

form, and afford good characters for distinguishing closely allied 

* Diaspine, Didspis: dia (d7a,) through; aspis (a ois), a shield. 



species. Figure 130 represents a common form of this segment. 
But these special characters of this segment are not presented by the 
larve till after the first moult, nor by the male after the change to 

The following account of the metamorphoses of the Diaspinz is 
quoted from my report on Scale-Insects in the Annual Report of the 

U.S. Department of Agriculture for 1880. 

The newly-hatched scale-insect is oval in outline, much flattened, furnished 
with six legs, a pair of antenne, and an apparatus for sucking the juices from 
plants. (See Plate VI. Fig. 2¢, young of Aspzdzotus ficus.) At this stage of 
its existence it is very small, a mere speck, which the untrained eye could only 
with difficulty detect. By means of a lens, however, these minute creatures 
can be seen crawling in all directions over the leaves or bark of an infested 
tree. After wandering for a time, usually but a few hours or even ess, the 
young scale-insect settles on some part of the plant, inserts its beak, and draw- 
ing its nourishment from the plant, begins its growth ai the expense of its host. 
In a short time there begins to exude from the body of the larva fine threads 
of wax, which are cottony in appearance. The excretion of this wax continues 
until the insect is completely covered by it. The rate at which this excretion 
is produced varies greatly. Thus larve of the red scale of Florida (Aspzdzotus 
ficus), which were only one day old, were found to be completely covered by the 
cottony mass which they had excreted ; while the larvz of Glover's scale (AZy¢z- 
laspis Gloverzz) did not become entirely covered until they were six days old. 
Sooner or later the larva begins to excrete a pellicle, which, although very 
thin, is dense and firm in texture. The mass of cottony fibres either melts or 
is blown away, or, as in certain species of Aspidiotus, a portion remains as a 
white dot or ring on the centre of the scale. After a period, which, in several 
species that we have studied, is about one-half of the time from the hatching of 
the larva to the emerging of the male, or one-third of the time from the birth 
of the female to the date at which she begins ovipositing, the larva sheds its 
skin. In some species this does not take place until after the beginning of the 
formation of the permanent scale, and in such cases the moulted skin adheres to 
the inner surface of the scale; and cannot be seen while it is in its normal posi- 
tion on the plant. This is true of many species belonging to the genus Aspidi- 
otus (A, ficus, A. cttrt, A. perniczosus, and others). In these species the position 
of the exuvie is indicated by a nipple-like prominence, often marked by a 
white ring or dot, which is the remains of the cottony mass first excreted. In 
other species the moult takes place before the beginning of the excretion of the 
permanent scale. In these, the larval skin is plainly visible either upon the 
surface of the scale, as in certain species of Aspidiotus (4. werzz, Fig. 120), and 
in Diaspis (Plate VIII. Fig. 1a, 2a), or at one extremity, as in Mytilaspis (Plate 
X. Fig. 1a). Sometimes, however, the larval skin is covered by a delicate trans- 
parent layer, which, I think, is the melted or com pacted remains of the cottony 
mass excreted by the young larva (Plate X. Fig. 2a). 

The change which the larva undergoes at this moult is a very remarkable 
one, appearing to be a retrogression, instead of an advancement to a more 


highly organized form, as is the rule in the development of animals. With the 
skin are shed the legs and antenne.* The young scale-insect thus becomes a 
degraded grub-like creature, with no organs of locomotion. The mouth-parts 
remain, however, in a higily developed state and are well fitted to perform 
their functions. This apparatus is not the least remarkable thing in the 
structure of these insects. It is terminated by a thread-like organ, which is 
frequently much longer than the body of the insect, and is composed of four 
delicate hair-like bristles. By means of this organ the insect is firmly attached 
to the plant, and draws its nourishment therefrom. From this stage the devel- 
opment of the sexes differs. 

The second and last moult of the female takes place, in those species which 
we have studied most carefully, when she is about twice as old as when the 
first moult occurred. Thechange in appearance at this moult presents nothing 
remarkable. The second cast skin is joined to the first, and with it forms a 
part of the scale which covers the body of the insect. Sometimes, as in the 
genus Uhleria (Plate VII. Fig. 9), this moulted skin is very large and constitutes 
the greater part of the scale; but more commonly the exuviz form but a small 
proportion of the scale, the greater part of it being excreted subsequently to 
the second moult. Soon after the second moult of the females takes place the 
adult males emerge, and doubtless the impregnation of the females occurs at 
once. After this, the body of the female increases in size, becoming distended 
with eggs. The oviposition takes place gradually, and, in those species that we 
have studied, begins when the female is about three times as old as when the 
first moult occurred. The eggs are deposited beneath the scale, the body of the 
female gradually shrinking and thus making room for them. (See Plate X. 
Figs. 146 and 2c.) Some species, however, are viviparous. 

The male scale-insect during the early part of its larval life is indistinguish- 
able from the female. The first moult occurs at the same time and is accom- 

panied by a similar change, the male larva, like the female, losing its legs and 
-antennz. The second moult is also synchronous with the second moult of the 
female; but here the similarity in form between the two sexes ceases. Even 
before this moult takes place there may be observed the formation of rudiment- 
ary limbs beneath the transparent memberless skin of the larva; and after this 
skin is shed, the male, now in the pupa state, differs remarkably from the 
female. The male pupa has long antenne, and its legs and wings, although in 
a rudimentary state, are very large. The duration of the pupa state in those 
species which we have bred, in short, lasting but a few days; and then, after a 
third casting of the skin, the adult male appears. 

The outline figures on Plates IV., VI., and IX. represent the insect in 
this stage. The anterior wings, though very delicate, are large, and enable 
the male to fly readily. The posterior wings are represented only by a pair of 
halteres. These insects resemble in this respect the flies, gnats, and other 
insects belonging to the order Diptera, or two-winged insects. The posterior 
end of the body is furnished with a style, which is sometimes nearly as long as 
the remainder of the body, and is the external organ of reproduction. As our 
figures represent only a dorsal view, the most remarkable character of the 

* Rudiments of antenne are sometimes retained, as in certain species of A/y/ilaspis. 


WB. Comste Al. 

Scales of the Dzasfin@, from camera-lucida drawings. 1, Asfidiotus ficus, female ; 1a, male of 
same; 2, Asfidiotus nerit, female ; 2a, male of same; 3, Diasfis rose, female; 2a, male of 
same; 4, Chionasfis furfurus, female ; 4a, male of same; 5, Mytzlaspis pomorum, female ; 
sa, male of same; 6, Parlatoria perganaii, female; 6a, male of same; 7, Parlatoria proteus, 
female; 7a, male of same; 8, Parlatoria zizyphi, female; 9, Uhleria camellie; 10, Aspidi- 
otus ? parlatorotdes, female ; 11, Chionaspis ? biclavis. 


adult—the supplementary eyes which takes the place of the mouth-parts—is 
not shown. 

The genera of the Diaspine are characterized chiefly by the form 
of the scales, and the position of the moulted skins or exuvie upon 
them. In the use of these characters it is necessary to distinguish 
the sex of the individual by which a given scale was made. This 
can be done as follows: In the scale of the fully developed female 
there are two moulted skins, while in that of the male there is but 
one. Our genera can be separated by the following table :* 

A. Scale of female circular with the exuvia either central or more or less 
nearly marginal. 

B. Scale of male but little elongated, with the exuvize more or less central; 

scale usually resembling that of the female in color and texture (Plate 

VII. Fig. 1a and 2a). ASPIDIOTUS. 
BB. Scale of male elongated, with the exuviz at one extremity. 
C. Scale of male, white and carinated (Plate VII. Fig. 32). DIASPIS. 
CC. Scale of male, not white and with no central carina (Plate VII. 
Fig. 6a). PARLATORIA. 

AA. Scale of female elongated, with the exuviz at one extremity. 

D. Exuviz small. 
E. Scale of male, white and carinatedt+ (Plate VII. Fig. 4a); last 

segment of female with five groups of spinnerets. CHIONASPIS. 
EE. Scale of male white, but not carinated; female with eight groups 
of spinnerets. POLIASPIS. 
EEE. Scale of male similar in form to that of the female (Plate VII. 
Fig. 5a). MYTILASPIS. 

DD. Exuviz large. 
F. Two moulted skins visible on the scale of the female (Plate VII. 
Bios. 73,6): PARLATORIA. 

FF. Second skin covered by a secretion (Plate I. Fig.9). . UHLERIA. 

The accompanying illustrations, from my report on scale-insects 
in the Report of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture for 1880, will enable 
the reader to recognize the more important.species of this sub-family. 

A spidiotus.—This is the largest genus of the Diaspine; more than 
twenty species have been observed in the United States. The one 
which has done the greatest injury to citrus fruits on the Pacific 
coast is the Red Scale of California, Aspzdzotus auranti (Plate VI. 1). 
Closely allied to this is the Red Scale of Florida, A. ficus (Plate VI. 

* From the author’s Second Report on Scale-Insects ; published in the Second Report 
of the Cornell University Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y., 1883. 
+ In Chionaspis ortholobis the scale of the male is not carinated. This species infests 

willow in California, 

PLATE Viiritr 



2). This also infests oranges; but its injuries are overshadowed in 
Florida by those of other scale-insects; A. mériz (Fig. 120) is the 
common white scale, which occurs on a great variety of plants. It 
is an imported insect; but I have collected it throughout our country 
from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic 
to the Pacific; in the colder parts of the United States it is, next to 
the mealy-bugs and Lecanium, the most common Coccid on house- 
plants. In northern California, and especially in the Santa Clara 
Valley, is found A. pernicidsus,; this is a circular, grayish scale which 
infests nearly all of the deciduous fruit-trees grown in that State. It 
is the most destructive of the scale-making Coccids; and before the 
fruit-growers awoke to the importance of fighting it, it came near 
destroying the orchards of that section. 

Didspis—Our commonest representative of this genus is Didspis 
rosé (Plate VIII. 1); this is a snowy-white scale, which occurs 
abundantly on neglected roses; I have found it also on raspberry, 
and blackberry bushes. Dzdspis caruél (Plate VIII. 2) is common 
in some localities on Juniper and allied plants. 

Chionaspis—TYhe common white scale of pear and apple is Chz- 
onaspis firfurus (Plate IX. 1). Another common species which 
occurs throughout the United States upon the leaves of pine and 
spruce is C. pantfolu (Plate IX. 2). C. eudnymi (Plate VIII. 3) in- 
fests Euonymus; it is remarkable for having the scale of the female 
of adirty blackish-brown color, instead of white, as isthe rule in this 
genus. The common white scale of willow is C. s@/iczs. 

Mytilaspis.—To this genus belong some of the best known Coc- 
cids. Of those that occur on plants in the open air, only three 
American species have been recognized. Two of these abound on 
oranges. One of the orange species, W/. glovérit, (Plate X. 2,) can be 
easily recognized by the very narrow form of the scale, and the fact 
that the eggs are laid in two rows beneath the scale (Plate X. Fig. 2, c). 
In the other orange species, MV. citricola, (Plate X. 1,) the scale of the 
female is much wider, and the eggs are massed irregularly beneath 
the scale. The Oyster-shell Bark-louse of the Apple, J/. pomorum, 
is distinguished from M. citricola only by minute characters. The 
figure just referred to would serve equally well for this species, ex- 
cept that it does not occur on the orange. It is the most common 
scale of the apple in all parts of the United States in which that tree 
grows ; it infests also a great variety of other plants. 

The food-plants of the species figured on Plate VII., and not 
named above, are as follows: Parlatoria pergandii occurs on Florida 



oranges. Parlatoria proteus has been found only on exotic plants 
in conservatories. farlatoria zizyphi is an exotic species which is 
often found on imported oranges. Uhléria camélli@ is a trouble- 
some pest of the camellia in conservatories. Aspididtus parlato- 
rovdes infest the Bay Tree in Florida. And Chiondspis biclavts is a 
remarkable species, which I found burrowing beneath the epidermal 
layer of certain exotic plants in the conservatories at Washington. 


The insects of the genus A/eyrddes were for a long time classed 
with the Coccide. In their immature state they are scale-like in 
form (Fig. 131), and often somewhat resemble certain species of 
Lecanium. But the mature insects differ so 
much from Coccids that the genus has been 
separated as a distinct family. They are very 
small insects; the species with which I am 
acquainted have an expanse of wings of about 
three millimeters. Both sexes are winged; 
and, as with other Hemiptera except the 

Coccids, there are two pairs of wings. In the 
adult state, all the species are of nearly the Biches ein 
same color; the wings are white, sometimes 

spotted ; the body ts usually yellowish, sometimes pinkish, and more 
or less spotted with black. The most striking character presented 
by the adults, in addition to the fact that both sexes are winged, 
and each has two pairs of wings, is the presence of a whitish powder 
with which the wings and body are covered. It is this character 
which gives the name to the genus. 

With the adults the eyes are reniform, and generally divided 
into two portions, separated by a membrane; in some species they 
are more or less rounded or triangular. Above each eye there is a 
minute ocellus. The rostrum is stout, and composed of three seg- 
ments. The antenne are seven-jointed. The wings in repose are 
carried nearly horizontally. The first pair are the larger, and are 
traversed by two veins; the first vein, which passes through the mid- 

dle of the wing, 

is much the larger; the hind wings have only a 
single vein. 

* Aleyrédide, Aleyrddes: aleurddes (AAevpwses), like flour. 



PIE N E  Elim E tl 
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Owing to their small size and similarity in color, it is difficult to 
distinguish the different species of Aleyrodes in the adult state. 
But the immature scale-like forms present considerable differences. 
The most common form that I have met is very flat, nearly circular 
in outline, and furnished with a beautiful white fringe (Fig. 131); 
this fringe is composed of parallel fibres, which radiate from the 
margin of the body ; and its white color contrasts strongly with the 
dark color of the insect. The segmentation of the body is often 
represented by prominent wrinkles, which give the insect a minia- 
ture resemblance to the fossils known to geolo 
Sometimes the fringe ‘of Vexcretion is 
wanting; and in a common species on 
maple, the excretion from the margin of 
the body, instead of extending laterally 
and forming a fringe, is directed towards 
the leaf upon which the insect rests, 
and thus the body is lifted away from — FG. 132.—Adeyrodes on maple. 
the leaf, and perched upon an exquisite palisade of white wax 
(Eige 132): 

The American species of this family have not been studied. In 
case any of them become destructive to vegetation, they can proba- 
bly be destroyed by strong alkaline solutions, as are Coccids. 

gists as Trilobites. 

Family 1V.—APHIDID&.* 

The plant-lice are well-known insects; they infest nearly all 
kinds of vegetation in all parts of the country. Our most common 
examples are minute, soft-bodied, green insects, with long legs and 
antenne, which appear on various plants in the house and in the 
field. Among our common species are both winged and wingless 
forms. There are a great number of species, nearly all of which 
are of small size. The bodies of our largest species measure only 6 
or 7 mm. (0.24 or 0.25 inch) in length. 

The body is usually more or less pearshaped. The winged 
forms have two pairs of delicate, transparent wings. These are fur- 
nished with a few simple veins; but the venation is more extended 

* Aphididae, Aphis: perhaps from aphysso (a PUOow), to drink up liquids. 


than in either of the two preceding families. The first pair of wings 
is larger than the other; and the two wings of each side are usually 
connected by a compound hooklet. The beak is two-joiited, and 
varies greatly in length ; sometimes it is longer thanthe body. The 
compound eyes are prominent; and ocelli are also usually present. 
The antenne are from three- to seven-jointed. On the dorsal aspect 
of the sixth abdominal segment there is, in many species, a pair of 
tubes, through which a sweet, transparent fluid is excreted. In 
some genera these organs are merely perforated tubercles; while in 
still other genera they are wanting. 

The fluid which is excreted through the abdominal tubercles is 
the substance known as honey-dew. It is sometimes produced in 
such quantities that it forms a glistening coating on the leaves of 
the branches below the plant-lice, and stone walks beneath shade- 
trees are often densely spotted with it. This honey-dew is fed upon 
by bees, wasps, and ants. The bees and wasps take the food where 
they find it, paying little, if any, attention to its source. But the 
ants recognize in the plant-lice useful auxiliaries, and often care for 
them as man cares for his herds. This curious relationship will be 
more fully discussed under the head of ants. 

In addition to honey-dew, many Aphids excrete a white sub- 
stance. This may be in the form of a powder, scattered over the 
surface of the body, or it may be in large flocculent or downy 
masses; every gradation between these forms exists. 

The plant-lice are remarkable for their peculiar mode of 
development. The various species differ greatly in the details 
of their transformations; but the following generalizations can be 

At some period eggs are produced by impregnated females. 
This ordinarily occurs in the autumn; in which case the eggs do not 
hatch till the following spring. From the fact that these eggs are 
fertilized, they are frequently referred to as true eggs, in contradis- 
tinction to pseudova, described later. These true eggs are also 
known as weuter eggs. 

From the winter eggs there hatch in the spring a generation of 
Aphids in which there is no distinction of sex. All are females; 
and each has the power of reproducing without the intervention of a 
male. Such reproduction is termed agamic* reproduction, or repro- 
duction by budding. And this term is also applied to the individu- 

* Agamic: a (a), without; gamos (ya@jos), marriage. 


als that reproduce in thisway. Usually, the agamic generation pro- 
duced by the winter eggs is wingless. The agamic female which 
hatches from a winter egg, being the starting point from which arise 
the generations that intervene between this egg and the production 
of other true eggs, is termed the stem-mother. 

The offspring of the stem-mothers are wingless or winged or 
both, and are agamic. In many cases they are born alive. This 
can be seen by examining almost any colony of plant-lice during the 
summer-time. While an agamic mother is unconcernedly feeding 
or walking about, it may be giving birth to a young louse; the lat- 
ter can be seen with the unaided eye, but better with a lens, emerg- 
ing from the caudal end of its mother, tail first, and kicking vigor- 
ously, even before its head has been delivered. In other cases, the 
agamic form produces egg-like bodies, which are termed /pseudova, to 
distinguish them from the fertilized or true eggs. And, in still other 
cases, they produce living young, which are enveloped in a pellicle, 
from which they emerge in the course of a few minutes; such an 
enveloping pellicle with its enclosed young is also termed a pseudo- 

The number of agamic generations that may follow without the 
intervention of sexual forms varies with different species, and, in 
some cases at least, varies in the same species, depending upon tem- 
perature and other conditions. Thus Kyber, in the early part of 
this century, succeeded, by keeping the insects in a warm room, in 
raising a series of agamic generations of two species of Aphids, 
which extended through four years without the intervention of sex- 
ual forms. 

As already indicated, the agamic generations are of two forms, 
wingless and winged. Each of these has a peculiar function in the 
economy of the species. The wingless generations, which are usu- 
ally the more numerous, by their great fecundity provide for the 
enormous and rapid multiplication of individuals, which is so charac- 
teristic of these insects. But this great increase of individuals would 
be disastrous to the species, by the destruction of the infested 
plants and the consequent starving of the insects, were it not sup- 
plemented by other powers. We find, therefore, interspersed among 
these wingless sedentary generations, generations which are winged 
and migrating. Thus the spread of the species is provided for. 

Generally on the setting in of cold weather, or in some cases on 
the failure of nourishment, the weather being still warm, there is 
produced a generation including individuals of both sexes. The 



males may be either winged or wingless; but, so far as is known, the 
females that pair with the males are always wingless. These 
females, after becoming impregnated, produce the winter eggs; thus 
is completed the cycle of changes through which the species passes. 
In many cases, at least, the individuals of the agamic generation 
that immediately precedes the sexual one produce but few pseudova ; 
from these pseudova the sexual individuals emerge, not as larve, 
but as fully developed individuals, ready to pair and reproduce; in 
fact, in the cases referred to, the sexual individuals have the mouth- 
parts in a rudimentary state, and take no nourishment. In many 
species, the impregnated female produces a single egg, which is 
nearly as large as the insect herself; frequently this egg is not 
laid, but remains throughout the winter in the dry skin of the dead 

Agamic Aphides may hibernate, and may coexist with the sexual 
generation of the same species. 

From the above generalizations it will be seen that a single 
species of plant-louse may present three distinct forms: first, a 
sedentary, agamic, wingless form, furnished with mouth-parts; 
second, a migrating, agamic form, which is winged and furnished 
with mouth-parts; third, a sexual form, of which the females are 
wingless, while the males may be either winged or wingless; in cer- 
tain cases, at least, the sexual forms are mouthless. 

There is unfortunately a generalization in most of the text-books 
on entomology that is incorrect. It is that the winged generation is 
produced only on the approach of cold weather, and that this gen- 
eration is the sexual one. 

Plant-lice are often very destructive to vegetation; they appear, 
however, to be more liable to attack unhealthy plants than those 
that are in good condition. The best method of destroying these 
pests is by spraying with a strong solution of soap, or with kerosene 
emulsion. (See Chapter XIV.) As plant-lice draw their nourish- 
ment from below the surface of the plants they infest, they are not 
injured by the application of poisons to the plants. 

The Aphididez comprises four sub-families; the following table 
for separating these sub-families is published by Dr. Thomas, in the 
Eighth Report of the State Entomologist of Illinois. It is necessary 
here to give the names applied to the veins of the wings, as some of 
them are used in this table. The principal vein of the front wing, 
that which extends from the base to near the tip of the wing, (Fig. 


133, sc,) is the subcostal or submarginal vein. The distal end of 
this vein becomes widened, and ex- 

tends to the margin of the wing; this u 
part of it is the stigma (s¢). From the 
stigma, a curved vein extends to the 
tip of the wing; this is the stigmatic 
or fourth vein. From the submarginal 

vein there branch two or three veins Se h 5, 
(in addition to the stigmatic vein), 

which extend across the disk of the baie a: 

wing; these are the first, second, and Fic. 133.—Wings of Plant-louse. 

third discoidal veins. The third dis- 
coidal vein is sometimes forked. The veins of the hind wing, so 
far as they are present, are named in a similar manner. 

A. Winged form known; species not subterranean, except in a few cases 
where there are dimorphic forms. 
B. Front wings with three discoidal veins ; antennez of the winged individu- 
als, and generally of the apterous individuals, six- or seven-jointed. 

C. Front wings with the third discoidal vein twice forked (except in Tox- 
optera, which, however, has well-developed honey-tubes); posterior 
wings with two discoidal veins; honey-tubes various. 4. APHIDINA. 

CC. Third discoidal vein with one fork or simple ; posterior wings with 
one or two oblique veins; honey-tubes tuberculiform or want- 
ing. 3. PEMPHIGINA. 

B. Front wings with but two discoidal veins, the third being absent; an- 
tennz never more than five-jointed, sometimes but three-jointed. 


AA. Permanently apterous; at least no winged form has been observed : chiefly 

subterranean, residing on the roots of plants. I. RHIZOBIIN. 

Sub-Family I—RHIZOBIIN&.* 

As indicated in the table above, this sub-family has been erected 
for certain genera in which no winged forms are known. It is pos- 
sible that some of the insects placed here are merely the degraded 
wingless generation of species which have also higher developed 
forms with wings, and which pertain to some one of the three higher 

The Rhizobiine live in the ground upon the roots of plants. 
Our best known representative is the Lettuce Earth-louse, R/zzobius 
lactice. ‘This occurs on the roots of lettuce, often in great num- 

* Rhizobiine, Rhizobius ; riiza (ia), root; bos (AioS), life. 


bers. The mature lice measure 2 mm. (0.08 inch) in length. They 
are oval, of a dull white color, with dusky legs and antenne, and 
with the body dusted over with a white powder. 

Other species of this sub-family are found on roots of grasses or 
herbaceous plants, and usually accompanied by ants. 

Sub-Family I].—CHERMESINA:.* 

The Chermesine includes those genera of plant-lice in which the 
front wings have only two discoidal veins; the antenne are from 
three- to five-jointed. 

This sub-family is represented by two common genera, Chérmes 
and Phylloxéra. In Chermes the antenne are five-jointed, while in 
Phylloxera they are only three-jointed. 

Chérmes.—The most common species of this genus is the Pine 
Blight, Chérmes pinicorticts. This,in its most conspicuous form, ap- 
pears as patches of white, flocculent, down-like matter on the smooth 
bark of young white-pine trees. Beneath these patches of white 
substance the very minute young lice can be found. The winged 
generation appears inearly summer. A closely allied species, Chér- 
mes abieticolens, infests the terminal shoots of spruce, producing 
large swellings. 

Phylloxéra.—This genus contains many species; one of them, 
Phylloxéra vastatrix, has 
attracted so much _ atten- 
tion’ by the) great extent 
of its ravages that it is 
often referred to as ¢#e Phyl- 
loxera. It is more properly 
termed the Grape Phyllox- 
era. We have space for only 
a brief account of the his- 
tory of this species. 

The presence of this in- 
sect is manifested by the 
vines in two ways: first, in 
the case of certain species of 

Fic. 134.—Leaf of grape with galls of Phylloxera. grapes, there appear upon 
(From Riley.) 

the lower surface of the 

leaves fleshy swellings, which are more or less wrinkled and hairy 

(Fig. 134); these are hollow galls, opening upon the upper surface 

* Chermesine, Chermes: Arab. hermes, Skt. Arimz, a worm. 


of the leaf, and containing a wingless agamic plant-louse and 
her eggs; second, when the fibrous roots of a sickly vine are 
examined, we find, if the disease is due to this insect, that the 
minute fibres have become swollen and knotty; or, if the disease 
is far advanced, they may be entirely decayed. Upon these root- 
swellings we also find an agamic, wingless, egg-laying plant-louse, 
the author of the mischief. 

The insects found upon the roots differ slightly from those found 
within the galls; but their specific identity is now generally accept- 
ed. A careful study of this insect has revealed still other forms. 
So that now we can say that the species is presented to us under 
the three distinct forms described below. 

Of the first form there are two types: one, the root-inhabiting 
type, which causes the knots on the roots; second, the gall-inhabit- 
ing type, which produces the galls upon the leaves. The gall-inhab- 
iting type is simply a dimorphic form, which does not constitute an 
essential part in the cycle of changes through which the species must 
pass. It only appears when the insect infests certain species of grapes. 

The following epitomized account of the life-history of this spe- 
cies is condensed from Dr. C. V. Riley’s Sixth and Seventh Mis- 
souri Entomological Reports: 

Fic. 135.—Phylloxera root-inhabiting form. a, roots of Clinton vine, showing the relation of swell- 
ings to leaf-galls. and power of resisting decomposition ; 4, larva as it appears when hibernating ; 
c, a, antenna and leg of same; e, 4. g, forms of more mature lice; 4, granulations of skin; z, 
tubercle ; 7, transverse folds at border ot joints; £, simple eyes. (From Riley.) 

The Grape Phylloxera hibernates upon the roots of the grape, 
mostly as a young larva of the first or sedentary, agamic, wingless 
form (Fig. 135). With the renewal of vine-growth in the spring, 


this larva moults, rapidly increases in size, and soon commences lay- 
ing eggs. These in due time give birth to young, which soon 
become agamic, egg-laying mothers, like the first; and, like them, 
always remain wingless. Five or six generations of these parthen- 


Fic. 136.—Phylloxera, root-inhabiting form. a@ shows a healthy root; 4, one on which the lice are 
working, representing the knots and swellings caused by their punctures; c, a root that has 
been deserted by them, and where the rootlets have commenced to decay; a, d, a. shows how 
the lice are found on the larger roots; e, female nymph, dorsal view ;_/, same, ventral view; g, 
winged female, dorsal view ; Z, same, ventral view ; 2, magnified antenna of winged insect ; 7, 
side view of the wingless female, laying eggs on roots; & shows how the punctures of the lice 
cause the larger roots to rot. (From Riley.) 

ogenetic, egg-bearing, wingless mothers follow each other, when 
(about the middle of July, in the latitude of St. Louis) some of 
the individuals begin to acquire wings. Thus is produced the second, 
or migrating, agamic, winged form (Fig. 136). These issue from 
the ground while yet in the pupa state; as soon as they have ac- 


quired wings, they rise in the air and spread to new vineyards, where 
they lay their eggs, usually in the down of the under sides of the 
leaves. Each individual of this generation lays from three to five, 
and sometimes as many as eight eggs. These eggs are of two sizes; 
the smaller, which produce males, are about three-fourths the size 
of the larger, which produce females. From these eggs are hatched, 
in the course of a fortnight, the third, or wingless, sexual form. It is 
a very remarkable fact that this form emerges from the egg not as 
larve but as fully developed individuals. These sexual individuals 
are born for no other purpose than the reproduction of their kind, and 
are without means of flight, or of taking food. After pairing, the body 
of the female enlarges somewhat and she is soon delivered of a solitary 
egg. This impregnated egg gives birth to a young louse, which devel- 
ops into the first or sedentary, agamic, wingless form; and thus re- 
commences the cycle of changes through which the insect passes. 

It has been discovered that sometimes the first form, during the 
latter part of the season, lays a few eggs, which are of two sizes, like 
those of the second form, and like those also produce males and 
females. These males and females are precisely like those born of 
the winged form, and like them produce the solitary impregnated 
egg. Thus the interesting fact is established that even the winged 
form is not essential to the perpetuation of the species. 

ap causes 
pico aA 
Fic. 137.—PAylloxera, gall-inhabiting form. a, 4, newly hatched nymph, ventral and dorsal view ; c., 
egg; d, section of gall; e, swelling of tendril; 4, ¢, 4, mother gall-louse, lateral, dorsal, and ven- 
tral views ; 7, her antenna; 7, her two-jointed tarsus. Natural sizes indicated at sides. (From Riley.) 
If to the above account we add that occasionally individuals 
abandon their normal underground habit, and form galls upon the 
leaves of certain varieties of grape-vine (Fig. 137), we have, in a 
general way, the whole natural history of the species. 


Owing to the great injury which the species has done to the vine- 
yards of France, hundreds of memoirs have been published regard- 
ing it. But, as yet, no satisfactory means of destroying it has been 
discovered. The difficulty lies in the fact that the insecticide must 
be one that can penetrate the ground to the depth of three or four 
feet, reaching all of the fibrous roots infested by the insect. It 
must be a substance that can be cheaply applied on a large scale; 
and it must also be something that will kill the insect without injury 
to the vine. } 

Where the vineyards are so situated that they can be submerged 
with water for a period of at least forty days during winter, the 
insect can be drowned. But this method is obviously of limited 

It is found that vines growing in very sandy soil resist the attacks 
of the Grape Phylloxera. This is supposed to be due to the diff- 
culty experienced by the insect in finding passages through such 

The method of destroying the pest which is most generally avail- 
able is by the use of carbon bisulphide. See Chapter XIV. 

Sub-Family I1]—PEMPHIGIN#&.* 

The Pemphigine includes those genera of plant-lice in which the 
front wings have three discoidal veins, and of which the third dis- 
coidal vein has only one fork or is simple; the honey-tubes are 
tuberculiform or wanting. 

In habits and transformations it isan unusually interesting group. 
Asa rule the species live above ground, although with some there 
are root-inhabiting forms. Many species are remarkable for the 
form and abundance of their excretions; others cause abnormal 
vegetable growths or galls within which they live. The galls made 
by the different species vary greatly in form; but each species pro- 
duces a characteristic gall. 

The species chosen to illustrate this sub-family represent two 
sections of it, as indicated below: 


This section includes genera in which the third discoidal vein of 
the front wings is simple; the antennz are six-jointed. 

*Pemphigine, Pemphigus: pemphix (wéu is), a blister. 


Three genera occur inthis country. These can be distinguished 
as follows: 

A. Hind wings with two discoidal veins. 1. PEMPHIGUS. 
A A. Hind wings with only one discoidal vein. 
B. Antenne six-jointed. 2. TETRANEURA. 
BB. Antenne five-jointed. 3. HORMAPHIS, 

Among the common representatives of this section are certain 
species of Pemphigus, which make galls upon various trees of the 
genus Populus. One of these, the Poplar-leaf Gall-louse, Pemphi- 
gus populicaults, is common on the leaves of cotton-wood and of 
aspen. It makes a swelling the size of a small marble on the leaf at 
the junction of the petiole with the blade. This gall is of a reddish 
tint, and has on one side a slit-like opening. In the early part of 
the season each gall is occupied by a single, wingless female, prob- 
ably the agamic stem-mother, which, by midsummer, becomes the 
mother of numerous progeny; these often amount to one hundred 
and fifty in number. 

A closely allied species occurs throughout the Western and South- 
western States, which makes a similar gall near the base of the leaf 
of Populus monolifera and P. balsamifera. This gall has a trans- 
verse slit-like opening, which probably suggested the name of the 
insect, Pemphigus populi-transvérsus. As in the preceding species, 
the gall is started in the spring by a single, wingless stem-mother ; 
by the latter part of June the stem-mother is surrounded with young 
of various sizes, all covered with the usual white secretion, and 
mixed with liquid globules. A generation of winged individuals is 
produced in the autumn, sometimes not until the leaves have fallen. 

Another of these species is known as the Vagabond Gall-louse, 
Pemphigus vagabiindus. It infests the tips of the twigs of certain 
cotton-woods and the balsam poplar; here it makes large corrugated 
galls, which somewhat resemble the flower of the double cockscomb 
of our gardens. These galls turn black, and remain on the trees 
during the winter. On opening the galls in midwinter I have found 
many remains of winged lice in them. 


This section includes genera in which the third discoidal vein of 
the front wings is forked; the antenne are six-jointed. Two genera 


occur in this country, Colopha and Schizoneura. In Colopha the hind 
wings have only one discoidal vein; in Schzzoneura they have two. 

The Cockscomb Elm Gall, Colopha ulmicola—Among the gall- 
making species of this section this is probably the most familiar one. 
The gall is an excrescence or follicle like a cock’s comb, which rises 
abruptly from the upper surface of the leaves of elm; it is usually 
about an inch long and a quarter of an inch high; it is compressed, 
and has its sides wrinkled perpendicularly and its summit irregularly 
gashed and toothed ; it is of a paler green color than the leaf and 
more or less red on the side exposed to the sun; it opens on the 
under side of the leaf by along slit-like orifice ; inside, it is wrinkled 
perpendicularly into deep plaits. The complete life-history of this 
species is not known. According to Riley and Monell there is a 
winter egg, which is usually inclosed in the dry skin of a sexual 
female. This can be found during winter in the crevices of the bark 
of the White Elm. The stem-mother which hatches from this egg 
forms the gall. She gives birth to numerous offspring; these 
become winged, and constitute the only generation produced within 
the gall. These winged, agamic females issue from the slit-like 
opening of the gall; and each gives birth in the course of a day or 
so to upwards of a dozen young. These are born as pseudova. 
They have well developed mouth-parts; and it is probable that 
when fully grown they give birth to the sexual generation. 

To the genus Schzzoneura belong several of our most conspicuous 
‘Woolly Aphids.” Among them are the following: 

The Alder Blight, Schzzonéura tessellata—This woolly louse is 
often found crowded together on the under side of the branches of 
alder (A/nus rubra), and concealed beneath a covering of downy ex- 
cretion. It also excretes abundantly honey-dew. The result is 
that the branches infested by this insect, and those beneath the 
cluster of Aphids, become blackened with fungi that grow upon 
this secretion. There is also a curious fungus which grows in large 
spongy masses immediately beneath the cluster of plant-lice; this is 
known to botanists as Scorzas spongiosum. It is evidently fed by 
the honcy-dew that falls upon it. 

The Beech-tree Blight, Schzzonétira imbricator.—This infests both 
the twigs and leaves of beech. Like the preceding species it oc- 
curs in clusters of individuals, each of which is clothed with a con- 
spicuous downy excretion. These clusters often attract attention 
by the curious habit which the insects have of waving their bodies up 
and down, the plume-like masses of excretion rendering them very 


conspicuous. When an infested limb is jarred, the Aphids emit a 
shower of honey-dew. Owing to the abundance of this secretion, 
the branches and leaves of an infested tree become blackened by 
growths of fungi, as with the preceding species. 

The Woolly-louse of the apple, Schizonétira lanigera.—The 
Woolly-louse of the apple is one of the best known pests of the 
fruit-grower. In its most conspicuous form it appears on the trunk 
and limbs of apple-trees. It congregates in clusters of individuals, 
which are conspicuous on account of the woolly excretion with which 
their bodies are clothed. They are especially injurious to young 
trees, the bark of which becomes deeply pitted and scarred by their 
attacks. The bark apparently ceases to grow at the point of attack, 
but swells into a large ridge about the cluster of lice, leaving them 
ina sheltered pit. The lice also frequently congregate in the axils 
of the leaves and the forks of the branches. This species resembles 
the grape Phylloxera in having a root-inhabiting form, which causes 
knotty swellings on the fibrous roots. It is the presence of this form 
which makes this pest such a difficult one to combat. 

Although this insect has been known since the close of the last 
century, its complete life-history has not been traced out. As with 
all the Pemphigine the transformations of which we know, and with 
Phylloxera, there is in this species a generation of mouthless, wing- 
less, and generally degraded sexual individuals. The females of this 
generation produce each a winter egg. This can be found in the 
winter in the crevices of the bark, and in the pits caused by the 
trunk form. It is frequently enveloped in the dry skin of the sexual 
female. The trunk type at least of the wingless, agamic form gives 
birth to living young not enveloped ina pellicle. As the season 
advances there appears a generation of winged individuals. These 
are probably agamic; but whether they produce the sexual genera- 
tion-directly or whether there intervenes one or more agamic genera- 
tions has not been determined. At Washington I have seen both 
the root and trunk type of the wingless, agamic form maintain them- 
selves throughout an entire winter without the intervention of a 
winter egg. I presume this is a common occurrence farther south. 

As one form of this insect works deep in the ground upon the 
fibrous roots of the trees, the same difficulties are met in attempting 
to destroy it that are presented by the grape Phylloxera. In fact, 
except in case of an especially valuable tree, I do not believe that it 
will pay to attempt to save a tree that has become badly infested by 
the woolly aphis. It will be cheaper to dig the tree up and burn it, 


and devote the ground to some other use. Some other species of 
tree can be safely planted in the same place, but not an apple. 
Great care should be taken in putting out trees from a nursery to see 
that they are free from this pest. If there is any doubt, the trees 
should be washed, roots and all, in a strong solution of soap. It is 
well also to put in the fork of the trees a piece of hard soap, which 
will be dissolved and washed down by the rains. This will serve to 
prevent certain other pests as well as the woolly aphis from getting 
a foothold. In case it is desired to rid an infested tree of this pest, 
the trunk form should be washed off with a strong solution of soap 
applied with a sponge, taking care to destroy all eggs; and the 
ground should be treated with carbon bisulphide, as for the grape 

Sub-Family [1V.—APHIDINA. 

The sub-family Aphidinz includes those genera in which the third 
discoidal vein of the front wings is twice forked; the hind wings have 
two discoidal veins; and the honey-tubes are usually well developed, 
sometimes tuberculiform or obsolete. The number of species belong- 
ing to this group is very great; it being the largest of the sub-families 
of the Aphidide. Most of the species live above ground, on the 
surface of leaves or twigs of woody plants or upon the leaves 
and stems of the more succulent species. I do not know of any 
species that produce galls. 

Lachnus.—The largest of our species of Aphididz belong to the 
genus Lachnus. L. cary@ is found on the pig-nut 
hickory, clustered on the under side of the limbs 
in summer; it is interesting from being perhaps 
- our largest plant-louse, measuring to the tip of the 

Fic. 138.—Lacknus. abdomen 6 mm. (0.24 inch), and more than 10 mm. 
(0.4 inch) to the tip of the wings. 

Aphis—To the genus Ap/is, in its restricted sense, belong a con- 
siderable number of the important species of this sub-family. The 
species that occurs in such immense numbers on cabbage is Aphis 
brassicé. It is the most common, and, perhaps, the most injurious 
species that occurs in the vegetable gardens of this country. The 
Corn Plant-louse is Aphis maidis. This species, according to the 
observations of Forbes, winters in the wingless, agamic form in the 
earth of fields previously infested. In the spring it appears to be 
strictly dependent upon a species of ant, Laséws alienus, which mines 
along the principal roots of the corn, collects the plant-lice, and 


conveys them into these burrows, and there watches and protects 
them. Ina short time after the lice have been transferred to the 
roots of the corn, they mature a winged generation, by means of 
which adjacent fields may be stocked. These facts indicate the 
inadvisability of planting corn on a field that was infested by this 
insect the previous year. The species of Apszs that has attracted 
the most attention recently is Aphis mah. This has occurred in im- 
mense numbers on the young leaves of apple. Usually the injuries 
of this species are confined to the terminal shoots of a few branches ; 
but in seasons favorable to its development, the entire tree becomes 
infested. It is necessary then to resort to the use of alkaline washes. 
(See Chapter XIV.) 

Myzus.—Two species of Myzus are verycommon. One of these, 
the Cherry-tree Aphis, JZyzus cérasz, infests the leaves and twigs of 
cherry. Sometimes it becomes so abundant that it completely covers 
the infested tree. The other species referred to is the Peach-tree 
Aphis, MZyzus persice. This lives on the under side of the leaves, 
causing them to thicken and curl. Its injuries are usually confined 
to the terminal portion of a few branches. The easiest way to 
destroy this pest is to dip the infested branches into a pail of soap 
solution. There is a serious disease of the peach which causes the 
leaves to curl in a similar manner, and which is known as the curl- 
leaf. This disease can be distinguished from the injuries of the 
Peach-tree Aphis by the absence of plant-lice in the curled leaves. 
It is caused by a fungus known as A-voascus deformans. 

The Hop Aphis, Phérodon himul—This species often swarms in 
hop-yards to such an extent that it seriously injures the crop. An 
interesting and important feature in its life-history is that it passes 
the winter on plum-trees. As soon as the leaves of plum appear in 
the spring, the first generation of this Aphid hatches from the winter 
egesonplum. The first and second generations are wingless, agamic 
females, which live upon the plum; the third appears early in June, 
is winged, and migrates to the hops. From this generation there 
descend several generations of wingless, agamic females. Of these 
there may be, according to Riley’s observations, upon which this 
account is based, as many as eight, making the last one the eleventh 
of the season. Late in August and early in September the offspring 
of the eleventh generation and of the members of the other genera- 
tions that are still alive become winged. These winged individuals 
are agamic females which migrate to plum-trees and there produce 
wingless, sexual females. Late in September, there is produced on 


the hops by some members of the eleventh agamic generation a 
generation of winged males. These fly to the plum-trees and mate 
with the wingless sexual females, which are already there. Soon 
after this the eggs are deposited on the smaller twigs and branches 
of the plum, in and around the angles formed by the buds and twigs. 
Each female lays from one to three eggs. 

If it should be proven that this species can winter only on plum, 
the separation of plum and hop culture would be advisable. But 
further observations are needed before we are warranted in advising 
the destruction of plum-trees in the hop-growing sections. But we 
can urge the careful destruction of all Aphids on plum-trees early in 
the season. The most practicable way of doing this is by spraying 
with a strong solution of soap or with kerosene emulsion. (See 

Chapter XIV.) 

Family V.— PSyYLLID&.* 
(Jumping Plant-lice.) 

The Jumping Plant-lice are comparatively small insects; our 
more common species measure only 3 or 4 millimeters in 
length; and our largest species, the giant, comparatively speak- 
ing, measures only 6 mm. and has a wing-expanse of 12 mm. 
They resemble somewhat the winged Aphids in appearance ; but 
they look more like miniature Cicades (Fig. 139). 
They are, however, closely allied to the Aphids; but 
they differ from them in the firmer texture of the 
body, in the stouter limbs, in having the hind legs 
fitted for jumping, and in the g- or 10-jointed an- 
tenne. The antenne are peculiar also in being 
armed at the tip with two bristles, or less commonly 
Pigs Tigea’’ © with one. “The rostrum is short, three-jointed, and 

placed almost between the fore coxe, where it fits into 
a grooved space. Both sexes are always winged in the adult; the 
wing-covers are ample, and, while often transparent, are much thicker 
than the wings, and furnished with stout curving veins, which 
enclose a few areoles at the tip.” (Uhler.) 

The Psyllide subsist entirely upon the juices of plants; many 
species form galls. But it is rare that any of them appear upon culti- 
vated plants in sufficient numbers to attract attention, except in case 
of the Pear-tree Psylla. 

* Psyllide, Psylla: psylla (pvdAAaQ), a flea. 


The Pear-tree Psylla, Psylla pyrit.—This is a minute species which 
measures only 2.5 mm. (0.1 inch) to the tip of the folded wings. It 
invests the smaller limbs and twigs of pear-trees, causing them to 
droop and fall off. It can be destroyed in the same way as recom- 
mended for plant-lice in the same situation. 

Family VI.—MEMBRACID&.* 

We have many common representatives of this sub-family; and 
the grotesque forms of certain species are sure to attract the attention 
of collectors. The general outline of the body is usually triquetral, 
that is, shaped Ilke a beech-nut. But many of the species have one 
or more of the angles prolonged, or are furnished with prominent 
humps or tubercles. The most useful character for distinguishing 
members of this family is the prolongation of the prothorax back- 
ward above the abdomen. Sometimes it extends back to the tip of 
the abdomen, and completely covers the wings. This development 
of the prothorax reminds us of what occurs in the Tettigine, of the 
order Orthoptera. 

Many species of the Membracide live upon bushes or small trees ; 
and all are good leapers. Hence the common name, Tree-hoppers. 
Although these insects subsist upon the juices of plants, I have never 
known them to occur in sufficient numbers to be of economic impor- 
tance. Some members of this family excrete honey-dew, and are at- 
tended by ants, as are the Aphids. The transformations of but few 
species have been observed. Some of these make slits in twigs, in 
which they lay theireggs. The immature forms of certain species oc- 
cur upon plants in company with the adults. But the early stages 
of the great majority of species are unknown to us. 

The genus Darnis will serve as a good illustration of one of the 
principal types of this family. Here the prothorax is nearly 
all that can be seen of the body from above. It is very convex 
in front, overshadowing the short, transverse, band-like head, 

( and tapers to a sharp point, which extends beyond the tip 
Fic. x40. of the abdomen. (Fig. 140.) 

The Buffalo Tree-hoppers, Cerésa bibalus, represents 
another type belonging to this family. The popular name refers to 
the lateral prolongations of the prothorax, which suggest the horns 

* Membracide, Membricis : membrax (uéufpcés), a kind of Cicada. 


of a buffalo (Fig. 141). This insect lives on the sap of apple, pear, 
and othertrees. It is of a yellowish-green color, The eggs are laid in 
little slits in the bark; they hatch in the spring; and the 
young are very different from the adult, being furnished 
with a pair of large spines upon each segment. 

The Two-horned Tree-hoppers, Cerésa diceros, is also 
a common species. It resembles the Buffalo Tree-hopper 
hee her in size and form. It isa pale, dirty yellow, spotted with 

zesa uba~ brown; the lateral and caudal aspect of each horn is 

brown; the caudal tip of the prothorax, and a large spot 

midway between the tip and horns are also brown. The insect is 
densely clothed with hairs. 

The genus Exchendpa illustrates another strange form found in 
this family. The Two-marked Tree-hopper, Exchenopa binotata, (Fig. 
142,) abounds on various trees, shrubs, and herbaceous 
plants. It is gregarious; and both adult and immature 
forms are found clustered together. It is almost always 
attended by ants. It lays its eggs in frothy masses, which ,., 1 py. 
are very white, and appear like wax. These egg-masses  #e”0ba bin- 
have been mistaken for insects of the genus Orthezza. 

Another very common species is £. curvata. It is brownish, un- 
spotted, and has arather longer horn than the preceding species. 

“To the genus Telamona (Fig. 143) belong our 
indigenous humpback forms, of gray, claret, or 
greenish colors, which live in June and July upon 

=== _ oaks, hickories, and other forest trees. They gen- 
Bic. 1437 “ear erally rest singly on the limbs and branches of the 

trees, with the head directed away from the trunk ; 
but in the younger stages they keep together in small groups.” 


Family VII.—CICADID&.* 


The large size and the well-known songs of the more common 
species of this family render them familiar objects. It is only 
necessary to refer to the Periodical Cicada (or the 17-year locust, as 

* Cicadidez, Cicada: Cicada, Latin name of these insects. 


it has been improperly termed) and to the Dog-day Harvest-fly 
(Fig. 144) to give an idea of the more striking characters of this 

The species are generally of large size, with a subconical body. 
The head is wide and blunt, with prominent 
eyes on the outer angles, and three bead-like 
ocelli arranged in a triangle on the vertex. 
“The mesothorax is the largest segment, and 
the metathorax is reduced to a narrow scale. 
A very conspicuous feature in all of them isa 
cross-like prominence on the hind end of the 
former, which adds great firmness to this im- 
portant part of the chest. The wing-covers 
are nearly elliptical, longer than the body, 
parchment-like, but generally transparent, and 
with a series of eight areoles at the tip; but the 
hind wings are more membranous, scarcely ex- 
ceeding half the length of the former, and with Fis. 144.—Cicada tibicen. 
an apical series of six areoles. Their legs are short and stout, not 
fitted for leaping, the fore-thighs quite thick, armed with two or 
more thick teeth; also, the hind shanks are bristly, and have a series 
of sharp spines on each side. 

“But the most distinctive peculiarity, which has no parallel in 
any of the other groups, appears in the organs of sound (of the 
males). These consist of two large parchment sacs, ribbed and 
gathered into numerous plaits, furnished with powerful muscles, and 
situated in large cavities at the base of the abdomen. When in 
action, the air is driven in great force against the ribbed surfaces, and 
vibrations are set up which produce the sound in accordance with 
the number and form of the fluted spaces and ribs.” (Uhler.) 

The Dog-day Harvest-fly, or Lyerman, Cicada tibicen—The 
shrill cry of this species, which is the most prominent of the various 
insect sounds heard during the latter part of the summer, has 
brought its author into prominent notice. This insect varies both 
in size and colors. It commonly measures 50 mm. (2 inches) to the 
tip of the closed wings; it is black and green, and more or less 
powdered with white beneath. The transformations of this insect 
are similar to those of the following species, except that it requires 
only two years for its development. It differs also in seldom, if ever, 
occurring in sufficient numbers to be of economic importance; but a 



brood of it appears each year. Itis distributed from New York to 
Rio de Janeiro. . 

The Periodical Cicada, Cicada septéndecim.—This species is now 
commonly known as the 17-year locust. But the term locust, as ap- 
plied to it, is a misnomer, the locusts being Orthopterous insects. 
I therefore adopt the more appropriate name, Periodical Cicada, 
which has been proposed for it. This species is remarkable for the 
long time required for it to attain its maturity. The eggs are laid 
in the twigs of various trees; the female makes a series of slits in 
the twig, into which the eggs are placed. Sometimes this Cicada 
occurs in such great numbers that they seriously injure small fruit- 
trees, by ovipositing in the twigs and smaller branches. The larve 
hatch in about six weeks. They soon voluntarily drop to the 
ground, where they bury themselves. Here they obtain nourish- 
ment by sucking the juices from the roots of forest and fruit trees. 
And here they remain till the seventeenth year following. They 
emerge from the ground during the last half of May, at which time 
the empty pupa-skins may be found in great numbers, clinging to 
the bark of trees and other objects. The insects soon pair, the 
females oviposit, and all disappear in a few weeks. 

More than twenty distinct broods of this species have been traced 
out; so that one or more broods appear somewhere in the United 
States nearly every year. In many localities, several broods coexist ; 
in some cases there are as many as seven distinct broods in the same 
place, each brood appearing in distinct years. There is a variety of 
the species in which the period of development is only thirteen years. 
This variety is chiefly a Southern form, while the seventeen-year 
broods occur in the North. 


(Lantern-fites et al.) 

This family is remarkable for certain exotic forms which it con- 
tains. Chief among these is the great Lantern-fly of Brazil, which is 
figured in many popular works on insects. Scarcely less strange are 
the Candle-flies of China and the East Indies. There does not seem 

* Fulgoride, Fulgora: fu/gor, flashing lightning. 


to be any typical form of the body, characteristic of this family. The 
different genera differ so greatly that, on superficial examination, they 
appear to have very littlein common. Some even resemble butter- 
flies and moths, while others might easily be mistaken for certain 
Neuropterous genera. 

The most useful character for recognizing these insects is the 
form and position of the antenne. These are bristle-shaped, and 
inserted into a button-shaped base on the sides of the cheeks beneath 
the eyes. Although the Fulgoride are vegetable-feeders, none of 
our species have attracted the attention of agriculturists. There 
are, however, certain exotic species which do great injury to 

The Brazilian Lantern-fly, Laterndria phosphorea.—This is the 
largest species of the family, and is one of the most striking in ap- 
pearance of all insects. It has immense wings, expanding nearly 
150 mm. (6 inches). Upon each hind wing there is a large eye-like 
spot. But the character which makes this insect especially promi- 
nent is the form of the head. There is a great bladder-like prolonga- 
tion extending forwards. This prolongation has been aptly com- 
pared to the pod of a peanut. Ina specimen before me, the body, 
exclusive of the head, measures 45 mm. (1.8 inches) in length; while 
the head alone measures 30 mm. (1.2 inches). The specific name 
refers to the supposed luminosity of this part. Prof. Branner tells 
us of various superstitions held by the Brazilians regarding this 
insect. Forexample: “ That it has great powers of flight, and when 
in its wild career it strikes any living object—if an animal, no matter 
how large or powerful—it falls dead upon the spot ; if a tree, it soon 
wilts and dies.” 

The Chinese Candle-fly, Fulgéria candelarta—This is another 
very prominent insect, and also one that has the reputation of being 
phosphorescent. It is commonly represented in collections of 
exotic insects, and it is often figured by the Chinese. It is smaller 
than the preceding species, measuring about two thirds as much in 
length. The prolongation of the head is proportionately longer 
than in the Brazilian insect; but it is more slender, and is conical. 
The color of the insect is greenish or orange-yellow, with banded 

The following of our native genera will serve to illustrate some 
of the variations in form represented in this country. Our species 
are all small compared with the exotics described above. 


Scolops—In this genus the head is greatly prolonged (Fig. 145), 
as with the exotic Candle-flies. Our more common species, how- 
ever, measure only about 8 mm. (0.31 inch) in 

Otiocerus.—In this genus, the body is oblong ; 
the head is compressed, with a double edge both 
above and below, and the antenne are furnished 
with tape-like appendages. “ Oftdcerus coquebértit is 

Fic. 145.—Scodofs. 

a gay lemon-yellow or cream-colored species, with a broad stripe on 
the side of the face and wavy red forked lines on the wing-covers ; 
the head, as seen from the side, is of the form of a ploughshare, with 
little brown eyes standing out like beads. The antenne have three 
bent appendages resembling strips of tape. It measures about 
8 mm. (0.3 inch) to the tip of wing-covers, lives upon the leaves of 
grape-vines, oaks, and hickory, in July, August, and September.” 
(Uhler.) It is distributed over the entire Eastern United States. 
Orments—In our common representatives 
of this genus the wing-covers are broad, and 
closely applied to each other in a vertical 
position; they are more or less truncate, and 
give the insect a wedge-shape outline. O. sef- 
tentrionalis (Fig. 146) is a beautiful pale-green 

: : ° . Fic. 146.—O : ten- 
species powdered with white, which feeds on UE Gee ss 

wild grape-vines, drawing nourishment from 
the tender shoots and mid-ribs of the leaves, during its young 


Family [X.—CERCOPID.* 
(Spittle-insects or Frog-hoppers.) 

This and the following family agree with the Membracide in hev- 
ing the antenne inserted in front of and between the eyes. But the 
Cercopide differs from the Membracide in lacking the backward pro- 
longation of the prothorax, and from the Jassidz in the character of 
the spines upon the hind tibia. Here we find the tibia armed with 
one or two stout teeth, and the tip crowned with short, stout spines. 
The Cercopide “mark an important advance in the direction of the 
Heteroptera by the large size of the prothorax and increased freedom 
of the fore legs. This extensive piece is no longer a mere cap or 

* Cercdpide, Cercopis : Cercops (Képk@i), one of a fabled race of men. 


scale as in most of the Fulgoridz, nor yet a lid, case, or bubble-like 
expansion as in the Membracida, but i¥ an important regional por- 
tion, exercising various important functions.” (Uhler.) 

Our most common representatives of the family are the insects 
known as spittle-insects or frog-hoppers. During the summer months 
one often finds upon various shrubs and herbs masses of white froth. 
In the midst of each of these masses there lives a young insect, a 
member of this family. In some cases as many as four or five insects 
inhabit the same mass of foam. The froth is supposed to consist of 
sap, which the insect has pumped from the plant, by means of its 
rostrum, and passed through its alimentary canal. It is asserted 
that these insects undergo all their transformations within this mass; 
that when one is about to moult for the last time, a clear space is 
formed about its body; the superficial part of the foam dries, so as 
to form a vaulted roof to a closed chamber within which the change 
of skin is made. The adult insects wander about on herbage 
and trees. They have the power of leaping well. The name frog- 
hoppers has doubtless grown out of the fact that formerly the froth 
was Called “ frog-spittle,”, and was supposed to have been voided by 
the tree-frogs from their mouths. The name is not, however, inap- 
propriate; for the broad and depressed form of our more common 
species is something like that of a frog. 

Our more common species of spittle-insects belong to the genus 
Aphrophora. They are mostly brownish insects, and are variously 
banded and spotted. One of the common species of the Eastern 
United States is Aphrophora quadrangularts (Fig. 147). The adult 
of this species is a brownish insect, densely covered 
with microscopic hairs, and black beneath; the wing- 
covers are marked with two oblique, brown bands, 
which are confluent near the middle of the costal mar- 
gin; the humeral region is dusky; and the tip of wie, 147—ph- 
each wing-cover is marked with a small blackish curve; ee ae 
the ocelli are black, but indistinct. This species 
measures from 6 mm. to 8 mm. (0.24 to 0.31 inch) in length. 
Somewhat resembling this species, and also common in the 
East, is Aphrophora quadranotata. In this species the body is 
pale; the wing-covers are dusky, each with two large hyaline costal 
spots, margined with dark brown; the ocelli are blood-red; and the 
head and pronotum are furnished with a slightly elevated, median, 
longitudinal line. 

To the genus Clastéptera belong certain other common members 


of this family. In this genus the body is short and plump, some- 
times nearly hemispherical ; “the species are small, our common forms 
ranging from 3 mm. to 6 mm. (0.12 to 0.24 inch) in length. C/astop- 
tera proteus is a conspicuous species on account of its bright yellow 
markings. It varies greatly in color and markings; but the most 
striking forms are black, with three transverse yellow bands, two on 
the head and one on the thorax; and with the scutellum and a 
large oblique band on each wing-cover yellow. Another common 
species is Clastéptera obtusa. This occurs on black alder in summer 
and autumn. “It is‘of a claret-brown color above, marked with two 
pale bands on the vertex, two on the prothorax, and a wavy, broader 
band on the wing-covers. The membrane is often whitish, the, 
waved band is extended exteriorly, and there is a pale V-shaped 
figure on the end of the scutellum.” 

Family X.—J ASSID&.* 


This the highest family of the Homoptera is a very extensive one. 
And it is also of considerable economic importance; for it includes 
a number of species that are very injurious to vegetation. The body 
is more slender than in the preceding family ; with which this agrees 
in the insertion of the antennz in front of and between the eyes, 
and in the absence of a prolongation of the prothorax above the 
abdomen. But the most salient character which distinguishes the 
Jasside is the structure of the hind tibia. These are nearly or 
quite as long as the abdomen, curved, and armed with a row of 
spines on each margin. The form of the body “is commonly long 
and slender, often spindle-shaped, with a large transverse prothorax 
not much wider than the head. The front is generally an oblique, 
cross-ribbed, inflated prominence, with the cheeks touching the 
anterior coxe, but rarely, if ever, restraining their movement. They 
have a rather large triangular scutellum; the wing-covers curve over 
the sides of the abdomen, appear as tapering towards the tip, and 
the membrane is distinguished from the more leathery corium.” 

The Jasside are able to leap powerfully; and, as they are more 
often found on the leaves of herbage and on grass than elsewhere, 
they have been termed leaf-hoppers. 

* Jasside, Jassus: /assus, a proper name. 


The family has been divided in various ways by different writers. 
It seems best to recognize in this place only two sub-families; although 
seven are proposed by Stal. These two sub-families can be distin- 
guished as follows: 

A. Ocelli placed on the front rim of the vertex close to the eyes, or on the 
front, but never on the disk of the vertex. I. JASSINE. 
AA. Ocelli placed upon the vertex. II. TETTIGONINA. 

Sub-Family I.—JASSIN. 

The more important members of the Jassinz from an economic 
standpoint are the following: 

The Destructive Leaf-hopper, Cicadula’ exitiosa—During the 
winter of 1879-80 much damage was done to winter grain in the 
Carolinas and Georgia by this species. It isa small, active, brownish 
insect, which measures with its wings folded about 5 mm. (0.2 inch) in 
length. Its general form is well indicated by the enlarged figure (Fig, 
148). It is very quick, a good flyer, and a great jumper. 

It injures grass or grain by piercing the midrib of the 
leaf and sucking the juices from it. Upon the planta- 
tion where I studied this insect there was observable a 
most exact line between the eaten and uneaten portions of 
the wheat-field. Instead of spreading themselves over 
the field indiscriminately, or half eating a patch here and 
there, the leaf-hoppers ate the wheat down to the ground 
as they progressed. They are very shy, however, and fly 

away on the least disturbance. Judging from the known = piv yfsiie 
habits of allied species, the eggs are doubtless laid in the (ero ue 
stems of grasses close to the ground. The younghoppers B<?s't °" 
when hatched are almost precisely of the same appearance 

as the old ones, except that they lack wings. The time occupied in 
attaining full growth probably does not exceed a month, so that 
there are several broods a year. These insects are readily attracted 
by light; and probably many of them could be destroyed by trap- 
lanterns, or by building bonfires at night. It is possible, also, that 
many could be destroyed by spraying with some of the alkaline or 
other washes described in the chapter on remedies. In those cases 
where the line of injury is a well-marked one, only a small part of 
the field would need to be sprayed. 

The Grape-vine Leaf-hopper, Arythronéura vitis—There are 

Fic. 148. — 


several species of Leaf-hoppers that infest the leaves of grape, and 
are known to grape growers as the ‘‘ Thrip.” These all belong to 
the genus Erythroneura. The most common one is £, vitzs. It is 
a little more than 3 mm. (0.12 inch) in length, crossed by two blood- 
red bands, and a third dusky one at the apex. These insects pass 
the winter in the perfect state, hibernating under dead leaves or 
other rubbish; in the spring they deposit their eggs on the young 
leaves of the vine. The larve hatch during the month of June, and 
resemble the adult insect except in size and in being destitute of 
wings. The insects feed together on the under side of the leaves, 
and are very quick in their movements. Like the preceding species 
this insect can be destroyed by trap-lanterns or by washes. 

The Rose Leaf-hopper, Zmpoa rose.—“ Swarms of these insects 
may be found, in various stages of growth, on the leaves of the rose- 
bush, through the greater part of the summer, and even in winter 
upon housed plants. Their numerous cast skins may be seen adher- 
ing to the lower sides of the leaves. They pair and lay their eggs 
about the middle of June, and they probably live through the winter 
in the perfect state, concealed under fallen leaves and rubbish on the 
surface of the ground.’ Although this is a very common pest, it 
does not seem to have received much attention from entomologists 
since the time of Harris, from whom the above account is quoted. 
It should be combated in the same way as the leaf-hoppers already 

Sub-family II.—TETTIGONIN#&.* 

The members of this sub-family are mostly small or medium-sized 
insects, with long narrow bodies. But we find here some forms 
which resemble certain genera belonging to the Cercopide. Thus 
Penthimia includes plump, short-bodied insects, which remind us of 
Clastéptera,; and the genus Gyfona includes a large number of species, 
some of which resemble very closely certain species of Aphrophora. 
It is, however, hardly necessary to remind the student that a glance 
at the posterior tibiz of these leaf-hoppers will enable one to dis- 
tinguish them from the Cercopids, which they so closely resemble. 

The genus Diedrocéphala includes grass-green, or pale-green, 
spindle-shaped species which represent better the typical form of 
this sub-family. The members of this genus may be recognized by 
the long, triangular head as seen from above. One of the species, 

* Tettigonine, Tettigonia : ¢ettix (réttvé), a cicada; gonia (ya@via), a corner. 


D. fldviceps, sometimes greatly injures fields of grain in the South. 
The most common species in New York is D. noveboracénsts. 

The genus Proconia includes species in which the head is more 
blunt than in the preceding genus, and is wider across the eyes 
than the thorax. P. undata (Fig. 149) is a common species. “Its 
body, head, fore part of thorax, scutellum, and legs 
are bright yellow, with circular lines of black on the 
head, thorax, and scutellum. The underside of the 
abdomen is banded, and the breast and legs speckled J 
with black. The wing-covers are bluish purple, when 
fresh, coated with whitish powder.” (Uhler.) It Fic, 149-Froco- 
measures 12 mm. (0.47 inch) to the tip of the wing- 
covers. It is said to lay its eggs in single rows in grape canes; and 
to puncture with its beak the stems of the bunches of grapes, caus- 
ing the stems to wither and the bunches to drop off. 


The Heteroptera includes those members of the order Hemip- 
tera to which the general name Bug is most frequently applied. 
These insects are characterized, as already indicated, by having the 
first pair of wings thickened at the base, and with thinner extremi- 
ties, which overlap on the back; and by the position of the rostrum, 
which arises from the front part of the head. The head is furnished 
with a more or less distinct neck, so that the cheeks and the first 
pair of coxe do not touch each other. 

In this sub-order we find variations in structure which corre- 
spond closely with variations in habits. There are certain families 
the members of which are truly aquatic, living within the water, 
through which they swim, and to the surface of which they come 
occasionally for air. There are others which are truly terrestrial, 
living upon the surface of plants, or in other positions away from 
water» There are still other families the members of which hold an 
intermediate position between the aquatic and the terrestrial forms, 
living upon the surface of water, or in marshy places. 

In a systematic arrangement of the Heteroptera the aquatic 
forms are placed first or lowest; the terrestrial forms, highest ; 
and the semiaquatic forms hold an intermediate position. 

* Heterdptera : heteros (Erepos), diverse ; pteron (Wrepor), a wing. 



A. Antenne short, and nearly or quite concealed beneath the head. 
B. Ocelli wanting; insects aquatic, and, excepting Nepide and Naucoride, 
with legs fitted for swimming. 
C. Head overlapping the prothorax ; fore tarsi flattened, consisting of one 
segment, and ciliated. Fam. XI.—CORISID&. 
CC. Head inserted in the prothorax ; fore tarsi normal. 
D. Body thick, dorsal aspect of abdomen very convex. Insects which 
swim upon their back. Fam. XI]_—NOTONECTID&. 
DD. Body either flat or elliptical in outline, or much elongated ; caudal 
end of abdomen furnished with a respiratory tube composed of a 
pair of grooved filaments. Fam. XII1].—NEPID«. 
DDD. Body flat, oval or ovate, without respiratory filaments. 
E. Abdomen with a pair of strap-like caudal appendages (these ap- 
pendages are retractile, and are frequently withdrawn from sight); 

legs flattened for swimming. Fam. XI1V.—BELOSTOMATIDA. 

EE. Abdomen without caudal appendages; legs fitted for crawling 
rather than swimming. Fam, XV.—NAUCORID. 

BB. Two ocelli present; insects aerial, although living near the water ; body 
short and broad ; eyes very prominent. Fam. XVI.—GALGULID&. 

AA. Antenne prominent, free, rarely (Phymatidz) fitting in a groove under 
the lateral margin of the pronotum. 
B. Body linear; head as long as the three thoracic segments. 
BB. Body of various forms, but, when linear, with head shorter than the 
C. Distal segment of the tarsi more or less bifid, with the claws inserted 
before the apex. 
D. Body usually elongated, prothorax narrow; rostrum 4-jointed ; 
second and third pairs of legs extremely long and slender. 
DD. Body usually stout, oval, and broadest across the prothorax; ros- 
trum 3-jointed; legs not extremely long. Fam. XVIII.—VELIAD&. 
CC. Distal segment of the tarsi entire; claws inserted at the end. 
D. Antenne 4-jointed.* 

E. Wing-covers reticulated, and of one uniform thin substance 
throughout ; very rarely (Piesma) with a distinction between the 
corium and membrane. Fam. XXVI,—TINGITID&. 

EE. Wing-covers of various forms or absent, but not of the form pre- 
sented by the Tingitidz. See Fig. 171. 

F. Rostrum 3-jointed. 
G. Ocelli wanting. 
H. Wing-covers rudimentary, with only corium (Acanthiine). 
* In certain families there are minute intermediate joints between the principal joints 
of the antennz. For the purposes of this table these intermediate joints are not counted. 


HH. Wing-covers well developed. 

I. Body linear. Fam. XXI.—EMESID&, 
II. Body not linear. 
J. Body greatly flattened. Fam. XXV.—ARADID&. 

JJ. Body of ordinary form (Saicinz). 
GG. Two ocelli present, though sometimes difficult to see; wing- 
covers well developed. 
H. Wing-covers with embolium, Fig. 151. (Anthocorinz.) 

HH. Wing-covers without embolium. 

I, Rostrum long, reaching to or beyond the intermediate 
COxe. Fam. XVII.—SALDID&. 
IJ. Rostrum short. 

J. Front legs with greatly widened femora. 
JJ. Front femora somewhat thickened, but much less than 
half as wide as long. Fam. XXII.—REDUVIID#. 

FF. Rostrum 4-jointed. 
G. Membrane of wing-covers with longitudinal veins ; legs either 
raptorious or ambulatory. 

H. Membrane usually with four long veins bounding three 
discal ceils, which are often open. From these cells diverge 
veins all around and form several marginal cells (Fig. 150) ; 
legs raptorious. Fam. XXIII.—NABID&. 

HH. Membrane with 4 or 5 simple or anastomosing veins 
arising from the base; or with a larger number of veins aris- 
ing from a cross vein at the base; legs ambulatory. 

I. Ocelli wanting ; membrane with two large cells at the base ; 
and from these arise branching veins (Fig. 153). 
II. Ocelli present. 
J. Head with a transverse incision in front of the ocelli. 
JJ. Head without transverse incision. 
K. Membrane with 4 or 5 simple veins arising from the 
base of the membrane; the two inner ones sometimes 
joined to a cell near the base (Fig. 154). 
KK. Membrane with many, usually forked, veins, spring- 
ing from a transverse basal vein (Fig. 155). 
GG. Membrane of wings-covers with one or two closed cells at 
its base, otherwise without veins (Fig. 152); legs ambulatory. 
Fam. XXVIII.—CaPsID#. 
GGG. Membrane of wing-covers without any veins; legs ambu- 
latory. Fam. XVIII.—HEBRID&. 


DD. Antenne 5-jointed.* 
E. Lateral margin of scutellum with & furrow in which the edge of 
the wing-cover fits when closed. 
F. Scutellum nearly flat, attenuated posteriorly. 
G. Tibiz unarmed or furnished with very fine short spines. 
GG. Tibia armed with strong spines in rows. 
Fam. XXX1V.—CyYDNID&. 
FF. Scutellum very convex, covering nearly the whole abdomen. 

EE. Lateral margin of the scutellum without a furrow; scutellum 
very convex, covering nearly the whole abdomen. 

Fic. 150.—Na- Fic. 151.—Am- Fic. 152.—Cap- Fic. 153.—Pyr- Fic. 154.—Lyge- Fic. 155.—Co- 
bide. thocorine. Sta@. rhocoride. id@. reide. 

Family XI.—CORISID&.t+ 
( Water-boatmen.) 

To the Coriside belong certain aquatic Heteroptera which are 
very widely and commonly distributed throughout our country. 
They are of medium or small size, and of somewhat elongated oval 
form. They occur in lakes, ponds, and streams, in both stagnant 
and running water, and even in the salt lakes of Utah and Califor- 

All of the North American species of this family belong to the 
genus Corisa. Fig. 156, which represents a 
species of Covzsa, illustrates the form of the 
body. These insects may be distinguished by 
the peculiar tarsi of the front legs. These 
tarsi are flattened or scoop-like in form; each 
consists of a single segment, and bears a comb- 
like fringe of bristles. The structure of the 
Sap head of these insects is quite unusual.  In- 
Fic. 156.—Corisa undulata. stead of being inserted in the prothorax, the 

head overlaps that segment. The position of 
the mouth-parts is also peculiar ; these are pushed through an open- 

* In certain families there are minute intermediate joints between the principal joints 
of the antenne ; for the purposes of this table, these intermediate joints are not counted. 
+ Corisid#, Corisa: coris (KoptS), a bug. 


ing in the clypeus instead of being articulated to its tip. In the 
males of Corzsa the abdominal segments, especially the four caudal 
ones, are very unsymmetrical, being upon one side broken into 
irregular-shaped fragments. 

These water-boatmen have the body flattened above, and swim 
upon their ventral surface; they differ in these respects from the 
members of the next family. They swim with a quick, darting mo- 
tion ; they use for this purpose chiefly their long, oar-like posterior 
legs. When in their favorite attitude, they are anchored to some 
object near the bottom of the pond or aquarium by the tips of their 
long, slender, intermediate legs, at such times the fore legs hang 
slightly folded, and the posterior legs are stretched out horizontally 
at right angles to the length of the body. The body of these in- 
sects with the air which clings to it is much lighter than water; 
consequently, whenever they loose their hold upon the object to 
which they have been clinging, they rise quickly to the surface, un- 
less they prevent it by swimming. They occasionally float on the 
surface of the water, and can leap into the air from the water and 
take flight. 

The bodies of these insects, as they swim through the water, are 
almost completely enveloped in air. The coating of air upon the 
ventral surface and sides can be easily seen, for it glistens like silver. 
By watching the insects carefully, when they are bending their bod- 
ies, air can be seen to fill the spaces between the head and prothorax, 
and between the prothorax and mesothorax. The space beneath 
the wings is also filled with air. When these insects are in impure 
water, they must come to the surface at intervals to change this sup- 
ply of air. But I have demonstrated that in good water it is not 
necessary for them to do this. The air with which the body is 
clothed is purified by contact with the fine particles of air scattered 
through the water; so that the insect can breathe its coat of air again 
and again indefinitely.* 

The Water-boatmen are carnivorous, feeding upon other insects. 
They attach their eggs to aquatic plants; and the young are found 
in the same situations as the adults. 

“Tn Mexico, the eggs of a species of cov7sa are said to be gathered 
from water-plants, and used as an article of food by the dwellers 
near the lakes where they abound. The natives cultivate a sedge 
upon which the insects will deposit their eggs. This sedge is made 

* See account of my experiments in American Naturalist, June, 1887. 


into bundles, which are then floated in the water of a lake until cov- 
ered with eggs. The bundles are then taken out, dried, and beaten 
over a large cloth. The eggs being thus disengaged, are cleaned and 
pounded into flour.” (Glover.) 

(Back-swimmers or Back-swimming Water-boatmen.) 

The Notonectide differ from all other aquatic Heteroptera by the 
fact that they always swim on their back. And there is a corre- 
sponding difference in the form of the body. This is much deeper 
than in the allied families, and is more boat-shaped. 
The back, from the peculiar attitude of the insect 
when in the water, corresponds to the bottom of a 
boat, and is sloped so as to greatly resemble in 

form this part (Fig. 157). 
Bs ee a ate The eyes are large, uniform, twice sinuated 

on the outer side, and project a little way over 
the front margin of the prothorax. The prothorax has_ the 
lateral margins sharp and projecting. The legs are all long; the 
hind pair are much the longest and fitted for swimming. 
The tarsi consist each of three segments, but the basal segment 
is so small that it is often overlooked. There isa ridge along the 
middle line of the venter which is clothed with hairs. 

These insects are predaceous, feeding upon insects and other 
small animals. In collecting them, care must be taken or they will 
inflict painful stings with their sharp and powerful beak. 

The favorite attitude of the Back-swimmers is floating at the 
surface of the water, with the caudal part projecting sufficiently to - 
admit of the air being drawn into the space beneath the wings. 
When in this position, their long oar-like hind legs are stretched out- 
ward and forward ready for action. When disturbed, they dart 
away toward the bottom of the pond, carrying a supply of air for 
respiration beneath their wings. As in the Coriside, the body of 
these insects with the air which they carry for respiration is much 
lighter than water ; consequently, the moment they stop swimming, 
they rise to the surface of the water if they do not cling to some 
object to prevent it. Occasionally these insects will float on the 
surface of the water with their dorsal aspect uppermost ; and, like the 

* Notonéctide, Notonécta: nofos (vy@roS), back; nectos (vyKTOS), swimming. 


Water-boatmen, they can leap into the air from the water and take 

There are three genera in North America. The greater number 
of our common species belong to Woftonecta. The following table of 
the genera is from an unpublished work by Professor H. E. Sum- 

A. Apices of hemelytra entire; the three pairs of legs similar in shape. PLEA, 
AA. Apices of hemelytra notched ; legs dissimilar. 
B. Hemelytra much longer than abdomen; fourth segment of antenne 

longer than third. ANISOPS. 
BB. Hemelytra but little longer than abdomen; fourth segment of antennz 
shorter than third. NOTONECTA. 

Family XII].—NEPID#&.* 

The members of this family can be distinguished from other 
aquatic Heteroptera by the presence of a long respiratory tube at 
the end of the abdomen. This tube con- 
sists of two long filaments, each with a 
groove on its mesal side. By applying 
these filaments together the grooves form 
a tube, which conducts the air to two 
spiracles situated at the caudal end of the 
abdomen. By means of this apparatus 
these insects are able to rest on the bot- 
tom of a shallow pond, or among rubbish 
or plants in water, and by projecting this 
tube to the surface obtain what air they 

With regard to the form of the body 
two very different types exist in this fam- 
ily. In one, represented by the genus 
Népa, the body is a long-oval, flat and thin; 
in the other, represented by the genus 
Rénatra, the body is almost linear and 
cylindrical (Fig. 158). 

The Water-scorpions are carnivorous; and with them the first 

Fic. 158.—Kanatra fusca. 

pair of legs is fitted for seizing prey. In these legs the coxe 

* Népide : WVefa, a scorpion. 


are very long, especially in Ranxatra.: the femora are furnished with 
a groove into which the tibia and tarsi fit like the blade of a pocket- 
knife into its handle. 

Although the Nepidz are truly aquatic insects, the second and 
third pairs of legs are fitted for walking rather than swimming. 

Of the genus NWépa we have only a single species, V. apzculata. 
This insect is about two-thirds of an inch in length, not includ- 
ing the respiratory tube, which measures a little more than one- 
fourth of an inch. It lives beneath stones and rubbish in ponds, 
and in the quiet parts of our streams. 

Of the genus Rdéuatra, our most common species is KR. /isca 
(Fig. 158). This insect lives in the same situations as Vepa. Owing 
to the linear form of its body, and to the dirt with which it is 
usually covered, it is quite difficult to detect the presence of this 
insect among the rubbish where it is found. Doubtless this resem- 
blance to a dirty stick aids it greatly in the capture of insects, fish, 
and other unwary animals upon which it preys. 

(Giant Water-bugs.) 

“The family Belostomatide contains the largest Heteroptera now 
in existence. These are all wide and flat-bodied aquatic insects, of 
more or less ovate outline, furnished with powerful flattened swim. 
ming-legs, the fore tibia curved asin the preceding family, and fitted 
for seizing and holding tightly the victims, upon which they pounce 
from their hiding places in the rubbish or among the branches of 
water-plants. A remarkable feature of all the genera is in the pres- 
ence of a pair of flattened, narrow, strap-like appendages at the end of 
the body, which are extensile, but not concerned with respiration, as 
in members of the foregoing group”. (Uhler.) 

These insects are rapacious creatures, feeding on other in- 
sects and small fish. Some of the species are of great size. One 
found in Guiana and Brazil sometimes measures four inches in length. 
We have in our fauna two common species of the larger Giant Water- 
bugs. They are Belostoma americanum and Benacus griseus. These 
two species so closely resemble each other that they are commonly 

*Belostomatide, Belostoma: delos (GEA 0S), a spear; stoma (oroua@), a mouth. 


Belostoma americanum (Fig.159) varies greatly in size. Specimens 
before meas I write this range from 44 mm. (1.75 in.) to 60 mm. (2.4 
in.) inlength. It is of a pale dirty-brown 
color, mottled with dark brown; the ven- 
tral aspect of the body is speckled with 
dark brown. The anterior femora are 
furnished with a groove for the reception 
of the edge of the tibiz. 

Benacus griseus can be distinguished 
from Lelostoma by the absence of the 
femoral groove. In Senacus the ventral 
aspect of the thorax is marked by five 
interrupted longitudinal stripes of dark 

To the genus Za7tha belong our more 
common representatives of the smaller 
members of this family. The common 
species of the Eastern United States is | 
Ziaitha fluminea. Yhis measures about Fic. 159.—Belostoma americanum. 
nine-tenths of an inch in length, and bears 
a round scar on each side of the prothorax (Fig. 160). The 
females of this species lay their eggs upon 
their own backs. These eggs are set upon 
end, and placed in transverse rows, by means of 
a long protrusile tube or ovipositor, which the 
insect can extend far over her own back. The 
eggs are fastened to the back of the mother by 
a very thin layer of a waterproof gum secreted by 
the insect. At about the time when the young 
brood begins to hatch, the mother sheds the 
Bie eee Aad fie entire layer of eggs from her back. (Dim- 

mine. mock.) 

Family XV.—NAUCORID&.* 

The Naucorid@ includes flat-bodied, chiefly oval insects, which 
are of smaller size than the members of the preceding family. The 
abdomen is without caudal appendages ,and the legs are suited for 
crawling rather than for swimming. The front legs, however, are fitted 
for grasping, the femora being greatly thickened. There are no 

* NaucOridae, Naucoris : xaus (vavs), a boat ; coris (Kopts), a bag. 



ocelli; the antenne consist of four simple segments, are very short, 
and well concealed beneath the eyes. The rostrum is three-jointed, 
and covered at the base by the large, transverse, triangular or rounded 
labrum, and the wing-covers are furnished with a distinct embo- 

The members of this family are predaceous; and, according to 
Uhler, they are fond of reedy and grassy, quiet waters, where they 
creep about like the Dyticid beetles, creeping and half-swimming 
around and between the leaves and sprays of the submerged plants, 
and suddenly seizing any unlucky Corzsa or other insect that happens 
to be within reach. 

The family is asmall one; as yet, less than fifty species have been 
described. These are distributed among twelve genera. Of those 
that occur in the United States, only five species, representing two 
genera, have been described. But one of these is found in the States 
on the Atlantic coast. This is Pelocoris femoradta. It measures 
about g mm.(0.35 in.) in length,and after death is pale yellow or 
brownish in color, with black or dark-brown markings. The remaining 
species are found in the Western States, and belong to the genus 
Ambrysus. his genus differs from Pe/ocorts in having the front 
margin of the prothorax very deeply sinuate. 

Family X VI.—GALGULID&.* 

The Galgulide is the concluding member of the series of fami- 
lies of Heteroptera characterized by short antenne, nearly or quite 
concealed beneath the head. This family differs from the other 
families of the series in that the species present a pair of ocelli. In 
the more typical forms, the body is very broad and short, and the 
eyes are prominent and projecting. Fig. 161 represents 
the characteristic form of these insects. 

The Galgulide differ from the other short-horned bugs 
in habits. Whilst the members of the preceding families 
are truly aquatic, these insects pass their lives on the 
Fic. 1%6r.— muddy margins of streams, or about the other parts of 

ouiatw. marshes, where the soil is moist but not continuously 
submerged. Some of them make holes for themselves, 
and live for a part of the time beneath the ground. 

This is a small family, containing only about a score of known 

* Galgitilide: ga@/gulus, the witwall or yeilow thrush. 


species. Of these, only three, representing three genera, have been 
catalogued from the United States. Our forms can be separated 

by the following table: 

A. Fore-legs stout, fitted for grasping. 

B. Anterior tarsi with a single claw. MONONYX. 
BB. Anterior tarsi with two claws. GALGULUS. 
AA. Fore-legs slender, fitted for running. PELOGONUS. 

Our three species are M/ononyx stygicus, Galgulus oculadtus, and 
Pelégonus americanus. Fig. 161 represents the Galgulus; the MJon- 
onyx closely resembles this in form; while the Pe/ogonus is a smaller 
insect, with a more oblong body, and of a velvety black color. All 
of the species are predaceous. 

Family X VII.—SALDID&.* 

With the Sa/dide@ we reach the beginning of the extensive series 
of families of Heteroptera, in which the antennz are prominent and 
are not concealed beneath the head. In this family the insects are 
of small size, and of dark colors, with white or yellow markings. 
The head stands out free from the thorax on a cylindrical base. 
The antenne are four-jointed; there are two ocelli; the 
rostrum is three-jointed and very long, reaching to or 
beyond the middle coxe. The membrane of the wing- 

covers is furnished with looped veins, forming four or  7@% 
five long cells placed side by side. Occasionally there 
is little or no distinction between the corium and mem-  '"§;,f2— 

brane. Two forms sometimes occur in the same species, 
one with a distinct membrane, and another with the membrane 
thickened and almost as coriaceous as the corium proper. 

In regard to the habits of the Saldidez, Uhler states as follows: 
“Tn the present family we have types which, like Galgu/us, make 
holes for themselves, and live for a part of the time beneath the 
ground. Like the members of that genus, too, a majority of these 
inhabit damp soils, and are often found in countless numbers on the 
salt or brackish marshes of our sea-coasts. Their manners strongly 
recall those of the Tiger-beetles that inhabit the same places. When 
approached, or in any way disturbed, they leap from the ground, 
arise a few feet into the air by means of their wings, and alight a 

* Saldide: Sa/da, a proper name. 


short distance away, taking care also to slip quickly into the shade 
of some projecting tuft of grass or clod where the soil agrees with 
the color of their bodies.” 

About thirty species have been described from the United States 
and British America. These all belong to the genus Sa/da. 


The V’eliad@ includes insects which are very closely allied to the 
water-striders both in structure and habits. In both families, the 
distal segment of the tarsi is more or less bifid, and the claws are 
inserted before the apex. These characters distinguish these two 
families from all other Heteroptera. In the Veliade the body is 
usually stout, oval, and broadest across the pro- 
thorax, (Fig. 163). The rostrum is three-jointed, 
and the legs are not extremely long. In fact, 
the legs are fitted for running over the water, in- 
stead of for rowing, as with the Hydrobatide. 

The Veliade “pass most of their lives upon 

Wier t3 7 oe the sutface of “the water, but always micam tne 

banks of the stream or pond; but they also make 

excursions beyond the limits of the water, and move with great free- 
dom upon the land.” (Uhler.) 

Less than a dozen species have been described from the United 
States; but these represent six genera. 


This family includes elongated or oval insects which live upon 
the surface of water. Several species are very abundant on our 
ponds and streams. They run over the surface of the water very 
rapidly ; and, like the Whirligig-beetles, often congregate in great 
numbers. The head is inserted in the thorax up to the base of the 
eyes; these are round and prominent. The antenne are long, and 
consist of four segments. ‘The thorax usually widens backwards, 
and its thickness is increased by the prominent middle and posterior 
coxe, which project beyond the sides. No scutellum is apparent 
(except in Stephanza), but in its place the end of the dorsal plate of 

* Veliade: Velia, a proper name. 
+ Hydrobatide, Hydrobates: ydor (vdap), water; dates (Barts), one that treads. 


the mesothorax is  scale-like, narrowed, rounded, and depressed 
around the tip. Behind this, the abdomen tapers more or less to- 
wards the last segment, which is usually armed each side with a 
tooth-like process. The under side of the body is generally min- 
utely pubescent and sericeous like satin, and this is sometimes con- 
tinued along the sides of the thorax. There are commonly two 
forms of the adult belonging to the same species, the winged and 
unwinged. These do not necessarily co-exist. During some years, 
only the winged forms appear; while in others, and especially if the 
spring and summer are cool, the individuals will all be unwinged. 
Often in sunny, protected places, where the food is abundant, all 
will be winged, while, in exposed localities, the same species will be 
found unwinged, with, perchance, a single, more vigorous specimen 
winged. In some parts of the Southern States three forms occur, 
those before cited and another which has the wing-covers of scarcely 
half length.” (Uhler.) 

The water-striders prefer quiet waters, upon which they rest, or 
over which they skim rapidly. They jump from the water to capture 
flies or other insects for food. Fig. 164 represents a species of Hy- 
grotrechus. “These insects stow 
themselves away under the banks 
of streams, in the mud beneath 
leaves or rubbish, or at the bottom 
of water under stones and roots of 
trees when the autumn begins to 
be cold; and from thence they 
reappear upon the surface of the 
water as soon as the warm weather he, Ae Pe a 
of spring returns. Soon after this, 
the eggs are attached by a sort of glue to the leaves and stems 
of aquatic plants. They are whitish translucent, long, cylindrical, 
more blunt at the end from which the young emerge than at the 
somewhat tapering, but round, opposite extremity. If the weather 
continues to grow warmer, these eggs mature in about two weeks.” 

Five genera occur in our fauna; these can be separated by the 
following table : * 

A. Body oval, less than three times as long as broad; pronotum not longer 
than broad. 

* This table was prepared by Professor H. E. Summers. 


B. Second segment of antennz longer than either the third or fourth. 
BB. Second segment of antennz shorter than either the third or fourth. 
AA. Body elongate, more than four times as long as broad; pronotum much 
longer than broad. 
B. Antenne longer than head and pronotum together; the posterior tibize 
and tarsi together much longer than the intermediate tibiz. 
BB. Antenne shorter than the head and pronotum together; the posterior 
tibiz and tarsi together but little longer than the intermediate tibiz. 
C. First segment of antennz nearly equal in length to the fourth. 
CC. First segment of the antennz considerably longer than the fourth. 

Closely allied to Stephanza, and resembling it in the form of their 
bodies, are the species which constitute the genus Halobates. These 
are truly pelagic insects, living on the surface of the ocean, often 
hundreds of miles from land. They are most abundant in the region 
of calms near the equator; they feed on the juices of dead animals 
floating on the surface, and probably attach their eggs to floating 
sea-weed (Sargassum). 

* Family XX.—LIMNOBATID.* 

The members of this family are very long, slender insects, with 
linear legs and antennez. The head is nearly 
cylindrical, and longer than the thorax; the eyes 
are round, projecting, and placed a little nearer 
the base than the tip of the head. These insects 
creep slowly upon the surface of the water; they 
carry the body considerably elevated; and are 
found mostly where plants are growing in quiet 
waters. “They delight to remain at rest, with 
perhaps a single claw hooked to some projecting 
object. When disturbed, they move very slowly, 
and seem disposed to save themselves rather by 
concealment among rubbish or tangled growths 
Sis Oe ee than by active movements. The young forms 

lineata. are so very slender that they can only be detected 
with great difficulty in the places to which they resort.’’ (Uhler.) 

* Limnobatide, Limnobates: Limmne (Atiuvy), a salt marsh; dates (GarTNS), one that 


I find no observations regarding the food of these insects; but they 
are probably herbivorous. 

Only a single species has been found in the United States. This 
is Limnobates lineata. It isasmall insect less than 12.5 mm. (0.5 in.) 
in length. The legs and antenne are extremely slender, being hair- 
like in form. Fig. 165 represents this species greatly enlarged. 

Family XXI.—EMESID#.* 

The Eméstd@é includes a small number of insects in which the 
body is very slender, and the middle and hind legs are thread-like. 
The front legs are less thread-like, and fitted for grasping. They 
suggest by their form the front legs of the Mantidz; the coxa is 
very greatly elongated, more than four times as long as thick; the 
femur spined; and the tibia shut back upon the femur. 

This family is very closely allied to the one following. In 
fact, by some authors the two are united. They agree in having 
the rostrum short, attached to the tip of the head, and with the 
distal end when not in use resting upon the prosternum, which is 
grooved to receive it. The great length of the fore coxa easily dis- 
tinguishes this family from any of our species of the Reduviide, 
and in the Emeside there are no ocelli. Only seven species of this 
family are catalogued from the United States. 

Our most familiar representative is Emesa lingipes. This insect, 
by its elongated form and slender legs, at first sight reminds one of 
the walking-sticks. But the raptorial fore legs, the wings, and the 
rostrum, really give this species a very different appearance from 
those insects. Its body measures about 33 mm. (1.3 in.) in length; 
the middle and hind legs are each about 40 mm. (1.6 in.) long; 
while the narrow wings are only one-fourth as long as the legs. As 
indicated by the structure of the fore legs, these insects are 

Four genera are represented in our fauna; these can be separated 
as follows:t 

A. The pre-tibiz and pre-tarsi together not shorter than the pre femora. 
B. Eyes large, very prominent ; when seen from the side, occupying the whole 

side of the head. 1. LUTEVA. 
BB. Eyes small, slightly prominent; when seen from the side, not occupying 

more than half of the side of the head. 2. CERASCOPUS. 

* Eméside: Amesa, a proper name. 
+ Table prepared by Professor H. E. Summers. 


AA. Pre-tibia and pre-tarsi together shorter than the pre-femora. 
B. Pre-tarsi one-clawed. } 3. BARCE. 
BB. Pre-tarsi two-ciawed. 4. EMESA. 

Family XXII._—REDUVIID&.* 

The Reduviide is a large family, including numerous genera of 
diverse forms. Many of the members of it are insects of considerable 
size; and some are gayly colored. They are predaceous, living on 
the blood of insects. In some cases, they attack the higher animals; 
and, occasionally, even man suffers from them. As already stated, 
this family is closely allied to the preceding. But the species differ 
from the Emeside in having the body and legs thicker. The front 
coxe are shorter, being never more than two or three times as long 
as broad; and, in the case of the species found in the United States, 
two ocelli are present. These insects agree with the Emeside in 
having the rostrum short, three-jointed, attached to the tip of the 
head, and with the distal end, when not in use, resting upon the 
prosternum, which is grooved to receive it. 

In Uhler’s Catalogue of the Hemiptera of North America (1886), 
fifty genera of the Reduviide representing nine sub-families, are 
enumerated. Only a few of the more familiar species can be referred 
to in this place. 

The Masked Bed-bug-hunter, Opsic@tus personadtus.—The member 
of this family about which probably most has been written is the one 
for which I propose the popular name givenabove. The species isa 
European one, and is described in nearly all of the European text- 
books of entomology under the name Redzivins persondtus. But it is 
now placed in the genus Opsic@tus. A variety of this spe- 
cies occurs in the Atlantic region of our country. Fig. 
166 represents the adult insect. It measures from 15—20 
mm. (0.6—0.8 inch) in length. It is black, or of a very 
dark brown. The prothorax is strongly constricted 
in the middle, rounded in front, and has a prominent 
groove on the middle line. 

There are two marked peculiarities of this species 
oe ee 08 which has caused it to attract much attention: first, in 

sicoetus fer- its immature stages, the body is covered with a viscid 
substance which causes particles of dust and fibres 
to adhere to it; not only the body proper, but the legs and 

* Reduviide, Rediivius: veduvia, a hang-nail. 


antenne also are masked in this way: second, this species infests 
houses for the sake of preying upon the bed-bug. It feeds also upon 
flies and other insects. Dr. Le Conte, in writing of this insect, states 
that it is remarkable for the intense pain caused by its bite; that, 
when caught or unskilfully handled, it always stings. In this case, 
the pain is almost equal to that of the bite of a snake, and the swel- 
ling and irritation which result from it will sometimes last for a week. 
In very weak and irritable constitutions it may even prove fatal. 

The Big Bed-bug, Conorhinus sanguisigus.—Closely allied to the 
masked bed-bug-hunter is a large bug which insinuates itself into 
beds for a less commendable purpose than that of its ally; for it 
sucks human blood at first hand. 

This insect measures 25 mm. (1 inch) in length. It is black, 
marked with red. The prothorax is triangular, with a tubercle in 
front on each side, slightly constricted before the middle, in front 
with two raised lines diverging backwards, and most raised in front, 
margined with red; scutellum with two raised diverging lines directed 
forwards and joined at the base; wing-covers with two triangular red 
spots on each, one at the base, the other near the middle on the 
outside ; abdomen with six red spots on each side, both above and 
below. The species was first described from Georgia; but it occurs 
also in the more Northern and Western States. It, too, is re- 
markable for sucking the blood of mammals, particularly chil- 
dren. Dr. Le Conte, who first described this insect, says that 
it, like the preceding species, inflicts a most painful wound. And 
that he has known its bite to be followed by very serious conse- 
quences, the patient not recovering from its effects for nearly a year. 
He states his belief also that the accounts which we have of persons 
being bitten by spiders are based on stings of these or allied insects. 

Although the species referred to above will serve to illustrate the 
form of the members of this family, they are exceptional in habits. 
I know of no others that habitually enter the dwellings of man, 
Usually the members of this family pass their lives upon trees, 
shrubs, or herbage, adroitly catching their prey. They feed upon 
various insects both in the larva and adult states. Numerous 
instances are on record of their destroying the Colorado potato- 
beetle, the Rocky Mountain locust, and other important pests. 

The wheel-bug, Pridnidus cristatus (Fig. 167) furnishes a good 
illustration of the habits of the predaceous members of this family. 
This is a common insect in the South. The adult, a cluster of eggs, 
and several nymphs are represented in the figure. The hexagonal 


masses of eggs are deposited on the bark of trees, on fence-rails, under 
the eaves of out-buildings, or wherever the female chances to be 

Fic. 167.—Priontdus cristatus. (From Glover.) 

at the time of oviposition, to the number of 70 or more. The 
nymphs when young are blood-red, with black marks, and do not 
resemble the adult insect excepting somewhat in form and in habits. 
Both the nymphs and adults feed upon all other insects they can 
overcome, not even sparing their own kind. “They kill their prey 
by inserting into it the proboscis, which ejects a most powerful 
poisonous liquid into the wound. The victim thus pierced dies in a 
very short time. They then leisurely suck the juices out, and drop 
the empty skin. The perfect insect is of a gray color, and has a high 
semicircular ridge or projection on the crest of its thorax.” (Glover.) 

Family X XIII.—NABID&.* 

We have but few representatives of the Wabzde ; but some of 
them are very common. In this family the body is oblong, and 

* Nabide: NWadis, a proper name. 


somewhat oval behind. The rostrum is long, slender, and four- 
jointed. The wing-covers are longer than the abdomen, or are very 
short. In the long-winged forms the membrane is usually furnished 
with four long veins bounding three discal cells, which are often 
open. From these cells diverge veins all around and form several 
marginal cells. (Fig. 168.) 

Only three genera occur in our fauna; these can be separated by 
the following table :* 

A. Pre-acetabula remote from each other. Clavus and corium semi-transparent. 
(Sub-family Coriscine.) 1. CORISCUS. 
AA. Pre-acetabula close together. Clavus and corium opaque. (Sub-family 
B. Joint 2 of rostrum longer than joint 3; joint 2 reaching base of head. 

BB. Joint 2 of rostrum shorter than joint 3; joint 2 not reaching base of 
head. 3. NABIS. 

Coriscus férus is one of our most common species. This insect 
measures about 8 mm. (0.3 in.) in length. It is pale yellow with nu- 
merous minute brown dots. The veins of the mem- 
brane are also brownish. This species is widely dis- 
tributed both in this country and in Europe. It 
secretes itself in the flowers or among the foliage 
of various herbaceous plants, and captures small Denne aeeee 
insects upon which it feeds. Fig. 168 represents the OP sean 
wing-cover of this species. 

Coriscus subcoleoptratus is another very common species, and one 
that is quite likely to attract attention. Although I have collected 
very many specimens of it, I have met with only the short-winged 
form. This is of a shining, jet-black color, with the edge of the 
abdomen and the legs yellowish. The specimens before me have 
short wing-covers which barely extend to the second abdominal seg- 
ment. Uhler says that the long-winged form is much narrower 
behind, and the wing-covers and abdomen are rather dusky, or pice- 
ous, than black. 

Family X X1V.—PHYMATID&.+ 

The Phymatide is even more poorly represented in this country 
than the preceding family; but, as in that case, some of the species 

* Prepared by Professor H. E. Summers. 
+ Phymatide, Phymata: phyma (POua), a tumor. 


are very common. Here we find the body extended laterally into 
angular or rounded projections, suggesting the name of the typi- 
cal genus. But the most striking character which distinguishes this 
croup is the remarkable form of the front legs. These are fitted for 
seizing prey. The coxa is somewhat elongated ; the femur is greatly 
thickened, so that it is half or two thirds as broad as long; the tibia is 
sickle-shaped, and fits closely upon the broadened and curved end 
of the femur; both tibia and femur are armed with a series of close- 
set teeth, so that the unlucky insect that is grasped by this organ 
is firmly held between two saws; the apparently useless tarsus is 
bent back into a groove in the tibia. Another striking character 
is presented by the antenne: the terminal segment is more or less 
enlarged into a knob. Under the lateral margin of the pronotum 
there is on each side a groove into which the antenna fits. 

Only two genera are represented in our fauna. These can be 
distinguished as follows: 

A. Scutellum short; head with a bifid prolongation above the insertion of the 

antenne. PHYMATA. 
AA. Scutellum very long, extending to the tip of the abdomen; head without 
bifid prolongation of the antenne. MACROCEPHALUS. 

Our most common species is Phymata Wolffit (Fig. 169). It is 
a yellow insect, greenish when fresh, marked by a broad 
black band across the expanded part of the abdomen. 
It conceals itself in the flowers of various plants, and cap- 
tures the insects which come to sip nectar. It is remark- 
pie able what large insects it can overcome and destroy. 

Wine’ Cabbage-butterflies, honey-bees, and large wasps are 

overpowered by it. 

Family XX V.—ARADID.* 

The Aradid@ are very easily recognized by the depressed form 
of the body. In fact they are the flattest of all Heteroptera. They 
live in the cracks or beneath the bark of decaying trees; and the 
form of the body is especially adapted for gliding about in these 
cramped situations. They are usually of a dull brown color; some- 
times they are varied with reddish or pale markings. Unlike the pre- 
ceding family, the legs are all of similar form. There are no 
ocelli; the antenne are four-jointed; the rostrum three-jointed ; the 
wing-covers are usually well developed, with distinct corium, clavus, 

* Aradide, Aradus: avadus (apa6os), a violent disturbance of the stomach. 


and membrane; and the tarsi are two-jointed. The species are said 
to feed upon fungi. It is desirable that observation should be made 
upon their habits. The family is not a large one. Only a little 
more than a score of species are now catalogued from the United 
States. They are of medium or small size; our largest one meas- 
ures less than half an inch in length. Fig. 170, Aradus 
acutus, will serve to represent the form characteristic of 
the family. 

Our genera can be separated by the following table :* 

A. Rostrum reaching only about to base of head; ventral surface Fic. 170.— 
- : = Aradus 
of thorax and abdomen not furnished with a fine mesal furrow. Fe bae 

(Sub-family BRACHYRHYNCHIN&). 
B. Joint 4 of antennz much longer than joint 3; scutellum transverse, broad 

caudad, caudal angle obtusely rounded. 1. ANEURUS. 
B. Joint 4 of antenne not longer than joint 3; scutellum scarcely transverse, 
triangular, caudal angle acute. 2. BRACHYRHYNCHUS. 

AA. Rostrum reaching about to caudal margin of prosternum or beyond it; 
ventral surface of abdomen and thorax furnished with a fine mesal furrow. 
(Sub-family Aradinz.) ARADUS. 

Family XX VI.—TINGITID~.+ 

The 7ingitide are doubtless the most easily recognized of all 
Heteroptera. The reticulated and gauze-like structure of the wing- 
covers, usually accompanied by expansions of the prothorax of a 
similar form, gives these insects a characteristic appearance which 
needs only to be once seen to be recognized 
im the future. Hic. 171 represents) onesot 
these insects greatly enlarged, the hair-line 
at the side indicating the natural size of the 
insect. They are generally very small insects. 
But they occur in great numbers on the 
leaves of trees and shrubs. 

In this family the ocelli are wanting; the 
rostrum and the antenne are both four- 

jointed; the scutellum is wanting or rudi- 
Fic. 171.—Corythuca arcu. mentary, replaced by the angular hind portion 
Reo eee Author's of the pronotum; and the tarsi are two- 

The family is one of considerable size. There are about forty 

* This table was prepared by Professor H. E. Summers. 
+ Tingitide : 7%imgis, a proper name. 


known genera, including hundreds of species. Less than a score of 
species are now catalogued from the United States; but doubtless 
many more will be found. 

There are two well-marked sub-families. 

Sub-family I—TINGITIN#. 

This division includes nearly all of the known species. Here the 
scutellum is usually covered by an angular projection of the pro- 
notum ; and the wing-covers have no distinction between the clavus, 
corium, and membrane. 

The genera that occur in the United States can be separated by 
the following table :* 

A. Discoidal and costal areas of hemelytra rarely jointly elevated ; when so 
elevated, the lateral margins of pronotum never broadly foliaceous, nor with 
the narrow foliaceous parts (when they are present) produced cephalad. 

B. Rostral sulcus of the sternum not interrupted by a transverse ridge (be- 
tween the mesosternum and metasternum). 
C. Costal area of hemelytra furnished with a regular single or double 
series of areoles. 
D. Costal area with a single series of areoles. I. TELEONEMIA. 
DD. Costal area with a double series of areoles. 2. TINGIS. 
CC. Costal area of hemelytra, at least in part, furnished with a triple or 
multiple, sometimes confused, series of areoles. 
D. Joint 1 of antennz not twice as long as joint 2. 
E. Pronotum with a single longitudinal mesal ridge (carina) ; third 

joint of antennz not at all slender. 3. LEPTOYPHA. 
EE. Prosternum with three parallel longitudinal ridges (carinz) ; third 
joint of antenne slender. 4. PHYSATOCHILA. 

DD. Joint 1 of antennz at least twice as long as joint 2. 

E. Oblong, anal margins of hemelytra somewhat concave. 
EE. Oval, anal margins of hemelytra convex. 8. ACALYPTA. 
BB. Rostral sulcus of the sternum interrupted between the mesosternum 
and metasternum by a transverse ridge. 6. GARGAPHIA. 
AA. Discoidal and costal areas of hemelytra jointly elevated ; lateral margins 
of pronotum broadly foliaceous, produced cephalad. 72 CORY RHUCA, 

The following species will serve as an illustration of this sub- 

The Hawthorn Tingis, Corythica arcuata—This I found very 
abundant in Washington, puncturing the under surface of the leaves 

* Prepared by Professor H. E. Summers. 


of different species of Crategus. The infested leaves have a brown 
and sunburnt appearance. All stages were found together. The 
adult is represented much enlarged by Fig. 171. In Fig. 172 the 
eggs and immature form are shown. The eggs are 
smooth, whitish, glistening, semitransparent, and 
ovoid in shape. Their average length is 3 mm. 
(0.12in.). They are deposited on their broad end, 
and seem to be somewhat inserted into the sub- 
stance of the leaf; they are covered completely 
by a brown, sticky substance, which hardens soon 
after oviposition. It adheres so firmly to the egg, 
especially to the upper portion, that it is impos- 
sible to remove it without crushing the egg. . ee ee 
At its upper end this covering of the egg is squarely pan piy on pvaenee 

truncate, giving the whole mass the appearance Ee 
of a frustum of a cone with a porous lid. From 

the funnel-shaped summit the young insect makes its exit. The eggs 
are usually laid, in groups of from ten to thirty, along both sides of 
some prominent leaf vein. They beara much greater resemblance 
to certain forms of fungi, notably the genus Phoma, and to certain 
young Homopterous galls, than they do to eggs of any sort. 

The immature insect is of the same dirty brown color as the sub- 
stance covering the egg, and but little darker than the withering 
leaf. It is of a broad, flat, oval shape, and spines seem to project 
from almost every portion of its body. It looks under the micro- 
scope more like a lobe of prickly cactus than anything else I can 
think of. The cast-off skins stick to the leaf, and give it the appear- 
ance of being much more seriously infested than it really is. 

The dead leaves under the bushes during the winter have been 
often found to contain the living and healthy eggs of the Tingis; 
but the customary method of hibernation is in the adult state alone. 
This form can be found during the winter under the loose bark of 
the tree, and under sticks and stones on the ground. These insects 
can be destroyed by strong alkaline washes or by kerosene emul- 
sions. But it is probable that if the leaves and rubbish underneath 
the trees are destroyed, either every fall or every spring, a necessity 
for remedies will not arise. 

Sub-Family II.—PIESMIN&A. 

This division includes a single aberrant genus, Présma, of which 
but few species are known. Here the scutellum is not covered; the 


wing-covers have a distinct clavus, with a well-marked claval suture ; 
the clavus is furnished with one, and the corium with three longi- 
tudinal veins which are much stronger than the network of veins 
between them. In long-winged specimens the tip of the membrane 
lacks the network of veins and appears like the membrane in other 
families. As yet but a single American species has been described. 

The Ash-gray Leaf-bug, Piésma cinérea—This measures about 
3 mm. (0.12 in.) in length, and is of anash-gray color. The prothorax 
is deeply pitted, so that it presents the same appearance as the base 
of the wing-covers. The head is deeply bifid at tip, and there isa 
short robust spine between the eye and antenna of each side. This 
species sometimes infests vineyards to an injurious extent, destroy- 
ing the flower-buds in early spring. 


The Acanthiidz comprises two closely allied groups, which have 
been considered as distinct families, but are now ranked as sub- 
families. These are the Acanthiine and the Anthocorine. As these 
have been separated in the table of families, I will at once proceed to 
the discussion of them. 

Sub-Family. I—ACANTHIINA. 

The Acanthiine is represented in this country by a single species, 
the Bed-bug, Acduthia lectularia. This species is a well-known pest 
over the greater part of the world. It is reddish-brown in color, and 
measures in length when full grown from 4 to 5 mm. (0.16 to .Or8 in.). 
It presents the following characters, which are those of the sub-family 
Acanthiine: The body is ovate in outline and is very flat (Fig. 
173). It is wingless or with very short and rudimen- 
tary wing-covers. The labrum is triangular. There 
are no ocelli. The rostrum consists of three seg- 
ments; the antenne, of four; and the tarsi, of 
ci ee on a The bed-bug is a nocturnal insect, hiding by day 

in the cracks of furniture and beneath various 
objects. Ordinarily it is found only in the dwellings of man. 
But it has been known to infest chicken-coops and _ pigeon- 

® Acanthtide, Acadnthia : acdntha (xkav®a), a thorn. 


houses. And the opinion is held that it also infests bats and 
may be brought into our dwellings by these creatures. I have, 
however, found no well-authenticated instance of its occurring 
upon these animals, or of its being found in saw-dust, or under the 
bark of trees, as has been reported. The means commonly employed 
to destroy this pest is to wet the cracks of the bedstead and other 
places in which it hides with corrosive sublimate dissolved in alcohol. 
This is sold by druggists under the name of bed-bug poison. As 
this substance is a virulent poison, it should be used with great care. 
A safer substance to use is Pyrethrum. In case of a badly infested 
room, it should be thoroughly cleaned ; fumed with sulphur; the 
walls re-papered, kalsomined, or whitewashed ; and the wood-work re- 
painted. In travelling where one is forced to lodge at places infested 
by this insect or by fleas, protection from them can be had by 
sprinkling a small quantity of Pyrethrum powder between the sheets 
of the bed on retiring. 

Sub-Family I1—ANTHOCORIN&.* 
(The Flower-bugs.) 
In the Anthocorine the wing-covers are almost always fully de- 

veloped; and are furnished with an embolium (Fig. 174). The 
ocelli are present, though sometimes difficult to see. 

As in the preceding sub-family, the rostrum consists aT) 
of three segments; the antenne, of four; and the > 

tafsi, of three. 15 enamel 

: : Wing - cover 

The species are small. They are found in a great of Zriphdeps. 

variety of situations, often upon trees and on flowers, 
sometimes under bark or rubbish. They are predaceous. 

Nearly thirty species have been catalogued from the United 
States. The best known of these is the Insidious Flower-bug, 
Triphleps insidiosus. This is often found preying upon the leaf-in- 
habiting form of the Grape Phylloxera; it is also often found in com- 
pany with the Chinch-bug, upon which it preys, and for which it is 
sometimes mistaken. 

Family XX VIII.—CAPSID&.+ 

This is one of the large families of the Heteroptera. Nearly ahun- 
dred genera are catalogued from North America alone. The species 

* Anthocorine, Anthocoris ; anthos (&v 0S), a flower ; coris (Kopts), a bug. 
+ Capside, Capsus: cafsus, a wagon-body, an enclosure. 



are usually of medium or small size; there is a great variation in the 
form of the body, which makes it difficult to characterize the family. 
The most available character for distinguishing these insects is the 
structure of the wing-covers. These are almost always complete, and 
composed of clavus, corium, cuneus, and membrane. At the base 
of the membrane there are one or two cells; otherwise the mem- 
brane is without veins. See Fig.175. Other characters of the fam- 

ily areas follows: The ocelli are wanting; the rostrum 

and antenne are each four-jointed; the coxe are sub- 
(2 elongate; and the tarsi are three-jointed. 

It is impracticable to discuss here the divisions of 
SaWigeneaeee this family; I can only refer to a few of the more 
or Peciioca’ common species. 
The Four-lined Leaf-bug, Pwctlocapsus linedtus.— 

Thisis a bright yellow bug, marked with black. It measures about 
8 mm. (0.31 in.) in length. There are four longitudinal black lines 
which extend over the prothorax and the greater part of the 
wing-covers (Fig. 176). There is in many specimens 
a black dot on the cuneus of each wing-cover; and 
the membrane is also black. This insect infests 
various plants, but abounds most on the leaves of 
currant-bushes and of sage. It punctures the 
young and tender leaves, causing small brown aye. 76 pecit. 
spots; but these are sometimes so numerous and iy alee Mn? 
closely placed that the leaves become completely 
withered. Thisinsect is sometimes very abundant during the spring 
and early summer; and occasionally does great injury. No efficient 
means of destroying it has been devised except to collect it by 
jarring the bushes early in the morning while it is torpid. 

The Tarnished Plant-bug, Lygus praténsis—The Tarnished Plant- 
bug is a very common member of the Capside. It is smaller than 
the preceding species, measuring 5 mm. (0.2 in.) in length, and 2} mm. 
(0.1 in.) in its greatest width. It is exceedingly variable in colorand 
markings. It ranges from a dull bark brown to a greenish or dirty 
yellowish brown. In the more typical forms the prothorax has a 
yellowish margin and several longitudinal yellowish lines; there is 
a V-shaped yellowish mark on the scutellum; the distal end of the 
corium is dark; and the cuneus is pale, with a black point at the apex. 
This species has been reported as injuriously infesting the young 
leaves of the expanding buds of pear, and also the unopened buds. 
Sometimes a whole branch will be thus affected, and will die asthe 


result of the injury. This species passes the winter in the adult state. 
When it becomes injurious, the insects should be shaken from the 
trees upon a sheet, early in the morning, while they are torpid, and 

The most abundant species of the Capside in the Northeastern 
United States is one for which I know no popular name, Lefptoptérna 
dolobrata. In sweeping the grass of meadows, in early summer, in 
this locality, frequently more specimens of this bug are taken than 
of allotherinsects. This species is very different in form from the two 
preceding, the body being long and narrow. Fully developed speci- 
mens measure 9 mm. (0.4 in.) to the tip of the wing-covers; and are but 
little more than 2 mm. (.08 in.) in width. The color is greenish 
yellow marked with black. The markings of the head vary greatly ; 
there are two longitudinal black stripes extending from the eyes 
over the prothorax and scutellum. The central part and apex of 
the scutellum is light-colored. Vhere is a variety in which the cor- 
neous part of the wing-covers is rust-red. 


The members of this family are very different in appearance from 
those of the preceding family. They are larger, stouter, and more 
heavily built, and are generally marked with strongly contrasting 
colors; red with black or brown are the most usual 
combinations. In coloring these insects resemble some == 
of the larger species of the following family. The SS 
Pyrrhocoride can be distinguished from the Lygeide Rid be wine: 
by the absence of ocelli, and by the peculiar venation sever of Das 
of the membrane of the wing-covers (Fig. 177). At 
the base of the membrane there are two large cells; 
and from these arise branching veins. Only twenty- 
five species of this family are catalogued by Uhler 
from North America; and of these but seven are 
credited to the United States. Our forms occur in 
the Southern and Western States. 

Our most important species, from an economic 

standpoint, is the Red-bug or Cotton-stainer, Dysdércus 
“Gsluluriive suturéllus. This species serves well as an illustration 
of the appearance of the members of this family 
(Fig. 178). “It is oblong-oval in form, of a red color; the wing-cov- 

*Pyrrhocdride, Pyrrhocoris : pyrrhos (ruppos), reddish ; coris (Kops), bug. 


ers and an arc on the base of the prothorax, and also the scutellum, 
are pale brown. The wing-covers have the costal margin, a 
narrow line bordering the base of the membrane and continuing 
diagonally along the outer margin of the clavus, and also a slender 
streak on the inner margin of the clavus, pale yellow. It varies 
much in size, ranging from 10 mm. to 16 mm. (0.4 in. to 0.63 in.) in 
length.” From time immemorial this has been one of the worst 
pests with which the cotton-planters of Florida and the West Indies 
have had to contend ; it would be difficult to estimate the immense 
loss it has occasioned. It does much damage by piercing the stems 
and bolls with its beak and sucking the sap, but the principal injury 
to the crop is from staining the cotton in the opening boll by its ex- 
crement. I found also in Florida that this insect is sometimes very 
injurious to oranges; it punctures the rind of the fruit with its ros- 
trum; and soon decay sets in, and the fruit drops. The principal 
injury seems to have been done where cotton was planted in close 
proximity to the orange-groves. On one occasion I received the 
eggs of this insect from Florida; they were laid ina group of 
twenty-one upon the under side of an orange-leaf. They were am- 
ber colored, and oval in shape; they appeared smooth and glistening 
to the naked eye, but an examination with a lens showed them to be 
densely covered with hexagonal impressions. The young bugs are 
bright red with black legs and antenne. These insects can be trapped 
in cotton-fields by laying chips of sugar-cane upon the earth near 
the plants; in orange-groves small heaps of cotton-seed will be found 
useful, as well as pieces of sugar-cane. The insects which collect 
upon these traps can be destroyed with hot water. 

Family XX X.—LYG#ID&.* 

The Lygeide is another one of the large families of the Heter- 
optera. It includes certain forms which closely resemble members 
of the preceding family in size, form, and strongly contrasting colors. 
But the great majority of the species are of smaller size and less 
brightly colored; and all differ from that family in presenting dis- 
tinct ocelli. The membrane of the wing-covers is furnished with 
four or five simple veins, which arise from the base of the mem- 
brane; sometimes the two inner veins are joined to a cell near the 

*Lygeide, Lygzus : lyg@os (Avy atos), dark. 


base (Fig. 179). The antenna of each side is inserted below an 
ideal line extending from the eye to the base of the 
rostrum. And the vertex is not constricted in front of 
the ocelli. 

There isa great variety of forms in this family; Aye. 159.—wing- 
the North American species are distributed among  62%*" °F 478% 
nearly fifty genera, representing nine sub-families. 

The first sub-family, Lyg@ine, includes the forms, referred to 
above, that resemble the Pyrrhocoride in coloring. These are chief- 
ly red insects, banded with black across the wing-covers. Among 
our most common species are the three following: 

Oncopéltus fasciatus.—This is a large red and black insect, measur- 
ing 16 mm. (0.63 in.) in length. It has the following-named parts 
black: legs, antenne, rostrum, sides, and middle line of the head, 
disk of the prothorax, scutellum, most of the ventral aspect of the 
thorax, dots along the lateral edge of the abdomen, the tip of the 
abdomen, and two spots on each side of the ventral aspect of the 
sameregion. There isa broad black transverse band across the middle 
of the wing-covers ; and the membrane is also ofthe same color. This 
species “is pretty generally distributed throughout the warm and 
sheltered parts of this continent, and wherever the larger varieties of 
Asclepias flourish, either on the coast or inland.” (Uhler.) 

Lygeéus reclivatus.—This is smaller than the preceding species, 
measuring from 10 to 12 mm. (0.4 in. to 0.47 in.) in length. The 
head is black, with red spots on the vertex; the thorax is black, 
with a transverse red band on the disk of the pronotum; this 
band is sometimes twice interrupted, so that it is represented by 
three dots; the abdomen is bright red, with the apex, a row of 
small dots on the lateral edges, and a row of spots on each side of 
the venter, black; the wing-covers are black, with a red arc opening 
outwards on each; the free margin of the membrane, a pair of spots 
on the disk, and two or more irregular spots on the basal margin of 
the membrane, are snowy white. 

A variety occurs in which the white spots on the disk of the 
membrane are wanting. This variety isthe most common represen- 
tative of the Lygeinz which I find in central New York. A few 
of the New York specimens show the white spot; while in a large 
series of this species in our collection from Arizona these spots are 
invariably present. 

Lyg@éus tiircicus.—This species is very closely allied to the pre- 
ceding, if not identical with it. Here the red spot on the vertex is 


Y-shaped, and includes the antennal tubercles. The membrane of 
the wing-covers lacks the discal white spots, and the basal half of the 
clavus is red. 

Among the many smaller representatives of this family the fol- 
lowing is the best known: 

The Chinch-bug, Alissus leucopterus—This well-known pest of 
grain-fields is a small bug, which when fully grown measures a little 
less than4mm. (0.16 in.) in length. It is blackish in color, with con- 
spicuous snowy-white wing-covers. There is onthe costal margin of 
each wing-cover near the middle of its lengtha black spot ; from each 
of these spots there extends towards the head a somewhat Y-shaped 
dusky line. The body is clothed with numerous microscopic hairs. 
In Fig. 180 this insect is represented natural size 
and enlarged. The species is dimorphic, there being 
a short-winged form. 

There are two generations of the Chinch-bug each 
year. The insects winter in the adult state, hiding 
Fic. ha ee beneath rubbish of any kind; they even penetrate 

forests and creep under leaves, and into crevices in 
bark. In early spring they emerge from their winter quarters 
and pair; soon after the females begin to lay their eggs; this 
they do leisurely, the process being carried on for two or three 
weeks. The eggs are yellowish; about 500 are laid by a single in- 
sect ; they are deposited in fields of grain, beneath the ground upon 
the roots, or on the stem near the surface. The eggs hatch in about 
two weeks after being laid. The newly-hatched bugs are red; they 
feed at first on the roots of the plants which they infest, sucking the 
juices; afterwards they attack the stalks. The bugs become full- 
grown in from forty to fifty days. Before the females of this brood 
deposit their eggs, they leave their original quarters and migrate in 
search of a more abundant supply of food. About this time the 
wheat becomes dry and hard; and the migration appears to bea 
very general one. Although the insects sometimes go in different 
directions, as a general rule the masses take one direction, which is 
towards the nearest field of oats, corn, or some other cereal or grass 
that is still in a succulent state. At this time many of the bugs 
have not reached the adult state; and even in the case of the fully- 
winged individuals the migration is usually on foot. In their new 
quarters the bugs lay the eggs for the second or fall brood. 

Satisfactory means of preventing the ravages of this insect are 


yet to be discovered. Something can be done by burning in au- 
tumn all rubbish about fields, in fence-corners, and in other places 
where the bugs have congregated to pass the winter. The march- 
ing of the spring brood into new fields has been stopped by means 
of ditches, as is done with the Army-worm. Some farmers have ac- 
complished the same purpose by making a line of gas-tar on the 
ground ; the bugs will not pass such a line, but it is necessary to re- 
place it frequently. In some cases kerosene emulsion can be used 
to advantage. 

Family XX XI.—BERYTID&.* 

The Berytide consists of a small number of species, which on 
account of their attenuated forms are very striking in appear- 
ance. The body is long and narrow; the legs and antennz are also 
long and extremely slender. There is a transverse incision in the 
vertex in front of the ocelli. The antenne are four-jointed, elbowed 
at the base of the second segment, and with the tip of the first seg- 
ment enlarged. The rostrum is four-jointed; and the membrane 
of the wing-covers is furnished with a very few veins. 

Only two genera are catalogued from 
the United States, each represented by a 
single species, /alysus spinosus and Nétdes 
muticus. These can be separated as follows: 

In /alysus (Fig. 181) neither the corium 
nor the venter is punctate; and the ver- 
tex is not furnished with a prominent 
spinous process extending cephalad. 
There is, however, a small spine on the 
scutellum, and one on each side of the 
thorax in front of the coxa. /. spindsus 
measures about 8 mm. (0.31 in.) in length. 

In Nerdes the corium and venter are 
strongly punctate; the vertex is furnished 
with a prominent spinous process extend- 
ing cephalad. This genus lacks the spines of the scutellum and 
thorax characteristic of the preceding genus. 

Fic. 181.—Falysus spinosus. 

* Berytide, Berytus: Sypuros, Greek name of Beyrout. 


Family XX XII.—COREID&.* 

The Coreide is one of the most extensive of the families of 
Heteroptera; and the members of it vary greatly in form. Some 
of the species are among the most formidable in appearance of all 
of our Heteroptera; while others are comparatively weak and in- 
conspicuous. The family is characterized as follows: The antenne 
are inserted above an ideal line extending from the eye to the base 
of the rostrum, and are four-jointed; the vertex is not transversely 
impressed ; the ocelli are present; the rostrum is four-jointed ; the 
scutellum is small or of medium size; the wing-covers are usually 

complete, and composed of clavus, corium, and 
Se meni prans) the membrane is nee a many 
Zi =P veins, which spring from a transverse basal vein, 
poses =. and “are, usually) forkedy (Fig. 182) the-*tarsiuare 
Wiehe  tubee-jointed: 

This family contains both vegetable feeders and 
carnivorous forms; in some cases the same species will feed upon 
both insects and plants. 

The most common and best known species is 
the Squash-bug, Axasa ¢ristis. The form of the 
body of the adult insect is represented in Fig. 
183. In this stage the insect appears blackish- 
brown above and _ dirty-yellow beneath. The 
ground color is really ochre-yellow, darkened by 
numerous minute black punctures. Upon the 
head are two longitudinal black stripes; the lat- 
eral margins of the prothorax are yellow, owing 
to the absence along a narrow space of the punc- 
tures; and the margin of the abdomen is spotted with yellow from 
a similar cause; the membrane of the wing-covers is black. 

This species winters in the adult state. In early summer it lays 
its eggs in little patches on the young leaves of squash and allied 
plants. The young bugs are short and more rounded than the 
adult insects. There are several generations of this species each 

This is one of the most annoying of the many rests of the 
kitchen-garden. The most satisfactory way yet devised for pre- 
venting its ravages is to protect the young plants by means of 

Fic. 183. — Anasa 

* Coréide, Coreus: probably from coris (Kopts), bug. 


boxes or frames covered with netting. After the plants have ob- 
tained a good start they are not easily destroyed by this bug. 

Metapodius femordtus (Fig. 184) isa rep- 
resentative of a group which contains the 
largest members of this family. This 
species is distributed from North Carolina 
to Florida and Mexico. It was observed 
by Prof. Trelease to destroy the Cotton- 
worm (A/efza). 


With the VPentatomide we reach a 
series of families, four in number, in which 
the antennz are five-jointed. I have 
found no exception to this character 
within the United States, although there fie. 184.—aetapodius femoratus. 
are forms which occur just south of our aa ie ee 
border in which the antenne are only three- or four-jointed. This 
group of insects is very easily recognized; but the student may 
have at first a little difficulty in separating the families. The 
body is short, broad, and rather thick The scutellum is al- 
ways large; we find two types of this part, each characteristic 
of two families. The first type is presented by the Penta- 
tomidze and Cydnide; here the scutellum is more or less flat- 
tened, and triangular in outline, being attenuated posteriorly. In 
each of these families the lateral borders of the scutellum are 
furnished with a groove into which the wing-cover fits when not in 

The form of body presented by the great majority of the mem- 
bers of the Pentatomide is well shown by Fig. 185. 
It is broad, short, and but slightly convex; the head 
and prothorax form together a triangle. In this family 
3 the tibia are unarmed, crare furnished with very fine 

\. short spines. This is the most available character for 

IP i separating this from the following family. Of the 

Hig 8s +  Pentatomide, the genus Dénzdor, which occurs in 

Mexico, and certain other exotic forms have only 
four-jointed antenne. 

As with the Coreide, the members of this family vary greatly in 

* Pentatomide, Pentatoma: pente (wév Te), five; tome (toMy), section. 


their habits; some are injurious to vegetation; others are preda- 
ceous ; while some species feed indifferently upon animal or vege- 
table matter. 

The Harlequin Cabbage-bug, Wurgéntia histronica— Among the 
species of the Pentatomide that feed upon cultivated plants, the 
Harlequin Cabbage-bug, or “ Calico-back” as it is called in some 
sections, is the most important pest. This is a very common insect 
in the Southern States. It occurs from New Jersey southward and 
westward. I have specimens from Colorado, and Arizona. It feeds 
upon cabbage, radishes, turnips, and other Curciferous plants; it is also 
found sometimes on plants not closely related to cabbage. The 
adult bug measures about 10 mm. (0.4 in.) in length. It is polished 
blue black, banded striped, and margined above with yellow, orange, 
or red ; on the venter it has seven lines of yellow and orange spots ; 
and the head has generally two white spots on the front. The relative 
proportions of the black and the light colors vary greatly in different 
specimens. This bug winters in the adult state; in early spring it 
emerges and lays its eggs on the young plants. The eggsare usually 
attached to the lower surface of the leaves in two parallel rows of 
about six each. The young larva is of a uniform pale-green color, 
marked with black; with the successive moults the various orange 
markings appear. Inthe immature stages the antennz are only four- 
jointed. This insect develops very rapidly ; the eggs hatch on the 
third day after they are laid; and it is said that the bugs will pass 
through all of their moults and be ready for reproduction in two 
weeks. There is a series of generation extending through the en- 
tire summer. This is an exceedingly difficult species to contend 
against. Much can be done by trapping the bugs that have 
hibernated by placing turnip or cabbage leaves in the garden in early 

As if to atone for the destruction caused by their relative, the 
Harlequin Cabbage-bug, there are many members of this family 
which aid the agriculturist, by destroying noxious insects. I can- 
not, without going into details inappropriate here, point out so that 
they could be recognized the predaceous members of this family. 
And it would hardly be worth while. It is only in case of excep- 
tional species, like that just described, that these insects occur in suf- 
ficient numbers to invite the attention of the agriculturist. They are 
usually found wandering singly over the plants which they attack or 
upon which they search for their prey. 

The species of the genus Podisus have been reported more often 


than any other as destroying the Potato-beetle, currant-worms, and 
other well-known pests. The form of the body of members of this 
genus resembles quite closely that of the insect represented by Fig, 
186. In P. spinosus, the best-known member of the 
genus, the caudo-lateral angles of the prothorax are pro- 
longed into spines. 

Among the smaller members of this family there are 
two common species which are so well marked that 
they may be mentioned here. 

Cosmopepla carnifex is the more common of the rie sade 
two species. It measures about 7 mm. (0.28 in.) in See 
length ; and is of a shining black color, with the body 
densely punctured. The lateral margin of the body, including 
the prothorax, basal half of wing-covers, metathorax, and abdo- 
men, is red or orange; the disk of the pronotum is crossed 
by a transverse and a longitudinal line of the same color; the 
longitudinal line is widened at its cephalic end so as to cover half of 
the cephalic margin of this segment. There are also two red or 
orange spots near the tip of the scutellum. 

Mormidea ligens is the other species. This also measures about 7 
mm. (0.28 in.) in length. The body is densely punctured ; it is olive 
brown above, and darker beneath. The lateral margin, including the 
same parts asin the preceding species, is light yellow ; the cephalic 
margin of the prothorax is of the same color; and there is a trans- 
verse yellow line on the pronotum a short distance behind its front 
margin; the scutellum except its cephalic margin is also bordered 
with yellow. 

Fic. 186.—Po- 

Family XX XIV.—CYDNID&.* 

The characters of this family have been discussed somewhat in 
the characterization of the preceding one. In the 
Cydnidz we find the outline of the body more generally 
oval, rounded, or elliptical, and the form more convex, 
than in the Pentatomide. The tibiz are closely armed 
with strong spines, in rows (Fig. 187), and, with but a 

Fic. 187. — : A P a = 
Cyrtome- single known exception in our fauna, the anterior pair 
NUS Mr a- . . . 
bilis, are fitted for digging, being more or less flattened. The 

scutellum is either broad and bluntly rounded or tri- 
angular, with the apex pressed down; the lateral margins are fur- 

* Cydnide, Cydnus : Cydnus, a proper name, 


nished with a furrow into which the margin of the wing-cover fits 
when not in use. The antennz are five-jointed except in the 
exotic genera Adrisa and Pachymeroides; the distal three seg- 
ments are usually united by slender threads. 

The species are generally black or very dark brown. They are 
found burrowing in sandy places, or on the surface of the ground 
beneath sticks and stones, or at the roots of grass and other herb- 
age. A European species is said to suck the sap from various plants 
near the ground. It is desirable that further observations be made 
upon the habits of this family. 

(The Negro-bugs.) 

This family is represented in our fauna by a single genus, 
Corimeléna. They are mostly black, beetle-like in appearance ; 
some have a bluish or greenish tinge, and all are very convex. The 
form of the body is similar to that seen in the next family. It is 
short, broad, and very convex, in fact almost hemispherical. The 
scutellum is very convex, and covers nearly the whole of the 
abdomen. At the base of the scutellum there is on each side a 
short furrow into which the edge of the wing-cover fits when at rest. 
This character allies this family to the two preceding, 
and separates it from the following. These insects 
infest various plants; and often injure raspberries, 
and other fruit, by imparting a disagreeable, bed-bug- 
Fic. 188,-Cort. like odor to them. Fig. 188 represents Corimelena 
melenaatra.  gtraq, somewhat enlarged; this is a common anc widely 
distributed species. 


The Scutelleride resemble in the form of their body the pre- 
ceding family. They are turtle-sshaped bugs; that is, the body is 
short, broad, and very convex. The scutellum is very large, cover- 
ing nearly the whole of the abdomen. The lateral margin of the 
scutellum is not furnished with a groove for receiving the edge of 
the wing cover, as is the case in the three preceding families. The 

* Corimelanide, Corimelena : coris (Kopzs), bug ; melas (uéAas), black. 
+ Scutelléridz, Scutéllera : scutella, little plate. 


antenne are five-jointed, except in the genus Amgdcorts, which occurs 
in Mexico and in the West Indies, and in certain 
South American forms; in these they are three- 
jointed. Fig. 189 represents Eurygaster alternatus 
somewhat enlarged, and serves to illustrate the 
: typical form of members of this family. 
Fic. 189-—Eurygas- . I have met no account of any of our species of 
this family occurring in sufficient numbers to be 
of economic importance. 


(Ant-lions, Scorpion-fltes, Caddice-fites, et al.) 

The members of this order have four wings, these are membra- 
nous, and usually furnished with numerous veins. The mouth-parts 
are formed for biting except in one family (Phryganeide), where they 
are rudimentary. The metamorphosis 1s complete. 

The term Neuroptera, or nerve-winged insects, is applied to the 
members of this order on account of the numerous veins or nerves 
with which the wings are strengthened. In this character there is, 
however, a close resemblance between the Neuroptera and the 
Pseudoneuroptera. Regarding the relations of these two orders the 
reader is referred to the remarks on page 62. 

It is not certain that the Neuroptera as limited here is a natural 
group. One family, the Caddice-flies (Phryganeide), differs so 
greatly from the other families that it has long been separated asa 
distinct order; and more recently it has been proposed for similar 
reasons to treat another family, the Scorpion-flies (Panorpide@), in a 
like manner. This multiplication of the orders has not yet been 
generally accepted. 

Owing to the great variations in structure exhibited by the dif- 
ferent families, it is not easy to make generalizations regarding this 
order. I will, therefore, reserve the more detailed discussions of 
the structure of these insects for the special treatment of the indi- 
vidual families. 

The Neuroptera includes four families. These can be separated 
by the following table: 


A. With well-developed wings. 
B. Posterior wings with no anal space; not folded. 
C. Mouth prolonged into a rostrum. 3. PANORPIDE. 

* Neurdptera: zeuron (vevpor), nerve; pleron (1TEPOYV), wing. 
{+ After Baron Osten Sacken in Hagen’s Synopsis. 


CC. Mouth not prolonged into a rostrum. 2. HEMEROBIAD. 
BB. Posterior wings with a folded anal space.* 
C. Wings reticulate. Prothorax large. I. SIALID#. 

CC. Wings with rather few transverse veins. Prothorax small. 

AA. Wingless, or with rudimentary wings. 

B. Mouth prolonged into a rostrum. 3. PANORPIDA. 
BB. Mouth not prolonged into a rostrum. 4. PHRYGANEID&. 

Family I.—SIALID#.t 
(The Dobson et al.) 

There is no common name by which the members of this family 
as a whole are known. They are, however, easily recognized. 
Although the typical genus, Sza/cs, 
includes insects of moderate size, 
our most common forms are large. 
All are characterized by having the 
second pair of wings with a folded 
anal space, and by having a large 
prothorax. This segment is either 
quadrangular or cylindrical and long 

The larve of all of the forms 
occurring in the Eastern United 
States are aquatic, living chiefly 
under stones in the bed of swiftly- 
flowing streams. They are carniv- 

This family is represented in our 
fauna by four genera. These can 
be separated by the following table: 

A. Wings without pterostigma ; prothorax 
B. No ocelli. SIALIS. 
BB. With three ocelli. 
C. Latero-caudal angles of head un- 
armed. Transverse veins of wings 

Fic. 190.—Corydalis cornuta, adult. 

slender. CHAULIODES. 
CC. Latero-caudal angles of head with a sharp tooth. Transverse veins of 
wings stout. CORYDALIS. 
AA, Wings with pterostigma; prothorax cylindrical and long. RAPHIDIA. 

* The anal space is absent ina few Phryganeide. 
+ Sidilidz, Sialis: sta/on (oiador), saliva. 


Sialis—This genus includes the smaller of our representatives 
of the family, those having an expanse of wings of about 25 mm. 
(1 in.). The prothorax is nearly or quite equal in width to the 
head; there are no ocelli; the antennz are filiform; the wings are 
irregularly reticulated with stout veins; and the fourth segment of 
the tarsi is dilated and bilobed. Our common species is S. zz- 
fumata. This is black, with the head not narrowed posteriorly ; the 
prothorax is a little wider than the head; and the feet and wings 
are black. I find the larva of this species common in the swiftly- 
flowing creeks about Ithaca, adhering to the lower side of stones in 
the bed of the streams. It resembles in form a young Corydalis, 
or “ Dobson.” It has a pair of long tapering appendages on each 
of the first seven abdominal segments, similar to those of Cory- 
dalis. It differs from Corydalis in that the caudal end of the body 
is terminated by a very long tapering appendage; and there are no 
tufts of tracheal gills. It is probable that when the larva is full 
grown it leaves the water and transforms in an earthen cell without 
a cocoon, as is the case with well-known European species. 

Chauliodes—The species of Chauliodes are larger than the mem- 
bers of the preceding genus, measuring from 30-60 mm. (1.2 in— 
2.4 in.) in length, and having an alar expanse of from 60-100 mm. 
(2.4 in.4 in.). They differ also in having ocelli; three in number, 
and placed close together. This genus closely resembles the follow- 
ing one, but can be distinguished by the characters given in the 
table above. The two genera also differ in that the caudal appen- 
dages of the male are conical and simple in Chauliodes ; while they 
are in the form of forceps in Corydalis. The larva of Chaultodes 
also greatly resembles that of Corydalis. The abdomen is furnished 
with similar lateral filaments, and anal pro-legs furnished with hooks. 
But there are no tufts of tracheal gills as in Corydalis. The larva 
of Chauliodes are aquatic, and probably carnivorous. 

Chauliodes pecticornis is a Common species with grayish wings 
and feather-like antennz. Chauliwdes serricérnis is also common; 
this is a brownish-black species with the wings spotted with white, 
and with serrate antenne. 

Corydalis—The characters by which this genus can be recog- 
nized have been given in the table above, and in the discussion of 
the preceding genus. We have but a single common species, the 
Hellgrammite-fly, Corydatis cornita. This is a magnificent insect, 
having an alar expanse of from 100-135 mm. (4 in.—5.4in.). The 
male is remarkable for the great size of its mandibles, which are 


more than half as long as the rest of the body. This species is 
common throughout the greater part of the United States. The 
larve are called “‘ Dobsons” by anglers, and are used by them for 
bait, especially for bass. Fig. 191 represents a fully grown Dob- 
son, natural size. There is on each abdominal segment a pair of 
long tapering appendages ; those of the ninth 
abdominal segment are carried back so as to 
project from the sides of a pair of anal pro- 
legs. These pro-legs project caudad, and are 
furnished each with a pair of claws. At the 
base of each lateral appendage on the first 
seven abdominal segments there is a tuft of 
hair-like tracheal gills. The larva also has 
spiracles; a remarkable instance of an insect 
provided with both organs for aquatic and 
aerial respiration. The spiracles are probably 
not used till the insect is fully grown and 
leaves the water to undergo its transforma- 
tions. These larve live under stones in the 
bed of streams. They are most abundant in 
the swifter parts of the stream. They are 
carnivorous, feeding upon the larve of Stone- 
flies, May-flies, and other insects. When 
about two years and eleven months old, the 
larva leaves the water and makes a cell under yg. 192 Corydalis cornu- 
a stone or other object on or near the fa, larva. 

bank of the stream. This occurs at Ithaca during the latter part 
of May or early in June. By the middle of June the majority of 
these larve have transformed to pupe. These are of a yellowish- 
white color. They are furnished with rudimentary wings and legs, 
and quite long antenne. During the last half of June the pupe 
change to the adult state. The eggs are soon laid. These are 
attached to stones or to other objects overhanging the water. 
They are laid in blotch-like masses, which are chalky white in color 
and measure from 12 to 20 mm. in diameter. A single mass con- 
tains from two thousand to three thousand eggs. When the larve 
hatch they at once find their way into the water, where they remain 
till fully grown. 

Raphidia—This genus is represented in this country only on the 
Pacific Coast. It is distinguished from the other members of the 
family by having the prothorax cylindrical, and in having the wings 



furnished with a pterostigma. The anal space of the second pair 
of wings is small. The third segment of the tarsi is dilated and 
bilobed; and the fourth is very short. The abdomen in the female 
is furnished with a long ovipositor. The larve differ from all other 
Sialide in not being aquatic; they are found under bark. 

Those species of this genus that have no ocelli have been placed 
by some writers in a distinct genus, /nocéllia. 

Family I].— HEMEROBIAD.* 

(Ant-lions, Lace-winged Flies, et al.) 

The Hemerobiade is a family of considerable extent ; and repre- 
sentatives of it are very common throughout our country. Asa 
rule they are delicate insects, with large, gauzy wings. These wings 
are narrow, having no anal space; in this respect they resemble the 
wings of the Panorpide. But the members of this family differ 
from the Panorpide in not having the mouth-parts prolonged into 
a rostrum. The larve of the Hemerobiade are predaceous; and 
they are remarkable for having the mouth-parts formed for sucking. 
They thus form an apparent exception to the characters of the order 
Neuroptera. The form of these mouth-parts is a very unusual one. 
It is well shown in the larva of the Ant-lion, where these organs are 
large enough to be easily studied. The mandibles are very long; 
on the ventral aspect of each there is a furrow the entire length; 
into this furrow the long and slender maxilla fits. In this way the 
mandible and maxilla of each side form a tube through which the 
blood of the prey of the insect can be drawn. 

Five sub-families are represented in our fauna. These can be 
separated by the following table: 


A. Prothorax not greatly elongated ; the three pairs of legs similar in structure. 
B. Wings with very few veins, and covered with whitish powder. 
BB. Wings with numerous veins, and not covered with powder. 
C. Antenne without terminal enlargement. 
D. Subcostal vein joined to the median before the end of the wing; the 
principal sector parallel to the median vein and giving rise to the 
other sectors.t (Szsyra, Polystechotes.) 2, HEMEROBIIN. 

* Hemerobiade, Hemerdbius: hemera (nuépa), day; bios (ft0S), life. 
+ For explanation of terms see Fig. 71, p. 73. 


DD. Subcostal and median ‘veins separate. 

E. Some of the transverse veins between the costal and subcostal 

forked. (Mzcromus, Hemerobzus.) 2. HEMEROBIIN. 

EE. Transverse veins between the costal and subcostal veins simple. 
CC. Antenne gradually enlarging towards the end, or filiform with a ter- 
minal knob. 4. MYRMELEONIN®. 

AA. Prothorax greatly elongated ; first pair of legs fitted for grasping. 


(Mealy-winged Neuroptera.) 

This is a sub-family of limited extent; and it includes only small 
insects. They are characterized by a very small number of veins in 
the wings, and by having the body and wings covered with a whitish 
powder. The larve are said to have the peculiar form of sucking 
mouth-parts characteristic of the Hemerobiade; and they probably 
feed upon small plant-lice. 

Two genera have been described. A/leuronia has reniform eyes 
and ciliated wings; in Comnzopteryx the eyes are globose and the 
wings are not ciliated. Our common species is Aleuronia westwoodit. 
This occurs in the adult state in June and July; it is black, with the 
abdomen yellowish; and measures to the tip of the wings 2} mm. 

(o.1 inch). 

Sub-family II—HEMEROBIIN&. 

To this sub-family belong many genera, of which several are repre- 
sented in this country. The antenne are setiform or moniliform 
without any terminal enlargement. The wings are furnished with 
numerous veins, and are not covered with powder. Our genera fall 
into two groups; the first is represented by Sisyra and Polysté- 
chotes, and the second by Aficromus and Hemerobius. These groups 
are separated in the table of sub-families given above. The genera 
in each group can be separated as follows: The costal space* of the 
front wings of Szsyva has no recurrent vein at the base; while in 
Polystechotes the first transverse vein of this space curves towards 
the base of the wing, and gives off several branches in its course. 
The same difference exists between J/tcromus and Hemerobius ; 
the former is without the recurrent vein, while it is present in the 

* The costal space is the area between the costal and subcostal veins. 


The genus Szsyra is anomalous in that its larvae are aquatic. We 
have a single species described from Georgia. This is a small insect, 
having an alar expanse of only g mm. (0.35 inch). 

Polystéchotes is confined to this continent. These are larger 
insects, having an alar expanse of from 50 to 75 mm. (2 to 3 inches). 
They are nocturnal, and are attracted to lights. Two species have 
been described. P. punctatus is our most common one; it is black- 
ish, with three longitudinal lines on the disk of the prothorax, and 
the lateral margins of this segment yellowish. VP. vittdtus is pale 
yellowish, with a black stripe on the sides of the thorax, and with 
the abdomen dark brown. The larva of neither of these species is 
known. They are probably aquatic. 

Micrémus includes smallish species having an alar expanse of 
from 10 to 20 mm. (0.4 to 0.8 inch). My personal experience leads 
me to believe that they are rare; and I find no published accounts 
of the appearance and habits of the larve. 

Hemerobius is much better known; although the species of this 
genus are not common. More than twenty North American species 
have been described. These are also smallish insects ranging in 
alar expanse from 8 to 20 mm. (0.3 too.8 inch). They occur in 
forests, and especially on Coniferous trees. The larve bear a strong 
resemblance to the Aphis-lions; and like them feed upon Aphids 
and other small insects. After sucking the fluids from their victims, 
they make a cloak for themselves of the empty skins. 

Sub-family III.—CHRYSOPINE. 
(Lace-winged Flies or Aphis-lions.) 

Nearly all of the species of this sub-family pertain to the genus 
Chrysopa. These insects are known in the adult state as Lace-winged 

Fic. 192.—Chrysopa, eggs on stalks, larva, and adult. 

Flies, and in the larval form as Aphis-lions. The antennz of the 
adult are long and setaceous; the venation of the wings resembles 
somewhat that of the preceding sub-family ; but the subcostal and 


median veins are separate, and the transverse veins of the costal 
space are not forked. 

The lace-winged Flies are very common insects throughout the 
summer months upon herbage and the foliage of trees. They are 
usually of a light green color or yellowish. While alive their eyes 
are very bright; and on this account they have also received the 
popular name of Golden-eyed Flies. Some species, when handled, 
emit a very disagreeable odor. A remarkable fact in the history of 
these insects is the way in which the female cares for her eggs. 
When about to lay an egg she emits from the end of her body a 
minute drop of a tenacious substance; this is drawn out into a 
slender thread by lifting the abdomen: then an egg is placed on the 
summit of this thread. The thread dries at once and firmly holds 
the egg in mid-air. These threads are usually 10 to 15 mm. (0.4 to 0.6 
inch) in length, and occur singly or in groups. It is probable that 
this placing of the eggs on stalks protects them from the ravages of 
predaceous insects, including the aphis-lions themselves. When the 
young aphis-lion hatches it crawls down the thread that held up the 
egg, and starts in quest of some small insect or egg which it can 
feed upon. While doing so it may wander through a forest of egg- 
stalks, not observing the eggs far above it. The larve are spindle- 
form, and have long, sickle-shaped mandibles. They feed chiefly on 
plant-lice, but will eat such other insects as they can overcome. The 
cocoon in which the pupa state is passed is spherical, and composed 
of dense layers of silk. In order to emerge the insect cuts a circular 
lid from one side of the cocoon. 

Sub-family IV.—MYRMELEONIN&. 
(Ant-lions et al.) 

The members of this sub-family can be distinguished from other 
Hemerobiade by the form of the antenne. Two types of antenne 
exist in the sub-family, but in each the organs are enlarged at or 
near the tip; while in other Hemerobiade the antennez are with- 
out a terminal enlargement. 

The genera of this sub-family constitute two groups, each of 
which is represented in our fauna by a well-known genus. These 
two genera include nearly all of our species. The first group is 
represented by Myrméleon. Here the antenne are short and gradu- 
ally thickened towards the tip. In the second grcup, represented 


by Ascalaphus, the antenne are long, filiform, and suddenly enlarged 
at the end. ; 

The Ant-lions, J/yrméleon—This is a large genus; Hagen, in 
his Synopsis published in 1861, describes twenty-five American 
species. The adult insects are graceful creatures, with long, narrow, 
delicate wings and slender bodies. The larve have broad and 
somewhat depressed bodies which taper towards each end. The 
form of the mouth-parts has been described in the generalizations 
regarding the Hemerobiade. The interesting habits of these larve 
have attracted much attention since the earliest times. They live in 
sandy places, where they dig pitfalls for trapping their prey. In 
making these pitfalls the sand is thrown out by an upward jerk of 
the head, this part of the body serving asa shovel. The pits differ 
greatly in depth, according to the nature of the soil in which they 
are made. Their sides are as steep as the sand will lie. When an 
ant, or other wingless insect, steps upon the brink of one of these 
pits, the sand crumbles beneath its feet, and it is precipitated into 
the jaws of the ant-lion, which is buried in the sand, with its jaws at 

Fic. 193.—Myrmeleon. 

the bottom of the pit. In case the ant does not fall to the bottom 
of the pit, the ant-lion undermines it by throwing out some sand 
from beneath it. I have even seen an ant-lion throw the sand in 
such a way that in falling it would hit the ant and tend to knock it 
down the side of the pit. These larve can be easily kept in a dish 
of sand, and their habits watched. The pupa state is passed in a 
spherical cocoon, made of sand fastened together with silk, and 
neatly lined with the same material. This silk is spun from a spin- 
neret, placed at the caudal end of the body, the caudal part of the 
alimentary canal being transformed into a silk gland. The food of 


these larve is of such a nature that it can all be absorbed, and thus 
the rectum is not needed for the passage of waste matter. 

Ascalaphus.—As already stated, this genus differs from the ant- 
lions in the form of its antenne. The body is short, and the wings 
are less densely veined than in Myrmeleon. The early stages of our 
species have not been observed. In case of certain European 
species the eggs are laid upon the stems of grass; and the larve 
live upon the ground, hiding under stones, and seizing, by stepping 
forward, insects that pass near them. 

Sub-family V.—MANTISPIN2. 
(The Mantts-like Neuroptera.) 

This remarkable sub-family is represented in our fauna by a single 
genus, MWantispa. These insects present an unusual form of the 
prothorax and the first pair of legs; a form that strikingly resembles 
the shape of these parts in the family Mantidz of the order Orthop- 
tera. The prothorax is elongated, cylindrical, and more or less 
trumpet-shaped. The first pair of legs are enlarged and fitted for 
grasping. The wings are narrow, the two pairs similar; and the 
costal and subcostal veins are confluent near the middle of the costal 

As indicated by the form of the grasping legs, the adult Wantispa 
resembles the true J/antis in its predaceous habits. The trans- 
formations of these insects are of unusual interest. It was acci- 
dentally discovered that the larve were parasitic in the egg-sacs of 
spiders of the genus Lycosa. These are the large black spiders that 
are common under stones, and which carry their egg-sacs with 
them. Brauer obtained eggs from a female J/antzspa kept in con- 
finement. These eggs were rose-red in color, and fastened upon 
- stalks, like the eggs of Chrysopa. The eggs were laid in July; andthe 
larvz emerged 21 days later. The young larve are very agile crea- 
tures, with a long, slender body, well-developed legs, and long, 
slender antennze. They pass the winter without food. In the 
spring they find their way into the egg-sacs of the above-named 
spiders. Here they feed upon the young spiders; and the body 
becomes proportionately thicker. Later the larva moults and un- 
dergoes a remarkable change in form, becoming what is known as 
the second larva. In this stage the body is much swollen, resem- 
bling in form the larva of a bee. The legs are much reduced in 
size; the antenne are short; and the head is very small. When 


fully grown this larva measures from 7 to 10 mm. (0.3 to 0.4 in.) in 
length. It then spins a cocoon, and changes to a pupa within the 
skin of the larva. Later the larval skin is cast; and, finally, after 
being in the cocoon about a month, the pupa becomes active, pierces 
the cocoon and the egg-sac, crawls about for a time, and then 
changes to the adult state. 

Family I1].—PANORPID.* 

Order MECOPTERA + of some authors. 
(Loreus, Scorpion-fltes, et al.) 
This is a small family; but it is composed of very remarkable 
insects. The most striking character common to all 
is presented by the mouth. This is prolonged into 
a rostrum, as shown in the figure. The body is 
cylindrical” or conical= “the ead “isvexserted = the 
prothorax is small; and the tarsi are five-jointed. 
So far as is known the members of this family 
are carnivorous. There are only four described 

genera. These can be separated by the following 

Fic. 194. — Head 
and tail of Pa- : : f F 
norpa. A. Wingless or with rudimentary wings. BOREUS. 

AA. With well-developed wings. 
B. Wings narrow ; antenne setaceous. 

C. Tarsi with two serrated claws. PANORPA. 
CC. Tarsi with a single simple claw. BITTACUS. 
BB. Wings broad; antennz shirt, thick, the apex narrowed. MEROPE. 

Boreus.—Among the few insects that occur on the snow, in the 
winter, in our Northern States, are two species of the genus Lorens. 
In this genus the wings of the female are very rudimentary ; those 
of the males are about half as long as the abdomen, narrow, stiff, 
and entirely useless for flight. Bdreus nivortindus, the Snow-born 
Boreus, is shining black or brownish black, with the rudimentary 
wings, thorax above, and the rostrum and ovipositor excepting their 
tips, tawny. The male measures 3 mm. (0.12 in.) in length; the fe- 
male, including the ovipositor, 44 mm. (0.16 in.). The Midwinter 
Boreus, &. dbrumalis, is smaller; the male measuring 2} mm. (0.1 in.), 
and the female 3 mm. (0.12 in.), in length. This species is deep black- 

* Panodrpide, Panorpa: paz (rar), all; horpe = harfe (apm), a sickle. 
+ MecOptera, incorrectly written Jecaptera: mecos (unKOS), length; pleron (1TEPOY), 



eS sO Tl 

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green ; with the legs, antenne, rostrum, and ovipositor black, and 
the rudimentary wings brownish black. Both species are found 
on the snow throughout the entire winter. They also occur in moss 
on tree-trunks. It is not known whether they feed on the moss or 
upon Thysanurians and other small insects which they find there. 
These insects have long legs, and are able to leap to a limited ex- 
tent. The females are furnished with a long, curved ovipositor, re- 
sembling that of a cricket. The early stages of our species have 
not been studied. The larvaof a European species has been found 
throughout the summer in the ground and upon stones under Liver- 

The Scorpion-flies, Pandrpa.—These are our most common rep- 
resentatives of the family. They are called scorpion-flies on account 
of the peculiar form of the caudal part of the abdomen of the male. 
This at first sight suggests the corresponding part of a scorpion ; 
but in reality the form is very different. The last 
segment, instead of ending in a sting like that of a 
scorpion, is greatly enlarged, and bears a pair of clasp- 
ing organs. The wings are narrow, but are well 
developed, being longer than the body. In our 
more common species they are yellowish spotted 
with brownish black. The early stages of several 
European species have been studied. The eggs ee ae 
are laid in a mass in a shallow hole, which the female 
bores with her abdomen in damp earth. The larve are remarkable 
on account of their great resemblance to caterpillars. * Not only is the 
form of the body like that of Lepidopterous larve, but the abdomen 
is furnished with fleshy prop-legs. There are, however, eight pairs 
of these; while caterpillars never have more than five pairs. The 
larve which were kept in confinement were fed raw beef ; they made 
horseshoe-shaped mines in the earth, one end of which opened be- 
neath the meat. Their natural food is unknown. 

Bittacus.—The insects of this genus resemble the scorpion-flies 
in having long, narrow wings, three ocelli, and very slender, seta. 
ceous antennae. But the caudal appendages of the male are not 
enlarged as-in Panorpa. The legs of Azttacus are very long; this 
with the narrow wings and slender abdomen cause these insects to 
resemble Crane-flies. They are predaceous, the European species 

* The larve of three species are figured by Brauer, Verhandl. der k. k. zool. bot. 
Gesellsch., Band XIII. taf. 13. 


having been observed to capture and destroy flies. Brauer figures 
the larva of one species, and represents it with six true legs and 
eight pairs of conical prop-legs. Unlike the larve of Paxorpa, this 
did not mine in the ground, but remained on the surface hiding 
under dry leaves and other rubbish. 

Mérope.—This genus was established for a very rare and remark- 
able species. The wings are broad, with many transverse veins; 
the ocelli are absent ; the eyes are large, kidney-shaped, and united 
at the vertex; the antenne are short, thick, and with the apex nar- 
rowed. The abdomen of the male has very large forceps. 


Order TRICHOPTERA of some authors.t 

The Caddice-flies are moth-like insects, which are common in the 
vicinity of streams, ponds, and lakes; and they are also frequently 
attracted to lights at night. But the larve 
of these insects are much better known 
than the adults; for the curious houses 
of the caddice-worms have attracted at- 
tention wherever there are observers of 

In the adult insect the body-wall is soft, being membranous or at 
the most parchment-like, and is thickly clothed with hairs. There 
are usually four ample wings. These are membranous; but the 
anterior pair are more leathery than the posterior. When not in 
use they are folded against the sides of the abdomen, in an almost 
vertical position, and give the insect a narrow and elongated appear- 
ance. The wings are more or less densely clothed with hairs. In 
some cases the hairs are scale-like in form. The second pair of 
wings are generally broader than the front wings, and are often longi- 
tudinally folded in repose. All have numerous longitudinal veins ; 
but the transverse ones are few. 

The head is small; the antenne are sectaceous, and frequently 
several times as long as the body; the labium is usually elongate; 
the mandibles are mere tubercles at the base of the labium; the 
maxille are small, and ordinarily furnished with an obtuse maxillary 

Fic. 196.—Caddice-fly. 

* Phryganéide, Phryganéa: phryganon (Ppvy avor), a dry twig. 
+ Trichéptera: thrix (6pté), a hair; pteron (aTeEpor), a wing. 

ae aie 



lobe; the maxillary palpi are well developed, and furnish characters 
which are much used in classification; the labium is usually well 
developed, and bears three-jointed palpi. 

The females deposit their eggs in masses enveloped in a gelati- 
nous covering. These are often found adhering to the end of the 
body in captured specimens. It is supposed that these eggs are 
usually deposited on aquatic plants; but it is known that in some 
cases the females descend below the surface of the water to oviposit. 

The larve are long, cylindrical, soft-bodied, and furnished with 
six well-developed thoracic legs and a pair of anal legs. The abdo- 
men bears a greater or less number of hair-like tracheal gills. These 
larve protect themselves by building a case about the body, in which 
they live during the larval and pupal stages. These cases vary 
greatly in form, and in the materials used in their construction; but 
in general those made by the larve of any given species are very 

‘One of the most interesting topics which a young entomologist 
can take for study is the habits of these insects. The larva can be 
easily found throughout our country. Many species can be kept in 
aquaria; but others, those that live in swiftly-flowing water, must be 
observed in their native haunts. I will indicate a few of the general 
features in the economy of these insects. The facts given here can 
be easily supplemented by any careful observer. 

Among the simplest of the various forms of houses built by 
caddice-worms are those made by certain species that live under 
stones in rapid streams. These consist merely of a few pebbles 
fastened to the lower surface of a larger stone by threads of silk. 
In the space between these stones the worm makes a more or less 
perfect tube of silk, within which it lives. Very little respect for 
the architectural skill of these builders is commanded by their rude 
dwellings. But if one looks a little farther, something will be found 
that is sure to excite admiration. The dweller within this rude re- 
treat is a fisherman; and stretched between two stones near by can 
be seen his net. This is made of threads of silk extending in two 
directions at right angles to each other, so as to form meshes of sur- 
prising regularity. It is as if a spider had stretched a small web in 
the water where the current is the swiftest. In the streams about 
Ithaca these caddice-worm nets are very abundant. They occur in 
the rapids between stones, but are to be found in greater numbers 
along the brink of the falls. Here they are built upon the surface 
of the rock, in the form of semi-elliptical cups, which are kept dis- 


tended by the current. Much of the coating of dirt with which 
these rocks are clothed in summer is due to its being caught in these 
nets. I have not yet observed the owners of the nets taking their 
prey from them; but I cannot doubt that they are made to trap 
small insects or other animals that are being carried down stream, 
for the larve of the sub-family to which these net-builders belong, 
the Hydropsychine, are known to be carnivorous. It should be 
noted here, however, that the greater number of caddice-worms are 

There are many caddice-worms that build their cases of stones ; 
some of these cases are very regular in form. One of the common 
kinds resembles a slightly tapering cornucopia, made of small grains 
of sand, cemented together with great regularity. Another consists 
of a shorter tube, to each side of which are fastened one or two 
larger stones, as if to keep it in position (Fig. 197). But more re- 

Fics. 197, 198.—Cases of Caddice-worms. 

markable than either of these is the case (Fig. 198) which sc closely 
resembles in form the shell of a snail that it has been described as 
such by several conchologists. 

We find among the caddice-worms carpenters as well as masons. 
And there exists among the builders of wood as great a variety of 
architectural tastes as among the builders of stone. Probably the 
most familiar of the forms of cases made of wood is that represented 
in Fig. 199. This is made of irregular pieces of wood arranged in a 

Fics. 199, 200.— Cases of Caddice-worms. 

longitudinal manner. Much more likely to attract attention is the 
case composed of sticks placed at right angles to the body (Fig. 200). 


These remind one of the cob-houses of our childhood. Fortunately 
the species that make this style of case live in stagnant water, and 
may, therefore, be kept alive in aquaria. A case closely resembling 
this in plan but differing in appearance is made of bits of moss. 
Sometimes leaves are used; these are either fastened so as to form 
a flat case; or are arranged in three planes, so as to form a tube, a 
cross section of which is a triangle. 

Whether stones or wood are used, the material is fastened to- 
gether by silk, which the larve spin from the mouth in the same 
manner as caterpillars. In some species the case is composed en- 

Fic. 201.—Case of Caddice-worm. 

tirely of silk. Fig. 201 represents the form of such a case, which is 
common in Cayuga Lake. 

Before transforming to pupz, the caddice-worms partially close 
their cases, so as to keep out intruders; but provision is made for 
the ingress of water for respiration. Thus the owner of the silken 
case to which reference has just been made, when ready to trans- 
form, fastens its case to a stem of the grass which grows in the 
lake, and then closes the entrance to the case with a lid having a 
slit-like opening in the centre. The worms making the cases shown 
in Fig. 199 build a grating in each end of the case. 

It would naturally be supposed that the caddice-worms would 
escape the attacks of Ichneumon-flies, living as they do beneath 
water, and within well-built tubes. But this is not so. And curi- 
ously enough, in certain species at least, the parasitized individuals 
differ from others in fastening their cases by means of a long band, 
when about to transform, instead of attaching them directly to the 
supporting object. 

In the Phryganeidz we find another group which differs in such important 
characters from the most nearly allied insects that many entomologists believe 
it should be classed as a distinct order; and long ago the name Trichoptera was 
proposed for this order. The rudimentary mouth-parts of the adult caddice- 
flies and the structure of the wings separate them from the other Neuroptera, 
and suggest affinities with the Lepidoptera; on the other hand, the anal legs of 
the larve with hooked claws resemble those of the Sialida. As indicating the 
strength of the tendency to recognize the order Trichoptera, it is only necessary 
to name Hagen, McLachlan, and Brauer as among those that share this view. 


The American species of the Phryganeide have not been monographed. 
One hundred and fifty species are described in Hagen’s Synopsis of the North 
American Neuroptera; comparatively little has been written regarding the 
American forms during the quarter-century that has elapsed since the appear- 
ance of that work. The student who wishes to make a special study of this 
group should possess the great work of Robert McLachlan, A Monographic 
Revision and Synopsis of the Trichoptera of the European Fauna. There is 
also a paper by Friedrich Brauer which is very useful. This is entitled Ver- 
zetchniss der bis jetzt bekannten Neuroptera im Sinne Linne’s, and is published 
in the Verhandlungen der Zoolog?sch-Botanischen Gesellschaft, X VIII. (1868). 
It contains analytical keys to the sub-families, and to all of the genera described 
at that time. 

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